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Acts of Terrorism

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It's not a "do something about it".  It's the issue of people hoping to take on DBDC through Pax Corvus without putting up the effort themselves.  Or to hit the neutrals through DBDC without having the cojones to do it themselves.


Basically, the issue I have is that of the insincere nature of support/derision here.  Most people arguing here probably don't (sorry to say, since again I like them) give a damn about Pax Corvus as much as they do about "Let's see DBDC get taken down a peg and hopefully their allies too".


Both sides deserve a bit more honesty and class in terms of their friends and supporters.  DBDC sees a threat, Pax Corvus sees an issue with their principles and rises to the occasion.  The callous "support" being offered to either side is the issue here.

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Lovely words Cuba, but I'm going to have to call !@#$%^&* on them.


You and the rest of DBDC are opportunistic cowards. Pax is weak enough for you to target while taking very little damage, and it will give you access to even more top tier nations that you can raid without consequence. If Pax was the strength of the GPA or the WTF, you wouldn't have hit them, at least not yet, because they are too large for you to fight a quick war that you take little damage in.


As for the declaration of war; when you attack 30 odd nations you are at war, even if you are calling it a purge. You may refuse to acknowledge the fact, but you have declared an unprovoked and offensive war and it should be recognized as such.


o/ Pax Corvus

Thank you for the support. We miss you too Caladin smooches!  

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IRON has already signed its de facto and de jure agreement with DBDC's actions by entering into a military treaty.  In the abstract, I don't take the posts of your members as anything other than their personal opinions, but in this case there is no hair to split here: Your government position already aligns with their personal opinions (or vice versa, however you want to phrase it). 


Our official stance cannot align with their personal opinions on raiding when our own alliance policy doesn't allow it.


EDIT: I'm still surprised at how quickly IRON kissed and hugged with those they burnt not too long ago, but treaty web shifts heal all scars, eh?


DBDC is not the first alliance we've grown closer with after fighting, and it won't be the last.

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Our official stance cannot align with their personal opinions on raiding when our own alliance policy doesn't allow it.



DBDC is not the first alliance we've grown closer with after fighting, and it won't be the last.

IRON is not the first alliance to be cowards and will not be the last.

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If Doombirds were trying to put Pax and other alliances they attack under unjust peace terms or trying to pressure these alliances into signing treaties which turn their aid slots over to them in exchange for not getting attacked, then there would be more to be outraged about. Although I think short wars which end without any terms on either side can be good for all involved. What use is having nukes and a bunch of military wonders if you never get to use them?


Good luck to Pax and Doombirds, enjoy the war.

Edited by Methrage
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This is hilariously true, actually. There hasn't been this much !@#$%*ing, moaning, and ogling since maybe when they hit Valhalla last war.

ChairmanHal's whining negated any sympathy desired by Valhalla. 

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I was in peace mode before we slaughtered Mushqaeda, don't feel so special :P


As someone who was actually involved in that, I can say with absolute certainty you have no idea what you are talking about nor were you a part of the decision making around attacking Mq.

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As someone who was actually involved in that, I can say with absolute certainty you have no idea what you are talking about nor were you a part of the decision making around attacking Mq.

Don't let actual facts get in the way of Tywins rallying call, shame on you Berbers.

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I will take this opportunity to complain about how this war is mildly inconveniencing my back collects.

I can agree with this it is mildly inconvenient to my back collects. :P
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It's not a "do something about it".  It's the issue of people hoping to take on DBDC through Pax Corvus without putting up the effort themselves.  Or to hit the neutrals through DBDC without having the cojones to do it themselves.


Basically, the issue I have is that of the insincere nature of support/derision here.  Most people arguing here probably don't (sorry to say, since again I like them) give a damn about Pax Corvus as much as they do about "Let's see DBDC get taken down a peg and hopefully their allies too".


Both sides deserve a bit more honesty and class in terms of their friends and supporters.  DBDC sees a threat, Pax Corvus sees an issue with their principles and rises to the occasion.  The callous "support" being offered to either side is the issue

So are we not allowed to publicly oppose an action unless we attack someone to go along with it?


No, that's not how it works, actually.

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I will take this as an official NpO response.  You and starfox seem to represent that AA.  Again, feel free to declare an offensive war against any of my allies and see how that works out for you.

Stupidity in action folks, DBDC are the idiots you asked for!

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Wilmark Republic


o ya baby

The 907









DPRK -- Black Team




Nation -- AA -- Nation Strength

Ghost -- Doom Squad -- 19,000

Otakon (5 slots!)-- Doom Squad -- 41,000

New Reich -- RIOT SOCIETY -- 18,000

Logarville -- DT Probes -- 40,000

Beaty -- Doom Squad -- 36,000

Scoobys Workshop -- DT Probes -- 17,000

Party Nation -- DT Probes -- 17,000

New American Kingdom -- Animalz -- 1,500

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As someone who was actually involved in that, I can say with absolute certainty you have no idea what you are talking about nor were you a part of the decision making around attacking Mq.


Everyone is aware that NATO bandwaggoned, but thanks for your help anyway. I fought from a different AA and went back to HB afterwards.

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I can understand both sides of the argument here. While I'm unhappy to see respectable neutral alliances get attacked, I can also understand Cuba's point of view that this war is mechanical in nature. Doombird strength doesn't mean anything if nobody is in range for them to attack ,then all their military power becomes meaningless.


Personally I find it much more despicable when alliances attack unaligned nations and team up on them, with the defender having no chance of putting up any kind of meaningful resistance. I think attacking an alliance with enough power to put up a good fight back is much less despicable. For those crying outrage at what Doombirds are doing, why give so many alliances an open pass to attack those less able to defend themselves properly than Pax? Many of those targeting weaker nations who are much less able to defend themselves are much easier to take a stand against than Doombirds, yet most posting in here just turn the other way when the defenseless are made into prey.


This is why I respect Doombirds more than alliances like GOONS. Doombirds actually goes after targets which can fight back, rather than only preying on the weak. Whenever I raided, the few times I did to try it out, I raided sanctioned alliances and those able to get in me in 4+ vs 1 wars if they decided to retaliate, which is why I wasn't very good at raiding. I never enjoyed fighting an opponent unable to fight back properly if they wanted to.

Edited by Methrage
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There was a specific reason people hit Mq that doesn't apply in this situation, and it has nothing to do with Nation Strength :P


Also during Mq, DBDC was actually hit with offensive wars, which iirc hasn't happened since because everyone is too scurred.  


Kind of like TOP, when you know, UPN got hit by DBDC in Disorder and you guys sat around with your thumbs up your butts and didn't do anything :/


Or kind of like how TOP signed an NAP with DBDC so they had an excuse not to defend their MD allies *cough* Polar *cough*


And now back on topic, good luck DBDC, I love you guys and your problem solving abilities :D


Just want to point out that our NAP with DBDC doesn't supersede our mutual defense treaties. If DBDC were to attack Polar we would still be free to hit them back. And they could counter us if we attacked their MDP+ allies.

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