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Funny thing is, I'm normally the tinfoil hat guy in tC...and I will tell you that I trust our allies in tC and I don't believe anyone in tC to be a spy for Vox.

Well, I guess its time to drop the charade and just tell the truth.

We used a crystal ball to gain access to your private forums.


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If you actually read the thread you will see that I wrote a post explaining how the only reasonable alternatives were:

- Vox have an agent in the top 3 of Continuum: a spy

- A top 3 member of Continuum is leaking material which is then being given to Vox: a leak/spy (and considering the long history of leaks going back way before Vox, the most likely imo)

- A top 3 member allowing Vox to share their account: a spy

- A top 3 member posts screenshots somewhere he shouldn't and someone in a lower governmental tier sends them to Vox: a spy, albeit not in top 3. Seems unlikely because why would a person in this position post screenshots? You would expect quotes or a textual summary.

- Vox hacking someone's account: not spying, but unlikely because you would have made a big scene about that, and also [ooc] because Vox have consistently objected to the use of OOC means to gain IC advantage [/ooc].

I don't see how any 'tinfoil' is involved in the logical deduction "Screenshots of a secure forum are sent to Vox => There is a spy within the people who have access to that secure forum". Since you are the one peddling an illogical outcome, it is really you who needs to explain yourself.

Also, the last time you refused to make a statement on these boards about something was the CB for the NoV war, [ooc]due to the fact that it involved RL accusations which would break the rules here[/ooc]. Are you refusing to make a statement about this spy because you are again unable to speak about it here but feel the need to say something anyway?

He's dodged several break downs of the potential options and how none conforms with his view already, don't expect a response.

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Also, the last time you refused to make a statement on these boards about something was the CB for the NoV war, [ooc]due to the fact that it involved RL accusations which would break the rules here[/ooc]. Are you refusing to make a statement about this spy because you are again unable to speak about it here but feel the need to say something anyway?

Are you really so sure about that?

I don't think they're any lower than actively attempting to force people from the game. You oppress a huge upstart alliance that knows jack for **** about CN's conventions and community and what do you expect?
Listen if alliances can use IPs and hostmasks to track down PZI listers, then why--outside of law--can't people DDoS attacks?
Sorry about your forums, IRON, but I can't believe you didn't expect something like this to happen to you eventually.
Now, the post you originally responded to said besides the legalities, why should players withold some OOC tools and not others, like DDoSing? I'll give you a do-over since there was a miscommunication the first time.
That is much better. I agree with you wholeheartedly; however, the OOC line was trampled all over a long time ago, and all calls to bring it back have been laughed out of town since (except when there's a lynching to attend to).
Edited by GTTofAK
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OOC: Quoting OOC posts from an OOC forum in an IC forum in an IC context is absolutely inappropriate. Really this is all getting extremely bothersome, and there is a long stretch between understanding and condoning, and another one on the way to doing. Your post isn't even remotely related to what Bob was saying, either.

Get some tact.

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OOC: Quoting OOC posts from an OOC forum in an IC forum in an IC context is absolutely inappropriate. Really this is all getting extremely bothersome, and there is a long stretch between understanding and condoning, and another one on the way to doing. Your post isn't even remotely related to what Bob was saying, either.

Get some tact.

Quoting OOC posts from an OOC forum in an IC forum in an IC context? You mean like the OP? Or are we just going for more Voxocrisy?

Nothing is more helpful to a community than a bunch of idealistic hypocrites. Wouldn't you agree doitzel?

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Are you really so sure about that?


None of those posts even condone OOC attacks.

They're mostly just Vox pointing out that they think what the Continuum does is just as bad. Considering they're obviously no fans of the Continuum, I'd say they aren't quite praising the DDoSing.

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None of those posts even condone OOC attacks.

They're mostly just Vox pointing out that they think what the Continuum does is just as bad. Considering they're obviously no fans of the Continuum, I'd say they aren't quite praising the DDoSing.

There was a lot more than simple understanding there. Especially Schattenmann's posts. But I can see why Vox would have such an understanding and empathy. After all they are not ones to judge without walking a mile.

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Quoting OOC posts from an OOC forum in an IC forum in an IC context? You mean like the OP? Or are we just going for more Voxocrisy?

Nothing is more helpful to a community than a bunch of idealistic hypocrites. Wouldn't you agree doitzel?

OOC: Give me a break. Your forums are a part of the gameplay and thus part of this game. It's content moreso than location that separates IC/OOC, though the posts in the OWRP forum are explicitly OOC -- as is their content.

This is ludicrous and it's purposeful blurring of this line such as you are doing that has caused it to be so far gone.

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Quoting OOC posts from an OOC forum in an IC forum in an IC context? You mean like the OP? Or are we just going for more Voxocrisy?

Nothing in the OP is OOC. Anything on your alliance forums (This is for NPO, Vox, and any other alliance) should be considered IC unless stated otherwise. That's why they are your ALLIANCE forums.

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Schat's first post basically asks IRON what right they have to complain when what they do is just as bad in his opinion. Not condoning OOC attacks.

Schat's second post is restating his first one. Not condoning OOC attacks.

Schat's third post is lamenting the non-existance of the OOC line. Not condoning OOC attacks.

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OOC: Give me a break. Your forums are a part of the gameplay and thus part of this game. It's content moreso than location that separates IC/OOC, though the posts in the OWRP forum are explicitly OOC -- as is their content.

This is ludicrous and it's purposeful blurring of this line such as you are doing that has caused it to be so far gone.

OOC: Given their nature I've been of the opinion that Schattenmann should have never been posting these things in the IC forum in the first place so give me a break. How in the hell are you supposed to talk about a bunch of spied screen shots in an IC context?

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OOC: Given their nature I've been of the opinion that Schattenmann should have never been posting these things in the IC forum in the first place so give me a break. How in the hell are you supposed to talk about a bunch of spied screen shots in an IC context?

I believe I covered this when you attempted to report the thread.

Now I would kindly ask everyone to stop the OOC line of discussion.

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You know, I had this suspicion earlier, but now I'm convinced.

Slayer can not possibly be serious. The man is sick and twisted. He's probably sitting on IRC chuckling about how many times he can get people to re-explain how the Sanctum is being spied on. Poor old Bob Janova over there has face-palmed so many times now he's starting to look like Rihanna, and Azaghul I'm pretty sure just busted some geriatric's hip in a fit of frustration.

Well played, Slayer, well played.

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You know, I had this suspicion earlier, but now I'm convinced.

Slayer can not possibly be serious. The man is sick and twisted. He's probably sitting on IRC chuckling about how many times he can get people to re-explain how the Sanctum is being spied on. Poor old Bob Janova over there has face-palmed so many times now he's starting to look like Rihanna, and Azaghul I'm pretty sure just busted some geriatric's hip in a fit of frustration.

Well played, Slayer, well played.

thanks for making me spit soda on my keyboard.

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You know, I had this suspicion earlier, but now I'm convinced.

Slayer can not possibly be serious. The man is sick and twisted. He's probably sitting on IRC chuckling about how many times he can get people to re-explain how the Sanctum is being spied on. Poor old Bob Janova over there has face-palmed so many times now he's starting to look like Rihanna, and Azaghul I'm pretty sure just busted some geriatric's hip in a fit of frustration.

Well played, Slayer, well played.

Oh my Hizzy. You're becoming one of my favorite posters.

/me resumes rofl

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I think we all missed the truth, the continuum has continuum spies spying on the continuum.

They will release all the not so bad stuff and make it look like the worst then denounce it themselves. Thus hiding the really dangerous content.

*starts to cover the roof with tinfoil*

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Interesting issue of TWiP, with rewarding commentary throughout as well.

I especially enjoyed reading the fine communications here made by Emperor Revenge and Lord Moldavi.

I agree that we also can't help but appreciate Hizzy's guiding logic and humor in the strange discussions that often spring up in reaction to these underground publications.

Hizzy's balanced deployments of logic and humor never fail to anarchy my facepalming troops.* :unsure:

*See, it takes a Hizzy to make lines like that work.

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You know, I had this suspicion earlier, but now I'm convinced.

Slayer can not possibly be serious. The man is sick and twisted. He's probably sitting on IRC chuckling about how many times he can get people to re-explain how the Sanctum is being spied on. Poor old Bob Janova over there has face-palmed so many times now he's starting to look like Rihanna, and Azaghul I'm pretty sure just busted some geriatric's hip in a fit of frustration.

Well played, Slayer, well played.

Hahaha, welcome to my sig.

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Well if Slayer is right (which i doubt tbh) it means that someone purposely leaked that set of screens only in order to obtain something PR-wise (this being the only scenario i haven't seen mentioned so far); this would of course mean that the circle of suspects would be much much smaller.

Also Hizzy for poster of the week! o/

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thanks for making me spit soda on my keyboard.
Hizzy.................you nearly made me choke to death as the moment i read that i had just put a ho-ho in my mouth. I thank you for the laugh! Next time, make sure I'm not eating :P.

I wonder have many food-related accidents the OWF has caused... broken keyboards, smashed monitors...

)): The OWF menace )):

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