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TWiP and Tattler Present: Reyne Mordigan's Greatest Hits

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This thread looks like a good chuckle, will read when i've got more time

Also nice OP Schattenmann! Er... insightful! Keep up the good work :)

\edit\ I hate having to edit for spelling )):

Edited by Huang Ti
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this edition has nothing to do with NPO, so you comment is off-basis. when TWiP actually had something to do with Pacifica, then i could see where you are coming from. This one is personally about Reyne, and in general Citadel. There is nothing about Pacifica in this edition....

I think that's a little disingenuous. By highlighting tension within NPO's allies, we really get to see who the highest jumpers are.

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Oh so people who complain about things are only "bawwwing" and being crybabies when they aren't members of Valhalla. I will keep that in mind for future posting.

Yes because that's definitely what I said. You clearly have an agenda here and I have no intention of getting drawn into this. Have fun :)

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I think that's a little disingenuous. By highlighting tension within NPO's allies, we really get to see who the highest jumpers are.

so you are saying that because I and several other members of the Citadel defended Reyne, we are somehow jumping at NPO's orders without question?

sorry but that is a bit of a stretch.

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There's critical as in, "I don't do it your way, but we'll agree to disagree," which is what allies do, and then there's "you are doing it wrong!" which is not. Since clearly Bob Sanders very clearly took Bob Janova's remarks as the latter, then how can you defend them not knowing specifically what Bob Janova's were?

Also, Jerdge's remarks were so clearly over the line, even Jerdge realized it soon afterwards and removed them. Again, how do you justify defending Jerdge's remarks when you have no idea what was actually said?

You want to call out Bob Sanders for complaining about negative remarks because he makes more than his share, fine. But how about you find out what he's complaining out specifically before you jump to the knee-jerk defense?

Hal I think you know me well enough to know that if I think an ally is doing something stupid I tell them to stop being stupid and that I expect the same in return as far a Jerdges comments he didnt retract them because he felt they were over the line according to his last post. No I do not know exactly what was said but I do know the character of the people who said those things so I am happy to draw my conclusions from that.

Yes because that's definitely what I said. You clearly have an agenda here and I have no intention of getting drawn into this. Have fun :)

You got me my clearly anti-Valhallan agenda has been exposed. Truth is I don't honestly care enough about your alliance one way or another to have an agenda but I have seen bob sanders and other Valhalla member respond to posts like Bob's with insults of cry baby or "baaaawwww" so I find it humorous to see the shoe on the other foot.

Edited by KingSrqt
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so you are saying that because I and several other members of the Citadel defended Reyne, we are somehow jumping at NPO's orders without question?

sorry but that is a bit of a stretch.

I'm fairly certain thats not what he meant. I'd say that it is a chance for outsiders to see what citadel alliances are more closely aligned to the NPO, perhaps even at the expense of the Citadel.

Thats certainly what some people talk about.

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One thing you can say about me is that my allies will always know how I feel about an issue. And they aren't bashful about telling me how they feel. That's how we roll.

Of course all this will get in reply is "Omg your just spouting the party line". Do you guys ever notice how everyone in Citadel is saying this? Do you think it might be because it's true?

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Check your facts and consider hanging dirty laundry elsewhere.

Dirty laundry? I do not think you know what this phrase means, else you'd have not used it like that.

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Hereby every valhallan member above the rank of Normal member is not allowed to post anymore..

Will it help ( I think not ) :(

After reading the last couple of pages, I would advise Valhalla government and membership in general to heed this man's word, for it is wise. In particular, Bob Sanders and KingSuck.

for a big bad alliance who always taunts people about how the "Bawwww" about everything you sure are quick to cry when someone points out your faults, and then you have the gall to call someone else a baby.

This sums up my opinions on the matter pretty well. An alliance who is so quick to point out others faults, should be just as quick to accept criticism of their own.

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After reading the last couple of pages, I would advise Valhalla government and membership in general to heed this man's word, for it is wise. In particular, Bob Sanders and KingSuck.

Well Bob may say stupid things sometime, but the time his stupidity will ever reach yours, we'll be long dead.

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No Slayer it really didn't. you came into the thread condemning Vox for making personal attacks and character assassinations. Now that in and of itself is fine but when in the same breath you say that the personal attacks and character assassinations committed against members of Vox Populi, specifically Electron Sponge are justified your entire argument becomes highly ironic and slightly hypocritical. You justify your own attacks by saying that he "deserves them" which is nothing more than a matter of opinion and is as a matter of fact the same reasoning Vox Populi uses to justify their attacks against people such as Reyne. You are committing the very same offense you are condemning no one here is defending Sponge or saying he doesn't deserve what he gets what they are saying is that if you are going to condemn people for certain actions you should not partake in the same actions.

No, I condemned Vox for doing a hatchet job on Reyne. I singled out Sponge because others (particularly in Vox), brought Sponge into the conversation. I merely pointed out the hypocrisy of Vox doing the hatchet job on Reyne while defending Sponge. Sponge has done more to create the environment that Vox now rails against than any other leader..er..former leader in the game.

Sponge deserves every bit the criticism he gets.

Honestly, Vox would have had more credibility without Sponge in their alliance.

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so you are saying that because I and several other members of the Citadel defended Reyne, we are somehow jumping at NPO's orders without question?

sorry but that is a bit of a stretch.

Come on Doch everyone knows no one would defend an ally or do anything without NPO telling them to first.

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No, I condemned Vox for doing a hatchet job on Reyne. I singled out Sponge because others (particularly in Vox), brought Sponge into the conversation. I merely pointed out the hypocrisy of Vox doing the hatchet job on Reyne while defending Sponge. Sponge has done more to create the environment that Vox now rails against than any other leader..er..former leader in the game.

Sponge deserves every bit the criticism he gets.

Honestly, Vox would have had more credibility without Sponge in their alliance.

Let's be honest here, you wouldnt give them any credibility whether he was there or not.

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After reading the last couple of pages, I would advise Valhalla government and membership in general to heed this man's word, for it is wise. In particular, Bob Sanders and KingSuck.

This sums up my opinions on the matter pretty well. An alliance who is so quick to point out others faults, should be just as quick to accept criticism of their own.

I would advise you that picking on Reyne was huge mistake. I would also advise you that nobody on Planet Bob would take your advice, well maybe Blackstone would. I would also advise you that Voxs now weekly failures almost make me smile.

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I would advise you that picking on Reyne was huge mistake. I would also advise you that nobody on Planet Bob would take your advice, well maybe Blackstone would. I would also advise you that Voxs now weekly failures almost make me smile.

Show me a TPF thread that gets over a hundred viewers. Vox is far more relevant than you.

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Show me a TPF thread that gets over a hundred viewers. Vox is far more relevant than you.

That Vox seeks attention through manufacturing controversy does not make them relevant. Granted, it's the only card Vox can play....attempting to sow discontent. But in this case, poorly planned even from a strategic POV.

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