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Unknown Smurf

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It's like Tywin has rubbed off on the lot of them.  Congrats polarites for proving his points immediately after he stated them.


I guess invoking Tywin is the Planet Bob equivalent of Godwin's Law in the thug circles. It certainly provides an intellectually dishonest means of slithering away from addressing any points that were raised -- namely that you are a criminal and a sociopath in an alliance of criminals and sociopaths.


And Tywin has been around since Sept of '13. I have been around since Jun of '06.  People who remember me from those days will tell you that what you are seeing is very very familiar.


As I said before, congrats for bringing me back. I was perfectly content to manage my nation and participate in internal alliance affairs until you savages showed up and started pounding us for no good reason.


Dry your little tears; you only have yourselves to blame.

Edited by Walford
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Oh, please. Do not pretend ignorance. It is the alliances that have been sent in to suffer the losses in the lower tiers where yours has very little representation.

You are really quite delusional.

These are not isolated instances concerning those sent in to fight alongside you. It is embarrassing how inept and unmotivated many of them are. You people are experienced and had to have known to expect this from your allies, but you sent them in anyway just to take up war slots. So I do indeed maintain that they have been exploited.

No, we actually don't keep track of the precise level of activity and experience of every single nation in every single allied alliance, as well as allied allied alliances and so forth, nor are we aware of all the external circumstances which may prevent them from being active at that specific time.

Are one of the objectives of this war that you are supposed to be seen as "badass"? The fact that through what I still maintain had to be manipulation you got a dozen alliances to join you in piling on to ours, makes your lot cowards. Showing the world that you felt the need to get so much help by calling in so many pawns is a back-handed expression of respect towards New Polar Order.

I would have no problem at all fighting along side my friends regardless of whom was or wasn't on our side, and I'm sure we'd still win. That being said, if other alliances want a slice of the pie, we are not going to withhold it from them. Every alliance is sovereign and has it's own decisions to make, there is zero interference nor pressure. Every alliance has the right to go to war if they so choose, and as far as I am aware, it is generally favourably viewed and an act to be desired - not an act that brings "suffering" and "losses. If your side views war as a circumstance which results in bad outcomes, I am not surprised at the results it is producing for you. For us, war is a time of excitement and fun.

Regardless of what their ultimate objective is, make no mistake: These people are a cancer and should be treated as such. They cannot be trusted as allies. They will use you and then throw you away when you are no longer needed. Then they will start raiding YOU.

If you believe your empty words will break the bonds that bound us together you are deeply mistaken. Alliances like AZTEC or DT-DBDC have much tighter integration and communication than anything comparable on your side. To even fathom betrayal is a laughable concept.

Ultimately our record speaks for itself.
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I'll go out on a limb here and maybe be proven wrong but I don't expect it.
Honestly I don't believe DBDC will turn on you barring some genuinely unforeseeable relationship blow up.

Will you go out on a limb and say that applies to every single alliance on your side in this coalition?

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Will you go out on a limb and say that applies to every single alliance on your side in this coalition?

Like all coalitions, most alliances aren't really overly involved with each other, it's just the way the treaty web plays out. Whatever the next war will be will probably look from at least somewhat to totally different, it's just the way it is.
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We sure don't, but will that stop it from happening anyway?


You people are unbelievable. You start a war and are bleating that those you are attacking are actually going to have something to say about it other than LULz. You have been spending too much time with your toadies and sycophants.


I would have no problem at all fighting along side my friends regardless of whom was or wasn't on our side, and I'm sure we'd still win.


Win what, exactly? Things that you have robbed from others at the expense of your own virtue and honor [not to say you had any in the first place]. Ours is not only intact, it is stronger than ever. These are things that parasites lacking in values cannot loot.



That being said, if other alliances want a slice of the pie, we are not going to withhold it from them.



These "pies" you are referring to are people. Their nations that took a long time to build up and such a short time to destroy. In your twisted minds, destruction is the same thing as creation. As sociopaths, you look at others as a means to an end, so you refer to them as "pies" to be sliced up and divided amongst flukes, fleas and tapeworms.


Every alliance is sovereign and has it's own decisions to make, there is zero interference nor pressure. Every alliance has the right to go to war if they so choose, and as far as I am aware, it is generally favourably viewed and an act to be desired - not an act that brings "suffering" and "losses. If your side views war as a circumstance which results in bad outcomes, I am not surprised at the results it is producing for you. For us, war is a time of excitement and fun.



As I explained earlier, you are impinging upon the sovereignty of nations, alliances and entire coalitions that might want to concentrate their energies on other things than having to grapple the stench of your bodies. It is an imposition just to know your names. You are not worthy of knowing ours.


So many instead have chosen to leave Planet Bob for good rather than exist in a world divided between the sheep and the wolves. Those who remain are cowed into silence -- except those few who realize they have nothing left to lose regarding their nations and are thus free to express themselves. :P


Doing things that shrink the total population of the world and deprive our community of discourse, diplomacy and rhetoric that does not rise beyond the level of LULZ is bad for everyone -- including the victors. This world has gotten a lot more boring because your sick mentality rules the day. There are only so many ways to inflict damage upon a nation before it becomes old hat.


If you believe your empty words will break the bonds that bound us together you are deeply mistaken. Alliances like AZTEC or DT-DBDC have much tighter integration and communication than anything comparable on your side. To even fathom betrayal is a laughable concept.

Ultimately our record speaks for itself.



No, I am not saying that my words have the power to do any such thing -- except to expose you as the vile, prevaricating, sociopathic looters that you are. The bonds that hold your coalition together are those of convenience only and therefore it will be you who are the ones who break them when you once again become bored or have wrenched all you could from your allies. Once these satellite alliances have served their purposes as meat-shields, they will be discarded like so much trash and set upon by the mindless, slavering mob that makes up your core constituency.

Indeed your record does speak for itself. Your word isn't worth spit. Your loyalty only goes as far as what you can manipulate or intimidate your allies to do for you.


And if the population of Planet Bob manages to survive your troupe of Troglodytes' existence, if you are remembered at all, it will be that of a cancer that grew at the expense of others.

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Win what, exactly? Things that you have robbed from others at the expense of your own virtue and honor [not to say you had any in the first place]. Ours is not only intact, it is stronger than ever. These are things that parasites lacking in values cannot loot.

I can't really argue this because I do not share your belief system with regard to that statement.

In your twisted minds, destruction is the same thing as creation.


About as relevant as anything else you post.

So many instead have chosen to leave Planet Bob for good rather than exist in a world divided between the sheep and the wolves. Those who remain are cowed into silence -- except those few who realize they have nothing left to lose regarding their nations and are thus free to express themselves. :P

That's quite a wild claim, and one without historic precedence. The number of nations has nothing to do with DBDC or this war.

No, I am not saying that my words have the power to do any such thing -- except to expose you as the vile, prevaricating, sociopathic looters that you are. The bonds that hold your coalition together are those of convenience only and therefore it will be you who are the ones who break them when you once again become bored or have wrenched all you could from your allies. Once these satellite alliances have served their purposes as meat-shields, they will be discarded like so much trash and set upon by the mindless, slavering mob that makes up your core constituency.

Once again, nobody is forced or coerced into fighting, alliances fight because they want to, because their members are bored. To that end, everyone loses as much as they want, they can pull out anytime, or participate to whatever little extent they deem necessary.

Indeed your record does speak for itself. Your word isn't worth spit. Your loyalty only goes as far as what you can manipulate or intimidate your allies to do for you.

And what in CN history serves precedence for these accusations?
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I can't really argue this because I do not share your belief system with regard to that statement.


I don't think you have a belief system other than Might Makes Right. It is the belief system of bullies and cowards.


That's quite a wild claim, and one without historic precedence. The number of nations has nothing to do with DBDC or this war.


That thousands of nations have disappeared from Planet Bob once Might Makes Right replaced diplomacy, rhetoric and discourse is absolutely the case. As I noted earlier, at one point there were 45,000  nations -- 12,000 of which were non-aligned. They were left largely unmolested until general war was declared upon the independents and small alliances. Now there about 500 non-aligned left and so, small and then medium-sized alliances were then targeted once the non-aligned were flayed and then discarded. Now there really are no large alliances left.


As I predicted at the time, we would eventually come to the point in which the ever-shrinking population would be left with roving gangs like yours fighting over bones, rags and rubble. But when destruction becomes a form of amusement and boredom becomes Casus Belli, the nihilism only grows and those on the target lists decide to leave rather than be beaten up and silenced on the OWF.

Once again, nobody is forced or coerced into fighting, alliances fight because they want to, because their members are bored. To that end, everyone loses as much as they want, they can pull out anytime, or participate to whatever little extent they deem necessary.

Only boring people become bored. You and your coalition is pathetic if beating up people who did nothing to you is all you can come up with for amusement. How long does it take to fire some cruise missiles, send in a ground attack, etc. What do you do with yourselves the rest of the time?


No, don't tell me. I'm sure it's disgusting.

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You people are unbelievable. You start a war and are bleating that those you are attacking are actually going to have something to say about it other than LULz. You have been spending too much time with your toadies and sycophants.




These "pies" you are referring to are people. Their nations that took a long time to build up and such a short time to destroy. In your twisted minds, destruction is the same thing as creation. As sociopaths, you look at others as a means to an end, so you refer to them as "pies" to be sliced up and divided amongst flukes, fleas and tapeworms.




This SCM guy sounds like such a poopy-head.  

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I have an idea, given that you like warz n stuff, why don't you go non-aligned? You can do as we did and set your alliance affiliation as NONE (capitalized) and choose the same flag. That way some could figure out that there was a relationship and avoid you, but others might decide to take you on and see what happens. We didn't do diplomacy, we just fought -- and believe me, your defensive wars will keep you busy enough.

Oh no, you wouldn't do that. You don't have the guts. Instead, you cravenly exploit the alliance system just as you exploit your [temporary] affiliated alliances. You hide behind the same AA to protect your precious pixels, then look for houses to break into and people to beat up.


Prove me wrong and go out into the world as independents and see what courage and integrity is really made of.

Edited by Walford
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A question my dear Walford - why is "moralism" a superior philosophy to those you preach against?


It is the central question too, because a lot of what you have been writing boils down to...


"You are sociopaths and [insert name-calling here] because you do not see the world the way that I do."

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I have an idea, given that you like warz n stuff, why don't you go non-aligned? You can do as we did and set your alliance affiliation as NONE (capitalized) and choose the same flag. That way some could figure out that there was a relationship and avoid you, but others might decide to take you on and see what happens. We didn't do diplomacy, we just fought -- and believe me, your defensive wars will keep you busy enough.
Oh no, you wouldn't do that. You don't have the guts. Instead, you cravenly exploit the alliance system just as you exploit your [temporary] affiliated alliances. You hide behind the same AA to protect your precious pixels, then look for houses to break into and people to beat up.
Prove me wrong and go out into the world as independents and see what courage and integrity is really made of.

Yes let's go recreate your failed AA and see if we can actually make it work at your personal request. I bet you we could, actually. We pretty much started out as that anyway, and had to forge several major AA connections before anyone outside of our inner circle gave us legitimacy. You think the physical name of our alliance is what gives us power? Like somehow if we changed to SNARF we'd be mass declared on. We both know better.

For my estimation, the only AA name we could change to that would guarantee our utter destruction would be the New Polar Order.
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A question my dear Walford - why is "moralism" a superior philosophy to those you preach against?


It is the central question too, because a lot of what you have been writing boils down to...


"You are sociopaths and [insert name-calling here] because you do not see the world the way that I do."


Straw Man.


Yes let's go recreate your failed AA and see if we can actually make it work at your personal request.


NONE did not fail. We were hounded from the Planet by thugs like you because they didn't like that the non-aligned organized mutual defense rather than being punching bags and tech-cows. The criminal alliances couldn't tell how many we were until they were counter-attacked.


No, we didn't lose, the entire world did when the Might-Makes-Right paradigm that parasite alliances like yours held sway. That is why the world's population is about a quarter of what it was when NONE was created.


I bet you we could, actually. We pretty much started out as that anyway, and had to forge several major AA connections before anyone outside of our inner circle gave us legitimacy. You think the physical name of our alliance is what gives us power? Like somehow if we changed to SNARF we'd be mass declared on. We both know better.



You don't have any power, that's what you don't get. The ability to destroy is not power. It is the opposite of power. True power comes from integrity, virtue and honor -- which as I already said, your band utterly lacks. You have a horrible reputation as liars, betrayers, bullies and cowards -- which is well-deserved. Your meat-shields will learn this soon enough.

No matter what you do, we will be the same and will retain what is really important and valuable.


For my estimation, the only AA name we could change to that would guarantee our utter destruction would be the New Polar Order.



You as Polars? I may vomit.

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If your aim was to make us feel bad about our actions I'm not sure they're having the intended effect, as insults and threats generally don't produce the best of discussions, but lets all take a step back. To get everybody calmed down I think its finally time to reveal the true purpose of DBDC. You see DBDC was actually created as a means to secure all the brussels sprouts on planet Bob. Sir Hoppingtons wife is really partial to them and to keep her happy he's decided to make sure she always has tasty sprouts to eat. So my apologies, it is truly a romantic endeavour alas rabbits unfortunately lack empathy [especially when seeking scrumptrilescent sprouts] and so there's been a few unintended consequences of this years long quest. Ambitious? certainly. Evil? Misguided maybe, but not evil. Adorable? most definitely.

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He's right about DBDC being the philosophical culmination of those who have purged so many nations from our world over the years. As Vladimir once said, the Existential Threat. Or I call the parasite nations. Cubaquerida is going to get all mad and take Walfords words as (ooc)OOC(/ooc) insults against himself as he usually does. Polar obviously can't stop this process of destroying our world though so I question who can.

Edited by Tywin Lannister
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If your aim was to make us feel bad about our actions I'm not sure they're having the intended effect, as insults and threats generally don't produce the best of discussions, but lets all take a step back. To get everybody calmed down I think its finally time to reveal the true purpose of DBDC. You see DBDC was actually created as a means to secure all the brussels sprouts on planet Bob. Sir Hoppingtons wife is really partial to them and to keep her happy he's decided to make sure she always has tasty sprouts to eat. So my apologies, it is truly a romantic endeavour alas rabbits unfortunately lack empathy [especially when seeking scrumptrilescent sprouts] and so there's been a few unintended consequences of this years long quest. Ambitious? certainly. Evil? Misguided maybe, but not evil. Adorable? most definitely.


I don't care about how you feel. I'm just exposing your ilk for what you are. As sociopaths, I would expect you to be outraged at being called on it. Your purpose is obvious and your members have stated as such. To attack others to alleviate boredom and steal what they have. It is a pointless pursuit that will never be satisfied.


What I would like to see is one of you explain to the world why you started this war and what would you see as a satisfactory end.

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All these years later and people care about Walford's crusade(s) now just as much as they did back then. Which is to say, not at all.


(Also, if he would just use the word 'bourgeois' a bit more his posts would be indistinguishable from Tywin's.)

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If true, that's just a sad indictment of this global community.


Not really. He makes no attempt at creating a rational argument, he's just crying like a pathetic child who just realised the world doesn't work the way he wants it to.

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All these years later and people care about Walford's crusade(s) now just as much as they did back then. Which is to say, not at all.


(Also, if he would just use the word 'bourgeois' a bit more his posts would be indistinguishable from Tywin's.)


Really? Why are so many people responding then?


Also, a capitalist like walford would not use terminology favored by those who favor using force to redistribute from those who produce to those who do not.

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Blood for the Blood God.

The Emperor Protects!

Regarding capitalism and such remember these concepts only refer to systems within our own nations and have no macropolitical relevance in our world. Kingzog is wrong, any political terminology I use is always unique and adapted to the material conditions of our world.
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The Emperor Protects!

Regarding capitalism and such remember these concepts only refer to systems within our own nations and have no macropolitical relevance in our world. Kingzog is wrong, any political terminology I use is always unique and adapted to the material conditions of our world.


True, if everybody was robbing and nobody was producing, the world would be even more impoverished than it is. There would be mass starvation, disease and rebellions flaring up. Instead of money and products, we are hemorrhaging nations.

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