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Never bring an Umbrella to a gun fight


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[quote name='Masterof9puppets' timestamp='1358642136' post='3080415']
I didn't play Umbrella or make them do anything. Also, read the goddamn topic if you're going to make dumb posts. I recognize that it's 50 pages, but damn you sound like an idiot.

It's ok, we have a rogue's word that he was not doing that.

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Ok guys.

We have seen this failure of a coalition against umbrella claim that they aren't aggressive for declaring an aggressive wars (claiming NPO isn't an aggressor is doubly hilarious because they followed a !@#$@#$ oA in and that Umbrella has no right to exercise BIBO.

Seriously. Get the $%&@ out. If Umb has no right hitting their rightful targets (and even absorbing damage AI would take) you have no !@#$@#$ fraction of a right to chain in aggressively.

Commander Shepard, you're an idiot and proving your side to be hypocritical.

Edited by Neo Uruk
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[quote name='Ardus' timestamp='1358640565' post='3080382']
Cheer yourselves while you can. The nukes will soon fly. And when the infra is scorched and there is naught but tech and warchests, you'll wonder how the hell you're going to keep this up. I'd pray for luck on your SDIs.

Yeah about that...

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[quote name='Commander shepard' timestamp='1358642824' post='3080421']
It's ok, we have a rogue's word that he was not doing that.

You must see the irony of using his posts against Umbrella when they were convenient for your position but that it is a 'rogue's word' when it is no longer.

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[quote name='Ogaden' timestamp='1358643329' post='3080424']
Yeah about that...

If we're going to go down, we're going to do so as a collective force that has never had any equal, past or present. I sure hope you and your friends are prepared for that, because we sure are.

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[quote name='Neo Uruk' timestamp='1358643275' post='3080422']
Ok guys.

We have seen this failure of a coalition against umbrella claim that they aren't aggressive for declaring an aggressive wars (claiming NPO isn't an aggressor is doubly hilarious because they followed a !@#$@#$ oA in and that Umbrella has no right to exercise BIBO.

Seriously. Get the $%&@ out. If Umb has no right hitting their rightful targets (and even absorbing damage AI would take) you have no !@#$@#$ fraction of a right to chain in aggressively.

Commander Shepard, you're an idiot and proving your side to be hypocritical.
[/quote]Which part of conspiring to allow a return to peacemode does your side have so much difficulty with? or does the fact that you are finally being held account for your behavior knock your braincells out?

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[quote name='Icewolf' timestamp='1358643699' post='3080428']
Which part of conspiring to allow a return to peacemode does your side have so much difficulty with? or does the fact that you are finally being held account for your behavior knock your braincells out?
Prove it. Until then you and the Chromosome Hive are just blowing hot air hoping the sidelines will flock to you and your "just cause" instead of seeing through it.

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[quote name='Wadsworth' timestamp='1358643587' post='3080427']
If we're going to go down, we're going to do so as a collective force that has never had any equal, past or present.

You guys keep saying it like you mean it.

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[quote name='SpacingOutMan' timestamp='1358642596' post='3080418']
Wait... people are still fighting about whether or not this war is justified? lolololololololol You guys are too funny.

People care ?

I'm just happy for a reason to pay attention to this crack like game

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[quote name='Amossio' timestamp='1358634498' post='3080284']
you're going to force us to change our policies?why don't you just give us a viceroy like the good old days heh
[/quote]Lol, its too early to admit defeat, even for you. Because of course you would have to lose to receive a viceroy back in the day :P

[quote name='IYIyTh' timestamp='1358639646' post='3080371']
It's a word filter, moron.

Also what you replied to has absolutely nothing to do with what you said.

Why are you allowed to post? It's like you're sitting in an irc channel with a bunch of people and your idea of being funny is attempting to say the most outrageously stupid thing you can think of in an attempt to get a rise out of someone.

[/quote]Wait, What? If there is such a channel I want in. While I may not agree with all of his posts, they still usually make me laugh :P

[quote name='Wadsworth' timestamp='1358643587' post='3080427']
If we're going to go down, we're going to do so as a collective force that has never had any equal, past or present. I sure hope you and your friends are prepared for that, because we sure are.
[/quote]This made me giggle only because it contradicts itself in the same sentence. Surely you would never go down because if you were a collective force that has never had any equal, this would not be possible. However if you do go down, I think all can agree you came across some who were more than your equal...one might even say Better ;)

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[quote name='Neo Uruk' timestamp='1358644025' post='3080434']
Prove it. Until then you and the Chromosome Hive are just blowing hot air hoping the sidelines will flock to you and your "just cause" instead of seeing through it.

So all this "OMG this isnt a CB", and yelling "prove it" kinda makes you look idiotic especially considering some of the CB used in recent times.

We want you to burn , you want us to burn. Why can't we just leave it at that?

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Anyone saying they didn't want this war is simply foolish at best. We all play a war game surrounded by politics. All bs aside, Umbrella screwed up and opened a door.

Natan and I talked. We both admitted to one another we wanted to punch each other in the face but it wasn't what was best for our allies. I have worked to keep NPO from heating that up. Until this I believed Umbrella was doing the same (hell I am even willing to say this may not be coordinated... hard for me to do but thats fine). Am I taking advantage of this so to speak to collect the debt owed my alliance and allies. Absolutely. My allies in CnG (hell so does Ravan) know I have brought my concerns and problems to them about Umbrella time and time again.

It war. We all (CN) wanted it, lets get to it. Lets cut the crap, there isn't a moral position here, just a war position.

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[quote name='nutkase' timestamp='1358644844' post='3080446']
So all this "OMG this isnt a CB", and yelling "prove it" kinda makes you look idiotic especially considering some of the CB used in recent times.

We want you to burn , you want us to burn. Why can't we just leave it at that?

You insisted on getting a cb so you could claim moral highground.

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[quote name='nutkase' timestamp='1358644844' post='3080446']

So all this "OMG this isnt a CB", and yelling "prove it" kinda makes you look idiotic especially considering some of the CB used in recent times.

We want you to burn , you want us to burn. Why can't we just leave it at that?
Because you're pretending us burning would be better for the world. And it wouldn't be as you've demonstrated by this clear act of barely warranted aggression. You tried no forms of diplomacy and instead jumped onto someone who was helping.you in a fight.

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[quote name='Neo Uruk' timestamp='1358643275' post='3080422']
Ok guys.

We have seen this failure of a coalition against umbrella claim that they aren't aggressive for declaring an aggressive wars (claiming NPO isn't an aggressor is doubly hilarious because they followed a !@#$@#$ oA in and that Umbrella has no right to exercise BIBO.

Seriously. Get the $%&@ out. If Umb has no right hitting their rightful targets (and even absorbing damage AI would take) you have no !@#$@#$ fraction of a right to chain in aggressively.

Commander Shepard, you're an idiot and proving your side to be hypocritical.
Well, if you want to e-lawyer it. AI sees the actions of the Umbrella nations as hostile to AI. This war is a result of AI defending ourselves from hostile acts by Umbrella, [i]whether Umbrella intended them to be -- or believes them to be -- aggressive or not[/i]. By that, we're perfectly within rights to call in NPO and IRON via MD clauses. As NATO and TIO are not directly tied to AI, they can join in on oA clauses via NPO.

You do not get to be the sole arbiter of what is an aggressive act. So you can cry all you like, but AI sees aggression, and AI is defending against that.

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[quote name='SpacingOutMan' timestamp='1358642596' post='3080418']
Wait... people are still fighting about whether or not this war is justified? lolololololololol You guys are too funny.

Yeah seriously, the coalition really messed up in the op and should have said even though we have all the reason to DoW, the fact is that "we just don't like you" :awesome:


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[quote name='Neo Uruk' timestamp='1358645046' post='3080451']
Because you're pretending us burning would be better for the world. And it wouldn't be as you've demonstrated by this clear act of barely warranted aggression. You tried no forms of diplomacy and instead jumped onto someone who was helping.you in a fight.
[/quote]I wasn't aware that Umbrella & Co knew the word diplomacy. I thought they had thrown that book out the pram a long time ago. I seem to recall your good friends MK claiming that a peace offering labelled "protected by MK" was diplomacy.

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[quote name='Brehon' timestamp='1358644982' post='3080449']
Anyone saying they didn't want this war is simply foolish at best. We all play a war game surrounded by politics. All bs aside, Umbrella screwed up and opened a door.

Natan and I talked. We both admitted to one another we wanted to punch each other in the face but it wasn't what was best for our allies. I have worked to keep NPO from heating that up. Until this I believed Umbrella was doing the same (hell I am even willing to say this may not be coordinated... hard for me to do but thats fine). Am I taking advantage of this so to speak to collect the debt owed my alliance and allies. Absolutely. My allies in CnG (hell so does Ravan) know I have brought my concerns and problems to them about Umbrella time and time again.

It war. We all (CN) wanted it, lets get to it. Lets cut the crap, there isn't a moral position here, just a war position.

Even you can be cool sometimes.

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[quote name='Neo Uruk' timestamp='1358645046' post='3080451']
Because you're pretending us burning would be better for the world. And it wouldn't be as you've demonstrated by this clear act of barely warranted aggression. You tried no forms of diplomacy and instead jumped onto someone who was helping.you in a fight.

Allow me to enlighten you from the perspective of an alliance who has been through the exact same thing a couple of years ago or so which also included kronos. They did exactly the same thing to us. Their members were roguing our nations then having their slots filled by kronos nations and you know what?


That too almost came to war so if you can seriously sit there and imagine for even a fleeting moment that anybody but you sees this type of crap for anything but what it is. CRAP!!! Then you're fooling no one but yourself.

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