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An Announcement from the Global Alliance and Treaty Organization

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Here's the deal: The war is already over. MCXA/Legion will not magically win this if they keep it up longer. We offer them rather fair peace terms, they decline. We're offering them surrender and telling them they should fight the war [i]they declared[/i] on ODN for 1 term, and they spit in our faces over it. We tell them we'll call in additional firepower if they don't start acting mature and giving us counteroffers (Instead of "No" and storming out of the channel), and again they laugh and spit in our faces. Don't like our terms? Too bad, stop sucking so much and win a war for once. The fact of the matter is, we're the winning side of the war, we dictate terms. We're not asking for reps. We're not going to disband you. Be happy we're being kind, and remember that peace deals have to be agreed upon by ODN's senate, which is a democracy of the people. If the people feel (rightfully) that their enemies haven't really fought, then they will decline the peace terms. It's simple as that. We're not going to let MCXA/Legion think they've won anything when they don't. So ODN calls in GATO to cover slots. Big deal. If Umbrella went to war with Denios, could you expect them to do any damage? No, because their tiers don't line up. Stop !@#$%*ing and fight.

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[quote name='OPArsenal' timestamp='1343878852' post='3017723']
I'm sure that's what you meant.

We knew there was no way Polar was coming in. It wasn't a factor at all. Peace was already being discussed as it was but the otherside was !@#$%footing around so we were just added pressure to speed things up. I'm sure you guys knew this and wouldn't want to complicate something that should be ending in a matter of days. You won't. We knew that. So any thought that there was any attempt to draw out Polar is pretty much ridiculous on its face. If it makes you feel big to believe people are actually basing decisions on what you guys will do...by all means continue in your delusion.

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[quote name='Ernesto Che Guevara' timestamp='1343889200' post='3017774']
Here's the deal: The war is already over. MCXA/Legion will not magically win this if they keep it up longer. We offer them rather fair peace terms, they decline. We're offering them surrender and telling them they should fight the war [i]they declared[/i] on ODN for 1 term, and they spit in our faces over it. We tell them we'll call in additional firepower if they don't start acting mature and giving us counteroffers (Instead of "No" and storming out of the channel), and again they laugh and spit in our faces. Don't like our terms? Too bad, stop sucking so much and win a war for once. The fact of the matter is, we're the winning side of the war, we dictate terms. We're not asking for reps. We're not going to disband you. Be happy we're being kind, and remember that peace deals have to be agreed upon by ODN's senate, which is a democracy of the people. If the people feel (rightfully) that their enemies haven't really fought, then they will decline the peace terms. It's simple as that. We're not going to let MCXA/Legion think they've won anything when they don't. So ODN calls in GATO to cover slots. Big deal. If Umbrella went to war with Denios, could you expect them to do any damage? No, because their tiers don't line up. Stop !@#$%*ing and fight.
Just trying to make sure I understand correctly, your terms to Legion are 1 round of war with their upper tiers and a surrender?And they rejected that? Wow. That doesn't sound like the Legion I remember dealing with who were, despite their faults, fairly reasonable.

Edited by Varianz
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[quote name='Ernesto Che Guevara' timestamp='1343889200' post='3017774']
Here's the deal: The war is already over. MCXA/Legion will not magically win this if they keep it up longer. We offer them rather fair peace terms, they decline. We're offering them surrender and telling them they should fight the war [i]they declared[/i] on ODN for 1 term, and they spit in our faces over it. We tell them we'll call in additional firepower if they don't start acting mature and giving us counteroffers (Instead of "No" and storming out of the channel), and again they laugh and spit in our faces. Don't like our terms? Too bad, stop sucking so much and win a war for once. The fact of the matter is, we're the winning side of the war, we dictate terms. We're not asking for reps. We're not going to disband you. Be happy we're being kind, and remember that peace deals have to be agreed upon by ODN's senate, which is a democracy of the people. If the people feel (rightfully) that their enemies haven't really fought, then they will decline the peace terms. It's simple as that. We're not going to let MCXA/Legion think they've won anything when they don't. So ODN calls in GATO to cover slots. Big deal. If Umbrella went to war with Denios, could you expect them to do any damage? No, because their tiers don't line up. Stop !@#$%*ing and fight.
You talk so tough for someone who, to enforce peace, has to call in additional firepower. You couldn't even win this war without the help of your allies, so why are you bashing another alliance's warrior prowess? You have overwhelming odds, of course you're going to act tough.

One day, the tables will turn, as they always do. We'll see how you react.

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[quote name='Varianz' timestamp='1343907419' post='3017813']
Just trying to make sure I understand correctly, your terms to Legion are 1 round of war with their upper tiers and a surrender?And they rejected that? Wow. That doesn't sound like the Legion I remember dealing with who were, despite their faults, fairly reasonable.

I'm not in the negotiating room, but Legion has been fighting with ODN just fine this whole war. I have no problem smashing a few more oranges if that's what they want. Most of our current top tier is in PM for one reason or another, and those nations used to be in our middle tier at the start of this war. The only reason they are currently the top tier is that everyone ahead of them has been smashed down.

If ODN thinks we're going to somehow force our minimally active nations to just sit there and be destroyed for their enjoyment they're a lot less reasonable and much more stupid then I've given them credit for.

Edited by Banedon
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[quote name='Lord Fingolfin' timestamp='1343448395' post='3016308']
Considering that Legion has basically nobody out of peace mode to attack this seems a bit superfluous and that GATO could have been put to better use on FARK or others but I suppose [color="#FF0000"]higher powers[/color] thought otherwise. Good luck out there
You mean their overlords(GATO's) made a mistake?

Edited by Panic King
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[quote name='Omniscient1' timestamp='1343879108' post='3017725']
Why is this thread still going? If Legion don't want to fight GATO then they can just.... you know..... surrender. It's not like Legion is being charged 40k tech or anything (unless there is something I don't understand).

We don't mind fighting GATO :)

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[quote name='Ernesto Che Guevara' timestamp='1343889200' post='3017774']
Here's the deal: The war is already over. MCXA/Legion will not magically win this if they keep it up longer. We offer them rather fair peace terms, they decline. We're offering them surrender and telling them they should fight the war [i]they declared[/i] on ODN for 1 term, and they spit in our faces over it. We tell them we'll call in additional firepower if they don't start acting mature and giving us counteroffers (Instead of "No" and storming out of the channel), and again they laugh and spit in our faces. Don't like our terms? Too bad, stop sucking so much and win a war for once. The fact of the matter is, we're the winning side of the war, we dictate terms. We're not asking for reps. We're not going to disband you. Be happy we're being kind, and remember that peace deals have to be agreed upon by ODN's senate, which is a democracy of the people. If the people feel (rightfully) that their enemies haven't really fought, then they will decline the peace terms. It's simple as that. We're not going to let MCXA/Legion think they've won anything when they don't. So ODN calls in GATO to cover slots. Big deal. If Umbrella went to war with Denios, could you expect them to do any damage? No, because their tiers don't line up. Stop !@#$%*ing and fight.
I like you. :)

EDIT: Have fun GATO.

Edited by Baltus
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[quote name='Banedon' timestamp='1343913604' post='3017826']
I'm not in the negotiating room, but Legion has been fighting with ODN just fine this whole war. I have no problem smashing a few more oranges if that's what they want. Most of our current top tier is in PM for one reason or another, and those nations used to be in our middle tier at the start of this war. The only reason they are currently the top tier is that everyone ahead of them has been smashed down.

If ODN thinks we're going to somehow force our minimally active nations to just sit there and be destroyed for their enjoyment they're a lot less reasonable and much more stupid then I've given them credit for.

We're not asking Legion for anything. I agree that Legion has fought us honorably and competently. The offer of surrender with no re-entry was made some time ago.

It is another member of the Crap-pile(TM) who has neglected to fight properly and so must meet one small extra condition.

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i could go on and on about peace talks and what not. but i wont stoop to that level. is GATO in the wrong to hit someone who hit a CnG partner "no" they are free to. did i facepalm at GATO yes i did. all i'm going to say its just not one side holding everything up but we wont see people taking personal responsibility that would mean some people growing up

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[quote name='Panic King' timestamp='1343915209' post='3017831']
You mean their overlords(GATO's) made a mistake?

You hit the nail on the head, we're being puppeteered along by ODN :rolleyes:

Polar posters are clearly substituting actual military action for posts in this thread that completely miss the mark. Lashing out much?

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[quote name='Laslo Kenez' timestamp='1343899356' post='3017800']
You think a lot of yourself, but nope. It was pretty obvious you guys weren't coming in about a month ago.

[quote name='Laslo Kenez' timestamp='1343924466' post='3017862']
Polar posters are clearly substituting actual military action for posts in this thread that completely miss the mark. Lashing out much?

You need to decide if you think there's absolutely no way we're coming in or if we can be baited into a declaration. You're really starting to look schizophrenic, the way you're jumping all over the place here.

Edited by OPArsenal
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[quote name='OPArsenal' timestamp='1343925140' post='3017865']
You need to decide if you think there's absolutely no way we're coming in or if we can be baited into a declaration. You're really starting to look schizophrenic, the way you're jumping all over the place here.

I don't think you can be baited into a declaration, that was clear enough a long time ago, as I said. At no point have I said we expect you to change, but don't worry about your reading comprehension too much.

What I'm saying is this; your frustration about the fact you're being forced to sit on the sidelines is clearly showing, as basically every Polar poster decides to make some baseless accusation aimed at us in this thread, whereas everyone else is focused on different topics. I can understand your disappointment, don't worry :)

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[quote name='Lincongrad' timestamp='1343891116' post='3017782']
I could have sworn we did.
Linc, this is [b]CYBERNATIONS[/b] where, no matter what you did yesterday (or even 10 minutes ago), the current question is [b]always[/b] 'What have you done [b]lately??[/b]'

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[quote name='Pingu' timestamp='1343918630' post='3017841']
We're not asking Legion for anything. I agree that Legion has fought us honorably and competently. The offer of surrender with no re-entry was made some time ago.

It is another member of the Crap-pile(TM) who has neglected to fight properly and so must meet one small extra condition.
My first round was fun. A couple ODNers, one of whom was cool enough to swap barbs & jokes. I teased the hell outta him for his badmitton players at the border swatting down my nukes. Damn, he was hard to hit. This round, I got 2 guys on their last legs about to pack it, and I still have enough WC to go another month. I kinda [b]like[/b] being in the 'Mighty Mouse Brigade'.

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[quote name='Starfox101' timestamp='1343912509' post='3017821']
One day, the tables will turn, as they always do. We'll see how you react.

Well, we already know how ODN and GATO will react, the first will ignore treaties and change side, the later will fight for 1 week and then will abandon their allies in the battlefield.

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[quote name='Varianz' timestamp='1343907419' post='3017813']
Just trying to make sure I understand correctly, your terms to Legion are 1 round of war with their upper tiers and a surrender?And they rejected that? Wow. That doesn't sound like the Legion I remember dealing with who were, despite their faults, fairly reasonable.

As I understand it we're refusing to exit without the rest of our coalition coming to terms. But I'm not in the negotiating room.

Also I have no problem with GATO being called in. Applying additional pressure during negotiations is perfectly valid.

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[quote name='D34th' timestamp='1343935496' post='3017916']
Well, we already know how ODN and GATO will react, the first will ignore treaties and change side, [b]the later will fight for 1 week and then will abandon their allies in the battlefield.[/b]

I think you are being a little hard on GATO death(I honestly cannot believe im about to defend them) [size="5"][b]BUT[/b][/size] When Q brought war upon GATO's door in what was a very penal war/action GATO's sucked it up and stood their ground for a long time, long enough that Q got bored and GATO got terms they could accept.

So as much as it pains me to say so, I was impressed with their fortitude and ability to keep their alliance together thru a very debilitating time and hence incorrect in your statement.....

Edited by chefjoe
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[quote name='Laslo Kenez' timestamp='1343940041' post='3017932']
Hm, never seen chefjoe defend us before, something must be wrong here :P
did hell freeze over :P (sorry had to say it :P )

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[quote name='chefjoe' timestamp='1343936921' post='3017918']
I think you are being a little hard on GATO death(I honestly cannot believe im about to defend them) [size="5"][b]BUT[/b][/size] When Q brought war upon GATO's door in what was a very penal war/action GATO's sucked it up and stood their ground for a long time, long enough that Q got bored and GATO got terms they could accept.

So as much as it pains me to say so, I was impressed with their fortitude and ability to keep their alliance together thru a very debilitating time and hence incorrect in your statement.....

Are you talking about the war that GATO accepted to become a NPO viceroyalty?

Also is easy to stay at war when you have no other option, the hard thing to do is stay at war when you have an easy way out.

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[quote name='Flonker' timestamp='1343933135' post='3017904']
and I still have enough WC to go another month. I kinda [b]like[/b] being in the 'Mighty Mouse Brigade'.

You and me both XD

[quote name='Lincongrad' timestamp='1343936559' post='3017917']
Also I have no problem with GATO being called in. Applying additional pressure during negotiations is perfectly valid.

Sadly for both ODN & GATO is not really working :D

Also happy hunting & good luck to you all in GATO ;)

Edited by GoddessOfLinn
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