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CNRP2 OOC Thread


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Rotavele is disputing the vote thread, depending on how that goes, I still might have a non-polynesian asset in the game (Antarctica).


Of course, it will need more than a snowtrooper battalion to remain protected against a carrier group.

Edited by Tywin Lannister
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A single Olive Hazard Perry Class Frigate arrived outside of Honolulu with 2 Hungarian Sailors and a Belorussian KGB agent as well as Ukrainian Naval Forces Crew on board to monitor the area for threats.

Instant magic transport of troops shouldn't be allowed. Not only is it poor RP, but raises questions of how Ukrainian forces instantly traversed half-away around the world. If they traveled westwards through Gibraltar, they'd have to cross the Atlantic Ocean and through the Panama and Nicaragua canals, or otherwise sailed around the southern tip of South America. If they traveled through the Suez, they'd have to cross the vast expenses of the Indian Ocean before getting to the Pacific. And that's not mentioning it would create a bad precedent.

I'm aware the RP is on hold, but I wanted to bring this up. Edited by JEDCJT
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Instant magic transport of troops shouldn't be allowed. Not only is it poor RP, but raises questions of how Ukrainian forces instantly traversed half-away around the world. If they traveled westwards through Gibraltar, they'd have to cross the Atlantic Ocean and through the Panama and Nicaragua canals, or otherwise sailed around the southern tip of South America. If they traveled through the Suez, they'd have to cross the vast expenses of the Indian Ocean before getting to the Pacific. And that's not mentioning it would create a bad precedent.

I'm aware the RP is on hold, but I wanted to bring this up.


Lynneth did the same thing unless I am recalling it incorrectly. Which is, of course, not at all discounting your criticism of Rotavele's movement.

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Lynneth didn't do the same thing. it was fast yes, but he did it over a number of posts. 4 or 5 if I recall.


Rotavele's post, that's insta-teleporting.


Rota, as much as you want to hear from me at the moment, you are going to need to change that.


I'll play nice and not contest your passage  through the red sea. go with god and face the wrath of the gods or whatever.

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Lynneth did the same thing unless I am recalling it incorrectly. Which is, of course, not at all discounting your criticism of Rotavele's movement.

Tikal borders the Pacific, and Hawaii right in the vicinity, so Lynneth was able to get his forces there in a relatively short period of time. The Ukraine is right half-way across the world, and its forces would have to travel great distances to get to Hawaii.
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Tikal borders the Pacific, and Hawaii right in the vicinity, so Lynneth was able to get his forces there in a relatively short period of time. The Ukraine is right half-way across the world, and its forces would have to travel great distances to get to Hawaii.

Lynneth would have more of an issue getting into Tywin's South Pacific holdings, like the Samoas.

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OOC - challenging this metagaming

I have full control over Hawaii. Hacking into your stuff and finding this secret info is trivial. My guys would've gone through it regardless of your cooperation. Had I won a war, I would've gone through it. Had you surrendered, I would've gone through it.
It's in the Ultimatum's demands.
>>All Top Secret or other such information will be turned over to Tikal for scrutiny.<<
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First magical portals, and now space aliens? Does anyone else see a problem with this or am I just crazy? Perhaps I should RP as keebler elves.


A short uberstein with pointy years. Careful man, you might start a new fad. All we'd need next would be...




Well, I'll not be recognizing them as aliens. Especially because a supernova 500 LY away from the solar system would murder us all. :v:


A fortunately placed dyson sphere prevented you from taking the full brunt of the blast :P. I just wanted an earthlike world for the rp. I didn't bother doing all the math for it. Assume it's a few thousand away for the story for all I care :P.

Edited by Maelstrom Vortex
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Disappointing, but your choice.


My assumption would be because people are bored as hell with the reality we live in and would like to experiment with something a little different since our imaginations can extend that far and in doing so relieve the tedium. Yet we still like to have a framework or context for that development so the world we knows works as a great media for such. Therefore, modern rp.. with twists. Very similar to the reason why things like.. Dr. Who, Harry Potter, and Shadow Run are popular.


I'd encourage you to open up and be creative in your own way with your country. Develop your own theme. If normal is that theme, so be it. I intend to recognize as much as I can of other person's themes so long as we can find a way for them to safely and compatibly interact.

Edited by Maelstrom Vortex
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There is a time and place for things. I don't bring my sci-fi setting to CNRP because it would be completely inappropriate. I don't port characters from tabletop games I've played because they don't fit a modern, realistic, political rp.

Honestly, no other community I've ever come across has difficulty with the concept of being setting appropriate. You don't make a magical elf in a hard sci-fi game. You don't make a space marine in a pulp superheroes game. Doing so isn't creative, it's detrimental.

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Well part of the problem Uber, is that you seem to be assuming you are correct in believing this should be or is exclusively to be a purist realistic modern rp. Yet you are not the only authority in this community on what it should or should not be. It's a communal decision. It is an rp based on cybernations, but the details of those nations we create is left for us to each fill in as we see fit. I think CNRP2 is best served by continuing in extending that creative flexibility within the framework that has been developed for balancing. Power to the players, because that is where it belongs. I echo Louis' sentiment.

Edited by Maelstrom Vortex
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People can RP what they want.  If you're upset by what someone RPs in the realm of optional recognition then you should really take a step back and look at what you're being upset by.

Games have rules. Being upset by a narrative disconnect in an RP is no different than being upset at say, watching Lotr only to find that the ring wraiths have been replaced with marshmellow men. Its stupid.

Apathy and disregard for basic common narrative may be fine in your world, but I hold things to a higher standard.
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