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Unknown Smurf

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The two of them are both hopelessly deluded. Walford forgets that the entire world (including Polaris) stood by and laughed while his little 'NONE' experiment flailed about in its death throes. And Tywin, well, he thinks he mattered once. They are perfect examples of what Polaris has turned into: a gathering point for misfits, losers and backstabbers. And the alliance as a whole lacks the self-awareness to realize what it has become, where it is headed, how it got there and how it did it to itself.


They, and others from Polaris, will respond with variations of, "We don't know and we don't care." They can hardly answer otherwise.


I'd answer with "Ad Hominem"


Funny how you guys don't do so well debating when you can't all gang up on one person anymore.

Edited by Tywin Lannister
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The two of them are both hopelessly deluded. Walford forgets that the entire world (including Polaris) stood by and laughed while his little 'NONE' experiment flailed about in its death throes. And Tywin, well, he thinks he mattered once. They are perfect examples of what Polaris has turned into: a gathering point for misfits, losers and backstabbers. And the alliance as a whole lacks the self-awareness to realize what it has become, where it is headed, how it got there and how it did it to itself.


They, and others from Polaris, will respond with variations of, "We don't know and we don't care." They can hardly answer otherwise.


You have been around your kind for far too long. The entire world most definitely did not laugh when NONE and the LoFN was hunted down and exterminated. Please note the name and date of the quote from a thread that turned out to be chronicling the LoFN's last stand in my signature: It was written by a prominent member of New polar Order. Click the link and see for yourself; the thread showing actual history is still available. When they deigned to explain their attacks, it was by using lies. In the process, they showed the world how empty they were as they drove hundreds of nations away forever.


I invite everyone to review the sort of people we were and whom we were facing.

Further, NONE was not a failed experiment as you say, people like our current enemy found its existence to be too dangerous so we were declared unwelcome to exist on this Planet. Unable to get aid and unable to finance ourselves, we kept fighting until bill-lock and deletion rather than submit to the aggressors' demands.


We died and did so with honour; much more than could be said about anyone else we faced then or now.


You can believe whatever mythology that makes you able to live with yourself but do not expect me to quietly abide you or anyone else prevaricate about what happened to me and the noblest and bravest people I have ever known. Today, I am proud to be in NpO for the same reason.

Edited by Morgaine
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People quit because CN is boring on the day to day and requires a long term commitment. Games that thrive are ones you can pick up, play for an hour and be done with it. FIFA, LoL, whatever...

Blaming people quitting because others attacked them is a stupid argument.


The first part of this statement is completely true. CN is a very long-term game that requires dilligance and sometimes luck to get the most out of it. Some people are not cut out to play such a game, either be it time they can dedicate or will to see things through where it can take years to get anywhere and that drives people away. Newbie retention in any online game is paramount to survival and, in that aspect, CN has been failing for a while. Things like TE can help, but the main game is still very time consuming in that one has to be patient and wait for things to happen 90% of the time.


The other sentance is debatable.


Some people don't want to join a game and then suddenly be engaged in PvP action because they are unaligned, or join the wrong side of a smackdown  when they know nothing about what is going on. In such cases, it is entierly possible to blame the attackers for scaring a new nation out of the game and never coming back. This has been a problem for many, many years, long before DBDC even showed up and even before folks like \m/ if memory serves. As shown by the sizable neutral alliances, some people don't play this game for war and, when forced with war, will fold if they are older, or outright quit if they are newer. Bob has been on the decline for many years and it is unfair to say DBDC and the Doomshpere are the cause. Some call them a cancer; I call them a SYMPTOM of a wider problem.


For many years there was a tight hegemony that basically ruled bob (NPO days) under the pretense of order and security. The natural response of this was anarchy and destruction as people would do anything to kill the people in charge. Karma happened and these nations were given a chance to rise and took it, creating 'lolzism' as some of my kith have termed it. Now, Doom and friends are in charge and instead of impenitrable treaty chains we have people attacking others before they become too strong to form a resistance or threat.


Moralism and lolism are two sides of the same coin; excess of either leads to stagnation and an air of hopelessness that drives older people to leave because they cannot see how the current mentality will break. Everything becomes 'us vs them' and eventually the power bloc shows weakness, a side rises up, there is some chaos and a new hegemony emerges. Somehow Planet Bob needs to strike a balance between going to war for no reason and respecting soverency of others. But since this isn't possible right now, saying this is just blowing into the wind. I'm not a leader; I'm just an old grunt who once saw the downfall of NAAC and quit for a few years because when they broke up I was in eternal war and said 'screw this'.


TL;DR: Tywin, stop being a commie and waving a flag, excessive order is just as destructive as excessive chaos. Also, the game started dying long before DBDC was a thing from my POV.


Also, first post on forums in almost 4 years! I have no idea why I came back, lol.

Edited by Ciroton
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...Some people don't want to join a game and then suddenly be engaged in PvP action because they are unaligned, or join the wrong side of a smackdown  when they know nothing about what is going on. In such cases, it is entierly possible to blame the attackers for scaring a new nation out of the game and never coming back. This has been a problem for many, many years, long before DBDC even showed up and even before folks like \m/ if memory serves. As shown by the sizable neutral alliances, some people don't play this game for war and, when forced with war, will fold if they are older, or outright quit if they are newer. Bob has been on the decline for many years and it is unfair to say DBDC and the Doomshpere are the cause. Some call them a cancer; I call them a SYMPTOM of a wider problem.


Nobody on our side actually said that our present enemy is the creator of this paradigm of wars being started for frivolous and harmful reasons. As I said earlier, the enemy is merely the latest gang in a long series of gangs participating in a pattern that was created by others long ago. 

Regarding the part of your quote that I bolded, whether the enemy created this situation or not, they are responsible for the losses in population that will be a direct result of this latest war. Their emptiness in character prevents them from being capable of accepting responsibility, but those who are honest and capable of being objective should be able to review history, compare it to the present and make their own conclusions about the consequences of wars like these.


I am not concerned about the New polar Order, however. We have weathered worse and will get through this with our honour and sovereignty intact.

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Say what you will about what DBDC is doing, but you can't really question the way they got here. They started with three (four? was sighet around idk) nations two years ago.

They've picked up some questionable characters along the way, but the core group of members at DBDC were just really good at war and somehow chanced into thriving by it, instead of staying at a medium or not-gargantuan size.

One could say they had a large Umbrella covering them to keep them safe while they got rolling. They've never been alone in that regard.

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One could say they had a large Umbrella covering them to keep them safe while they got rolling. They've never been alone in that regard.

That large Umbrella was fairly isolated at the start of their journey, and also didn't help them during the Mushqaeda crusade.
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I look forward to this war ending so your lot can be forgotten about. Your mentality is so, so repulsive.

Oh, why won't anyone please think of the children?

In any case, I typed out a thoughtful question in the private DBDC embassy that formal members of DBDC are welcomed to visit and answer :)

Might be waiting a while.
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Further, NONE was not a failed experiment as you say, people like our current enemy found its existence to be too dangerous so we were declared unwelcome to exist on this Planet. Unable to get aid and unable to finance ourselves, we kept fighting until bill-lock and deletion rather than submit to the aggressors' demands.


"We did not fail. Let me explain why we failed."

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The two of them are both hopelessly deluded. Walford forgets that the entire world (including Polaris) stood by and laughed while his little 'NONE' experiment flailed about in its death throes. And Tywin, well, he thinks he mattered once. They are perfect examples of what Polaris has turned into: a gathering point for misfits, losers and backstabbers. And the alliance as a whole lacks the self-awareness to realize what it has become, where it is headed, how it got there and how it did it to itself.


They, and others from Polaris, will respond with variations of, "We don't know and we don't care." They can hardly answer otherwise.

lolz! take a look at your alliance and you allies are headed to before you judge them. i'll take being branded as misfits, losers than to what brand you thugs are entitled to.

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"We did not fail. Let me explain why we failed."


We were designated for elimination and were attacked by a coalition of alliances each of which was much larger than ours. Is every victim of a crime or a group wiped out because they were designated for genocide guilty of failure? 



You people truly are disgusting!

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In any case Sir hoppington is out of brussels sprouts again so time to head back onto the battlefield....


you should..WTF is making some strides to hit back by implementing the tactics GPA has tried on o ya.

i'm am now enjoying your wars much better and excited as to what WTF will do after the 1st round.

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We have seen from the enemy (and their hangers-on) in their own statements what they consider to be success or failure as well as worthiness of existing. 


It is akin to a gang of hooligans going into a neighbourhood, burning down all of the houses with everyone in them and then declaring that by the fact that they "succeeded" in murdering these people, that the perpetrators are winners and the victims are losers.


They and those like them have been saying this about the majority of nations that have left the Planet because they were not interested in functioning in a place in which war is the entire point. 


This is the mentality of someone with a personality disorder. Those of you who unfortunate to have been around people so afflicted already know they are not the ones who suffer, everyone around them suffers. They are quite happy with themselves and only become upset when someone would have the temerity of holding them accountable or even discuss how what they have done has harmed others, and ultimately themselves.


They are incapable of taking responsibility and, of course are completely bereft of the capacity for empathy.


"How would you like it if somebody did that to you?"


"But it is NOT me."


Such people cannot be reasoned with or bargained with. They are not amenable to treatment or rehabilitation. They will always think that a different set of rules apply to them and hence feel entitled to perpetrate. The only time they become outraged is if they experience consequences, limitations, or even merely being called on for what they have done.


So remember this, you who are in alliances that for the moment are fighting alongside them. Next time might be your turn. Next time YOU will be the ones who are deemed as the next sources of their fleeting amusement.

Edited by Morgaine
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Alot of these guys are cowards. They mock the warrior who makes a glorious last stand while admiring the acts of bandwaggoning and sycophancy. The same people who laugh at Polar now would be panicking and crying if they had to face a real fight.

Warriors don't care about the contempt of cowards.

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Nobody on our side actually said that our present enemy is the creator of this paradigm of wars being started for frivolous and harmful reasons. As I said earlier, the enemy is merely the latest gang in a long series of gangs participating in a pattern that was created by others long ago. 

Regarding the part of your quote that I bolded, whether the enemy created this situation or not, they are responsible for the losses in population that will be a direct result of this latest war. Their emptiness in character prevents them from being capable of accepting responsibility, but those who are honest and capable of being objective should be able to review history, compare it to the present and make their own conclusions about the consequences of wars like these.


I am not concerned about the New polar Order, however. We have weathered worse and will get through this with our honour and sovereignty intact.



I never said they weren't responsable, but rather, as you have said, they are not the first to act in this manner and certainly will not be the last if Bob endures. And yes, if there is one thing we in Polar do well, it is endure. We may walk away with a bloody nose or a broken leg, but we will not disappear.


... Such people cannot be reasoned with or bargained with. They are not amenable to treatment or rehabilitation. They will always think that a different set of rules apply to them and hence feel entitled to perpetrate. The only time they become outraged is if they experience consequences, limitations, or even merely being called on for what they have done.


So remember this, you who are in alliances that for the moment are fighting alongside them. Next time might be your turn. Next time YOU will be the ones who are deemed as the next sources of their fleeting amusement.


If such people can't be reasoned or bargined with, why are you debating with some of them when all they will reply with is "Lolz you fa1l!", or something of that ilk? I understand trying to get a point across, but there is a thin line between doing that and talking to a brick wall. If these people only speak in the language of actions and violence, then let your actions do the talking rather than wasting breath lecturing rocks. But if this is fun for you to do, by all means, do not let me stop you, sir/ma'am!

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you should..WTF is making some strides to hit back by implementing the tactics GPA has tried on o ya.
i'm am now enjoying your wars much better and excited as to what WTF will do after the 1st round.

Me too! :) 

As noted elsewhere, the given reason for starting this particular war was...to start a war. The ultimate objective has been asked for and not given. I am not saying that wars per se drive people from the Planet, but wars being declared for frivolous reasons by those who do not keep their word creates uncertainty for those who would rather focus on the political or economic arenas that used to be available. Now it is just monopolised by war for its own sake, which some people find boring. Most of them have been gone for years now.
What is disturbing about this next phase in the destruction of our Planet is Might Makes Right is not enough any more, because violence, like a drug, is never quite satisfying and must always escalate and escalate and escalate. That would be fine if it did not hurt others.


I won't add much here since others have already argued this point far better than me, but essentially: sure lets say this war is just for the sake of war, I don't see how that is any different than the flimsy CB's that have been used to start global wars previously. Further to that I don't think anybody really ever believes that the CBs used are the real reasons for war to begin with maybe a few exceptions. In the past, and still today, people will play politics for a year-ish and then once their coalition is in place try to find a CB to declare war with but its usually something inconsequential and an obvious excuse. Go back to any global war and find the CB discussions threads they're always good for a laugh, as i'm sure this thread already is.


This is where you are imposing your will upon others and violating their sovereignty. Your sort are not interested in the political aspect (characterising this as stagnation), so rather than finding the like-minded and having fun with them, you specifically target those who do not share your interests and attack them.
In the process, you create your own form of stagnation; one in which barbarians are fighting each other from crater to crater. 

Where in any of that do I imply that we are imposing our will on others? You have not yet addressed that the mass exodus started under the system you are so strongly advocating a return to, unless you are referring to the very beginning of this game but that's just unlikely to ever happen unless there's a total reset, and even then people have now figured out game mechanics and building strategies so a new beginning would also probably look quite different.

You say we are not interested in the political aspects of the game but have provided no proof to justify that statement,if we are not interested in the political aspects of the game we would be completely unaligned yet we arent we have active diplomats, allies, and are constantly seeking out new friends. Just because we might not be interested in playing by the status quo rules doesn't mean we are unpolitical.

This argument has been trotted out before. At one time, nations not belonging to an alliance were left alone for the most part. It might be hard for some more recently here to believe, but there were single nations with no ties to anyone that were as large as those in alliances and had been in few if any wars for as much as a year. Having started out as an unaligned nation for a long time myself, I can say from direct experience that these people were fiercely independent and wanted nothing to do with the alliance system. They were given the respect by the early alliances to be allowed to exist unmolested, unless they attacked someone in an alliance.
Then it was decided that such people are worthless and should have their in-boxes constantly filled with battle reports and recruitment messages. Most of them left. 
Since then, it has been decided that entire alliances and even groups of alliances that do not amuse those who are hell-bent to use force to make this Planet about war and nothing else are also not welcome to remain here. If they wish to retain their sovereignty and not be made into another violent gang, they will be attacked and attacked and attacked.
This is why I say that you and yours are a pathogen. You are hurting everyone and eventually you also will suffer as all there is left is people like you, who have always been in the minority. So the majority is just leaving.

It kinda just sounds like you want to impose your will on the planet and are upset that you do not currently have the power in which to do so. That one time you are referring to was many many years ago now, the world has changed, the gameplay style has changed, and its unfortunate that not everybody likes the changes but good luck on trying to create a game that everybody is going to like all the time. I once played this game very similar to the way you mention [and we have members from alliances that still play the game in a similar fashion]. I had a nation that I just was content to build up and then one day I was attacked. I was completely unready, and I was mad. At first I was mad that I was attacked but then I realised war was kind of fun, I ended up losing big time and not too long after the war finished I deleted my nation... and then something magical happened. I decided that it was my own fault, I hadn't paid enough attention to what was going on in the world, I hadn't invested enough time to find out what the best way to grow my nation was, I hadn't really made any friends in the game so I had no reason to stick around. So I restarted, almost a full year later, and decided to play the game differently and now i've stuck around for a pretty long time. I get what you're saying, i was once essentially one of the people you are referring to, but at the end of the day I realised that it wasn't everybody else who was to blame it was myself for not having the foresight to protect my nation. We also aren't hurting everyone that's just simply not true.

How can the community be “fun and attractive” if people are forced to choose between changing into a criminal gang or be obliterated? Why should everyone else be forced to adopt your standards of success? Maybe we want to stick to debate and discourse, work on our economies and do not want to don leather gear, chains and take turns bashing each other. 
I am amongst the few who are actually saying something. The majority are just leaving and never coming back. If they have to be like you in order to remain, they would just leave instead. 
A world that is only populated by people like you and a shrinking number of designated targets seems pretty boring.

I'm sorry if you don't like the current state of the world, but you've just answered your own question. If you don't like how the world is currently operating the beautiful thing about this game is you can actually do something about it. No it won't be easy but this isn't a game for people who only care about easy to accomplish things, it is a long arduous road, but it is that same road that makes this game fun and attractive.

edit: Also tywin, why would I want to actively seek out discussion with individuals such as yourself. Your posts over the past year have been attempting to systematically villify us. When your arguments are met with criticisms you do not capitulate you just take the same stance regardless. We've never claimed to be some holy entity or moralist, but that doesn't instantly mean we are the spawn of satan seeking to destroy planet Bob. I just don't see the appeal of continuing to be insulted hence why I think most of us probably have you on ignore now. Edited by tayloj7
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If such people can't be reasoned or bargined with, why are you debating with some of them when all they will reply with is "Lolz you fa1l!", or something of that ilk? I understand trying to get a point across, but there is a thin line between doing that and talking to a brick wall. If these people only speak in the language of actions and violence, then let your actions do the talking rather than wasting breath lecturing rocks. But if this is fun for you to do, by all means, do not let me stop you, sir/ma'am!


Actually, I am not debating with them; to do so is pointless. I am offering my observations and they are trying to undermine them in response. Sometimes when they post a response that is untrue or distorted, it is necessary to refute that. I am under no illusions of trying to change their minds; they are incorrigible. 


I am hoping that others who are capable of being honest and objective will be stimulated to use their own minds and make their own conclusions. I am confident that if they are, they will see that what we are discussing has implications that go far beyond that of a "fun fight" and "winning." 


If the present trajectory  as exemplified by how and why this war started continues, we all lose, including the "winners." Perhaps a larger understanding of these implications can arrest and even reverse the downward trend by a means of a fundamental change in our culture and what sort of behaviour will be tolerated when it is clear that it is a threat to the entire population.


Otherwise, all we may be doing is recording an historical record that will eventually become our epitaph.



Morgaine is pointing out to everyone that alot of these guys are as dumb as a brick wall :P


No, I am not. These people are not stupid. They have voids in their character that make it impossible for them to understand or care about the results of their behaviours. They cannot be cured of this, so neutralizing their ability to inflict damage is the only option. That would require an understanding of the problem by the world at large and a resolve to undertake solutions. 


That is not the case today and until it is, expect the decline to continue until the entire Planet is depopulated excepting only of people like them. Then, as has been said before, there will be a final battle in which they turn on each other.

Edited by Morgaine
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Before I begin, let me re-iterate that my responses to the enemy and their hangers-on is not for their benefit nor with the hopes of changing their minds. My responses to their duplicitous prevarications and logical fallacies are for the benefit of anyone who is intellectually honest and cares about the ultimate fate of this Planet. 


We certainly do not want that to rest in THEIR hands.



I won't add much here since others have already argued this point far better than me, but essentially: sure lets say this war is just for the sake of war, I don't see how that is any different than the flimsy CB's that have been used to start global wars previously. Further to that I don't think anybody really ever believes that the CBs used are the real reasons for war to begin with maybe a few exceptions. In the past, and still today, people will play politics for a year-ish and then once their coalition is in place try to find a CB to declare war with but its usually something inconsequential and an obvious excuse. Go back to any global war and find the CB discussions threads they're always good for a laugh, as i'm sure this thread already is.


No one is arguing the point that our current enemy created this situation. As I had said before, they are merely the latest gang of hooligans who are exploiting a toxic paradigm that had already existed. 

Where in any of that do I imply that we are imposing our will on others? You have not yet addressed that the mass exodus started under the system you are so strongly advocating a return to, unless you are referring to the very beginning of this game but that's just unlikely to ever happen unless there's a total reset, and even then people have no figured out game mechanics and building strategies so a new beginning would also probably look quite different.



I am the one saying outright (not implying) that what the enemy is using force to impose their will upon others, to maintain a world in which war is the entire point of being here. If you are interested mostly in politics and war being only a risk, you will be subject to constant attack until you become like them, accept status of being sheep or are hounded from the Planet. It is possible for multiple types of approaches to co-exist. Groups that are interested merely in warfare could find and fight each other and leave those who are interested in other aspects of International Relations to indulge in their interests.


But nay, those who think like the enemy will have none of it. Hence, I stand by my assertion that they are imposing their will upon others as to how the rest of us functions on this Planet.


You say we are not interested in the political aspects of the game but have provided no proof to justify that statement,if we are not interested in the political aspects of the game we would be completely unaligned yet we arent we have active diplomats, allies, and are constantly seeking out new friends. Just because we might not be interested in playing by the status quo rules doesn't mean we are unpolitical.


First of all, let me re-iterate that New polar Order is essentially non-political. We are practical and military. If I may presume to offer based upon my observations of how we conduct ourselves, we do not have much interest in intrigue, ideology and the like. Others do and the place for them continues to shrink as the entire global population shrinks.

That being said, my observation of the enemy's (and other groups like them) version of politics is based upon whether a particular group is useful to them in their pursuit of starting wars out of boredom and plunder. They are added as "allies" and kept as such so long as they are deemed useful in that regard. Later they may be deemed to be more amusing as targets rather than allies.

It kinda just sounds like you want to impose your will on the planet and are upset that you do not currently have the power in which to do so.


Review my previous statement and see that this assumption is intellectually dishonest and invalid. As I said, there is an option of co-existence, but that is off the table so long as the mentality exemplified by the enemy continues to hold sway. 


 That one time you are referring to was many many years ago now, the world has changed, the gameplay style has changed, and its unfortunate that not everybody likes the changes but good luck on trying to create a game that everybody is going to like all the time. I once played this game very similar to the way you mention [and we have members from alliances that still play the game in a similar fashion]. I had a nation that I just was content to build up and then one day I was attacked. I was completely unready, and I was mad. At first I was mad that I was attacked but then I realised war was kind of fun, I ended up losing big time and not too long after the war finished I deleted my nation... and then something magical happened. I decided that it was my own fault, I hadn't paid enough attention to what was going on in the world, I hadn't invested enough time to find out what the best way to grow my nation was, I hadn't really made any friends in the game so I had no reason to stick around. So I restarted, almost a full year later, and decided to play the game differently and now i've stuck around for a pretty long time. I get what you're saying, i was once essentially one of the people you are referring to, but at the end of the day I realised that it wasn't everybody else who was to blame it was myself for not having the foresight to protect my nation. We also aren't hurting everyone that's just simply not true.

In a mostly political world, the New polar Order might be different. But as I said before, we are a military alliance and are prepared to deal with this sort of thing and can cope with it:




But those who would rather do something else than deal with this do not have that option under the present paradigm. So they will leave, and the rest of us are the poorer at their loss.


I'm sorry if you don't like the current state of the world, but you've just answered your own question. If you don't like how the world is currently operating the beautiful thing about this game is you can actually do something about it. No it won't be easy but this isn't a game for people who only care about easy to accomplish things, it is a long arduous road, but it is that same road that makes this game fun and attractive.



Recovering from a series of apocalyptic events that resulted in the shedding of the majority of the world's population is not "fun" or "attractive." It is a grim task that must be undertaken if the decline is to be arrested. We have to first understand the nature of the problem and its causes. The occasion of this war provides me and others to openly explore it with the hopes of finding solutions.


Just accepting that this is a place of nothing but frivolous war, eating our own and emulating those who suckle the life-blood from the rest of the world is not a viable option. It is also a boring option.

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We were designated for elimination and were attacked by a coalition of alliances each of which was much larger than ours. Is every victim of a crime or a group wiped out because they were designated for genocide guilty of failure? 
You people truly are disgusting!

Such Zealotry is what is truly disgusting. Not just of you, but the majority of your prevaricating, vociferous propagandists. You preach a creed of victimhood and martyrdom while fastening about yourself the same blooddrenched clothes of your predecessors. Your own Emperor does not go as far as you, white washing the corpses of those whose lands you've trod and whose people your forebears repressed and exterminated! How many are alliances, some of noble name and bearing, that were extinguished and exenguinated by soldiers proudly flying the flag of Polaris? When you ruled the roost, and no hand could stand against you, did you extend the branch of peace or the sword?

If we are truly thugs, guile filled monsters without remorse and without remit in the acts of evil, then so be it; you have yet ceded the high ground by pointing to the lands of the slain, paved over and forgotten, calling that "your proud history". Noble name of Polaris? Don't make me laugh! Rather, you are like dogs, returning to eat again of your own vomit.

History is cold to the hopes of men. But sometimes, by the hand of some capricious God, justice may yet be served. Let it be so now, and park your bombed out wreck of an Empire next to all the other failed tyrants of the ages.
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We were designated for elimination and were attacked by a coalition of alliances each of which was much larger than ours. Is every victim of a crime or a group wiped out because they were designated for genocide guilty of failure? 



You people truly are disgusting!


You said you did not fail. Then you explained why you failed. I understand that you're from Polaris, but is there some special test you guys have to show just how hopeless you are at grasping the simplest points. (And the winner gets to be Emperor!)


I am pointing out that you are an idiot prone to making rhetorical errors that are likely to cause people to question your intelligence. You should be thanking me.



I would expect you to realize that it is no failure for a warrior to die on his feet, fighting to the last breath.


I'm not speaking of those who were beaten down only to rise again. That's happened a few times.


There is no failure except death. 'NONE' died. To call it anything but a failure is disingenuous.

Edited by kingzog
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Such Zealotry is what is truly disgusting. Not just of you, but the majority of your prevaricating, vociferous propagandists. You preach a creed of victimhood and martyrdom while fastening about yourself the same blooddrenched clothes of your predecessors. Your own Emperor does not go as far as you, white washing the corpses of those whose lands you've trod and whose people your forebears repressed and exterminated! How many are alliances, some of noble name and bearing, that were extinguished and exenguinated by soldiers proudly flying the flag of Polaris? When you ruled the roost, and no hand could stand against you, did you extend the branch of peace or the sword?
If we are truly thugs, guile filled monsters without remorse and without remit in the acts of evil, then so be it; you have yet ceded the high ground by pointing to the lands of the slain, paved over and forgotten, calling that "your proud history". Noble name of Polaris? Don't make me laugh! Rather, you are like dogs, returning to eat again of your own vomit.
History is cold to the hopes of men. But sometimes, by the hand of some capricious God, justice may yet be served. Let it be so now, and park your bombed out wreck of an Empire next to all the other failed tyrants of the ages.

Margrave just theatrically beat our ass. I'll call it game haha.
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Such Zealotry is what is truly disgusting. Not just of you, but the majority of your prevaricating, vociferous propagandists. You preach a creed of victimhood and martyrdom while fastening about yourself the same blooddrenched clothes of your predecessors. Your own Emperor does not go as far as you, white washing the corpses of those whose lands you've trod and whose people your forebears repressed and exterminated! 


I was talking about NONE and the LoFN being exterminated in that quote, then he deftly swings in the same thought into talking about what NpO did before before we joined. I defy anyone to find any examples of NONE and the LoFN "repressing" or "exterminating" anybody in our 100% defensive wars, unless he means that by looters not finding out how many we were until we counter-attacked. For that we were labelled "terrorists." It is true that after we were gone, many of our attackers disappeared, that cannot be blamed upon the dead and gone.


How many are alliances, some of noble name and bearing, that were extinguished and exenguinated by soldiers proudly flying the flag of Polaris? When you ruled the roost, and no hand could stand against you, did you extend the branch of peace or the sword?



None since I joined the NpO in December of 2011. Others have argued otherwise regarding what some call the Disorder War, but people can review the Wiki for themselves and see if it was a war of conquest and whether any of the alliances with which we were engaged have disappeared or been subjugated as a result. http://cybernations.wikia.com/wiki/Disorder_War


If we are truly thugs, guile filled monsters without remorse and without remit in the acts of evil, then so be it; you have yet ceded the high ground by pointing to the lands of the slain, paved over and forgotten, calling that "your proud history". Noble name of Polaris? Don't make me laugh! Rather, you are like dogs, returning to eat again of your own vomit.



That seems a bit mean. Oh well. Cannot please everybody.

History is cold to the hopes of men. But sometimes, by the hand of some capricious God, justice may yet be served. Let it be so now, and park your bombed out wreck of an Empire next to all the other failed tyrants of the ages.



You know, when you point your finger at someone, the other ones point back at you. New polar Order tyrants? Where is our Empire? Where are our vassal alliances? Are you referring again to things that happened when the Orders were together? 


As I have said before, that was long ago; NpO is now host to NONE and Vox Populi nations.

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You said you did not fail. Then you explained why you failed. I understand that you're from Polaris, but is there some special test you guys have to show just how hopeless you are at grasping the simplest points. (And the winner gets to be Emperor!)


He cannot in any honesty say that I was conceding failure by reviewing how and why a group of alliances that out-numbered us attacked us with the declared object of subjugation and we elected to fight to the death instead. I do not accept his definition of success, as I described before, hooligans invading a neighbourhood, slaughtering everyone to the last because they would not pay ransoms and then standing on their bodies and declaring that they are better people for having done so. 


That is like taking the Mona Lisa and throwing the painting into a fire and then declaring that this proves that they are better artists.


That was a failure in character on the aggressors' part and the entire world was the poorer at the loss of, as I said before, some of the bravest and noblest people who have ever walked on this Planet. 



I am pointing out that you are an idiot prone to making rhetorical errors that are likely to cause people to question your intelligence. You should be thanking me.



That he would resort to such personal attacks indicates his desperation. My intelligence or lack thereof is obviously beyond his capacity to evaluate and his opinion thereof merits nary a whit of respect by anyone who has a brain in their head and a shred of honesty.



Margrave just theatrically beat our ass. I'll call it game haha.



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