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This Week in Pacifica

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I know how you feel, man. Just give in. It makes things so much simpler. Let the machine take over and do everything for you.

I do envy the free thinkers outside of my box who sound all the same,....they seem to be so open minded,...if I could be only more like them :(

Well anyway, not to devoid much more time to this slight derailment.

I am sadden by your obviously hostile attitudes towards my alliance though

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You didn't garner a response the first time, what makes you think the reaction will be different this time?

Edit: lol, I just killed my own point

Indeed you did. That's alright though. Why is STA so hostile now?. During my six month hiatus, did something change?

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I do envy the free thinkers outside of my box who sound all the same,....they seem to be so open minded,...if I could be only more like them :(

Well anyway, not to devoid much more time to this slight derailment.

I am sadden by your obviously hostile attitudes towards my alliance though

Hey, bro, it's all good. I don't hate. I just... feel.

Indeed you did. That's alright though. Why is STA so hostile now?. During my six month hiatus, did something change?

Oops, didn't mean to make this reflect my alliance negatively. My opinions do not in any way reflects those of my alliance as a whole or its government.

Edited by Lysotine
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I got some love in a OP, I just wish it was the whole story.

Pacifican Comrades!

From this day onwards, a new era dawns for the bank, and for the entirety of our alliance. We have reached a new stage in our growth as an alliance, and we will be making numerous changes to improve our efficiency from Alpha to Omega. This will include changes to how you are accustomed to dealing with the bank, so please read onwards to learn what these will entail.

We are in an environment that is vastly different from that which faced the previous banking restructure over a year ago. Our nations face competition for growth at almost every level, yet our current system does not give them the boost that is needed to keep Pacifican superiority at every possible point. In the context of the aid limits that CN has kept for years, our current system of subsidizing growth is quickly reaching obsolescence. That is why the following changes are going to take place:

The Department of Aid will cease to give out money for national growth projects. Instead, it will be retooled and will now exclusively focus on Military aid logistics. You will no longer be able to make aid requests for non-military reasons. Based on data collected from the past year, we have determined that the raw results coming out from the billions poured into these requests are inefficient, and do not provide the best benefit to the Pacific as a whole. In accordance with our theme of efficiency, you will also see some changes in battalion banking.

Rightfully, many of you will wonder what alternative we will offer for small nation growth, which is still vital to the future of Pacifica. All small nations looking for growth are strongly encouraged to join the tech corps, which will be heavily subsidized by the billions of the Pacific Bank. Participation there will net you very large retirement bonuses, providing a merit-based approach to awarding aid which we are confident will reward those nations that truly contribute to Pacifica, rather than being a blind hosepipe.

During this process, most banking department are closed for retooling. At the same time, all current and future projects are terminated. This includes the joint bank-council project. Anybody who was expecting aid as part of one of these schemes should bear in mind that they have now been terminated. They are advised to turn to alternative sources of finance.

Much love,

- The Pacific Bank

You will note this: All small nations looking for growth are strongly encouraged to join the tech corps, which will be heavily subsidized by the billions of the Pacific Bank.

Some more about that project:

Retirement Bonus:

Minimum: 2 successful deals completed: 3M

5 Successful deals completed: 6M

10 Successful Deals completed: 12M

Each additional 5 deals will add: 3M

In the works is for the Pacific Bank to pay some more for young nations that put forth in the Order, by upping this.

We as a the Pacific Bank have always looked out for the good of the Order, to say other wise is absurd. We felt that a change in our actions would be for the best, and we took quick action to fulfill those duties. I gladly welcome anyone of our allies and other Vox Spies to come and take a look at that thread, there is some distaste for the quick action. Most is support and understanding of why we did this.

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Interesting, Vox is addicted for NPO.

Now I have one question, why print screen is censored? Is Vox afraid of something? :o

no this one is edited, the tattler version shows the names of the alliances in question.

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Interesting, Vox is addicted for NPO.

Now I have one question, why print screen is censored? Is Vox afraid of something? :o

My thoughts exactly, I mean if they are exposing something to the public that is private why cover some of it up?

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My dear Lord Strider, this is not the Body Republic. My report notes , and the quote used includes, that nations that want money now have to sweat it out by selling tech--an arduous process not suited to pure nation building. You'll note that half the story is not the change, but the change in income available to small nations, which is deep.

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Hmm... I could either point out that the NPO did this to train young nations and recently raised the price the tech corps receives to help encourage growth in smaller nations, as well as talk at length about Pacifican foreign policy, but I think I'll go down a different road so effectively used against many of my productions:

The original post includes images used without the creator’s permission. The New Pacific Order hereby request Schattenmann cease and desists in utilizing NPO images without permission.

According to the Freedom of Imagery Convention which you authored and the NPO signed, all three of the images used in the original post are acceptable under the terms of this convention. The first was created by Schattenman, the third was created by our friend who took the screenshot, and the second is an emblem that represents your alliance.

Individual creators who adhere to this convention do henceforth allow their works which represent their alliance (such as an alliance flag, shield, emblem, or official announcement letterhead) to be used by members of the Cybernations Community, provided it is used for Cybernations-related videos or images.

Vox Populi, as members of the CN Community, are allowed to use any and all NPO emblems, flags and shields in any of our creations. Therefore, try again, Sir Paul.

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My dear Lord Strider, this is not the Body Republic. My report notes , and the quote used includes, that nations that want money now have to sweat it out by selling tech--an arduous process not suited to pure nation building. You'll note that half the story is not the change, but the change in income available to small nations, which is deep.

Small NPO nations selling tech for cash?!?!?!?!?!? OUTRAGES!!!!! OUTRAGES!!!!!! I will advise Mhawk to cancel our treaty with NPO right now. Thank you for bringing this all to light. I only hope others follow our lead. Damn you NPO, damn you and your tech deals. You will pay for this Moo.

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I bet it hurts that FOK completely outdid you in the controversy department with an OP that essentially said nothing at all.

Is this what Vox bashing has descended to? "Your announcement isn't as controversial as someone else's"? If so, I think you've been looking to Vox for your drama for far too long. All we're doing here is making announcements we find personally amusing and you can make of it what you will. We have no 'drama quota' to fill and we are not interested in fulfilling anyone's expectations.

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According to the Freedom of Imagery Convention which you authored and the NPO signed, all three of the images used in the original post are acceptable under the terms of this convention. The first was created by Schattenman, the third was created by our friend who took the screenshot, and the second is an emblem that represents your alliance.

Vox Populi, as members of the CN Community, are allowed to use any and all NPO emblems, flags and shields in any of our creations. Therefore, try again, Sir Paul.

How the hell did you remember that?

I mean, I remember it now, but... damn.

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