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This Week in Pacifica

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Really, it isn't. You guys don't do a whole lot. I blame the leadership.

Also, I don't mind if you disagree with our viewpoint and oppose us but where do you get off calling what we do mindless drivel? It takes a fair bit of energy, intellect and creativity to produce tabloids like TWiP or The Tattler, and we've been pretty much universally acclaimed as being entertaining and informative reading material. I realize this was probably just a half-assed attempt to get me to respond in kind but holy hell Slayer what planet are you living on now where either Schattenmann's or my writing could be considered drivel? That's crazy talk.

I say it's mindless because it's ultimately the same anti-Pacifica rhetoric every week. OOOOH 5 Pacificans left to join NSO (out of 900 nations). SHOCKING!!! If you guys were the least bit sincere, you'd be going after every large alliance in the game...including those that are anti-Pacifica. Then again, what did I expect from tabloid news. The format and writing are creative...but the message is not.

In particular, you are most disingenuous in your quest. Should Pacifica fall you'd be able to set yourself up as a powerful leader again and surround yourself with a powerful bloc of allies to protect you. Unlike others who shamelessly lick your boot heels, I see you for the hypocritical, self-serving scoundrel you are.

Doitzel has far more integrity than you sir...and Vox would have had more integrity without you.

EDIT: Grammar pointed out ever so graciously by Schatt.

Edited by Slayer99
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I'll be impressed when there's something worth posting from there.

Obviously you guys have no access, as everyone knows that the Super Sekrit lair is where we plot out our devious schemes to be the last ones standing after the coming Nuclear Holocaust.

Oh, that and we hold hands and sing Civil War era marching songs.

PS: Oooooo Scary Sponge.

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It's a touchy subject, but fair to say that you should support your alliance, no matter who it is, and not abandon them during wartime, when they need you the most. However, a lot goes into how you classify "war". My interpretation refers to a full scale alliance war or any war where your nation is in range and available to help your alliance, but you choose to walk away in their time of need. It's dishonorable, at best. From what I've read, those who left the NPO did not qualify in that category. I could be wrong.

No alliance likes to lose it's members...especially quality members who have shown dedication and contributed a great deal, but it's unfitting to treat any of them as traitors or outcasts if they so choose to make that decision. The best you can do is wish them well and let them know the door's open if they ever decide to return.

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...During peacetime, a member may elect to leave IRAN, but is required to give 72 hours advance notice. Members are not allowed to desert during any active war without express permission from a majority of the Triumvirs. Any member that deserts IRAN without notice during peacetime or without permission during war will be ZId...

That is from IRAN's charter on their Wikipage.

...Leaving during a declared time of war is considered desertion. You may leave Ragnarok if you so choose, but you will be considered a deserter...

That is from Ragnarok's charter on their Wikipage.

...A member who leaves during war will be classified as a deserter...

That is from Soldier's charter on their Wikipage.

I could add more, but I think you get my point.

But this isn't IRAN, RoK or Soldier. This is NPO we are talking about, and it's not in their Charter. It's not on their wiki page. It's not in their topic on IRC. It's nowhere to be found, unless you talk to a government member and specifically ask them that question, which I doubt a whole lot of people who ask that exact question.

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Imagine if they merged and created The Tattler in Pacifica, oh my!

Who told you our Pacifican agent's codename?

Not nearly as good as The Tattler's most recent update, but not bad either.

OOC: ES, I don't remember you getting permission from me to put my equation in your signature.

Tattler and TWiP are two ways of going about similar goals. TWiP is not meant to be a earth-shattering, grave publication--I take stuff available to almost any member of NPO and use it to flip NPO the bird. When I'm writing well, I can reveal deeper stuff between the lines if I need to. I also only cover news out of/about NPO.

Tattler is meant to be a serious investigative publication. It will always be different, and if by "better" you mean more serious or more broad, then it will always be both because it is not limited to NPO.

I could write a "This Week in . . ." any of over 20 alliances.

Err.... Right?

*jerdge searches back and forth through his papers*

Ehm, could you repeat please? :blink:

On an unrelated note, with your consent I will call you "my dear Shantamantan" from now on ;).

Keep "searching"--you know as well as I do that my joky-jokes have made more than one person cry and in more than one alliance.

As for my new name, I registered it last night :D

I say it's mindless because it's ultimately the same anti-Pacifica rhetoric every week. OOOOH 5 Pacificans left to join NSO (out of 900 nations). SHOCKING!!! If you guys were the least bit sincere, you'd be going after every large alliance in the game...including those that are anti-Pacifica. Then again, what did I expect from tabloid news. The format and writing are creative...but the message is not.

Are you being serious? I will assume you are and respond by pointing things out that apparently were too nuanced for you.

I am not going nuts or SHOCKED by 5 NPO member leaving--NPO is, that's why it was fun for everyone except you (who all got the joke) to read about it.

As for volume, see abive. I could write a "This Week in . . ." 20 alliances, including TPF. The fact of the matter is that writing about NPO is the most fun. If I wrote This Week in TPF it'd be you replying, mhawk repeating whatever you said, and TBB saying "I didn't read this again, but. . . "

In particular, you are most disingenuous in your quest. Should Pacifica fall you'd be able to set yourself up as a powerful leader again and surround yourself with a powerful bloc of allies to protect you. Unlike the others who shamelessly lick your boot heels, I see you for the hypocritical, self-serving scoundrel you are.

ITT Slayer99 refers to himself as a bootlicker without knowing it.

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The best edition of TWiP EVAR. We need MAOR of Branimir.

Also artificial drama is artificial but feels like the real deal. :awesome:

And for all those "concerned" how I feel about Polars, my actions speak everything in my 1000+ days. They have nothing to fear from me, and yes, Pacifica is my only Order-- home.

Your 1000+ days prove they can expect nothing from you. Considering how you and your pals deserted them last time they were attacked.

May this serve as a wake up call for the New Polar Order. There is no future for you at the NPO's side. There can be no such thing as an alliance of equals between the two groups, until balance is regained.

I will ask Ivan Moldavi not to be concerned by his "mythos" or legend as it is perceived by the average NPO members. I have repeatedly stated the the NPO's Body Republic is usually more extreme than its leadership. It is a way they have to prove themselves worthy. This mob mentality is essential to the survival of the Pacific. I cannot ascertain whether it is encouraged by leadership or simply a by-product of the culture embedded in the alliance. I was once part of the mob, a long, long time ago and made many mistakes driven by zeal. I became more moderate only as I rose through the ranks. One should not discount the mob, however. They cannot be controlled at all times and they have in the past significantly affected the course of policy.

Moldavi should already know what the ruling clique thinks of him. It is the same group of people that opposed him when he attempted to take over, plus a few additions schooled by these same people. In any case, if he is ever in doubt, he should look to my signature. It is a quote he produced, after all.

By the way, everyone calling this "disingenious" or "irrelevant" or what not need to zip it. You dull types are not doing anything to entertain me, that's certain. When someone does the work for you, then it's polite to say "thank you", and then move along.

Edited by Mussolandia
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I say it's mindless because it's ultimately the same anti-Pacifica rhetoric every week. OOOOH 5 Pacificans left to join NSO (out of 900 nations). SHOCKING!!!

Wasn't it a few members of the New Pacific Order that made the big deal of the departure of some of their comrades within their body republic in the first place rather than Vox Populi? When Schattenmann referred to the departing members as being a "stunning multitude" I thought he was being sarcastic.

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OOC: i'll never understand how threads like this get to 20+ pages.

I'm surprised it's not down to 30 yet.

Oh yes, I'm sure Ivan's biggest Pacifican fans like Zhadum and Frawley are on the edges of their seats with excitement.


Those were the days...

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But this isn't IRAN, RoK or Soldier. This is NPO we are talking about, and it's not in their Charter. It's not on their wiki page. It's not in their topic on IRC. It's nowhere to be found, unless you talk to a government member and specifically ask them that question, which I doubt a whole lot of people who ask that exact question.
True enough, NPO's charter is a model of brevity and simplicity. However, I do believe that the membership requirements are included as part of the academy process. Any nation applying for NPO membership will (or at least should) be aware of those requirements before their membership is finalized.

Quoted myself since you obviously missed my reply to Mogar. The fact is that any Pacifica applicant is provided with the information BEFORE they are admitted as a full member. And given that the policy on desertion is extremely common, it should not be unexpected. Moreover, in the case at hand, the members that left were all veterans, or at least that is my understanding. Therefore, they were well aware of the policy and the potential ramifications of their actions. That being said, I am not labeling them as deserters, scum or any other insulting term; I am simply stating that members of NPO are justified in stating that the prodigals were in violation of Pacifican law. You would have had a similar reaction from the proletariat of just about any alliance around. However, cooler and wiser heads (in this case one with horns and the mandate of heaven) prevailed and exercised a rather admirable degree of wisdom in dealing mercifully and pragmatically with the situation.

If you want to troll NPO, please feel free to do so but at least pick subject matter that is worthwhile and justified. This particular topic is certainly neither.

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Wasn't it a few members of the New Pacific Order that made the big deal of the departure of some of their comrades within their body republic in the first place rather than Vox Populi? When Schattenmann referred to the departing members as being a "stunning multitude" I thought he was being sarcastic.

i got this impression also. I also thought that the entire point of TWiP this week was to show that even tho so few had left, the NPO IO's acted extremely fearful of Moldavi and would do anything to hinder his growth and slander his good name (branding those people leaving as traitors, how the hell can you even keep a strait face in even calling the war with Jarheads an 'Alliance Wide War' jfc).

On a side note i look foward to the inaugaral edition of 'Tattling in Pacifica'

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Your 1000+ days prove they can expect nothing from you. Considering how you and your pals deserted them last time they were attacked.

May this serve as a wake up call for the New Polar Order. There is no future for you at the NPO's side. There can be no such thing as an alliance of equals between the two groups, until balance is regained.

I will ask Ivan Moldavi not to be concerned by his "mythos" or legend as it is perceived by the average NPO members. I have repeatedly stated the the NPO's Body Republic is usually more extreme than its leadership. It is a way they have to prove themselves worthy. This mob mentality is essential to the survival of the Pacific. I cannot ascertain whether it is encouraged by leadership or simply a by-product of the culture embedded in the alliance. I was once part of the mob, a long, long time ago and made many mistakes driven by zeal. I became more moderate only as I rose through the ranks. One should not discount the mob, however. They cannot be controlled at all times and they have in the past significantly affected the course of policy.

Moldavi should already know what the ruling clique thinks of him. It is the same group of people that opposed him when he attempted to take over, plus a few additions schooled by these same people. In any case, if he is ever in doubt, he should look to my signature. It is a quote he produced, after all.

By the way, everyone calling this "disingenious" or "irrelevant" or what not need to zip it. You dull types are not doing anything to entertain me, that's certain. When someone does the work for you, then it's polite to say "thank you", and then move along.

Was getting near the end of all this thinking I was going to have a hard time finding something to post about all this considering the conversation moved well past commentary on the OP. You pretty much put my thoughts right there in your well formed post.

The Mob as you call it can indeed get worked up. Anytime a possible war could be had people get excited and they post some excited posts. That leads to others getting excited by such and they add on to it. The leaders try to guide such by putting in their own two cents worth and its quite amazing how much their opinions can sway that of the Body. To see the calling for the heads of those who left during war is understandable but extremely blown out of proportion and due to the testimony of those that left it seems that all of them offered to still give aid during the war. Basically fulfilling obligations they would have had if they stayed because the Jarheads war is pretty much a joke as it is just a massive training exercise. Appears some higher NS guys probably just wanted some targets too...

In the end it comes down to Ivan's alliance was a credible threat in that he very well could have begun to draw quite a few NPO nations over. No where near a majority but enough to possibly put a chink in that impenetrable armor that the NPO warmachine resides within. Thus this large scale training exercise was used as a method of plugging that leak. Poor jarheads, their chances for peace now are pretty much nil.

By the way, all this talk about NPO vs Jarheads and how that every single NPO nation could get involved with aid and such, what about all the other alliances that bandwagoned onto this? Can they not fill the aid slots too?

Perhaps this edition of TwiP was not completely honest and open with all that was said, but if that is the case then feel free to publish the rest that is said Schattenmann did not include. Then all doubt will be erased. Otherwise I gotta hand it to schatt because without these editions there wouldnt be much entertainment on the boards and some of us do not find staying glued to the backrooms (irc) to be an enjoyable method of finding out all that is going on in the world of Bob. I personally hope this publication leads to the founding of other publications. They dont have to be unbiased, in fact that would be boring but seriously, stop with the slamming of such works. The powers that be should be pushing to have their own publications put out instead of trying to keep the OWF quiet except for alliance treaty announcements. I used to be one of the loudest voices against Vox and their works but that is just because we were on opposite sides. I will assume it is the same for some of the others who say nothing but insults towards them. My question to those would be, where else do you have a chance to contribute to the communication here at this place where the world gathers? The fact that they bring so many Pacificans to their threads means they are doing a good thing because you need to get out every once and awhile.

Well done Schatt. Your publications continue to bring the masses. When it comes to such media, numbers count.

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Really...at least read the latest post before you ask a question or bring up a point. It's invariably been asked before in a 19 page thread. Here's your answer:

Our war with FAN is not considered big enough now to warrant the level of 'Open Warfare', therefore people are free to leave provided we aren't in any different conflicts.

I don't mean to be a smart-arse, but hasn't everyone who has left NPO in the last year done so illegally because of the FAN war?






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I don't mean to be a smart-arse, but hasn't everyone who has left NPO in the last year done so illegally because of the FAN war?

If you bothered to read the thread, this question has been answered a ridiculous number of times. So no, you're not being a smart-arse.

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If you bothered to read the thread, this question has been answered a ridiculous number of times. So no, you're not being a smart-arse.

It's true, it was answered multiple times. I would hazard a guess though that vox has done more damage in its wars vs npo nations then the jarheads have. I could be wrong but come on....this jarheads war is a joke and leaning so heavily upon it in arguments is laughable.

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Really, some content slipped into the latest pages? For some reason I quickly tired of reading through pages of "no u" and justification of the causes of meaningless terrorists.

Your question has been asked and answered probably at least once on each of the last 15 pages. So people are getting kind of annoyed about it now.

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