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[quote name='Timberland' timestamp='1358774852' post='3082176']
/me clears throat

My offensive slots are full, all my defensive slots are open. TOP put everyone in my range in peace mode except for an inactive dude that failed to reach pm

I'd be more than happy to dance when I get out.. if you'll have me. :)

Might have to shed a little NS first though, shouldn't be too difficult to accomplish.

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[quote name='Believland' timestamp='1358803215' post='3082571']
I'm fairly certain you're too irrelevant to declare war on.

I remember an era when the word 'Hegemony' was the popular catch phrase. Now it appears to be we are in the era of "relevance and irrelevance'. Not that it matters because if you won't attack me then I will attack you.

Edited by Charles Stuart
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[quote name='Charles Stuart' timestamp='1358816901' post='3082732']
I remember an era when the word 'Hegemony' was the popular catch phrase. Now it appears to be we are in the era of "relevance and irrelevance'. Not that it matters because if you won't attack me then I will attack you.
And I remember when your alliance almost declared war over a "Your mom" joke. Though this nostalgia thing is doing nothing for me. And yeah, you'll attack us when whatever. You're repeating your trite saying.

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[quote name='supercoolyellow' timestamp='1358874473' post='3083771']
Why no declaration on IRON or NPO? You weren't afraid of NG were you?

Terrified, but at least we didn't have to revise our DoW after posting.

Edited by Vorenus
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[quote name='Vorenus' timestamp='1358879161' post='3083826']

Terrified, but at least we didn't have to revise our DoW after posting.
[quote name='Centurius' timestamp='1358879748' post='3083833']

I'm sorry, why did your side edit the DoW again?

That did happen, but I'd like to point your attention to some of the text in the the DOW posted in this thread.

[quote name='Voodoo Nova' timestamp='1358744410' post='3081543']

We shall keep Bob out of the hands of the corrupt, the rich, the oppressors of old, who seek to abuse your hope for their own twisted purposes. The revolution was never over. You shall be free to live in harmony; you shall not be attacked for your posts, we shall not impose viceroys on you, we shall not disband your alliances.

Now tell me, is Anarchy Inc the oppressor of old here? I doubt it because they haven't been around even more than a year. So then, I'm guessing you were probably talking about NPO or IRON there, but you didn't attack those two now did you? Why was that?

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[quote name='supercoolyellow' timestamp='1358889199' post='3083937']
That did happen, but I'd like to point your attention to some of the text in the the DOW posted in this thread.

Now tell me, is Anarchy Inc the oppressor of old here? I doubt it because they haven't been around even more than a year. So then, I'm guessing you were probably talking about NPO or IRON there, but you didn't attack those two now did you? Why was that?


hey guys what is a coalition!

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[quote name='supercoolyellow' timestamp='1358889199' post='3083937']
Now tell me, is Anarchy Inc the oppressor of old here? I doubt it because they haven't been around even more than a year. So then, I'm guessing you were probably talking about NPO or IRON there, but you didn't attack those two now did you? Why was that?

Truth be told... there is just something about NPO and IRONs war machine that is terrifying, we want to preserve as many pixels possible this war and declaring on them would go against our motto. There was also the fear of getting countered by MHA, could not risk that. You were unto something, but were looking in the wrong corner, now I hope I have shined the light on you.

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[quote name='supercoolyellow' timestamp='1358889199' post='3083937']
That did happen, but I'd like to point your attention to some of the text in the the DOW posted in this thread.

Now tell me, is Anarchy Inc the oppressor of old here? I doubt it because they haven't been around even more than a year. So then, I'm guessing you were probably talking about NPO or IRON there, but you didn't attack those two now did you? Why was that?


You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the parents to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me,

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[quote name='supercoolyellow' timestamp='1358889199' post='3083937']So then, I'm guessing you were probably talking about NPO or IRON there, but you didn't attack those two now did you? Why was that?


Oh, but we did. After all, "an attack on one is an attack on all", didn't you quote those very words in one of your posts just two nights ago?

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The bickering in here is just amazing......the first couple pages were all fun but now christ is just a circular "NO U", the plain facts are that MK were never going to be friends with AI and co, TOP make their stance perfectly clear when TOP posted they wanted to destroy AI, our whole sphere and anyone connected to us/it. They tried to bloc any treaties with AI inside PF and in so doing alienated what were your own bloc mates by choosing MK over them(so be it its your choice and sovereign right to do so. This has been building up for a long time and for any of you to argue that us ludicrous, Umbrella gave the opening and of course we took it(though imo I bet no one thought AI would do anything about it or Umbrella).

So pls quit with all the other bs as anything but the above is just party lines or people talking out their neck.

War is here, everyone wanted it, just enjoy the ride and bit of excitement this brings to Planet Bob.

o/ Casualties, the only true winner in war :D

Edited by chefjoe
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[quote name='chefjoe' timestamp='1358984273' post='3084307']
The bickering in here is just amazing......the first couple pages were all fun but now christ is just a circular "NO U", the plain facts are that MK were never going to be friends with AI and co, TOP make their stance perfectly clear when TOP posted they wanted to destroy AI, our whole sphere and anyone connected to us/it. [b]They tried to bloc any treaties with AI inside PF and in so doing alienated what were your own bloc mates by choosing MK over them[/b](so be it its your choice and sovereign right to do so. This has been building up for a long time and for any of you to argue that us ludicrous, Umbrella gave the opening and of course we took it(though imo I bet no one thought AI would do anything about it or Umbrella).

So pls quit with all the other bs as anything but the above is just party lines or people talking out their neck.

War is here, everyone wanted it, just enjoy the ride and bit of excitement this brings to Planet Bob.

o/ Casualties, the only true winner in war :D
This absolutely did not happen.

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Joe... hate to say it dude, but you're full of shit. What you outlined in your post (and I'm not even going to justify it by quoting it here), is downright wrong. For someone complaining about "party lines" and "talking out of your neck", you sure happen to be doing a lot of it. Unless, of course, you happen to have some sort of way to prove your point is valid and accurate. More than the word of some partial government member. I'm talking real good stuff. IRC logs, screenshots. If you can find those and present them (you don't even have to do it here if you're shy... IRC works too), then I'll leave you be. But, until then, I'll ask you to refrain from lying in our threads. It's unseemly of you.

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We really didn't. If anybody discouraged treaties between PF and AI, it wasn't from MK. We were a little busy shoring up relations closer to home.

Those treates were discouraged with your interests, and not those of PF, in mind. That you weren't the trigger men on it is fairly immaterial.

Edited by trimm
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