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This assertion is incorrect.  Our coalition is formed by not one but several power centers.  To say we are fighting for a "new hegemony" is an absurd strawman.


And I guess you guys forgot about people like Kait and Hoo.  Trying to make history forget?

Several power centers have allied in the past to form super structures. Q and SuperGrievances come to mind.


Also, we didn't forget about Kait and Hoo. There is nothing to forget. They decided to leave our world. 


OOC: Blaming OOC departures on whole alliances is really weak. Especially when you do nothing but imply stuff. If you want to throw accusations, make them, loud and clear. Otherwise, kindly shut up.

Edited by Yevgeni Luchenkov
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This is interesting.  You actually make a compelling argument, HoT, but you have a couple of flaws there.


This side doesn't destroy personal lives.  More often than not their personal lives destroy themselves.  If you're referring to Van Hoo and Kait, mistakes were definitely made, though.  However, it's not like this is government policy, nor is it even remotely enforced except on the furthest reaches of MK's boards, and even then it's really not.  Outside of that, I can't really think of any instances where this is true.  What is true is that it used to be government policy for the Q forces to prevent rulers from keeping their nations, and to prevent them from ever creating new nations.  But that is an era long since passed.


We should've been more responsible with how we used our power, ultimately.  I can't disagree there.  But the way you got to that conclusion was a little ridiculous.


An RIA member's real life photograph is used as an avatar by someone on the MK forums, I fail to comprehend how that type of culture is somehow better than the hegemony at its worst.


it was only to maintain harmony and a peaceful world devoid of
"horrible acts", your larger side wouldn't have declared war. As your
larger side clamored often times in the past few months, DH had been
largely neutralized as a political force and was unable to launch any
crusade - else it'd risk getting dogpiled. I do not see BIBO as a
horrible act in itself.


By attacking, your side said:
"we want a new hegemonic structure". There is no harm in that, but given
the company you keep, one can definitely be worried as to what the
result of that new hegemony will be. Especially when people on your side
are unable to properly list their grievances against our side without
going into fantasy land ("destroying personal lives", really?), something we were definitely able to do during Karma.


I salute you, though, good friend and wish you well. 

DH had been neutralized politically, militarily not at all, which is what this war is about, burn down everyone's tech.


by attacking our side said "we're incredibly unhappy with the current hegemony", I sincerely doubt there's any intentions of something along the lines of Q ever again, and we'd be beyond some type of supergrievances superbloc, since our coalition is at least 3 separate spheres.


Several power centers have allied in the past to form super structures. Q and SuperGrievances come to mind.


Also, we didn't forget about Kait and Hoo. There is nothing to forget. They decided to leave our world. 


Blaming OOC departures on whole alliances is really weak. Especially
when you do nothing but imply stuff. If you want to throw accusations,
make them, loud and clear. Otherwise, kindly shut up.

"it didn't happen to me specifically so who cares if they were harassed away from our world?"

Edited by Mogar
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HoT - it doesn't take a pony avatar to make you not worth listening to. It's you being you. But for the sake of promoting civilized discourse, I'll address a key fallacy of your argument. It is not necessary for the old Continuum/Q to be the hegemony that arises out of the current aggression - it is enough that a new hegemony will establish itself if permitted to, and there is very little to suggest that it will be more benign than the current order. The least bad outcome would be something similar to what exists now. The more likely outcome will be something worse, even if it doesn't sink to the pre-Karma depths. And that is why your foolishness cannot be allowed to succeed.


Did it ever occur to you that the reason you find MK's hegemony so benign is because you are a part of it?

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Several power centers have allied in the past to form super structures. Q and SuperGrievances come to mind.


Also, we didn't forget about Kait and Hoo. There is nothing to forget. They decided to leave our world. 


OOC: Blaming OOC departures on whole alliances is really weak. Especially when you do nothing but imply stuff. If you want to throw accusations, make them, loud and clear. Otherwise, kindly shut up.


Ah, yes, SuperGrievances, the group united out of fear.  


And then SF got thrown under the bus when you needed a new target to keep you entertained.


OOC:  You know full well what happened and you know full well that it would be an offense to detail what happened.  Do not play dumb.

Edited by HeroofTime55
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We both know that such things can't be talked about here.

Then let's go with this little exercise:


Your side claims that Kait & Hoo's departure was caused by horrible posts done on MK's boards.


In a nutshell, it's the only concrete example of how evil this new Hegemony has been that you guys have been able to give.


My question is this:

What does MK's hegemonic position have to do with how they allegedly treated Kait & Hoo on their own boards? What is the link between their influence and relevance in Digiterra's politics and that presumed posting done on their boards?

In short, the link you guys make is this: "if WE had been in power, we would have shut MK's mouths by rolling them for posting hurtful things on their boards".

And that doesn't reassure me one iota about your plans for the future. It reminds me a lot of 2007 and 2008. 

Edited by Yevgeni Luchenkov
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Ah, yes, SuperGrievances, the group united out of fear.  


And then SF got thrown under the bus when you needed a new target to keep you entertained.


OOC:  You know full well what happened and you know full well that it would be an offense to detail what happened.  Do not play dumb.

and I expect you knew/know kait and hoo really well did/do you?


Another idiot using what happened as a political platform, kindly stop please, you seriously not doing anyone any favors. 

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And let me get your default response out of the way while I'm at it:
"Hurr durr u hav a pony avatar your words don't matter"

My continued relevance, however great or little it may be, is conclusive evidence against this belief.
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.My question is this:

What does MK's hegemonic position have to do with how they allegedly treated Kait & Hoo on their own boards? What is the link between their influence and relevance in Digiterra's politics and that presumed posting done on their boards?

In short, the link you guys make is this: "if WE had been in power, we would have shut MK's mouths by rolling them for posting hurtful things on their boards".

And that doesn't reassure me one iota about your plans for the future. It reminds me a lot of 2007 and 2008. 


MK was hegemon, they were able to insult people(entirely OOCly no less) without any worry of diplomatic repercussions, which you're right, would have happened under Q, since they actually acknowledged an IC/OOC line, instead of the entirely OOC cesspool our world has become. do you feel your personal life should be allowed to be used against you?

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And that doesn't reassure me one iota about your plans for the future. It reminds me a lot of 2007 and 2008. 


I think if you asked whether people would rather live in a world where OCC attacks are either punished or rewarded they would overwhelmingly prefer the former. 

Edited by WhitEarendur
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Then let's go with this little exercise:
Your side claims that Kait & Hoo's departure was caused by horrible posts done on MK's boards.
In a nutshell, it's the only concrete example of how evil this new Hegemony has been that you guys have been able to give.
My question is this:
What does MK's hegemonic position have to do with how they allegedly treated Kait & Hoo on their own boards? What is the link between their influence and relevance in Digiterra's politics and that presumed posting done on their boards?

In short, the link you guys make is this: "if WE had been in power, we would have shut MK's mouths by rolling them for posting hurtful things on their boards".

And that doesn't reassure me one iota about your plans for the future. It reminds me a lot of 2007 and 2008.

I don't know if Hoo and Kait left due to the horrible posts done on MK's board.

I do know that there were horrible posts about MK's boards. That's good enough to earn you a rolling.
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I don't know if Hoo and Kait left due to the horrible posts done on MK's board.

I do know that there were horrible posts about MK's boards. That's good enough to earn you a rolling.


I don't really care about those supposedly horrible things but, either way, what happens on the MK boards is none of your goddamned business. As for rolling us, well, good luck with that.

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I don't really care about those supposedly horrible things but, either way, what happens on the MK boards is none of your goddamned business. As for rolling us, well, good luck with that.

[ooc]Uh when they're mocking the Real lives of other people,espcially when we're talking about two parents who are searching for their daughter, then yes they are this entire community's because that behavior shouldn't be allowed, and it should have immediately been punished.
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MK was hegemon, they were able to insult people(entirely OOCly no less) without any worry of diplomatic repercussions, which you're right, would have happened under Q, since they actually acknowledged an IC/OOC line, instead of the entirely OOC cesspool our world has become. do you feel your personal life should be allowed to be used against you?

MK said awful things about people on their own boards.

TPF said awful things about people on the OWF, called it casus belli, and declared war.

But yes, the Hegemony were saints.
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I don't know if Hoo and Kait left due to the horrible posts done on MK's board.

I do know that there were horrible posts about MK's boards. That's good enough to earn you a rolling.



Weren't you just, like on the same page as this quote, saying your side won't be as bad as you were before?  


Fast forward one post, "Ugh!  Me no likey your boards!  Me roll you!"

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Kait and Hoo left under circumstances that were not of their own.  They were forced to leave through the actions of others who are part of the Hipsters.  I believe we all await to hear of the profound punishment those who participated in such distasteful actions to defend that logic that a few bad seeds does not ruin the bunch.


I believe also there were some matters of certain alliances entrusting a certain member of a certain Hipster alliance with their boards access so that they may assist them in such endeavors.  A trust which was subsequently violated when private conversations and information were shared out.


Maybe it could also be the fact that many of the Hipsters seem to take pride in belittling other members here from their post content, to simply just being a troll for trolls sake.  An ailment not particularly confined to the realms of the Hipsters, but something which appears to run more rampant among them.


Hmm, could it also be the countless times in the past when confronted about their audacious political movements and wars they consistently said "do something about it" to those detractors.  Now that said detractors have "done something" it appears that was just chest thumping and bravado?


No, I do believe there are a many more things aside from the forced departure of Kait and Hoo for many of us on Planet Bob to loathe about the Hipsters.  Though it would be advantageous for your side to pigeon hole the many issues to one significant event, the reality is your actions and words have had this coming for a long time.  


In the end, when your words have shown a consistency of being riddled with male cow manure, those who have grown fed up with it will take action.  All of you have been bleating like horned sheep about not having significant foes or adversaries, so consider zipping it and showing us all that your words were more than just hot air smelling most foul.

Then let's go with this little exercise:


Your side claims that Kait & Hoo's departure was caused by horrible posts done on MK's boards.


In a nutshell, it's the only concrete example of how evil this new Hegemony has been that you guys have been able to give.


My question is this:

What does MK's hegemonic position have to do with how they allegedly treated Kait & Hoo on their own boards? What is the link between their influence and relevance in Digiterra's politics and that presumed posting done on their boards?

In short, the link you guys make is this: "if WE had been in power, we would have shut MK's mouths by rolling them for posting hurtful things on their boards".

And that doesn't reassure me one iota about your plans for the future. It reminds me a lot of 2007 and 2008. 


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Q was adamantly against bullying people?

See above post.

TPF expressly tasked itself with driving a large group of people from the world.

WotC/NoCB was premised on somebody having the audacity to try and come back to the world.

None of you have ever been "adamantly against bullying people." The only thing you've ever wanted is to get to pick and choose who gets to be condemned for being awful, to be the judge, jury, and executioner. That is the charade of eQuilibrium. That is the veil of false concern each and every one of you drape yourselves in out here on the OWF.

MK is mean to people on its boards. Sometimes to a shocking degree. But not once did the Kingdom, nor that of any of its allies, ever be so mean as to twist that cruelty into policy and call it justified. Not once was base humor and disrespect transformed into self-righteous justice on the global stage. It stayed at home. Where it belongs.

If the goal of your fools' crusade is to restore the "kindness" of the dark ages, by God, you'll never see an alliance now aligned against you accept peace.
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This assertion is incorrect.  Our coalition is formed by not one but several power centers.  To say we are fighting for a "new hegemony" is an absurd strawman.

All coalitions are formed by several power spheres, although I think the parallels are made in that one very specific power center is still very similar to an old hegemony. Although I personally think that, at least some of the alliances involved, have changed their ways for the better. Especially considering I can't think of many people still in power in those alliances who were also in power back then. Alliances change because the people in power change, because people sure as shit don't change.


And I guess you guys forgot about people like Kait and Hoo.  Trying to make history forget?


I don't want people to forget how you sympathized for people as delusional as you all are. There was hardly anything factually correct to support the claims of those wholly irresponsible "adults" and I do not regret for a second the things we brought to light during that affair.

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