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An Umbrella Treaty Announcement

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[quote name='IYIyTh' timestamp='1338354348' post='2974390']
Could have fooled me.

Surprisingly enough, people often share similar opinions independent of one another. I know it's a shocking realisation, but it's true, honest. ;)

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Yes, similar opinions are common when a party line is trotted out which uses a rather inept analogy and it seems Cuba has drank the Kool-Aid. Shame. I used to like him.

Irony overload given the circumstances of Cuba's departure from his former alliance, though.

Also, I hate being called a "clingy-ex" when I joined the alliance before it became popular to join and was actually struggling and was at the head of it for years that surpass your rather short tenure. I do know the hatchet job on the one individual who indisputably invested the most effort into the alliance out of anyone has to be rationalized somehow. Play it off as "clingy ex, and it'll make all the relevant facts go away, am I right?

Edited by Roquentin
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[quote name='Silhouette' timestamp='1338354455' post='2974391']
Surprisingly enough, people often share similar opinions independent of one another. I know it's a shocking realisation, but it's true, honest. ;)

I agree wholeheartedly.

All this fun stuff aside Symphony is alright, aside from that Ironfist character. I know this is sort of a big deal to you but as somewhat alluded to I would expect more private and public discussion due to events that I'm sure you are more than aware of in the recent past. My comment about Proest is a personal jab. I'm sure he laughed about it when he saw it too and my comments these days are more jokes laden with half sarcasm, half seriousness. That way I have fun either way it is responded to.

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[quote name='IYIyTh' timestamp='1338354811' post='2974397']
I agree wholeheartedly.

All this fun stuff aside Symphony is alright, aside from that Ironfist character. I know this is sort of a big deal to you but as somewhat alluded to I would expect more private and public discussion due to events that I'm sure you are more than aware of in the recent past. My comment about Proest is a personal jab. I'm sure he laughed about it when he saw it too and my comments these days are more jokes laden with half sarcasm, half seriousness. That way I have fun either way it is responded to.

Heh, I can't resist a sarcastic jab, hence my earlier comment. But this is upbeat, I can truly be an !@#$%^& if that's what I aim for. :P

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[quote name='Silhouette' timestamp='1338353453' post='2974376']
Roq, with all due respect, could you kindly keep your personal vendetta the hell out of this thread?
as long as it mentions anything with umbrella in it roq will be there running his mouth to the amusement of many. I for one enjoy it it, it put's a smile on my face and keeps a healthy relationship, he's the ex jelous crazy !@#$%* in the relationship :awesome:

he clearly still cares about us a lot, it's just that we don't particularly care about him as much. :(

Edited by Amossio
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[quote name='Amossio' timestamp='1338355675' post='2974405']
as long as it mentions anything with umbrella in it roq will be there running his mouth to the amusement of many. I for one enjoy it it, it put's a smile on my face and keeps a healthy relationship, he's the ex jelous crazy !@#$%* in the relationship :awesome:

See, while I realize that analogy is convenient for you and helps you sleep at night, it implies that there was reciprocity at some point. I'll slant it my direction as an alternative. I see it this way: builder and squatters currently inhabiting the building. The squatters don't really care since they get the full benefits of the builder's work, but the builder isn't really happy with the outcome.

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[quote name='IYIyTh' timestamp='1338354811' post='2974397']
I agree wholeheartedly.

All this fun stuff aside Symphony is alright, aside from that Ironfist character. I know this is sort of a big deal to you but as somewhat alluded to I would expect more private and public discussion due to events that I'm sure you are more than aware of in the recent past. My comment about Proest is a personal jab. I'm sure he laughed about it when he saw it too and my comments these days are more jokes laden with half sarcasm, half seriousness. That way I have fun either way it is responded to.

Hello there, have we even [i]met[/i]? :P

[quote name='TimLee' timestamp='1338356992' post='2974417']
Congrats to Ironfist :o Running the Economy over there I see.

Great Treaty between two fine alliances.

Thank you sir, with a firm hand, sir.

o/ Umbrella

Look forward to working with you guys.

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This is taking too long, Voytek. Bring it on.

edit: guess he's not going to finish his post

Anyway, I guess this is overall disappointing, but I kind of get the external motivation, unfortunately. I used to have a high opinion of Symphony, and I can't say it remains the same given the circumstances, not that they care. I wonder if they ever inquired as to what the motives behind something they discount as a "personal vendetta" are.

OOC: If we're going to talk about deranged, Cuba, maybe you want to check on your boyfriends at MK and their facebook activities. I mean making accounts to specifically harass people is the epitome of awesome, though, am I right?

Edited by Roquentin
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