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Upper End of the War

Vasily Blyukher

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save yourself the comedy routine.

Personally I think you're the joke in the show.

Do you plan to sit this entire war out?


I was originally going to mention how crushing your defeat will be but I reckon months of negative peace mode effects will be the only thing crushing your will.

Edited by Commander shepard
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I was taking a look at TOP "nuke turrets" and all of them are running low of nukes, with the exception of UE who still has 10 nukes, I expect them to deplete their nukes in the next 2 or 3 days. After that they will become "nuke targets". I'm lazy so I didn't checked other alliances in DH side, but I believe the same is happening with them.

Well, there is a couple of ways TOP could fix this issue. 1) being the immense amount of nations that EQ has let, slip into peace mode. The TOP nations with large enough warchests could keep a lot of the shark nations at bay while they allow a few people to slip into Peace Mode at this point. 2) The TOP nations with massive warchests could theoretically build their ways out of the shark tank again while the safe zone continues to drop lower and lower for EQ's side. These nations can launch themselves up and out of the range of the shark tank and allow them to rebuild nukes.

This is something that just came to mind with me glancing over this quickly. Granted this strategy involves a large portion of luck on our side and tomfoolery on EQ's part (which seems to still be the case with most of EQ) but I can guarantee this will happen with some nations.

I'm sure there are other ways TOP will be able to cycle nations in and out of PM while they stock up on nukes. But this was just a quick, glance analysis at some possible outcomes.
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Hell if I had no nukes I'd gladly sit and be nuked for a week losing a few hundred tech from some 7k tech nation to restock to 14. Hell even two rounds to get back to 25. Don't talk to me about spy ops...by the time most of us drop down the tech disparity will be so great those spy nuke ops will fail 905% of the time. So Shortage of nukes is a concern that can be easily alleviated. You just assume we have to buy and fire when we run out. You also don;t seem to realize that we can effectively cover everything you have between 80-100k with just what we have over 100k. Since it doesn't look like they will lose it fighting...we may have to ask them to sell down but to have 18k tech nations able to nuke 70K nations into oblivion and still put our own guys in range on them...well that just a bonus. I think the ceiling for eQ will be pretty low by the end. They of course believe everything will be fine and dandy. I like that. Be in denial, It doesn't matter. 

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Well, there is a couple of ways TOP could fix this issue. 1) being the immense amount of nations that EQ has let, slip into peace mode. The TOP nations with large enough warchests could keep a lot of the shark nations at bay while they allow a few people to slip into Peace Mode at this point. 2) The TOP nations with massive warchests could theoretically build their ways out of the shark tank again while the safe zone continues to drop lower and lower for EQ's side. These nations can launch themselves up and out of the range of the shark tank and allow them to rebuild nukes.


Just looking at the first page, only 1 TOP nation in the top 40 slipped to peace mode currently, the page goes down to 50k.

TOP nations would have to spend billions and they still would not escape the shark tank, what is the point of spending that much if you will only be pulled back down instantly.

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Just looking at the first page, only 1 TOP nation in the top 40 slipped to peace mode currently, the page goes down to 50k.

TOP nations would have to spend billions and they still would not escape the shark tank, what is the point of spending that much if you will only be pulled back down instantly.


Considering that's almost what eQ nations are doing just to updeclare on us, I will ask you the same thing? They need more than 3999 infra to be able to declare too.

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Considering that's almost what eQ nations are doing just to updeclare on us, I will ask you the same thing? They need more than 3999 infra to be able to declare too.

I think it is a far way off almost, TOP nations would probably need to buy >20000 infra to have any hope of escaping.

Edited by Commander shepard
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Commander Shepard, you aren't very bright. And do tell, how would you stop Timmehh, myself and whoever else up here that completely outclasses your "top tier" from doing whatever we wanted to do? Genuinely curious.

Edited by o ya baby
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Just looking at the first page, only 1 TOP nation in the top 40 slipped to peace mode currently, the page goes down to 50k.

TOP nations would have to spend billions and they still would not escape the shark tank, what is the point of spending that much if you will only be pulled back down instantly.

None of the nations on TOP's front page that are currently in PM have slipped in there from war. 


Did you only glance at this guy and think it was him (In PM since 11/30/2012; could easily be seen as 1/30 if not looking close enough)?


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Hell if I had no nukes I'd gladly sit and be nuked for a week losing a few hundred tech from some 7k tech nation to restock to 14. Hell even two rounds to get back to 25. Don't talk to me about spy ops...by the time most of us drop down the tech disparity will be so great those spy nuke ops will fail 905% of the time. So Shortage of nukes is a concern that can be easily alleviated. You just assume we have to buy and fire when we run out. You also don;t seem to realize that we can effectively cover everything you have between 80-100k with just what we have over 100k. Since it doesn't look like they will lose it fighting...we may have to ask them to sell down but to have 18k tech nations able to nuke 70K nations into oblivion and still put our own guys in range on them...well that just a bonus. I think the ceiling for eQ will be pretty low by the end. They of course believe everything will be fine and dandy. I like that. Be in denial, It doesn't matter. 

With HNMS, you can avoid spy ops all together.  A WRC nation will average about .8 nukes landed a day (2 x .4), assuming they face guys with SDIs, to one nuke eaten.  That'll get to over 1-1 once you take in the other side failing to nuke every day, stagger everyone, etc.

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You think your coalition will hold up for another 7 months?


I'd love to be a fly on the wall in your coalition chambers as you give the pep talk to the alliances who are shouldering the load just so you can have Umbrella lose some tech.

Don't even bother with them, my Liege. Clearly the only way they'll learn is a trial by fire.

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Commander Shepard, you aren't very bright. And do tell, how would you stop Timmehh, myself and whoever else up here that completely outclasses your "top tier" from doing whatever we wanted to do? Genuinely curious.


They can't stop you, that's true. 

Now answer my questions:


Do you think that a couple of mega nations will change the result of this war?


Do you think that 99% of your coalition will be happy to keep fighting against overwhelming odds just because a couple of nations are free to do whatever they want in the mega-upper-tie?


Once nations like you destroy the remain of EQ upper tie you'll have nothing to do other than send 18m or 27m each 10 days while the great majority of DH coalition is being literally destroyed. 

A good analogy would be a real war where planes can't attack the ground and the ground troops can't attack the planes. You have air-superiority, but your infantry is being decimated and all the pilots can do is wave the wings and wish luck to the soldiers while they die in the ground.

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Why would the situation change post war exactly? If as you say, you manage to stay in the mega upper tier, the only people you could conceivably attack are GPA. And trying to prevent other alliances from growing into range of you would just cause your rank and file to get massacred again. I am sure they relish the idea of repeatedly being sacrificed for your stats.

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I would guess that they are making extensive use of other AAs.  As they did in BiPolar.  I wouldn't hold my breath to find out where so they could be counted though.


My curiosity is why anyone is on the main AA at all.


I'm guessing the 4 that are currently on other aa's don't count as extensive.  Or the 1 of those 4 who is above 86k and entered the war late from pm in DBDC isn't exactly hiding and is already counted in the statistics.  Whether people want to view the existing statistics whichever way they want to spin them, at least for that area the raw alliance statistics provide a decent snapshot of what is happening.

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This war was over the moment the first shot was fired. Like in chess, we are in the end game. You guys are making each move but everyone playing and everyone watching knows that the end result will be checkmate unless our side makes an enormous screw up. Which incidentally, is very unlikely to happen.

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This war was over the moment the first shot was fired. Like in chess, we are in the end game. You guys are making each move but everyone playing and everyone watching knows that the end result will be checkmate unless our side makes an enormous screw up. Which incidentally, is very unlikely to happen.

And what exactly is checkmate?  Surely you're aiming higher than doing 51% damage to our coalition's 49%?  Are you going to vainly try to get money or tech out of us?


You talk a big game.  A big, vague game.  What exactly are you looking for?

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This war was over the moment the first shot was fired. Like in chess, we are in the end game. You guys are making each move but everyone playing and everyone watching knows that the end result will be checkmate unless our side makes an enormous screw up. Which incidentally, is very unlikely to happen.

Wait until a few of pawns on your side find out they're next.


That's when it's going to be interesting.

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And what exactly is checkmate?  Surely you're aiming higher than doing 51% damage to our coalition's 49%?  Are you going to vainly try to get money or tech out of us?


You talk a big game.  A big, vague game.  What exactly are you looking for?


You mention this percentage but forgot to say that while the damage your coalition is taking is spread among 20 alliances, EQ damage is spread among 46. You want to sound like that was a tie, but it isn't. If at least half of the propaganda your side is putting in this thread was true, DH coalition should had at least caused more damage than EQ. 

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