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A Message from the Emperor of the New Pacific Order

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I did answer it, several times.
Your coalition was presented with an offer that mirrored the offer presented to us by Farrin with a difference of 8 days. Farrin, instead of considering negotiating in this point -- Stopped negotiating entirely.
Since then he has offered the one thing that this coalition flat out stated it never wanted from Pacifica in the beginning, and so here we are -- 3 days later from the previous negotiations -- and still waiting on Farrin to come back to the table.
As for you Rey, I agree, I too am confused why Pacifica would rail against the terms they were willing to accept not three days ago.

Apparently you guys ignored my entire post, which points out why the 8 days was such a factor. But, this is completely fine because you're only proving that I was right. So let me restate it for you so you can stop bringing up the same, awful point over and over again.

Nice spin, Goldie, but let's introduce the rest of the facts regarding this situation. Farrin made a huge attempt to end the war last night, even after Yeru had initially stated...

[21:03] (&Yerushalayim): To begin with, I think that we have the real potential to wrap this up tonight.

Farrin went from a counteroffer of roughly 55 days to 94 (a 1.1x offer) days, in an gracious attempt to end this war for her allies. You lot then decided to add insult to injury by slapping on another 9 more days (making it 1.2x), for whatever reason you thought it was necessary. You had only gone down from a 1.3x offer, and are making it incredibly difficult for this war to end, because of your desire to place aid restrictions on NPO.

If you all were really interested in ending the war for EVERYONE, then you would have just taken the 1.1x offer Farrin made instead of trying to get yet, another swipe to extort the NPO over already ridiculous terms. Pathetic.

As for the bolded statement in your quote, it's good to know that your coalition is holding up peace talks, because you are being completely inflexible. You can keep that practice up, but it's not going to end well for you in the long run.
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Apparently you guys ignored my entire post, which points out why the 8 days was such a factor. But, this is completely fine because you're only proving that I was right. So let me restate it for you so you can stop bringing up the same, awful point over and over again.

As for the bolded statement in your quote, it's good to know that your coalition is holding up peace talks, because you are being completely inflexible. You can keep that practice up, but it's not going to end well for you in the long run.


Unfortunately for Farrin, he doesn't get to dictate peace talks. 


As for our coalition being unflexible, we've been extremely flexible -- NPO has whined about every little part of the process. Peace mode, senators, et al.


We're down to thirty nations and we're not moving. If y'all want to continue to burn for Pacifica's unwillingness to accept 8 days more (Rather, let Pacifica incur far more than those additional 8 days would cost in the three that have taken place since talks so far,) that's your prerogative, I know for a fact that certain alliances on your side will not agree with Farrin being "reasonable."


Farrin was forced to come up after previously waffling and actually offering a counter that was lesser than his previous in the talks before. He has shown to be generally insincere at times in flat out discussing rhetoric rather than negotiating, culminating in Farrin walking out when presented the 8 day difference. We're happy to continue fighting, but the simple matter of the fact is the song and dance about the coalition presenting Farrin something unreasonable -- when he agrees the terms are not by the fact he's considered them to the point of offering them -- is quite telling.

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what was the rest of the terms .. is it not possible there was something in the other parts he did not like ..? what i am asking is your terms are for no slot use for them nations ? and our counter to that might of been at least let them nations send aid to them that were fighting at least ?  I am thinking your centralizing on one part of the terms and not the whole process or terms were there maybe other factors in disagreement ?


i asked a question was your offer still including the no use of slots period ?


umm i asked you the question i think ? what were the total terms with the 8 days the Polar side offered since you were there ?


Yes it does matter cause i do know that the original terms we of our nations could not use no slots for any reason at all ... for the length of time of the terms .. i know our counter was for a certain period of time but with the stipulation that the nations could send aid to them nations that fought which this quote is only from 2 or 3 hours ago long after Farrin left the talks.  Meaning maybe you offered a difference  in time but the rest of the terms are also in question .. so your spinning of using one point does not jive.


So you are saying that it is okay for our nations in question to send aid to nations that fought and the only difference is eight days ? And the eight days is the only thing holding up the peace?


Still waiting for a answer to this question :) ...and it is just a simple yes or no answer i beleive


Now to understand completely ... mirrored as in were the same as or mirrored as they were close to but not the same as you do know mirrors reflect opposite sides right ? (left reflects right and your right reflects on the left )


okay so something is not right here then .. i see above in a post there was a offer tonite which i dont know about accept was said here .. with that offer we made it included i guess tech supposedly.  Now I would assume if this offered was including tech it maybe in relation to changing one of them terms in this deal that was not acceptable three days ago .. just saying now... so if he stopped negotiating three days ago would it not make sense cause them terms that were supposedly a mirror or reflection were not entirely as close as you said and he just maybe ..... just saying needed them days to maybe come back with a counter offer .. just saying


too be perfectly honest he did not say one term was 8 days longer .. .he was saying that the only difference was 8 days period. As a matter of fact i do not think as well that them that are not in the rooms realise each term of the Terms has days attached to each different one... but regardless if it was only a minor eight days then the one thing i would question why did each side just not agree to the +/- day differential to make them eight days.  If it was really that minor and all  it was then the solution was simple ..

Nine posts and not a single day was removed from the current offer. Edited by iamthey
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Myth has already stated several times that the terms were exactly the same except a minor difference of 8 days in terms of length for one of the terms. So, to reiterate, the terms were exactly the same except one term was extended by 8 days. That was the only difference between the terms offered by Farrin and the ones counter-offered by our side. 


So, just to make sure you understand (since the other upteen times Myth stated this exact same thing), Farrin made an offer, our side countered with the exact same terms except one term was extended 8 days. 



Again, I can't reiterate enough how unacceptable it was that after we're a mere 8 days apart on an issue the emperor of the NPO, after all this rhetoric -- decides to walk out of negotiations over 8 days and start floating garbage offers while his coalition mates continue to take hits for him.

Edited by IYIyTh
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Unfortunately for Farrin, he doesn't get to dictate peace talks. 
As for our coalition being unflexible, we've been extremely flexible -- NPO has whined about every little part of the process. Peace mode, senators, et al.
We're down to thirty nations and we're not moving. If y'all want to continue to burn for Pacifica's unwillingness to accept 8 days more (Rather, let Pacifica incur far more than those additional 8 days would cost in the three that have taken place since talks so far,) that's your prerogative, I know for a fact that certain alliances on your side will not agree with Farrin being "reasonable."
Farrin was forced to come up after previously waffling and actually offering a counter that was lesser than his previous in the talks before. He has shown to be generally insincere at times in flat out discussing rhetoric rather than negotiating, culminating in Farrin walking out when presented the 8 day difference. We're happy to continue fighting, but the simple matter of the fact is the song and dance about the coalition presenting Farrin something unreasonable -- when he agrees the terms are not by the fact he's considered them to the point of offering them -- is quite telling.

Yes, because your "extreme flexibility" has started with initial terms of remaining in peace mode for 2.0x, that translates at the time, roughly a 120 days (not to mention that OOC: is possibly a violation of the TOS, so this shouldn't even be considered a point) to now currently 1.2x days, which translates to now 104.5 Days of Aid restrictions. So you mean to tell me that by moving 15.5 days is your extremely flexibility?! What an utter joke.

The only reason you made it an y(x) equation, was so you would have the ability to spin it, just like you have (or will) from saying you've moved from 2.0x to 1.2x. We all know how CN wars work, we wait, roughly on average 6 to 7 months before another Global War is fought. You want to neutralize the "threat" that the NPO poses, because you know they are excellent fighters. You claim it's only for their top tier, but its clear you want the entire alliance penalized (not allowing aid to be sent) because of this threat. You can claim that "banking is irrelevant!", but with the new aid limits, it makes for a much faster and efficient rebuild then of previous years.

Look, at the end of the day, we all know that your coalition (except maybe a few alliances who don't care because they aren't taking damage) had royally screwed up when they realize that ending the war was so close to what it was. You obviously won't say this, but we can see through your bull !@#$ and spin. But keep on strutting that superiority complex you all seem to suffer from, because it won't help you in the end.

Edit: Grammar Edited by SoADarthCyfe6
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Again, I can't reiterate enough how unacceptable it was that after we're a mere 8 days apart on an issue the emperor of the NPO, after all this rhetoric -- decides to walk out of negotiations over 8 days and start floating garbage offers while his coalition mates continue to take hits for him.

You can keep "reiterating" it all you want, the more you keep parroting it the more it sounds like you're whining over it. Aw boo hoo, he walked out on you. Get the fuck over it. The talks have continued, catch up.
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Wow this thread has turned into a trainwreck.



If Farrin did not like the offer you gave him, he is perfectly entitled to walk out. If our coalition has a problem with that, I am sure that they will let him know. 


edit to say: Yes, you have changed the "multiplier", but the actual length of the terms has not really shifted at all.



Edited by Geerland
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You can keep "reiterating" it all you want, the more you keep parroting it the more it sounds like you're whining over it. Aw boo hoo, he walked out on you. Get the $%&@ over it. The talks have continued, catch up.

Not to mention the harping over the pettiness of 8 days... You would think if it was really as close as they make it seem, Farrin's offer would have been sufficient. Edited by Neo Uruk
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Clearly you have either been misled, or you now feign ignorance- the coalition dropped the PM term after the first Pacifican counter offer. In its place we accepted Farrin's proposal of aid restrictions (on those nations who have not fought), we exempted their senators as they requested, we then considerably cut the multiplier on the duration of the war from 2 to 1.5 to 1.3. Farrin countered this with .5 - and then proceeded to rage quit over a .8 difference (which remained negotiable). Negotiations at this point are a technical discussion over what the multiplier should be, no one is forcing anything onerous on NPO, certainly nothing NPO hasn't itself proposed.


If farrin wants to make a public appeal to the twenty !@#$ posters of the OWF then by all means he's free to do that- all the same we'll be waiting when he wants to talk to us again. The only group extending the war at this point is NPO.  



then i must be reading this wrong ..... .8 is not 8 days it is the multiplyer ... and at approx 89 days of war that turns out to be 71 days at .8 and more if you use the 1.3 i think you actually offered and in turn our offer was at 45 days according to posts ...which seems to be more than a 8 day count you are saying ?  (.5 X  89 days = 45 days) so regardless of what days you use or multiplyer the only difference that is .8 is the .8 less of your original offer.  No do i see the days being 8

Edited by brucemania
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then i must be reading this wrong ..... .8 is not 8 days it is the multiplyer ... and at approx 89 days of war that turns out to be 71 days at .8 and more if you use the 1.3 i think you actually offered and in turn our offer was at 45 days according to posts ...which seems to be more than a 8 day count you are saying ?  (.5 X  89 days = 45 days) so regardless of what days you use or multiplyer the only difference that is .8 is the .8 less of your original offer.  No do i see the days being 8

You're responding to a post that is woefully out of date (note the timestamp predates the most recent negotiations that everyone is now discussing).
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Rey, you are just as obnoxious as Tywin, fyi.

I'm sorry your coalition is inept at making talking points (and inept at assigning fronts, even) and thus can't really win a war of words with a "bad poster" such as me (and can't really win more than a small margin of victory). Edited by Neo Uruk
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At a higher cost than most were thinking of paying, but it's your choice to continue trotting along with all the other toy soldiers.

To your credit, you were about the only Polar nation who didn't roll over to the mighty Katy Perry War Machine until [ooc] rl took hold

Edited by Neo Uruk
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You're responding to a post that is woefully out of date (note the timestamp predates the most recent negotiations that everyone is now discussing).


hold on here that post was after the Farrin walkout and apperently this is why he walked out and that is what we are discussing .. and yes i am aware there are new offers .... of course you now bring that out after this is pointed out as up til now the thread was about him walking out.

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So the NpO coalition decline our Emperor’s offer and counter to what Myth is saying a minimal difference.  If it was not going to make a difference one way or the other why counter with it?  That is just being petty and would take it as an insult.

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Apparently you guys ignored my entire post, which points out why the 8 days was such a factor. But, this is completely fine because you're only proving that I was right. So let me restate it for you so you can stop bringing up the same, awful point over and over again.

As for the bolded statement in your quote, it's good to know that your coalition is holding up peace talks, because you are being completely inflexible. You can keep that practice up, but it's not going to end well for you in the long run.

You would be absolutely right in saying that in that brief moment, our coalition was responsible for holding peace up. For pretty much the entirety of the 'negotiating period' until then, it was Farrin holding them up. Farrin who keeps himself out of the negotiating room for days on end after his walkouts. Farrin who wasted nearly a month on the whole white peace thing when no one could have been as delusional to think that it was going through. These negotiations have been going on only two weeks now (since NPO finally decided to back off of white peace), and much progress occurred, only to be completely wiped out by Farrin three days ago.


To sum up: We dropped the PM term because of constant whining over lost $ from collections. That's fine, the framework of terms Farrin counterproposed were based around nations having the same restrictions, no aid in or out, as peace mode does. Since then, both sides have agreed to that framework, and have negotiated over the days. Three nights ago, Farrin proposed 1.1x, Yeru countered with 1.2x, then Farrin freaked out and decided that framework was no longer acceptable and pulled his offer, walking out of peace, again seizing the mantle of the one holding up peace. There is zero chance, had Farrin NOT walked out, that peace would not have been agreed upon that night. We were responsible for holding up peace for the brief moment between us countering with 1.2x from 1.1x, but Farrin deciding to not join the channel for two days after that, and forcing Yeru to find him in query to see where he was at, is the only thing holding peace up since. He then decided to make up an entirely new framework, one that includes tech reps, which is something I don't think anyone except Farrin is interested in and will never be considered.


Any deal will be centered on NPO's 30ish nations not sending any aid or receiving any for a duration of time, i.e. peace mode without the economic penalties. NPO has agreed that 1.1x the length of the war is acceptable. I'd imagine that the minute he comes back to the table with that or something like it, peace will be at hand and all of your beaten down alliances can get to work rebuilding. If he continues to throw other things out, he is just negotiating with himself, because we already know that the coalition and NPO have agreeable terms, its just on him to un-withdraw the offer. Again, the minute he decides to do that, this is all over. The burden of peace is entirely on him now, nothing else can hold things up.

Edited by Goldie
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You would be absolutely right in saying that in that brief moment, our coalition was responsible for holding peace up. For pretty much the entirety of the 'negotiating period' until then, it was Farrin holding them up. Farrin who keeps himself out of the negotiating room for days on end after his walkouts. Farrin who wasted nearly a month on the whole white peace thing when no one could have been as delusional to think that it was going through. These negotiations have been going on only two weeks now (since NPO finally decided to back off of white peace), and much progress occurred, only to be completely wiped out by Farrin three days ago.


To sum up: We dropped the PM term because of constant whining over lost $ from collections. That's fine, the framework of terms Farrin counterproposed were based around nations having the same restrictions, no aid in or out, as peace mode does. Since then, both sides have agreed to that framework, and have negotiated over the days. Three nights ago, Farrin proposed 1.1x, Yeru countered with 1.2x, then Farrin freaked out and decided that framework was no longer acceptable and pulled his offer, walking out of peace, again seizing the mantle of the one holding up peace. There is zero chance, had Farrin NOT walked out, that peace would not have been agreed upon that night. We were responsible for holding up peace for the brief moment between us countering with 1.2x from 1.1x, but Farrin deciding to not join the channel for two days after that, and forcing Yeru to find him in query to see where he was at, is the only thing holding peace up since. He then decided to make up an entirely new framework, one that includes tech reps, which is something I don't think anyone except Farrin is interested in and will never be considered.


Any deal will be centered on NPO's 30ish nations not sending any aid or receiving any for a duration of time, i.e. peace mode without the economic penalties. NPO has agreed that 1.1x the length of the war is acceptable. I'd imagine that the minute he comes back to the table with that or something like it, peace will be at hand and all of your beaten down alliances can get to work rebuilding. If he continues to throw other things out, he is just negotiating with himself, because we already know that the coalition and NPO have agreeable terms, its just on him to un-withdraw the offer. Again, the minute he decides to do that, this is all over. The burden of peace is entirely on him now, nothing else can hold things up.



wow something more logical than the rest of the spinning i have to say thanks ... hopefully your right and there is workable facts in this. (getting closer to cheering for the Bruins for one game at least :P )

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8  :awesome:, could have been more if anybody bothered to stagger at anytime or even tried to keep me out of peace mode.

Aren't you winning? You should be able to manage more than 8 wars over 3 months without having to stay in PM.

You would be absolutely right in saying that in that brief moment

And quite a few other brief moments, as Farrin hasn't been the only one who's been sent in to deal with you!

The rest of your post is fairly accurate, but to pin everything on Farrin is pretty wild and not that valid of a strategy. Edited by Neo Uruk
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