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End of Hostilities


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As a bigger older ally you should therefor always make sure communication continues

Oh wait, you mean they should attempt to contact their allies in order to keep communication up? I thought we were just supposed to make sacrificial offerings in hope they would take notice of us and bless us with their pressance and good favor.

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So you went in weeks (6-8?) later than all of your allies and peaced out after 2-3 weeks? Goddamn joke of an alliance you are.

Hey man! That's really rude (I'm getting this out of the way so you don't get jumped on for this~)


Also, I called PB breaking up a year in advance. Do I get a cookie or did SF just tell me about it?

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When only one side is imposing conditions and the other are agreeing with said conditions, it's surrender with the word being explicit or not. Of course you know that, you're just playing to the crowd. 


Oh about GATO refraining to inform TLR, I thought CnG treaty was above everything else, may be the part that they should inform their bloc mates about relevant things isn't included on this.

So if alliance a were to offer repairs, a viceroy, etc. to alliance b who accepts it alliance b surrenders? I hope you're seeing the flaws in your argument.

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So if alliance a were to offer repairs, a viceroy, etc. to alliance b who accepts it alliance b surrenders? I hope you're seeing the flaws in your argument.

Using word games to get around a meaning that is plainly obvious to all?


How much does it matter to your side to pretend that you are not losing?

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Getting all this, Letub?


That's the sound of C&G gratitude for your service.  Remember it for future reference when making FA decisions.


You are completely idiotic 99% of the time. There is 0 lack of gratitude, only a total WTF moment by a few people who honestly (and rightly so) expected a minimum of notice and expected not to have read what an ally is doing on the OWF. 


Oh wait, you mean they should attempt to contact their allies in order to keep communication up? I thought we were just supposed to make sacrificial offerings in hope they would take notice of us and bless us with their pressance and good favor.


You , the man who has has bailed on Hooligans in a temper tantrum (not my words, but Hooligans gov words) for what is this now, the 4th time? Want to start slinging mud? Son, you know nothing of the game you are trying to play.

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You are completely idiotic 99% of the time. There is 0 lack of gratitude, only a total WTF moment by a few people who honestly (and rightly so) expected a minimum of notice and expected not to have read what an ally is doing on the OWF. 



You , the man who has has bailed on Hooligans in a temper tantrum (not my words, but Hooligans gov words) for what is this now, the 4th time? Want to start slinging mud? Son, you know nothing of the game you are trying to play.


Anybody who Rush hates that much must be doing something right, o/ Xanth

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This is laughable. The mud sling started when Rush decided to vent his 'personal dismay' in this thread. Typically when people feel like their personal trust has been violated/disrespected, they bring it up in private, not a forum that is known for polarized bickering.

Rush stated a fact: TLR was not informed. He stated that he was upset. Twas you and yours that followed and declared that to be the most horrible form of slander and mudslinging and all other manner of awful conduct and woe is Hooligans, as though you give a spit for them. It isn't. It was an outburst from a fellow prone to them, who actually does care for Hooligans.

I only wish to note all this to demonstrate how facially disingenuous your criticism really is, devoid of sincerity. The "best" of it boils down to "private channels ftw", and quite frankly I've grown to disfavor that line of thinking. Let us air our matters, not pocket them away for the 1% like myself.
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You are completely idiotic 99% of the time. There is 0 lack of gratitude, only a total WTF moment by a few people who honestly (and rightly so) expected a minimum of notice and expected not to have read what an ally is doing on the OWF. 


Maybe what you should be asking, Rushie, is not why no notice, but why it was he felt like he could give no notice, eh?  


Perhaps he figured he'd get brow beat into changing his mind and making decisions that weren't what was in the best, long term interest of his alliance.  But please, rather than asking "was it something we did?" continue to put it on him.  I'll let him speak for himself from here.

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Maybe what you should be asking, Rushie, is not why no notice, but why it was he felt like he could give no notice, eh?  


Perhaps he figured he'd get brow beat into changing his mind and making decisions that weren't what was in the best, long term interest of his alliance.  But please, rather than asking "was it something we did?" continue to put it on him.  I'll let him speak for himself from here.


I have since spoken to letub. His reasons for us receiving have 0 to do with "behavior" or "relationships"... but I am sure I speak for both of us when I express my deepest and most sincere thank you for your concerns about my personal friendships on Planet Bob. As for the rest of your supposition, it is purely idiotic and tries to drive home a point that you would like to be true, rather than a point that could even possibly be true. But by all means, continue to try to offer your ever so deep insights and analyses into things that you have 100% 0 clue about.

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Maybe what you should be asking, Rushie, is not why no notice, but why it was he felt like he could give no notice, eh?  
Perhaps he figured he'd get brow beat into changing his mind and making decisions that weren't what was in the best, long term interest of his alliance.  But please, rather than asking "was it something we did?" continue to put it on him.  I'll let him speak for himself from here.

I doubt letub is so lacking in confidence and self-respect.
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It is of course nice to see someone else bow out, though it is unfortunate that doing so has generated what is in all likelihood undue controversy. Best of luck in resolving your internal issues, as well as relieving whatever tension this places on your relationships. 

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Hey man! That's really rude (I'm getting this out of the way so you don't get jumped on for this~)
Also, I called PB breaking up a year in advance. Do I get a cookie or did SF just tell me about it?

Make jokes all you want, we remember Sardonics reaction when told NG left PB, that was the real joke :) But hey, by all means call it false rumors spread by SF, maybe NG never left PB at all and are those dirty SF lies as well :)
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How is it a leap of faith to go from "it's ok your allies don't talk to you" to "it's ok your allies don't talk to you"

I'd assume CnG has a coalition channel like SF does, all SF members that are on IRC can communicate amongst each other, and gov has their own channel to do the same, something like an ally surrendering would be a topic of conversation, at least to me.


When Hooligans leaves a war early, you know there's something terribly wrong.



Cheers, hope you guys fix whatever problems you're having.

Respect trotsky.


So you jump in, ill-informed and bash an alliance you basically know next to nothing about. Keep on, keeping on I guess mate.

sounds standard for rey.


Oh wait, you mean they should attempt to contact their allies in order to keep communication up? I thought we were just supposed to make sacrificial offerings in hope they would take notice of us and bless us with their pressance and good favor.

Easiest way to get into contact with me.

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