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ODN Election Results

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Our members have voted, the ballots are all in, and democracy has triumphed yet again. Thus, I have the honor of presenting the ODN Government for term XLVI

Secretary General: OsRavan

Assistant Secretary General: eZe
Secretary of the Interior: SalkaPalmir
Secretary of Economics: Eoc90
Secretary of Defense: Zaxon
Secretary of State: Twizzler

Senate XLVII:

Homeboy, Cave Runner, Hobbies0310, Yankeessfan924, Whitney

We have a lot of new faces this term, and an interesting mix of new and old members in gov. In the secretariat, Salka and Zaxon return to their post after doing a stellar job the last two months. They are joined by Eoc, a respected long time member of ODN making his first government stint. Rounding out the secretariat are two old hands who are returning to the secretariat after long absences, with Eze returning to his post as assistant Secretary General while twizzler shifts from the senate to the dark-side (aka secretary of state).

In the senate, Yankeesfan and Whitney ended their retirement, proving truth to the statement: "every time I think I am out, they pull me back in." They are joined by Hobbies, who was returned to the senate for a second term in a row, and two first-time senators. Cave Runner is a long time ODN member breaking into gov for the first time, while many will recognize Homeboy from his TPE days (and homeboy may have just won the record for shortest time to enter ODN-Gov since 2006).

All in all we have a good team, and I expect we will have an interesting term ahead of us.

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[quote name='Rush Sykes' timestamp='1336359867' post='2964674']
yadda yadda yadda... Os is a dictator, etc. Inb4 Roquentin says something about hating someone and rolling someone.

Grats friends <3

Internal dicator, external toadie.

Yes, ODN does suck. :P

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It's not that I have an irrational hatred for ODN, Cyfe. I have an issue with the submissive tendencies of the alliance which allow it to be pushed in certain directions by alliances with more ambition. That's what the whole "toadies" thing means.

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