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Who's Stuck around?


Nation retention from the "Good old days"  

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Yeah and is I remember right then they surrended without ask us about it lefting us alone to fight an alliance 4x larger. For it and other things I love ODN <_<

I recall when I was first promoted to MoR reading the gov forums about that, suffice to say we weren't particularly happy, and I think all CDS veterans have similar feelings towards ODN for that.

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I fought for NPO in the GPW, was neutral in GW2, and GATO in GW3.

Where's the "mixed" option?

Either way, I voted Orders because I felt closer to them than the CoaLUEtion, and sided with them in most wars.

I shall quote this.

Was in the CDS for GWII and III, then moved into TPF half a year before the Unjust War.

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I started CN just before GWIII.

I was in Legion at that time, but after the war I went to \m/ and consider myself more a member of the Initiative.

I was a real n00b at that time, and didn't do much other than collect taxes and pay bills. I didn't take advantage of any guides or anything, not until I was \m/ and really began to learn how to really run a nation.

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thanks, vir.

for the most part i was on the League side. missed GW1 by a couple months, a certain yellow alliance for GW2, and neutrality in that alliance for GW3.

Thats what I was about to post. I did have fun getting invited into #sanctum repeated by people who thought we should join Aegis.

Edited by Bob Sanders
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Wow, this is really interesting.

It appears that Aegis managed to retain significantly more members. I really did not expect that.

I'm surprised more people haven't voted "I wasn't around back then." I'm going to assume this is because they haven't voted yet.

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