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This Week in Pacifica

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Some make choices, some are forced.

Well the visual content of this week's TWiP was a generous donation of mine :P

I a good healthy 80K nation was being bored and i was soon to quit the game due to BCT.

well along that way i was like my warvirginity is back, so i need to take care of it somehow.

Now i personally hate raiding so going rouge was out of the context.

but somewhere along the way a gentlemen came to my needs.

/me looks at schatterman or however you say his name

Now the great red Pacifica took some time but were finaly onto me, The alliance itself is great, i dont doubt that, but i personally dont go in the political mess.

so i was like lets help the minority, i didnt mind being zi i knew the consequences well in advance.

Funny thing i anarchied one of the NPO guys. Hey milcom keep them better prepared.

on a personal note, I am sorry fellow pacificans i betrayed your trust, but get over it you nerds, get of your computer and enjoy the world, this is just a game, anything is possible.

spying is just a new style of warfare.

Now i guess all the ZI people go join vox so, VOX here i come.

My only intentions were to make TWIP interesting and more epic :P

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Really, some content slipped into the latest pages? For some reason I quickly tired of reading through pages of "no u" and justification of the causes of meaningless terrorists.

Don't worry about it. I actually enjoyed your question because it shows that this TWiP has had a positive effect on the political landscape. People are willing to question the NPO's policy of declaring long time members traitors when their only "crime" is leaving during what is one of the most lopsided wars in CN history. One can only hope that this publicity surrounding that despicable NPO policy might get it changed.

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As for volume, see abive. I could write a "This Week in . . ." 20 alliances, including TPF. The fact of the matter is that writing about NPO is the most fun. If I wrote This Week in TPF it'd be you replying, mhawk repeating whatever you said, and TBB saying "I didn't read this again, but. . . "

That's some big talk. You claim to have access, but can only repeat tired old clichés? For shame, for shame...

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If you bothered to read the thread, this question has been answered a ridiculous number of times. So no, you're not being a smart-arse.

This is true, but there is still a discrepancy here. I saw Branimir and one or two others say that the FAN was considered nothing more then a back burner, brushfire issue and not an Open Warfare situation. Now FAN has actualy fought a large-scale nuclear war with the NPO, and then a guerilla style war for more then a year now. Even discounting they probably have some number of nations hidden in other AAs and growing, what remains in their official AA is far more of a threat then the Jarheads will ever be.

Jarheads have....potential maybe? If they all stick around a month, and keep trying to fight you in game then maybe considering them a threat is justified, but are you seriously NOT expecting 80% of these people to delete due to inactivity? Now the out of game forum attacks are another matter, but that is something for the authorities and has no effect on in game nations, I don't see why Jarheads rates an Open Warfare tag but FAN doesn't. Considering Pezstar already pointed out that it was already in force before the NSO even existed I don't see any anti-NSO conspiracy, it just seems a bit inconsistent.

Again, the forum attacks are a most serious issue, but not an in-game one. -_- Why is Jarheads such a serious threat?

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If you bothered to read the thread, this question has been answered a ridiculous number of times. So no, you're not being a smart-arse.





You read mine first. I'm still waiting to know why the FAN war isn't considered open warfare, but the Jarheads war is.

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Your 1000+ days prove they can expect nothing from you.

I am sorry I didn't backed your side in the house divide. Still feeling sore about that loss ey?

I will say to you what I have already-- I did not took an active part in splitting the Order, your boi ES for which you were a pawn and some other actors did. When I was come aware of it it was all post act and just choosing a side in a done deal. I couldn't chose ES side, to your disappointment I guess.

Also attacking MK,..how could I pass on that beauty :ehm:

It is the same group of people that opposed him when he attempted to take over,

And here I was thinking that we were not living in the past and trying to move forward,... Trying to stir the pot are we?

I believe Ivan Moldavi has apologized in front of the BR for the way people acted in his behalf in that power surge, coup. Bad deed got its reaction.

But are we really still poking the wound of the original point of the house split for our little propaganda quests? Thats healthy., also original not to mention in your case funny.

Whats next in your quest we have to expect,....."hero"?

I could be wrong but come on....this jarheads war is a joke and leaning so heavily upon it in arguments is laughable.

As I stated to another poster, what you believe our current war state should say is not really of importance for Order nations-- what is, is the actual state.

The state once put in force, is not a matter of laughter for soldiers of the Order.

Edited by Branimir
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That's some big talk. You claim to have access, but can only repeat tired old clichés? For shame, for shame...

I'm pretty sure Schattenman has done more to open up the backrooms of alliance politics than most everyone on these forums. I think we can leave the clichés to you all.

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That's some big talk. You claim to have access, but can only repeat tired old clichés? For shame, for shame...

You don't seem to post much any more, except for in this Week in Pacifica, so you must enjoy reading these repeated tired old cliches.

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You read mine first. I'm still waiting to know why the FAN war isn't considered open warfare, but the Jarheads war is.

From what I've seen in the thread, the FAN war isn't "big enough" to be called a war. However, the Jarheads conflict seems to be a war, yet I see no provisions on NPO's Charter/Wiki that defines how big a "war" must be. The FAN war still rages on since NO declared war on FAN and has not declared an end to the conflict. Thus, it's still a war.

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As I stated to another poster, what you believe our current war state should say is not really of importance for Order nations-- what is, is the actual state.

The state once put in force, is not a matter of laughter for soldiers of the Order.

Look branimir, I understand the importance of such. It is a pretty monumental moment though when Mr. Moldavi decided to start up a new alliance. There are going to be some folks who are going to be stirred by such and moved to join him. Perhaps the fact that the NPO had to be stirred to full war readiness for the joke war, perhaps that had something to do with some folks thinking it was time to leave. I mean...is that what it has come to? Full war status given to such?

It just comes off as extremely opportunistic. I know you are pushing the whole "Don't ask questions" thing but all of this could be paraphrased with one word. Opportunistic.

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I'm still waiting to know why the FAN war isn't considered open warfare, but the Jarheads war is.

The answer to the first question is obvious; FAN are no longer engaging in anything but the occasional rogue state terrorist action and as such it would be unreasonable to maintain a full state of war. The disruption of normal operations and growth is what low strength enemies like FAN (and Vox for that matter) want.

So what you're actually after is an answer to the second. Jarheads have a lot of active nations and will be swarming the lowermost ranks of Pacifica (and other alliances), and they are still a live invasion (rather like Fark in GW2). While it is debatable whether a full alert is required (Pacifica says yes, Polaris no), I hope you can at least see the reasons why Pacifican command might have made the decision that they have. Once the invasion dies down and the current nations reach bill lock I imagine the war state will be taken down.

And, deserting during a live war is looked upon very poorly by most alliances, even if you were not participating at the time.

You can't give us the good stuff every week (sometimes, nothing happens) and you've done a pretty good job on sub-standard source material this week. Obviously Ivan and NSO are going to produce strong individual reactions on both sides and I would say that's all you've shown us here. Both Moo and Ivan have posted in the thread to cut down your ideas of a major rift and that should be the end of that really.

Edit: I do have it on good authority though that some high-NS Pacificans were not happy about being given a full alert and update blitz warning for nations that were way out of range. Pacifican military command did perhaps bring their full sledgehammer to bear on rather a small nut. I don't think that (mis?)judgement is related to NSO in any way though, considering it was aired in last week's TWiP, several days before NSO was even imagined.

Edited by Bob Janova
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The answer to the first question is obvious; FAN are no longer engaging in anything but the occasional rogue state terrorist action and as such it would be unreasonable to maintain a full state of war. The disruption of normal operations and growth is what low strength enemies like FAN (and Vox for that matter) want.

So what you're actually after is an answer to the second. Jarheads have a lot of active nations and will be swarming the lowermost ranks of Pacifica (and other alliances), and they are still a live invasion (rather like Fark in GW2). While it is debatable whether a full alert is required (Pacifica says yes, Polaris no), I hope you can at least see the reasons why Pacifican command might have made the decision that they have. Once the invasion dies down and the current nations reach bill lock I imagine the war state will be taken down.

And, deserting during a live war is looked upon very poorly by most alliances, even if you were not participating at the time.

You can't give us the good stuff every week (sometimes, nothing happens) and you've done a pretty good job on sub-standard source material this week. Obviously Ivan and NSO are going to produce strong individual reactions on both sides and I would say that's all you've shown us here. Both Moo and Ivan have posted in the thread to cut down your ideas of a major rift and that should be the end of that really.

Either way my brother, though you didn't touch upon this subject...those who left through the current war aren't 'traitors' and shouldn't be punished, technicality !@#$%^&* ruins this game. Though specifically Corinan isn't be subjected to attacks, the idea some of the general members wanting his head merely because he no longer felt at heart with the alliance is nonsense - making an excuse to kill him is even worst, though my opinion, the entire ordeal is blown out of proportion. ^_^

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From what I've seen in the thread, the FAN war isn't "big enough" to be called a war. However, the Jarheads conflict seems to be a war, yet I see no provisions on NPO's Charter/Wiki that defines how big a "war" must be. The FAN war still rages on since NO declared war on FAN and has not declared an end to the conflict. Thus, it's still a war.

Again, its no matter to us what anybody thinks what our status should say.

For Order nations only thing that matters is what the status is set to be. The five in question were Order nations and it had to matter to them.

It did. Dopp in his resignation thread clearly noted that he knows leaving currently is verboten, but wanted a exception to be made due to certain elements in the story.

And again, FAN or Vox, or naac or lue or whatever else alliance with which Order never signed peace are nothing more then clean up operations to us. The current war may very soon receive that status. Or it could officially end.

Edited by Branimir
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Can you tell me how many lower .gov members out of total and how many general members out of total were advocating that? :ehm:

Also I'm sure you will not consider less than .1% of member body as representative of any organisation's 'culture'.

Thank You

You can't be serious. The NPO is controlled by 1 person, that being Emperor Moo. He is the representative of that organization's culture.

You're welcome.


Someday we'll have a GGA medal ceremony complete with sippy-cups and bicycle helmets for the awardees.

Hahahahaah. . . sigged.

OOC: i'll never understand how threads like this get to 20+ pages.

Because everyone loves Shantamantan.

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Look branimir, I understand the importance of such. It is a pretty monumental moment though when Mr. Moldavi decided to start up a new alliance.

The specificness of the case was took into consideration in the resolve of the issue about which your friendly vox propaganda machinery did not informed you.

The situation found a very sensible resolution. What a part of membership will always say about people leaving the Order in open warfare shall never change.

It just comes off as extremely opportunistic. I know you are pushing the whole "Don't ask questions" thing but all of this could be paraphrased with one word. Opportunistic.

By God I really do not know whats your point here?

Care to elaborate?

Edited by Branimir
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Edit: I do have it on good authority though that some high-NS Pacificans were not happy about being given a full alert and update blitz warning for nations that were way out of range. Pacifican military command did perhaps bring their full sledgehammer to bear on rather a small nut. I don't think that (mis?)judgement is related to NSO in any way though, considering it was aired in last week's TWiP, several days before NSO was even imagined.

Right, it seems like some people are trying to suggest that Jarheads was somehow related to NSO, so before that idea begins to gain any traction let's all just take a moment to point out that the Jarheads conflict began well before NSO existed, even if you count being in Ivan's mind as "existing."

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The specificness of the case was took into consideration in the resolve of the issue about which your friendly vox propaganda machinery did not informed you.

The situation found a very sensible resolution. What as part of membership will always say about people leaving the Order ion open warfare shall never change.

By God I really do not know whats your point here?

Care to elaborate?

The point is that I personally doubt that NPO leadership thinks all that much about this war. I doubt that if a couple nations left during it for any other alliances that they would have made a big deal about it. The fact is these nations left for Ivan's alliance and the leadership of NPO worried that the trickle might turn into quite a bit more.

Thus now NPO leadership sticks to that official line because it is convenient for now. Thus the move is opportunistic.

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Ejay, I'm going to disagree with you on the principle. Nations leaving while under a full war alert, even if they were not participating in the war, are deserting the alliance in a time of need unless they explicitly cleared it with their alliance first. (A general point, not just for the NPO.) We don't know for sure if Corinan and ConeBone did that, but from the posts in this thread it sounds as though they did – in which case it's fine. I think the Pacifican quoted in the OP has already stated that he later got this extra piece of information and retracted his anger ... not that that is worth publishing by Schatt of course :P

tl;dr: in this case yes (probably), in general no

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Ejay, I'm going to disagree with you on the principle. Nations leaving while under a full war alert, even if they were not participating in the war, are deserting the alliance in a time of need unless they explicitly cleared it with their alliance first. (A general point, not just for the NPO.) We don't know for sure if Corinan and ConeBone did that, but from the posts in this thread it sounds as though they did – in which case it's fine. I think the Pacifican quoted in the OP has already stated that he later got this extra piece of information and retracted his anger ... not that that is worth publishing by Schatt of course :P

tl;dr: in this case yes (probably), in general no

So the fact that they were willing to continue to contribute to the war effort in the same manner that they would have matters not? Look, its not everyday that Ivan Moldavi starts up a new alliance. They wanted to be in at the foundation of such. These are not usual circumstances.

I find it respectable that they wish to live up to their responsibilities while being able to follow their desire as to which alliance they wish to be part of. Why is their willingness to still help out with the war overlooked by some? What is the difference? Alliance Affiliation? Is that the big deal? That is what it comes down to and that is the real issue.

NPO doesnt want a large number of nations following them to NSO.

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The point is that I personally doubt that NPO leadership thinks all that much about this war. I doubt that if a couple nations left during it for any other alliances that they would have made a big deal about it. The fact is these nations left for Ivan's alliance and the leadership of NPO worried that the trickle might turn into quite a bit more.

Thus now NPO leadership sticks to that official line because it is convenient for now. Thus the move is opportunistic.

Thus you are just being very creative to conjure some kind of a story to pertain NPO leadership as bad as you could stretch it.

Leaving Order during open warfare is always "a deal" to deal with. Because it was for NSO, the deal was not being made as big as it could have been made for the nations involved and amicable resolution was found for all involved.

Edited by Branimir
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