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Trouble at the MCXA?

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Best of luck to TSO and MXCA into the future.

I am also very disappointed at certain responses to this thread. Vanguard in particular and also the re-emergence of the NpO troll squad.

Admit it... You missed us...

I agree some replies have been in bad taste, but the troll squad? They have not been mobilized yet.

I wish the best of luck to MXCA.


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Best of luck to TSO and MXCA into the future.

I am also very disappointed at certain responses to this thread. Vanguard in particular and also the re-emergence of the NpO troll squad.

I'd like to echo these sentiments. It is extremely disappointing to see such uninformed and rather hateful commentary from the sidelines.

TOP supports both our allies in the MCXA and our new friends in the TSO, Johan Vult! Paradoxia Vult!

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good thing I just stocked up on popcorn. I love a good drama. Mind you, something tells me that there's a certain amount of fiction to this one...ah well, should be fun.


Also, Congrats to TSO, see you guys around. :wub:

TOP, really guys. I love how you do diplomacy. That protectorate announcement is the best I've seen. :blush:

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I think it has been previously well answered but know that TOP didn't go running blind into this occurrence. Surely, whether you love or hate us, it is known that we tread softly (with a big stick just in case) to make sure all parties interested were satisfied.

It is unfortunate that the drama seekers did not get their fill today but rest assured...Planet Bob always delivers.

P.s. Good luck to our new protectorate. :)

Hail TSO!

Paradoxia Vult!

Edited by NorthernLights
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OOC Which one? old school or the new one? OOC

I wonder how Freshy and Gopher like their new spots?

OOC: I was kidding. I am playing, he's the one on the camera :P

Fresh and Gopher like the golden coffee machine I left at the MCXA...

No seriously, both have served for almost 2 years. Gopher is one of the most talented Interior and Finance guy I have ever met in this game and you can say the same about Dr. Fresh when it comes to foreign Affairs.

I know both of them for almost 2 years now, they will do an awesome job.

I am certain we will maintain our close friendship.

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1. Abandoning your alliance to form a new alliance = fail

2. Why the hell would you do that anyways? You guys were in charge of one of the most powerful alliances in CN, you had all the fame and glory, and look at what this thread has done to you, people are thinking, man what idiots for abandoning their members like that.

3. Seriously guys, why arent there more people angry about this? I mean if this was my alliance gov that left, I would be steaming right now.

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