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[quote name='iamthey' timestamp='1285402569' post='2464137']
[color="#FF0000"][b]*Achievement Unlocked*[/b][/color]

You transformed a discussion on outrageous RP technology, into a foundationalist criticism of the CNRP rules, and then steered it into a not so civil argument about grammar. While I'm not sure if this chain of events is the product of your own skill, or simply one participant's compulsive need to have the last word, that's an image boost in my book. Good job.

This is no achievement, this is what usually happens on CN forums. A good discussion gets derailed into nothing but insults :v:

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I insulted no one. I only attacked arguments. I enjoy a good debate and tend to rip apart arguments brutally, when I can. This discussion might appear harsh because the arguments I was up against were so bad.

I don't understand why people get so bent out of shape over two people having an disagreement. It's a common and inexplicable mentality akin to people complaining about polls on the OWF: "poll... POLL!!! IMPOTENT RAGE!!" The irrationality of this seem further exemplified by the fact that the argument is over. Mael has put me on ignore (I know you're reading this). You no longer have anything to nonsensically rage about.

I'm far less worked up about this than you seem to be Pravus, and far less than you seem to think I am. I couldn't be any less put off by this. It's a simple argument and I happen to enjoy arguments. It's the only way to truly advance ideas.

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At least this idiotic discussion brought some people out of the woodwork!! Nothing works like controversy to get people active (at least OOCly) in CNRP, and no controversy works like Mael's Dragon Emperor. Works like a charm, all the time.

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[quote name='Sargun' timestamp='1285429921' post='2464314']
I call the "bacteria that can survive in space" trait.

That trait would be exceptionally useful. On your way to Alpha Centauri any time soon? :-P

KM: You already got that trait, it'd be redundant.

Cochin: Every time I start doing things it seems to wake folks up.. heheheh.

Edited by Maelstrom Vortex
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[quote name='Pravus Ingruo' timestamp='1285402929' post='2464141']
Hey, Sal and Maelstrom, chill the $%&@ out and cut it out with the insults or I'm reporting both of you to moderation and I'll get a mod in here to rule on genetic modification for purposes other than, oh say, curing cancer, as well. You both are crossing a line and you both need to shut the $%&@ up. And if you keep pissing me off, I'm just going to !@#$@#$ use the word $%&@ in a !@#$@#$ higher !@#$@#$ frequency until maybe it !@#$@#$ gets through your !@#$@#$ thick heads that this !@#$@#$ argument is !@#$@#$ stupid. !@#$@#$ got it?


Glad to have you back SMH...good to have you back.

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[quote name='Maelstrom Vortex' timestamp='1285391966' post='2463990']
It's not even a dragon it's a gene construct. See my avatar for what I'm playing as that's the closest image I can get that even comes close to what I've descirbed. That is clearly not a dragon. It's a very vicious looking humanoid. Mind you, I've updated to tails and wings from last time... but that's still not a dragon. Is it meant to be dragon-like? You betcha.. closest to the heraldry of the country as I can get.
Just to begin, my country has a coat of arms, it's a crown, a shield, and an axe wielding lion. Does that mean that my country has to be ruled by a giant crown hovering over a lion that can somehow operate a large, heavy weapon? No.

With that out of the way, allow me to go to some real content.

[quote name='Maelstrom Vortex' timestamp='1285391966' post='2463990']
Another case of the person not even reading the RP to respond properly. There is no resurrection of the dead going on here. Go back and actually read the RP, then you may comment and have it considered.[/quote]
Alright, you have a man who uses science more absurd than that that originally created the dragon man to take the form of his former leader, along with his full memories, in order to let him live on despite his earlier death. There may be no literal rising of the dead, but it certainly seems to be resurrection in every other possible sense. Dead, now alive again, even if in a different, but also essentially identical, body.

[quote name='Maelstrom Vortex' timestamp='1285391966' post='2463990']
The above is why. He doesn't even read the RP before he comments thus proving he already has preset decisions on how to react to each player instead of to the situation. In other words, he's nowhere close to having an unbiased opinion or he assumes more than he reads.. one of the two.
No, I actually stepped down for a few reasons, none of which involved bias. I was, and am, having some trouble finding time to commit to CNRP, and I felt that, if I could not keep up reading threads, I should leave, an uniformed GM will inherently be a bad one. Secondly, I have, of late, felt the need to take a step back from CNRP, due to the fact that I feel I am more-or-less on my way out, and being a GM made me feel that I couldn't start to pull away. Lastly, there was no respect for GM moderation; I had no power as a GM, no one respected GM rulings because they were inconvenient, and I had no purpose being in the position if I had no power.

Added to your real point there, I read your RP, I reacted to what I read. You resurrected a character (Albeit without technically raising him from the dead) so you could get him back. If you want to call me biased, go ahead, I couldn't give half of a rat's hindquarters either way, it's not my problem anymore if people think I'm biased. This is a debate (Not really, more of a rambling argument, but I digress), and people are biased in a debate. Added to that, I can see that your idea of bias is anyone who does not expressly agree with your actions, so really, I care even less. I am reacting to your actions, I can guarantee that if anyone else tried to resurrect a character like this, I'd be equally against it (See Malatose's attempt to rewrite his own history to make Visari a wonderful person who was forced to nuke everything and be killed).

Mael, the reason people always get mad at you when you start doing stuff like this is that you always have a way of coming out of the woodwork, writing a few posts about magic, and god, and mystical creatures and completely made up science, and then, when people start to argue against you, you just rudely suggest that they go and cry to themselves because you must be right. Look at the start of your Dragon cult stuff, the Sea Crawler arguments, your bloody space planes, the first time you made your little dragon man, every time you do something like this, it creates a big stir only because you cross your arms and say that you will be doing it anyway, regardless of how valid any argument against you is, or how silly your actions and ideas are. It's arrogance that gets people riled up, and you seep the stuff like a gunshot wound seeps blood.

As an aside, all this arguing about grammar, that brings everything to a whole new level of stupid.

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[quote name='Tidy Bowl Man' timestamp='1285453222' post='2464599']
No time to be a GM, but plenty of time to bump your gums about Maelstrom's RP. Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiggght.
Having time right now, and having time in general are two different things. I've been able to post a few times a week at most for the last handful of weeks. I don't have any serious time to commit to being a GM, and what time I have is only going to drop. I didn't, and don't, want people having to rely on me. I put up a big fuss a while back when Lavo and Hawk were GMs, about how neither of them were active. I thought that I didn't want to have the same happen to me, I didn't want to have anyone waiting for a ruling, because, as I said, an uniformed GM will inherently be a bad one, and I didn't, do not, and won't in the near future be able to keep up with CNRP on a regular basis. A day of being active every now and then isn't enough. <______________________<

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[quote name='Vince Sixx' timestamp='1285388013' post='2463914']
I agree with Sal and the funky man. Dragons? Come on, if you want to RP a dragon, go back to proboards. This isn't the place for that. I know it's within the rules, but it completely ruins the atmosphere of maturity when !@#$ like that walks in.
[quote name='dotCom' timestamp='1285389650' post='2463939']
I find myself in agreement here. Regardless of what may be against or within the rules, having dragons and unicorns in a nation roleplay seems nonsensical at best.
It. Isn't. A. Dragon. It's a human with some characteristics [i]like[/i] a dragon.

[quote name='Sal Paradise' timestamp='1285400933' post='2464125']
Moments ago, this was all your post said. But you just couldn't resist. You had to get a word in. I imagine this ignoring is all bluster. If you have me on ignore, you'll still keep reading my posts. You'll just pretend not to. You're reading this right now. You cannot resist the allure of Sal Paradise.

For anyone not pretending to ignore me, is it necessary to explain how Mael's grammar explanation is wrong? I've taught English to immigrants and I'm a student of linguistics, so I wouldn't want to leave that brutal misunderstanding of grammar hanging out there if people actually thought it was accurate. Let me know and I'll explain.
Sal, do us all a favor and be quiet this time. You in no way rebutted the arguments, You simply dismissed them as nonsensical, or irrelevent. You rarely countered them.

Wanted to say never, but I try not to deal in absolutes.

[quote name='Pravus Ingruo' timestamp='1285402929' post='2464141']
Hey, Sal and Maelstrom, chill the $%&@ out and cut it out with the insults or I'm reporting both of you to moderation and I'll get a mod in here to rule on genetic modification for purposes other than, oh say, curing cancer, as well. You both are crossing a line and you both need to shut the $%&@ up. And if you keep pissing me off, I'm just going to !@#$@#$ use the word $%&@ in a !@#$@#$ higher !@#$@#$ frequency until maybe it !@#$@#$ gets through your !@#$@#$ thick heads that this !@#$@#$ argument is !@#$@#$ stupid. !@#$@#$ got it?

Oh man. I've [i]never [/i]seen som many filtered words in one post. So...what shall we talk of now?

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[quote name='Subtleknifewielder' timestamp='1285453940' post='2464607']
It. Isn't. A. Dragon. It's a human with some characteristics [i]like[/i] a dragon.

The fact remains that that kind of genetic modification will not be even close to being possible by 2020.

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[quote name='Subtleknifewielder' timestamp='1285453940' post='2464607']
Sal, do us all a favor and be quiet this time. You in no way rebutted the arguments, You simply dismissed them as nonsensical, or irrelevent. You rarely countered them.[/quote]

Not once did I say another argument was irrelevant. This is the second time a poster has fabricated this accusation. I think it's safe to say that neither poster has any idea what my arguments were and is thus in no position to evaluate them. This is also the upteenth time someone has tried to silence me or cut off debate. Lies and suppression seem to be the only tactics left to my opponents. Oh, insults and impotent threats too.

Edited by Sal Paradise
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[quote name='Sal Paradise' timestamp='1285455627' post='2464636']
Not once did I say another argument was irrelevant.
No, you didn't use the word irrelevent. I never said that. You did however convey that in your attitude.

[quote name='Sal Paradise' timestamp='1285455627' post='2464636']
This is the second time a poster has fabricated this accusation. I think it's safe to say that neither poster has any idea what my arguments were and is thus in no position to evaluate them.
This is exactly the attitude you have used. Even when a poster was polite, this was the atttitude you used more often than not when dismissing [i]their[/i] arguments.

And I read [i]everything[/i] before saying anything. If you think otherwise, you don't really know me. I've been burned too many times for speaking out too early.

[quote name='Sal Paradise' timestamp='1285455627' post='2464636']
This is also the upteenth time someone has tried to silence [color=red][b]me[/b][/color] or cut off debate. Lies and suppression seem to be the only tactics left to [color=red][b]my[/b][/color] opponents. Oh, insults and impotent threats too.
Oh, because naturally we have nothing better to do than waste time fabricating statements to make you look bad. [i]Naturally[/i] the world revolves around you, for good or ill. No one else on your 'side' exchanged insults with Mael. Almost everyone else managed civil debate.

And what threats? Please, point them out.

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Seeing as you read [i]everything[/i] (emphasis yours), it shouldn't be hard for you to point out a post of mine in which I dismissed an argument as nonsense that you believe makes sense, or where I dismissed a post as irrelevant that you believe is irrelevant. Then we can discuss the merits of that argument, instead of going on and on about what a horrible person I am.

Edited by Sal Paradise
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[quote name='Sal Paradise' timestamp='1285459079' post='2464679']
Seeing as you read [i]everything[/i] (emphasis yours), it shouldn't be hard for you to point out a post of mine in which I dismissed an argument as nonsense that you believe makes sense, or where I dismissed a post as irrelevant that you believe is irrelevant. Then we can discuss the merits of that argument, instead of going on and on about what a horrible person I am.
Stop talking, stat linking. Also, stop the victim act and suck it up. I'm one of the more patient people here and I'm getting tired of your shenanigans.

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