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A Statement from BFF

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[quote name='WarriorConcept' timestamp='1357868521' post='3074313']
The attempts to discredit NEW's honor by people who back down on ultimatums to let Big Brother take over is amusing.

NEW has done enough to discredit it's own honor.

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[quote name='mythicknight' timestamp='1357865014' post='3074261']

Sending aid to their friends in the heat of the moment to try and get in on some action is far from some brooding plot they concocted like some of the posts in this thread are seeming to insinuate. I'm not defending their actions (we were taken by surprise too), but there's a clear difference.

It was a clear plot and was stated as such to develop a global war from the beginning. Considering how quickly you guys backed down from defending NEW, I thought you would know that.

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[quote name='mythicknight' timestamp='1357865014' post='3074261']
I'm not sure why people seem to be in awe/praising the honoring of the cancellation period - usually that's just the standard way of doings things if you're cancelling a treaty, it's nothing new. Claiming it could have been waived altogether due to some blown-up infraction of another clause just reeks of covering asses/bailing tactics.

[url=http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=112611]So what is it that you are you doing, exactly?[/url].

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[quote name='darkfox' timestamp='1357869013' post='3074322']
This thread is highly amusing. Most people would have cut bait on an alliance who did this quite quickly. No honoring the cancellation period because it was voided. I wonder how NEW's other allies are going to act in the coming days.

If you aren't going to follow through on a treaty, then have some balls and come out publicly and say it.

Why half ass it and push for some sort of termed war? It seems like a a cop out to me to safe face.

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[quote name='Robster83' timestamp='1357869415' post='3074326']
If you aren't going to follow through on a treaty, then have some balls and come out publicly and say it.

Why half ass it and push for some sort of termed war? It seems like a a cop out to me to safe face.

If you don't think we are going to follow through on the treaty maybe you should attack NEW right now. My nukes have been collecting dust.

One side voiding a treaty and forcing another in a hard position is nothing new.

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[quote name='longnameislonger' timestamp='1357867698' post='3074295']
I recently read some logs that make reading the stuff here about BFF's honor seem kind of strange.

That's the second time someone referenced logs....

I'm starting to get suspicious that something nefarious has occured...

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[quote name='WarriorConcept' timestamp='1357868942' post='3074319']
Considering how quickly you guys backed down from defending NEW, I thought you would know that.

Feel free to show where we ever backed down. We've been in communication with NEW since we heard about the situation, and now that they've stopped aiding we're satisfied. If they are still attacked, I fully intend to defend them in whatever way I can, not try and weasel out of an obligation using a feigned offense, nor try to coordinate a farcical short-term defense with the very people that attacked them and then leave NEW to be "demolished" by the world. That clear enough?

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BFF dropping NEW like a pissing baby would have been reasonable, just like BFF fighting for NEW and then dropping them would have been reasonable. Pretending to do the latter while basically negotiating the former is lying to the world.

NEW should drop BFF. You deserve better allies.

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[quote name='darkfox' timestamp='1357869635' post='3074329']
If you don't think we are going to follow through on the treaty maybe you should attack NEW right now. My nukes have been collecting dust.

One side voiding a treaty and forcing another in a hard position is nothing new.

I have no doubt you would act on it if we were to attack them. After all, curbstomps are kind of your thing right? ... All the honour and bravery seem to go out of the window when the tables are turned.

I was moreso referring to BFF proposing various damage limitation deals to keep the war contained. If you are going to act on a treaty by all means do it, don't cover it up and get into some sort of termed war for the sake of valuing the treaty. It's !@#$%^&*.

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[quote name='longnameislonger' timestamp='1357869868' post='3074334']
BFF dropping NEW like a pissing baby would have been reasonable, just like BFF fighting for NEW and then dropping them would have been reasonable. Pretending to do the latter while basically negotiating the former is lying to the world.

NEW should drop BFF. You deserve better allies.

You of all people should be familiar with putting allies in difficult positions for the dumbest reasons. BFF did the right thing in spite of NEW's stupidity. I'm sure that's a familiar story to you, it certainly is for me.

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[quote name='mythicknight' timestamp='1357869847' post='3074332']
Feel free to show where we ever backed down. We've been in communication with NEW since we heard about the situation, and now that they've stopped aiding we're satisfied. If they are still attacked, I fully intend to defend them in whatever way I can, not try and weasel out of an obligation using a feigned offense, nor try to coordinate a farcical short-term defense with the very people that attacked them and then leave NEW to be "demolished" by the world. That clear enough?

You'll fight for NEW's unwarranted aggressions?

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[quote name='Robster83' timestamp='1357869943' post='3074336']
I have no doubt you would act on it if we were to attack them. After all, curbstomps are kind of your thing right? ... All the honour and bravery seem to go out of the window when the tables are turned.

I was moreso referring to BFF proposing various damage limitation deals to keep the war contained. If you are going to act on a treaty by all means do it, don't cover it up and get into some sort of termed war for the sake of valuing the treaty. It's !@#$%^&*.

Either you seem to have forgotten history or you have lost it. BFF walked into a curb stomp not too long ago for NEW, and is no stranger to taking it for allies. Some of them seem to be displeased with us in this very thread. I guess a record of following our treaties doesn't matter right?

I'll just leave this here as a reminder of the last time NEW shafted BFF. [url="http://cybernations.wikia.com/wiki/NEW-DF_War"]http://cybernations....wiki/NEW-DF_War[/url]

Edited by darkfox
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[quote name='mythicknight' timestamp='1357869847' post='3074332']
Feel free to show where we ever backed down. We've been in communication with NEW since we heard about the situation, and now that they've stopped aiding we're satisfied. If they are still attacked, I fully intend to defend them in whatever way I can, not try and weasel out of an obligation using a feigned offense, nor try to coordinate a farcical short-term defense with the very people that attacked them and then leave NEW to be "demolished" by the world. That clear enough?

Funny how quickly tunes change. I'm sure you would have been right there with them on NPO, right? You know what NEW was doing was retarded and a deliberate attempt at war.

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[quote name='longnameislonger' timestamp='1357870225' post='3074342']
You'll fight for NEW's unwarranted aggressions?

Where fight means a full on war, without a specific amount of time, non-nuclear and god knows what other clauses you can think of. :awesome:

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[quote name='Bernkastel' timestamp='1357864296' post='3074256']
The BFF I know and am familiar with would have stuck by its bonds of blood. BFF as a block would stand together no matter the consequences and keep their other allies out, just as they have in the past before. It's a shame BFF the alliance is not the same as the bloc. It's a real shame. I have to feel bad for NEW especially after all NEW did for BFF the alliance and the bloc. It's a shame you have to be paid back with disloyalty for your unyielding loyalty.

Blood For Friends*
*exclusions may apply.

BFF as a bloc would have had clear communication from NEW. Bloc-NEW wouldn't have acted without consulting us. That's the difference.

[quote name='MCRABT' timestamp='1357864724' post='3074260']
He's not referring to the cancellation, the cancellation was absolutely the right thing to do, in fact you should never have signed the treaty in the first place. NEW goes insane on an annual basis, you knew that when you inked the treaty, it's not a new character trait. So trying to strike backroom deals so you take minimal damage if you have to enter in their defence is pretty poor. If you agree to enter on a limited conflict basis it diminishes the act of coming to their aid, essentially you are entering so you can save face while your MADP partners get theirs smashed in because you have no real intention of being of any assistance. You'd be better just being honest and saying NEW you are !@#$@#$ retarded, you violated the terms of our treaty and you can go die in the fire you have built for yourself. Instead you choose to try and claim a moral victory in a situation where it wasn't really required selling out your MADP allies in the process.

I know you're frustrated because we pissed in your cereal by not letting you roll DH, and I apologize for that. You just didn't make that wish well-known enough for us. Next time, I promise.

[quote name='mythicknight' timestamp='1357865014' post='3074261']
I'm not sure why people seem to be in awe/praising the honoring of the cancellation period - usually that's just the standard way of doings things if you're cancelling a treaty, it's nothing new. Claiming it could have been waived altogether due to some blown-up infraction of another clause just reeks of covering asses/bailing tactics.

Anyway, that said, good luck NEW, good luck BFF, good luck Scott Bakula, may you find your way home.

Sending aid to their friends in the heat of the moment to try and get in on some action is far from some brooding plot they concocted like some of the posts in this thread are seeming to insinuate. I'm not defending their actions (we were taken by surprise too), but there's a clear difference.

I'll admit how it looks, and it looks that way, Thickness. I can provide Facebook and IRC logs if I have to showing NEW's blatant desire to cause a larger war with this. I'll address that in a moment.

[quote name='Robster83' timestamp='1357865660' post='3074269']
lol Honourable? You are complete sell outs.

Somebody's up past their bedtime. Don't you have a !@#$%* bloc to talk to?

[quote name='Stewie' timestamp='1357866178' post='3074277']
Sadly the conversations in question where BFF sold out NEW are in various private conversations which occurred last night.

I'll address this and the other log comments in a moment.

[quote name='Robster83' timestamp='1357869415' post='3074326']
If you aren't going to follow through on a treaty, then have some balls and come out publicly and say it.

Why half ass it and push for some sort of termed war? It seems like a a cop out to me to safe face.

Remember when CDT honored their historical ties with the founders of UCN and helped them through a crisis? Oh that's right, you completely botched that, we moved in with legitimately loyal allies, not a collection of knuckle-dragging sycophants who were utterly lost after Karma and have yet to find their way. Please Robster, go home. I know you hate me, I know you hate BFF. Considering UPN's history as one of the biggest jokes in all of CN, you should be careful before you speak up again.

Now, regarding the allegations thrown in this thread: I'm an honest guy, and I won't hide facts or lie to cover up for myself. Regarding NEW causing a larger war, to be quite frank, we too were hungry for a war. We were sick of waiting for one to happen. If NEW had come to us with a proposal to create an almighty cluster$%&@, there's a very good chance BFF would have happily jumped on board. Unfortunately, they acted without talking to us, playing us like pawns in their game. Breach of treaty is generally regarded as grounds for immediate termination. If you doubt our resolve to honor our agreement, you may feel free to test it.

Regarding logs that have been discussed, yes, there were shady dealings. We discussed things such as organized wars, pre-planned strategies, things like that. I won't deny that, and I'm sure you've got more logs than a public bathroom full of me saying things like that. The fact is, Sniper Joe and I have spent the last 48-60 hours working on this situation. Personally, I stayed up and have yet to sleep since I got into the situation early on the 9th. There were many ideas floated regarding how to deal with this, some of them shockingly more stupid than anything I can imagine. However, this is the solution we have now. Previous logs were essentially outdated the minute they were spoken.

In the words of many a valley girl, what you know is [i]so [/i]five minutes ago.

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