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[quote name='MitchellBade' timestamp='1334367675' post='2952679']
I see your dog mustache, and raise you an ice cream pooping taco. Your move.

this hamburger is a turtle
check and mate.

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[quote name='r00tn00b' timestamp='1334367200' post='2952675']
the argument as to why NG and FOK didn't have to pay reps is because we don't mind our targets getting tech money at all, we don't discourage them getting more money to steal/buy our tech with. we have an issue with them claiming it was a tech deal when the deals were for 3m/50t/2000s and with the note war aids or something. that doesn't scream tech deal.

this dog has a mustache your argument is invalid.

no the point i was trying to make is that you raided a FOK and NG tech seller. That is it period. Why would you do that? oops

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[quote name='Sarmatian Empire' timestamp='1334327231' post='2952180']
How do you declare war and yet be not ready for war
We didn't declare war on Kaskus and, as I mentioned in the post that you quoted but seem not have read and understood, we hadn't anticipated the substantial reinforcements they received from NEW.

[quote name='Kzoppistan' timestamp='1334366650' post='2952665']
Ha ha, wow, that !@#$'s hilarious.
The thing that is even more hilarious about that thread is his assumption that beefspari is a woman.

Edited by Umar ibn Abd al-Aziz
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[quote name='death from above 82' timestamp='1334368685' post='2952686']
no the point i was trying to make is that you raided a FOK and NG tech seller. That is it period. Why would you do that? oops
Because we raid unaligned nations, if NG or FOK would have said, hey, knock it off, we would have had no issues backing off the target, they didn't as so we didn't back off. people who deal with the unaligned know the risks. get over it.

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[quote name='r00tn00b' timestamp='1334369188' post='2952694']
Because we raid unaligned nations, if NG or FOK would have said, hey, knock it off, we would have had no issues backing off the target, they didn't as so we didn't back off. people who deal with the unaligned know the risks. get over it.

you dont see the problem of stealing your bloc partners money and tech. ok i guess they are fine with it, but we are not. We aided our tech seller- we did no wrong- you guys are the aggressor here. you can try to spin it all you want, but those are the facts.

edit spelling

Edited by death from above 82
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[quote name='r00tn00b' timestamp='1334367200' post='2952675']
the argument as to why NG and FOK didn't have to pay reps is because we don't mind our targets getting tech money at all, we don't discourage them getting more money to steal/buy our tech with. we have an issue with them claiming it was a tech deal when the deals were for 3m/50t/2000s and with the note war aids or something. that doesn't scream tech deal.

Actually, I thought you guys had a huge problem with that too. Didn't Methrage get tech deals and really piss you guys off?

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[quote name='jerdge' timestamp='1334331617' post='2952220']
According to the Wiki, the War on Peace saw 3140 vs 733 nations. It was fought without nukes, anyway (it was still the era of the nuclear taboo), which in the end means that you can't really make a comparison - nukes tend to level the field.
My memory might be playing tricks on me but I'm pretty sure that I used nukes on GPA targets in that war.

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[quote name='Umar ibn Abd al-Aziz' timestamp='1334368957' post='2952691']
The thing that is even more hilarious about that thread is his assumption that beefspari is a woman.[/quote]

I'm glad you cleared that up because that it was my assumption that beefcur- er, Mr. Spari, was, too. :P

Courland scored some points, but the rebuttals were pretty good, too.

As much as I dislike a large majority of your all's actions on Bob, I can't deny that your forums are about the funniest !@#$ I've ever come across. Always worth a visit. So, kudos for that. :lol1:

Anyway, my schadenfreude is about tapped out on this little adventure, so I'll just wish for a reasonable conclusion to both sides. Good luck, ect., ect.

Edited by Kzoppistan
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[quote name='Kzoppistan' timestamp='1334370558' post='2952709']
I'm glad you cleared that up because that it was my assumption that beefcur- er, Mr. Spari, was, too. :P

Courland scored some points, but the rebuttals were pretty good, too.

As much as I dislike a large majority of your all's actions on Bob, I can't deny that your forums are about the funniest !@#$ I've ever come across. Always worth a visit. So, kudos for that. :lol1:

Anyway, my schadenfreude is about tapped out on this little adventure, so I'll just wish for a reasonable conclusion to both sides. Good luck, ect., ect.
I think it's a little sad that courland didn't have a crack at the mercy board instead of bitburg. I daresay that if he had, we would have had another goldmine thread to add to our collection and we wouldn't be having this conversation here today. C'est la vie, I suppose.

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I'll be happy when this ridiculous excuse for a war is finally finished.

That said, I hope GOONS takes the time to reconsider how they handle things when one of their raiders gets hit back in the future, as this whole sorry mess could easily have been avoided, and without going into the ethics of tech raiding in general to boot.

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[quote name='Kzoppistan' timestamp='1334370558' post='2952709']Courland scored some points, but the rebuttals were pretty good, too.

I was a big fan of the "suck on your soother" string of posts, and the "Beef[censored due to a previous posting vacation] for you Beefspari" was well written in addition to making me chuckle. And whoever referred to my morbid obesity and Mountain Dew tears made me LOL so hard my diabeetus hurt.

Of course, there also seem to be a lot of developmentally delayed 12 year-olds on the board whose idea of humor seems to be solely confined to anthropomorphic penises which belch blood and insulting people's sexuality. Don't get me wrong...I find both of those hilarious too, but there are things like sarcasm and cleverness which I also enjoy. It seemed like anyone who used them tended to be called retarded and/or [something that rhymes with maggot].

But, it's cool. We're all BFFs now.

[size="1"](Except for the rulers of nations with certain perversions, of course. They should really just put on their suits, tape up the air holes, and die. If their subjects only knew what all that tax money was being used fur...)[/size]

Edited by Courland
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[quote name='Roquentin' timestamp='1334370849' post='2952712']
That's how Dr.Beefstupid advertised Beefspari when he recruited her. Are you calling Dr. Beefstupid a liar?
I assume you're talking to me, so I'll respond - I don't know how dr beefstupid "advertised" 'spari. Perhaps he was misled? Or was labouring under the same assumption mssr Courland was?

Edit: just to be clear, I have no answer to those questions to be quite honest, nor is it any of my business to answer them, really.

Edited by Umar ibn Abd al-Aziz
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I got the impression Beefspari was a woman ruler of her nation when members of your alliance said s/he had no penis and that "you're right, she is a women," in the Bitburg Mercy debacle...not to mention the chatlog s/he posted referencing her beautiful visage and penchant for buggery.

I may have been missing some sarcasm of my own, of course.

Edited by Courland
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[quote name='Umar ibn Abd al-Aziz' timestamp='1334368957' post='2952691']
We didn't declare war on Kaskus and, as I mentioned in the post that you quoted but seem not have read and understood, [b]we hadn't anticipated [/b]the substantial reinforcements they received from NEW.


The thing that is even more hilarious about that thread is his assumption that beefspari is a woman.
Given how skilled GOONS leadership is in FA I find the bold above surprising.

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I congratulate the GOONS, I realized that the GOONS are the most powerful AA on CN. And PB bloc is a very powerful on planet BoB, it turns out the best in the CN strength is only able to fight Kaskus - Mongols ...

CN Awards 2012:

Goons, DH, PB "Warriors in the CN very weak and stupid"

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[size="4"][b]A Public Letter to the Viridian Entente[/b][/size]

Dear Impero, [i]Lord of the Entente[/i]; Goldie, [i]Duke of the Entente[/i]; Shadow, [i]Secretary of Defense[/i]; Ging, [i]Secretary of the Interior[/i]; Deviousfarie, [i]Secretary of State[/i]; Asawyer, [i]Secretary of Economics[/i]; and the members of the Viridian Entente,

First of all, I hope you know that I respect and commend your decision to enter this war to help your allies in GOONS. That is what an ally do, to offer assistance to their friends who are in dire needs of help.

I understand that this decision was not easy for you to make and you must have given it a deep considerations before you come to this decision. The Viridian Entente has always been known as an alliance who adhere to the code of fair play and gentleman honor.

We at Kaskus and Mongols also agree with you that this war should have ended a month ago. Believe me, we wanted it to end more than anyone. After all, WE are the micros, not them. I am not so sure what you at the Viridian Entente really feels about this, but it just feel so wrong to let them get rewarded for bullying us. It is not stubborn on our part that drag this war longer than it should. And it sure isn't hate. In this war, we have met a lot of very cool GOONS members we know we can easily be friend with. It simply the conscience that make us stay, that urge us to keep doing the right thing. I am sure we should not throw our conscience away.

I wish we both can find a quick resolution to the conflict. I am sure you understand where we come from and can sympathize with us. We both know very well that punishing us with the reps term you know we don't deserve is not the only way to end this war. Asking your good ally in GOONS to come into their sense and to have a bigger heart may help us ended this conflict sooner.

If you were not allied to GOONS, I can say for sure whose side you will be in this conflict. I have zero doubt about that. You do what you have to do. And it is bad luck on our part to find ourselves in the conflict against you.

Tan of Kaskus
a.k.a. TAN[K]

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I've only read about half this thread but the complaining about "overkill" is kind of pointless. Who cares if it's overkill?

GOONS kept it a "fair fight" to the point where it just needed to end. PB are now bringing in "overkill" to take kaskus down the most efficient and speedy way possible. GOONS could have handled it in a long term, war of attrition manner but why do it in that way when they don't have to.

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[quote name='Azaghul' timestamp='1334379193' post='2952827']
I've only read about half this thread but the complaining about "overkill" is kind of pointless. Who cares if it's overkill?

GOONS kept it a "fair fight" to the point where it just needed to end. PB are now bringing in "overkill" to take kaskus down the most efficient and speedy way possible. GOONS could have handled it in a long term, war of attrition manner but why do it in that way when they don't have to.
So now that we've listened to you guys beat your chests for a month are we going to have to sit through a month of you guys making excuses?

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[quote name='Schattenmann' timestamp='1334380486' post='2952843']
So now that we've listened to you guys beat your chests for a month are we going to have to sit through a month of you guys making excuses?

And it will be just as entertaining.

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