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Crimes of Persuasion


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For those of you who are unacquainted with me, I am Sir Experimentum, Knight I of The Order Of The Black Rose. As you might deduce from my title, I was the first person ever Knighted by the OBR and have been one of the individuals who worked from the very first days of its existence building its current reputation for temperance, intelligence, and political facility. You might say I was there to water the bud ‘til it became a rose and prune it ‘til it flowered in full glory.

Accompanied with a good measure of regret, I have come to the conclusion that I can no longer continue to support the methods of the OBR or assist in concealing a plethora of confidence games my alliance has executed upon the citizens, nations, and alliances of Digiterra. After indulging in a roughly eight-month holiday, I returned to my homeland and Her Highness’ Realm, examined the correspondences I had missed, perused the records of all that had passed in my absence, formed in the ensuing month fresh opinions of the totality of what I along with my brethren had fashioned, and realized that what I had helped to flower was a complete contravention of one of my own Native American beliefs: “Mi Takaye Oyacin” – we are all one people.

In this first post concerning the most prominent malefactions by the OBR, I will explain why every single alliance ever convinced to sign The Writ De Credo was – I’m sorry to say – duped, and duped irrevocably.

For the sake of clarity and brevity, I first present you with screenshots – selected according to relevance – of the original discussion in OBR’s highest Chamber, The Round Table, on the structure, content, purpose, and intent of The Writ De Credo.

screenshot1k.th.jpg <-- click to enlarge

screenshot2c.th.jpg <-- and so forth



Here follows a brief synopsis and clarification for those who do not wish to parse the everyday language of OBR’s most elite:

  • • On November 30, 2006 in a thread entitled “Active Neutrality”, I proposed an, until then, unheard of brand of treaty which I named the NAP+.
    • On December 1, 2006, it was decided by several Knights and Her Highness that OBR’s interests would best be served if at least one clause of the document contained hidden meaning otherwise indecipherable by the average CN player. That hidden clause came to be affectionately known by all those involved as the “Death Cookie.” (And thus the inspiration for the name The Writ De Credo.) We were certain our goal could be accomplished due to the fact that Her Highness was a licensed lawyer in real life and would be authoring the document.
    • On December 8, 2006, Her Majesty Queen AterAtra presented the Knights with what would become the final version of The Writ De Credo which contained the now infamous “Article the Fifth (V): On Defense and Hostility.”
    Later that same day, Her Highness explained to Sir Corvus the implications of the “Death Cookie”:
In stark terms, should any nation of any stripe from any background of any alliance (or none) attack us, the Order and all its members are within our rights to pummel that nation to ZI and keep it there at our whim.
Like many parts of this DC, this section is a sweeping appropriation of power to the Order.

I will here attempt to make the implications of “Article the Fifth (V): On Defense and Hostility” even more explicit:

  • • When any alliance at all was convinced to lay down their collective signature on the Writ, they were also conned into handing over their right to retaliate if an OBR nation decided to, out of thin air, attack one of their nations.
    • “Article the Fifth (V)" or the “Death Cookie,” also has no inherent limits. In the event an alliance weaker than the OBR signed the Writ, they thereby gave us the right to legally decimate their alliance at whim should the mood strike us.

For reasons most assuredly obvious to all assembled here, the so-called “Death Cookie” has been a secret closely guarded by the OBR. Every Knight is aware of its existence as well as every OBR member who has worked in the Chamber of Diplomacy down to the Squire level. While such highly sensitive information would normally be privy to Her Highness and Knights only, it became necessary to inform Squires employed in Diplomacy of the hidden clause because of the possibility that they might encounter treaty conflicts while going about their duty of securing more Signatories to the Writ. It was important to us, you see, that when we snared an alliance there be no legal loophole through which they could wriggle.

Should any of you ever obtain access, this is the link to the original thread. You’ll find my comments unequivocally supported by the evidence.

To the aggrieved parties, listed below according to continued existence and date of becoming a Signatory, I offer my sincerest apologies for participating in this charade:









ECHELON (As signed by The Shadowhood)























Every single ruler of every single nation within every single alliance listed above has been conned into handing over their rights to self-preservation by way of agreeing to the Writ De Credo. It was an inexcusable act by the OBR to take advantage of you so and it is time this wrong be righted.

Tomorrow I will present evidence of a complicated episode many citizens of Digiterra will consider an act of nonfeasance or dereliction of duty by The Order Of The Black Rose.

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This is some very fascinating evidence.

As a side note, it is also irrelevant. Do you really think an alliance such as IRON, NPO, or MK would just be fine if you ZI'd one of their members because "They signed a document"? Seriously?

Edited by Walker Texas Ranger
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I was just thinking of suggesting we sign this to my leaders the other day, but I have changed my mind. I look at OBR in shame, and my view of Planet Bob has been shattered, as the only completely honorable alliance on Planet Bob is no longer honorable.

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There's a such thing as the spirit of a treaty. I doubt anyone would tell their members "sorry guys, we'd love to protect you from OBR, but we don't have the legal right."


Spirit of the Treaty, in this day and age, Ohh please, I can't believe Philosopher didn't catch this.

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This is some very fascinating evidence.

As a side note, it is also irrelevant. Do you really think an alliance such as IRON, NPO, or MK would just be fine if you ZI'd one of their members because "They signed a document"? Seriously?


Why would anyone care in the slightest?

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Heh, folk at the retirement house of the CN have been busy making themselves entertained. I can dig that.

Seeing how I didn't view the retirement house the same way most others did, I am not disappointed, I am rather amused by this.

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This isn't the first time this has been brought to light. Only reason we are all paying attention now is because it is someone from OBR telling us that the crazy speculation was right.

I personally am disgusted and appalled by this deceptively worded section of this treaty.

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Maybe something could be explained to me now that I've read the clause several times over. I'm not a Lawyer in another world such as the writer of this document, but the way I understand it, they don't have the right to attack you for no reason, but if you wrong them in some way like sanctioning their members or attacking a member. However, as I said, I am not a lawyer and do not speak legal mumbo jumbo. Could someone explain this further?

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I previously had great respect for OBR but this has shattered the illusion I had of them as an honorable alliance. It is ridiculous to think that any alliance would have honored such a treaty/scam but the fact that they pulled the wool over so many of our eyes is quite disturbing.

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I personally am disgusted and appalled by this deceptively worded section of this treaty.

Oh common now AirMe. They are only human, why they had little fun with themselves writing their little clause to be sneaky and feeling smug about it.

In practicality, the clause wouldn't really make any difference, I can understand some thrust is being now destroyed but their elite consist of veteran CN politicians,.....what did you expect? Could be worse,...

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Oh common now AirMe. They are only human, why they had little fun with themselves writing their little clause to be sneaky and feeling smug about it.

In practicality, the clause wouldn't really make any difference, I can understand some thrust is being now destroyed but their elite consist of veteran CN politicians,.....what did you expect? Could be worse,...

Actually I must say I'm kind of amused as well. A little disappointed though since when Freelancer informed me that something earth shattering was going to be going down tonight, I was kind of hoping for something, you know, earth shattering. Like a DoW on the NPO or Gramlins or some big alliance (and not from these two to three nation alliances, but one by relevant alliances, such as the NPO or Gramlins or some big alliance) or a great reveal (something like De Profundis). You know, something actually kind of dramatic. Instead, we get the OBR. Yes, I am quite disappointed. I wanted to see something big. Oh well, I at least got a chuckle out of this.

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