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a Kaskus Declaration

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[quote name='nippy' timestamp='1331812693' post='2938352']
No, I'm quite sure you had the potential to become what you are now, I'm just surprised that it took a trigger like a fake ragequit from an alliance that was finally beginning to shun you to make you come out of your proverbial shell. Yes, we see what you are now, waving your flair around and side-stepping like a brain-damaged chimp attempting to escape from animal rights activists who are kidnapping it from a medical testing facility. You've banished yourself to Methrage-level significance and can't completely come to terms with that fact. By all means, lead a verbal assault on GOONS every chance you get. I'm sure people like Schattenmann appreciate the eloquence and dignity you bring to the anti-GOONS movement.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA, Were getting somewhere now. Nice avoidance of what I asked. I'm quite sure as in 110% sure the many people that have known me prior to goons would disagree with you about what type of person I was. It just took a year plus of being around scum for it to affect me. As far as side stepping I don't see you really answering what i said, so hmmm, excuse me if I apply that to yourself. If I were to worry about significance in this place I'd be a seriously sad individual. Luckily for you I don't really care about what neck beards think of me, or in fact anyone in this realm.

If your members come out with completely stupid !@#$ or untrue !@#$, then I will correct it, I can't help that seems to be a regular occurrence now.

Now the pleseantries are out the way, again, I ask this in the vain hope you wont skirt around it with insults.

[b]Was this really that hard to follow? What part of this is unclear or hazy? or in fact would lead you to be confused enough about it to post !@#$ comments that were untrue?[/b]

[quote][b]Bragging for jovial purposes is okay and within reason, bragging about retarded !@#$ like nuking non nuke targets to make yourself cool is LOL.[/b][/quote]

Edited by Hiro Nakara
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[quote name='Hiro Nakara' timestamp='1331813208' post='2938355']
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA, Were getting somewhere now. Nice avoidance of what I asked. I'm quite sure as in 110% sure the many people that have known me prior to goons would disagree with you about what type of person I was. It just took a year plus of being around scum for it to affect me. As far as side stepping I don't see you really answering what i said, so hmmm, excuse me if I apply that to yourself. If I were to worry about significance in this place I'd be a seriously sad individual. Luckily for you I don't really care about what neck beards think of me, or in fact anyone in this realm.

If your members come out with completely stupid !@#$ or untrue !@#$, then I will correct it, I can't help that seems to be a regular occurrence now.

Now the pleseantries are out the way, again, I ask this in the vain hope you wont skirt around it with insults.

[b]Was this really that hard to follow? What part of this is unclear or hazy? or in fact would lead you to be confused enough about it to post !@#$ comments that were untrue?[/b]

You've been around scum all your life, Hiro. The small portion of it you spent in GOONS didn't make you what you are. Sidestepping is defined by avoiding an issue, as you have been by posting 'lern 2 reed' in response to multiple posts by GOONS members. I'm glad you're not worried about being a sad individual...one can only assume your complacency in avoiding becoming one led to your current state as one. Unfortunately for you, being able to correct people on something requires a certain level of intelligence of a subject in query. Being unable to eloquently address a counterpoint is your own downfall. As for your persistent questioning of your ridiculous post: as has been stated before, mere mention of an action does not define "bragging". Your own complications with deciphering of the English language led to your misguided conclusion that Beefspari was bragging. Question answered, move on.

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[quote name='nippy' timestamp='1331815013' post='2938359']
You've been around scum all your life, Hiro. The small portion of it you spent in GOONS didn't make you what you are. Sidestepping is defined by avoiding an issue, as you have been by posting 'lern 2 reed' in response to multiple posts by GOONS members. I'm glad you're not worried about being a sad individual...one can only assume your complacency in avoiding becoming one led to your current state as one. Unfortunately for you, being able to correct people on something requires a certain level of intelligence of a subject in query. Being unable to eloquently address a counterpoint is your own downfall. As for your persistent questioning of your ridiculous post: as has been stated before, mere mention of an action does not define "bragging". Your own complications with deciphering of the English language led to your misguided conclusion that Beefspari was bragging. Question answered, move on.

So in short they words weren't confusing and your members were just incompetent enough to browse past that then spew !@#$. Got it, thanks for clarifying.

It almost rates alongside "Hiro had someone pay his debts" WRONG!

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[quote name='Hiro Nakara' timestamp='1331815990' post='2938361']
So in short they words weren't confusing and your members were just incompetent enough to browse past that then spew !@#$. Got it, thanks for clarifying.

It almost rates alongside "Hiro had someone pay his debts" WRONG!

No, "they words weren't confusing". Are you done spewing broken English at me while trying in vain to draw as much attention as possible to your own ignorance, or is there yet [i]another[/i] turd you've spray painted and doused in patchouli oil you've got in your pocket?

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[quote name='nippy' timestamp='1331819219' post='2938365']
[b]No, "they words weren't confusing".[/b] Are you done spewing broken English at me while trying in vain to draw as much attention as possible to your own ignorance, or is there yet [i]another[/i] turd you've spray painted and doused in patchouli oil you've got in your pocket?

I'm glad you agree that your members incompetence made them rush a response which was laden with !@#$. Now that wasn't hard was it?

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[quote name='Hiro Nakara' timestamp='1331820238' post='2938366']
I'm glad you agree that your members incompetence made them rush a response which was laden with !@#$. Now that wasn't hard was it?

I see you've missed why I put your words in quotation marks. How can you expect to understand a response to one of your questions when you can't even identify reasons for punctuation? It makes perfect sense that you considered all the replies to be a series of unintelligible symbols.

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[quote name='nippy' timestamp='1331820537' post='2938367']
I see you've missed why I put your words in quotation marks. How can you expect to understand a response to one of your questions when you can't even identify reasons for punctuation? It makes perfect sense that you considered all the replies to be a series of unintelligible symbols.

Missed, no, ignored, yes. Like most of your !@#$, I just pick out what's relevant and I bypass the insults. You are feeding out of my hand with every response. :wub: A smart goon, if there was such a thing would ignore me.

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[quote name='the rebel' timestamp='1331820752' post='2938368']
Even though I'm enjoying the tit for tat arguing between nippy and Hiro, I'm going to try and boomerang back to topic.

How are both sides finding the conflict? Are the fighting nations a let down or hardened veterans?
Well I can answer that for you:

[quote name='Lord Caparo' timestamp='1331778768' post='2938243']
well we havent been complaining, well, actually we have until now because we want to be attacked back :P

we've enjoyed this since the start, its pretty much a curbstomp but hey, you can enjoy yourself either way :D
Apparently we're both not fighting enough [i][b]and[/b][/i] curbstomping them at the same time.

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[quote name='Beefspari' timestamp='1331823005' post='2938378']
Well I can answer that for you:

Apparently we're both not fighting enough [i][b]and[/b][/i] curbstomping them at the same time.

How many more Mk nations will have to join you so you can keep your sanction pip?

Kaskus/Mongols seem to be doing an adequate job of stripping NS from you enough to warrant more members migrating onto your AA.

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[quote name='Timberland' timestamp='1331787978' post='2938296']
You call what you're doing fighting ?

I've received 4 cm's in 3 days now, thats not fighting. I would love to fight someone like you every war.

It is a legitimate strategy to let yourself be beat down the first round while just shooting cms (and nukes if you have a WRC) so that you can rape the second round of war.

That said, I welcome you to declare on me. I believe I'm in your range.

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[quote name='Hiro Nakara' timestamp='1331823277' post='2938382']
How many more Mk nations will have to join you so you can keep your sanction pip?

Kaskus/Mongols seem to be doing an adequate job of stripping NS from you enough to warrant more members migrating onto your AA.

Who cares?

Also, you lose NS in war fyi

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I didn't think this would be necessary but just for clarification purposes Hiro Nakara is not affiliated with Mongols or Kaskus in any way shape or form. And despite a bit of posturing, Kaskus has entered this war in defense of its MDP ally who was attacked, and not because of some large anti-GOONS/DH conspiracy.

[size="1"]And before you give me !@#$ for jumping onto the Kaskus AA, I was just trying trying to have some fun like the MK nations :D [/size]

Edited by Unknown Smurf
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[quote name='Unknown Smurf' timestamp='1331832677' post='2938422']
I didn't think this would be necessary but just for clarification purposes Hiro Nakara is not affiliated with Mongols or Kaskus in any way shape or form. And despite a bit of posturing, Kaskus has entered this war in defense of its MDP ally who was attacked, and not because of some large anti-GOONS/DH conspiracy.

[size="1"]And before you give me !@#$ for jumping onto the Kaskus AA, I was just trying trying to have some fun like the MK nations :D [/size]

LOL wut? A simpleton that has an ounce of brains could have figured that one out.

News just in: If you respond to people, then you must be affiliated with the opposing side.

I hope I haven't given the impression that I like any of the alliances in this lol fest? I hope you all burn. :awesome:

Edited by Hiro Nakara
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[quote name='Ernesto Che Guevara' timestamp='1331836267' post='2938440']
Haha, even Kaskus and Mongols don't want to be associated with you, Hiro. You're obsessed with GOONS. Get over it, it looks really sad to the rest of us.

Luckily that doesn't phase me. You been let of your leash?

If I was obsessed with goons the first thing I would have done is tell Mongols a week prior they were going to be attacked. You know when mattski kept pming my member with their war plans. That would have been obsessive behavior, this is more LOL behavior.

Edited by Hiro Nakara
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[quote name='Hiro Nakara' timestamp='1331837948' post='2938452']
Luckily that doesn't phase me. You been let of your leash?

If I was obsessed with goons the first thing I would have done is tell Mongols a week prior they were going to be attacked. You know when mattski kept pming my member with their war plans. That would have been obsessive behavior, this is more LOL behavior.

Yeah, Sardonic's been on his feet all day and decided to let me have the run of the yard for the evening.

Seriously though, you find your way into every thread about GOONS.

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[quote name='Ernesto Che Guevara' timestamp='1331841313' post='2938467']
Yeah, Sardonic's been on his feet all day and decided to let me have the run of the yard for the evening.

Seriously though, you find your way into every thread about GOONS.

Not them all, I go through periods where I don't post much and periods when I do post loads, like this week. It's just luck that most of the times I become active here they have some kind of tom foolery on the go. I probably wouldn't be so bad if most of them ignored me, It would hold less fun for me. I think they enjoy it as much as I do. (Well they must do, they keep responding).

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[quote name='Hiro Nakara' timestamp='1331843131' post='2938484']
Not them all, I go through periods where I don't post much and periods when I do post loads, like this week. It's just luck that most of the times I become active here they have some kind of tom foolery on the go. I probably wouldn't be so bad if most of them ignored me, It would hold less fun for me. I think they enjoy it as much as I do. (Well they must do, they keep responding).

You're right. We enjoy the constant foot-in-mouth comments from you.

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[quote name='Emperor Marx' timestamp='1331846690' post='2938524']
You're right. We enjoy the constant foot-in-mouth comments from you.

I enjoy gaining reaction from you. It's all to easy.

I enjoy the errors your members make when they clammer and rush a response to me that's laden with lies or !@#$%^&*. :awesome:

Edited by Hiro Nakara
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[quote name='Hiro Nakara' timestamp='1331837948' post='2938452']
Luckily that doesn't phase me. You been let of your leash?

If I was obsessed with goons the first thing I would have done is tell Mongols a week prior they were going to be attacked. You know when mattski kept pming my member with their war plans. That would have been obsessive behavior, this is more LOL behavior.

I'm pretty sure they already knew they were going to be attacked. Hell, Razorade queried me a week before it happened and told me so.

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[quote name='Unknown Smurf' timestamp='1331828863' post='2938397']
It is a legitimate strategy to let yourself be beat down the first round while just shooting cms (and nukes if you have a WRC) so that you can rape the second round of war.[/quote]

May be "legitimate" but its a weak one. You're meant to at least try and take some down with you instead of curling up in a ball and taking a kicking till you are surrounded by inferior nations. :rolleyes:

Edited by the rebel
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[quote name='xR1 Fatal Instinct' timestamp='1331850353' post='2938552']
I'm pretty sure they already knew they were going to be attacked. Hell, Razorade queried me a week before it happened and told me so.

The point being I got my co leader to pm them to make them aware he was receiving pm's with their war plans. This is hardly indicative of someone that has an obsession. I could have just ran straight to Mongols and not told GoonS and kept on having my guy receiving intel.

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[quote name='Hiro Nakara' timestamp='1331852395' post='2938571']
The point being I got my co leader to pm them to make them aware he was receiving pm's with their war plans. This is hardly indicative of someone that has an obsession. I could have just ran straight to Mongols and not told GoonS and kept on having my guy receiving intel.

Which is why I said shoot nukes/CMs (and spies I'll add in retrospect).. sending air/navy/soldiers/tanks when you know you're gonna get raped is retarded. My opponents ( [url=http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=122790&Extended=0]1[/url] [url=http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=145863&Extended=0]2[/url] [url=http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=31718&Extended=0]3[/url] and [url=http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=183110&Extended=0]4[/url] and their [ooc]in-game[/OOC] charts) will attest to my ability to do damage on the way down, but I rarely did GAs/Air/navy attacks because of the severe disadvantage I had in the aforementioned categories.

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