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A Message from the Emperor of the New Pacific Order

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Except for NPO.


They all are except NSO. My point is the NPO hold all the cards for their coalition since none will surrender until the NPO seattle first.


But regardless the numbers are on the Polar side. They cant win.

If by win you mean them being in a position to make Polar's side agree to damaging terms, then I agree. Although its certainly possible for them to keep fighting until more alliances on the Polar side lose their will to fight and eventually are forced to give them white peace to avoid fracturing before that. NPO's side seems pretty united.

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Ok, so here's something:


NPO and it's "sphere" for lack of a better word, is not in any position to beat the opposing coalition, regardless of whether NPO's nations get terms or not.  We just got beaten, we have no upper tiers left worth talking about, we are no threat anymore as a grouping vs the offensive grouping.


That being the case, why all the need to punish NPO and reduce their ability to field any upper tier next war?  It's not like those nations are enough to be a threat on their own, considering what just happened to our side when we had many, many more.


So, if NPO, et. al cannot possibly be a threat to the combined power structure that just beat us, what other factors come in to play?  Well, I would hazard a guess that one section of the opposing coalition wants to roll another section, because only a schism in Polardoxia would create a climate where NPO et. al could come back to being a power player.


Therefore, if we follow that thought process through, there are currently alliances in Polardoxia that are working to impose reps (either directly or by refusing to peace out in protest) and cripple a sphere that would be their only chance of surviving when their current friends turn on them.


Now I am not trying to say I know what schism is there, or how it will all play out, but whichever of you guys in PD end up on the rolled side after all this bullshit, you deserve it ;P


I know people are going to be all "rawr, conspiracy, rawr" but I mean, if the plan was to maintain cohesion of polardoxia and just beatdown our side again this time next year, you wouldn't really need to cripple NPO anymore :/

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It's all to do with DH/Karma/Eq/Politics/they deserve it/8 days or something. But don't go thinking NPO was in any way the actual target of this war. No. No way.

NSO were the actual target and they've been crushed. The NPO still stands and fights so strategicly they're the centre of attention.

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Ok, so here's something:


NPO and it's "sphere" for lack of a better word, is not in any position to beat the opposing coalition, regardless of whether NPO's nations get terms or not.  We just got beaten, we have no upper tiers left worth talking about, we are no threat anymore as a grouping vs the offensive grouping.


That being the case, why all the need to punish NPO and reduce their ability to field any upper tier next war?  It's not like those nations are enough to be a threat on their own, considering what just happened to our side when we had many, many more.


So, if NPO, et. al cannot possibly be a threat to the combined power structure that just beat us, what other factors come in to play?  Well, I would hazard a guess that one section of the opposing coalition wants to roll another section, because only a schism in Polardoxia would create a climate where NPO et. al could come back to being a power player.


Therefore, if we follow that thought process through, there are currently alliances in Polardoxia that are working to impose reps (either directly or by refusing to peace out in protest) and cripple a sphere that would be their only chance of surviving when their current friends turn on them.


Now I am not trying to say I know what schism is there, or how it will all play out, but whichever of you guys in PD end up on the rolled side after all this !@#$%^&*, you deserve it ;P


I know people are going to be all "rawr, conspiracy, rawr" but I mean, if the plan was to maintain cohesion of polardoxia and just beatdown our side again this time next year, you wouldn't really need to cripple NPO anymore :/

NPO's current NS is less than half of IRON and their avg NS is very low right now, so it does seem silly they are focusing so much attention to reduce NPO's ability to fight in upcoming wars to such an extent unless there is some truth to your conspiracies. 

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OK "otheside"  just finish this before Bob is only left with the miscreants and knobs that post on the OWF.  So stupid that you can win a war, but not have the skills to end it. (go ahead....blame Farrin...we aren't)


surely you know these 30+ nations will just be in PM in the next war too, so why all the fuss?


don't you want someone to fight next go around?


just rage quit already.....

Edited by Lenny N Karl
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If by win you mean them being in a position to make Polar's side agree to damaging terms, then I agree. Although its certainly possible for them to keep fighting until more alliances on the Polar side lose their will to fight and eventually are forced to give them white peace to avoid fracturing before that. NPO's side seems pretty united.

Time will tell.


Ok, so here's something:


NPO and it's "sphere" for lack of a better word, is not in any position to beat the opposing coalition, regardless of whether NPO's nations get terms or not.  We just got beaten, we have no upper tiers left worth talking about, we are no threat anymore as a grouping vs the offensive grouping.


That being the case, why all the need to punish NPO and reduce their ability to field any upper tier next war?  It's not like those nations are enough to be a threat on their own, considering what just happened to our side when we had many, many more.


So, if NPO, et. al cannot possibly be a threat to the combined power structure that just beat us, what other factors come in to play?  Well, I would hazard a guess that one section of the opposing coalition wants to roll another section, because only a schism in Polardoxia would create a climate where NPO et. al could come back to being a power player.


Therefore, if we follow that thought process through, there are currently alliances in Polardoxia that are working to impose reps (either directly or by refusing to peace out in protest) and cripple a sphere that would be their only chance of surviving when their current friends turn on them.


Now I am not trying to say I know what schism is there, or how it will all play out, but whichever of you guys in PD end up on the rolled side after all this !@#$%^&*, you deserve it ;P


I know people are going to be all "rawr, conspiracy, rawr" but I mean, if the plan was to maintain cohesion of polardoxia and just beatdown our side again this time next year, you wouldn't really need to cripple NPO anymore :/

You should be more concerned about getting out of the beat down your getting now rather than the one your going to get next year. One beat down at a time.


Hahahahahaha! That's golden. Thread won and derailed in one master stroke.

One day you to can be the greatest

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NPO's current NS is less than half of IRON and their avg NS is very low right now, so it does seem silly they are focusing so much attention to reduce NPO's ability to fight in upcoming wars to such an extent unless there is some truth to your conspiracies.

That's because it's silly to do even if the conspiracies are true. Edited by Neo Uruk
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OK "otheside"  just finish this before Bob is only left with the miscreants and knobs that post on the OWF.  So stupid that you can win a war, but not have the skills to end it. (go ahead....blame Farrin...we aren't)


surely you know these 30+ nations will just be in PM in the next war too, so why all the fuss?


don't you want someone to fight next go around?


just rage quit already.....

Methrage. This here is a post of ones will broken. Wont be long now.

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Methrage. This here is a post of ones will broken. Wont be long now.

From what I could gather from his post, it seems he's not placing any blame on NPO for not ending it by accepting your terms. So from that it would seem his alliance is willing to keep the fight going until NPO isn't getting screwed in the peace deal.

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Therefore, if we follow that thought process through, there are currently alliances in Polardoxia that are working to impose reps (either directly or by refusing to peace out in protest) and cripple a sphere that would be their only chance of surviving when their current friends turn on them.


Problem with your logic is, NPO proved in eQ that they are unreliable to work with. Therefore, no one in the current winning coalition wants to work with them in the future.


You pretend to convince us that NPO will come to the rescue of the weak and abused? As her past record proves, in such an event they will sit out or side with the stronger side. If I'm the stronger I don't need them, and if I'm the weaker I don't want them joining the dogpile.

Edited by Krashnaia
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From what I could gather from his post, it seems he's not placing any blame on NPO for not ending it by accepting your terms. So from that it would seem his alliance is willing to keep the fight going until NPO isn't getting screwed in the peace deal.

Oh now they're my terms? I'm just a by stander enjoying the show. It is honorable to stand and stay by those getting rolled and i'm sure it'll do more good than harm. Some of these AA's already have bad reputations so they need to redeem themselves. NSO can't be helped or do anything to save their image. They deserved to get rolled again next war.

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Problem with your logic is, NPO proved in eQ that they are unreliable to work with. Therefore, no one in the current winning coalition wants to work with them in the future.





Wait, weren't IRON and XX among the loudest voices insisting DH needed to go down in the run up to the last war?  And wasn't it XX who disregarded our coalition's plans and forced our allies to come in on the opposite side?

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From what I could gather from his post, it seems he's not placing any blame on NPO for not ending it by accepting your terms. So from that it would seem his alliance is willing to keep the fight going until NPO isn't getting screwed in the peace deal.


Truth in action. You've interpreted correctly. NATO at least is in it for the long haul, not sure of other members of this side (lack of information, not an analysis of data).

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From what I could gather from his post, it seems he's not placing any blame on NPO for not ending it by accepting your terms. So from that it would seem his alliance is willing to keep the fight going until NPO isn't getting screwed in the peace deal.



This guy has it right.  Just saving up some to jump back atm.  Been around here a long time, will won't be broke, just the bank, but working on that now ;) .   Until you guys can get over your own ego and act with some class for once we will happily continue to do damage, and watch the war dreary on both sides fall from this world. I see you guys losing some really good rulers from this war (hope the dickering over terms was worth them)  You will see in time that you could have had the victory with compassion, professionalism, and class rather than trying to bully your way to an end.

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No one, anywhere, has proposed limiting the aid that can be sent to any lower tier nations. Just find different nations to send them the aid, it isn't that hard.

Derpa derp :wacko: Let's see if I can simplify this enough for you to understand:

If you restrict the nations that can send aid, you are limiting the aid that can be sent to lower tier nations.

Lets say our nations that can send aid are 'x'. x*6 = aid slots that can be used for sending aid.

Now lets take away 30 nations like what terms would do. (x-30)*6 = aid slots that can be used for sending aid.

x*6 != (x-30)*6 because x*6 < (x-30)*6


Of course, if it were actually about 'punishing' those PM nations, not allowing them to receive aid and additionally having to send out tech on top of cash would be even more punishing. But no, you don't want them to be able to send out any aid at all, which would be going to our fighting lower tier that you allegedly don't want to punish.

Sense makes.
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Everyone here that is complaining over our coalition's "extortion" of NPO is conveniently forgetting that Farrin literally offered our side a peace that was more crippling for their alliance than the one we've been discussing on the table for a while.


Of course we aren't interested in a deal like that, because really it's just NPO offering us a noose to hang ourselves with, but let's please drop the "Polar coalition is trying to destroy NPO with these terms" nonsense, because it shows a blatant lack of understanding for 1) the progression of these peace talks as well as peace negotiations in general, and 2) NPO's recent peace offers.

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@Crymson: 16k to 1k. You sure didn't prove you deserve to put these terms on us. I practically incinerated your hapless nation. So you definitely didn't earn the right. Every time you assert you have some sort of right to do it, I'm going to remind you of that war.


Oh, SNAP! So what's this to say? Whatever the case, others have quite well pointed out that it's is small consolation to you, as your alliance has thoroughly lost this war.


That said, I'll ameliorate your hillbilly inability to properly analyze the case in question by providing you with some help: first off, in my war against you and two other Pacifican nations, you were without exception the one who nuked me, whereas, of the nations arrayed against you, it was always one other than mine that nuked your nation; second, of those three nations with which I was at war, yours happened to generally be my lowest priority, so the focus not being directed toward you was instead being inflicted upon them; and (accordingly) third, the numbers in my wars against your two compatriots were very much to the other end of the scale. This hardly seems something to gloat over.


Whatever the case, you're celebrating a Cybernations fool's triumph, and I feel somewhat piteous toward you at the brainless joy you've found in it.

Edited by Crymson
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Everyone here that is complaining over our coalition's "extortion" of NPO is conveniently forgetting that Farrin literally offered our side a peace that was more crippling for their alliance than the one we've been discussing on the table for a while.


Of course we aren't interested in a deal like that, because really it's just NPO offering us a noose to hang ourselves with, but let's please drop the "Polar coalition is trying to destroy NPO with these terms" nonsense, because it shows a blatant lack of understanding for 1) the progression of these peace talks as well as peace negotiations in general, and 2) NPO's recent peace offers.


Sure ...what ever you say. The goal is for you guys to not only hamper our 30 nations and with it the recovery process we use. In doing so as well you hoping to fracture the coalition and put the total blame on NPO that this war continues longer. If you had any thought of actually ending the war with any terms they would be less as you know we will not settle for hampering our lower tiers recovery. If you had good intentions then you would of conceded by now for them nations to be able to send aid to lower tier nations and if tech was your only concern about the upper tiers then you would put a limited restriction on the ability to for them nations to acquire tech. Your using these facts to try and splinter our side and as well put the blame on us that this process is not being finnished. Same tactic i would assume that used to get them from the EQ side to join your coalition in putting the blame totally on us for EQ as well.

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 Your using these facts to try and splinter our side and as well put the blame on us that this process is not being finnished.

Facts? So are you admitting to me that I'm correct, and that the terms on the table are actually more lenient to NPO than the ones that Farrin offered?


Well, thank you then. That's all I wanted to hear. :)




Same tactic i would assume that used to get them from the EQ side to join your coalition in putting the blame totally on us for EQ as well.

Putting the blame? The implication here is clearly that NPO isn't actually responsible for the post-war fracturing of the eQ coalition. If you aren't, then who is? I'll leave the question open to some of the former eQ member alliances to answer.

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Farrin has been seriously discussing peace and completely in good faith and his last offer was more than reasonable.  TOP are the ones who are ungrateful victors.  Keeping everyone at war so you could get 9 more days of blood-reps from NPO.  When is enough enough, TOP?  I get the feeling that Farrin could've countered with a offer higher than your offer and you'd have still turned it down and requested even more, lol.  I don't think you are negotiating in good faith and prefer just to keep the war going as long as you can.


Your utter lack of conviction in this is as thoroughly amusing as your attempt to portray yourself and your alliance as staunch moralists at war's start. You know as well as any that your words amount to nothing beyond propaganda.


When everyone else is completely fine with white peace....accept you.  Yes, you will get most of the blame for holding the war up.


You're perfectly aware that this is an untrue claim, and this is obvious to everyone. I therefore question the point of making it at all, especially as there are plenty of folks on hand here to confirm that it's nonsense.


Remember, Steve, what I told you about the substantial divide between your belief in your talent for propaganda and your actual aptitude at same? Well, now you've got another example.

Edited by Crymson
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This is all you need to know about TOP's motivations here.  Well, that and their ruthless desire to be a Hegemony even more dominant than NPO's at its heyday.  But who could fault them, any alliance that gets powerful enough dreams of godhood.  We certainly did. :)


I can't tell whether this was said tongue-in-cheek or genuinely.

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