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Nukes^6 Update - Nuclear-Enforced No Fly Zone

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2 minutes ago, firingline said:

"Some Old Guard nations may die, but it's a sacrifice I am willing to make."

I can change my AA, you gonna hit me?

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51 minutes ago, ADude said:


This isn’t doom related, this is purely Armen related. LWW can explain to them what’s going on and why.

As a question, if a doom sphere member was shown to consistently make OOC attacks against me, what you doing about that? I already know the answer based off 2 decades in this game but this conflict makes for an interesting precedent.

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9 minutes ago, firingline said:

"Some Old Guard nations may die, but it's a sacrifice I am willing to make."

see i know you are not this stupid. please actually dispute what was said. i know its difficult for you to have a point and not just grasp for any bit of attention.

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2 hours ago, firingline said:


Nukes^6 update

Nukes^6 continues to stand for all that is good and just in this world. Despite our best attempts, CCC has shown little interest in curbing the personal attacks emanating from their alliance. As such, we will continue increasing the cost of this decision for CCC and her allies.


Nukes^6 recognizes a state of war with the following alliances, whose unwarranted aggression against Nukes^6 brings us here today (additions in bold.)



-Non Grata


-New Polar Order (for acts of war against Nukes^6 - sanctions)

-Old Guard (for acts of war against Nukes^6 - aiding nations and alliances at war with Nukes^6)

Additionally, we are announcing a new policy: a No-Fly Zone at high NS levels. The aforementioned alliances are hereby prohibited from having an upper tier. (This is defined as whatever we feel like at that moment - to be safe, I'd recommend having all nations sell down to below 100,000 NS.)


We find Old Guard and FTW to be in violation of this policy. Trimming commences... now.


We find it important to repeat our goals here: hatred and personal attacks have no place in this community. We urge CCC to make good-faith attempts to follow their own charter and hold their people accountable so that we can all enjoy a healthy, safe community.



!@#$%* please you know we don't care 😂

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4 hours ago, Mogar said:

As a question, if a doom sphere member was shown to consistently make OOC attacks against me, what you doing about that? I already know the answer based off 2 decades in this game but this conflict makes for an interesting precedent.

Bring it up to relevant leadership and see what they say, if you feel wronged you are welcome to try our approach.

Edited by ADude
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4 hours ago, Canik said:


!@#$%* please you know we don't care 😂

I am actually kind of sad for Codark and how little y’all care for him, perhaps he should join a better alliance.

Edited by ADude
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6 hours ago, ADude said:

They were in tW during the initial war with TPE, it doesn’t matter if they hit or not.


Also where was CK the last time you fought the commies? 

Now we talking different war. Wolves took ghost when commies did.


I'd like someone to pull the CN definition for me for a ghost.... :P



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22 minutes ago, AL Bundy said:

Now we talking different war. Wolves took ghost when commies did.


I'd like someone to pull the CN definition for me for a ghost.... :P



A ghost is any nation that shows the alliance affiliation of an alliance without being a proper member of that alliance. Most alliances require members to apply on their forums. If a nation chooses to identify as a member of a specific alliance without applying and waiting for acceptance, they risk being identified as a ghost.

Ghost | Cyber Nations Wiki | Fandom


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7 hours ago, firingline said:

Doom isn't doing anything. Nor are there any rogues involved.

Old Guard was openly warned that aid was an act of war. They made the conscious choice to directly aid Armen. I'm not sure what they expected the results would be.

I think you're trying to shift the blame since it was your VEP software that directed Old Guard to send that aid to Armen, and thus it is largely your fault that @Lan Mandragoran will be going to 0.

Always blaming everybody else instead of taking accountability for your actions. It's what got CCC here in the first place.

This almost would have been a relevant argument had you actually hit one of their VEP members. Incredibly typical.

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4 hours ago, ADude said:

I am actually kind of sad for Codark and how little y’all care for him, perhaps he should join a better alliance.

I actually feel way worse for Lan.


His allies basically tricked his alliance into sending aid to a nation at war, and now years of effort on his part are going to be erased. And all his MDP partner does is hop on the forums and say "Bi*** please you know we don't care."

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9 hours ago, Mogar said:

As a question, if a doom sphere member was shown to consistently make OOC attacks against me, what you doing about that? I already know the answer based off 2 decades in this game but this conflict makes for an interesting precedent.

You've never approached me with that, and you are free to. I've addressed it when it's come up in back channels, but if we don't know, I'm not sure hiw we can fix it

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13 hours ago, CrinkledStraw said:

Adude is somehow worse at logic and reason than FL. That’s impressive. 


Keep screeching for relevance. Please declare on me. This is an OOC attack, since I have to believe your insufferable IC persona is just who you are at this point. 

He always had been

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