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Peace continues to reign


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[quote name='Parandiac' timestamp='1328775144' post='2917209']
99% of an alliance being in peacemode gets respect from you? seriously? their eight nations at war stuck it out? they all bailed much earlier. Alt was the only person i could fight and he was scared to pick up his nuked infra and fight anyone at his level. seriously, a disgrace. everyone praising UPN for their effort needs their head examined. they fought longer than other alliances only by virtue of the fact that they were late getting on the peace train and sent their nations into peace. this wasn't honourable or noble. it was a disgrace

NpO has lost 51.9% of it's pre-war NS last time I checked, how can you do that with 8 nations in war mode? Not that I'm a Polar fan, but still...

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[quote name='berbers' timestamp='1328782450' post='2917233']
NpO has lost 51.9% of it's pre-war NS last time I checked, how can you do that with 8 nations in war mode? Not that I'm a Polar fan, but still...
A. 51.9% in a 4 month war is pretty damn low, all considered.
B. Seriously dude, he was talking about UPN. He mentions UPN specifically in that post you quoted, as well as a member of UPN who subsequently came in and directly argued his point. It's [i]two[/i] posts above yours.

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[quote name='Vanilla Napalm' timestamp='1328784877' post='2917243']
A. 51.9% in a 4 month war is pretty damn low, all considered.


When we get anywhere near 4 months, check and see where we are at. November 25: TOP and IRON declare war on the New Polar Order for past actions in the Bipolar War. So that's a little over 2 months and certainly nowhere even approaching 4 months unless you are using your special maths?

There is a point where an alliance can lose little more... for all the peace mode bs, we have 2, count them now, 2 nations above 100K and they are in PM. One is our senator. You guys can not even look stats without glossing over the truth. I guess that is the beauty of stats in CN, 98% of them are made up.

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[quote name='AlmightyGrub' timestamp='1328787356' post='2917248']
When we get anywhere near 4 months, check and see where we are at. November 25: TOP and IRON declare war on the New Polar Order for past actions in the Bipolar War. So that's a little over 2 months and certainly nowhere even approaching 4 months unless you are using your special maths?

There is a point where an alliance can lose little more... for all the peace mode bs, we have 2, count them now, 2 nations above 100K and they are in PM. One is our senator. You guys can not even look stats without glossing over the truth. I guess that is the beauty of stats in CN, 98% of them are made up.
Sot its false that before you reach the top nation in war mode you have already looked through ~50% of Polar's strength?

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[quote]I remember you, you're the whiny little brat who cried when I nuked you up the ass and you know what? It was a pleasure, it felt good to burst your bubble of self-delusion. I didn't buy my infra back up to avoid nations of an equal tech size, I did it to hit people like you. The weakest target and, given your needy attitude, the most likely to break. Because that's what you in war. As much as possible you pick when, where and how you fight. You take every advantage you can get.I'm never going to apologise for that, it would amount to apologising for not lying on your back and taking it like a !@#$%*.
Besides it's a load of bull. 99% peace mode? Get off. We weren't in peace mode anymore than anyone else on our side, but even if we had we owe you nothing anyway.

So screw you[/quote]

This. A thousand times over.

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[quote name='Altheus' timestamp='1328780151' post='2917228']
I remember you, you're the whiny little brat who cried when I nuked you up the ass and you know what? It was a pleasure, it felt good to burst your bubble of self-delusion. I didn't buy my infra back up to avoid nations of an equal tech size, I did it to hit people like you. The weakest target and, given your needy attitude, the most likely to break. Because that's what you in war. As much as possible you pick when, where and how you fight. You take every advantage you can get.I'm never going to apologise for that, it would amount to apologising for not lying on your back and taking it like a !@#$%*.
Besides it's a load of bull. 99% peace mode? Get off. We weren't in peace mode anymore than anyone else on our side, but even if we had we owe you nothing anyway.

So screw you.

Dude, lay off just because your alliance is lost horribly doesn't mean you can rip on a dude in a descent one. The 99.9% PM statement may have been hyperbole but its intended meaning was spot on. We had people actually complaining on the lack of targets. Those who were not in PM were either anarchied,ZIed, and had full slots.

One of your alliance leaders attacked us on a self-imposed undeclared CB. A CB that he went on to commit himself against on of our members, I think thats called hypocrisy anywhere.

Yes not buying back your infra so you have a tech advantage is a strategy of war but boasting about winning against someone significantly smaller than you is not something people do. Its not cool, your not going to get an award, It just makes you a !@#$% bag. So stop expressing your frustrations on my bro, and make sure your alliance is better prepared next war cause that was pretty bad.

[quote name='D34th' timestamp='1328798006' post='2917273']
Complaints about peace mode? Cry me a river, next time learn how to stagger and how to have an OPSEC.

I don't think you are aware of our situation. We were attacked and they proceed to hide robbing us of the pleasure of destroying them. Also when we finally did enter war with UPN, most of their alliance was already in PM, so...whats a dude to do?

Edited by dcrews20
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[quote]The 99.9% PM statement may have been hyperbole but its intended meaning was spot on.[/quote]

It wasn't even close to being spot on.

We had people actually complaining on the lack of targets[/quote]

Wait, you mean to tell me in a god-knows-how-many-alliance curbstomp of an alliance with a paltry 70 members, you couldn't find targers. NFW!

[quote]boasting about winning against someone significantly smaller than you is not something people do.[/quote]

If some idiot wants to call us out -- unprovoked -- it's entirely fair. Altheus was simply responding to a fool. Perhaps, that is mistake in and of itself -- and one I'm more than likely making at the moment.

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Where do you see us boasting? We are fully aware that we lost the war, hence why we surrendered.

An interesting fact for you: On numerous occasions, other alliances on YOUR front had a higher percentage of members in peace mode than us.
Protip: If you want to find targets, then find some balls and hit alliances that don't have a gazillion other alliances attacking them.

But look, we have nothing to prove, especially to the likes of you.

I will refrain from replying to your absurd posts in the future heh. On another note I would just like to thank the majority of our opponents again for the clean fight and remaining honourable throughout the war, it was a pleasure to fight most of you.

Edited by Robster83
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[quote name='Parandiac' timestamp='1328775144' post='2917209']
99% of an alliance being in peacemode gets respect from you? seriously? their eight nations at war stuck it out? they all bailed much earlier. Alt was the only person i could fight and he was scared to pick up his nuked infra and fight anyone at his level. seriously, a disgrace. everyone praising UPN for their effort needs their head examined. they fought longer than other alliances only by virtue of the fact that they were late getting on the peace train and sent their nations into peace. this wasn't honourable or noble. it was a disgrace

This is quite a funny post :)

Lets see shall we, you dominate an alliance, i haven't checked exact numbers but i think saying 5 to 1 would be a nice ballpark figure? And you allow so many nations to slip into peace mode.. If your ability to war matches your ability to stagger you should probably thank your maker for them not fighting the way you want them to.

And then you blame a beatdown nation for not rebuying into a range where he will get dominated again? Seriously? Maybe next time your opponent should sell infra upon the DoW and surrender? People crying about beat down nations terrorizing smaller nations in the winning alliances are the one fun thing about losing a war.

Also when we finally did enter war with UPN, most of their alliance was already in PM, so...whats a dude to do?

Get in the war from the start instead of waiting to see if a victory is guaranteed. Pretty simple.

Anyway, congrats to all on peace. Good show UPN, 2 wars in a row you showed a significant change :) Keep it up!

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I wish there was a way to change "hearts and mind" without reducing our alliance (and my nation) to rubble. Oh well, as Pansy aptly noted, casulties are forever!


Did UPN actually do any "shielding"? :P Maybe meatsieves or meatwindows instead of meatshields? :)

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[quote name='TECUMSEH' timestamp='1328808347' post='2917329']

Did UPN actually do any "shielding"? :P Maybe meatsieves or meatwindows instead of meatshields? :)

Haha. Honestly? No. :P That was more a comment on all of polar's allies.

Edited by The Warrior
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[quote name='Robster83' timestamp='1328803003' post='2917301']
Where do you see us boasting? We are fully aware that we lost the war, hence why we surrendered.

An interesting fact for you: On numerous occasions, other alliances on YOUR front had a higher percentage of members in peace mode than us.
Protip: If you want to find targets, then find some balls and hit alliances that don't have a gazillion other alliances attacking them.

But look, we have nothing to prove, especially to the likes of you.

I will refrain from replying to your absurd posts in the future heh. On another note I would just like to thank the majority of our opponents again for the clean fight and remaining honourable throughout the war, it was a pleasure to fight most of you.

To be absolutely fair, it was your idiocy that brought FEAR into the war. You declared on them, they simply recognized your actions.

Furthermore, we have yet to receive an apology from you, Robster. Please violate the peace terms. Please.

And also, please point me to the alliance on our side with a higher percentage in peace mode. I'm not talking nation numbers, I'm talking strength.

[quote name='EgoFreaky' timestamp='1328807303' post='2917324']
Get in the war from the start instead of waiting to see if a victory is guaranteed. Pretty simple.[/quote]

Pretty sure we were in the war rather early, but thanks for your concerns. I'll file them under "Useless Information".

Edited by Ernesto Che Guevara
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[quote name='Ernesto Che Guevara' timestamp='1328812086' post='2917348']

Pretty sure we were in the war rather early, but thanks for your concerns. I'll file them under "Useless Information".

Hey, i don't know when you entered the war, honestly i don't particularly care. You complained that "by the time you entered the war, most of them got into peacemode". If that was a problem you obviously weren't in the war soon enough.

Thing is, not just for you, but so many people are talking about peacemode etc. When an alliance knows its gonna lose a war first instinct is to protect what can be protected. How they try to do that is up to them, personally i'm in favor of ignoring peacemode and just blow !@#$ up as much as possible, but if their tactic is to pull everyone in peace mode and let 1 person fight the war.. their choice. If they can get away with it, good for them. But somehow people around here seem to have gotten the idea that you don't actually should have to work to win anymore..

"We outnumber you 5 to 1 and you hide in PM cowards" I'm just turning it around, "You outnumber them 5 to 1 and let them slip into PM, lrn2stagger".

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[quote name='Ernesto Che Guevara' timestamp='1328812086' post='2917348']
And also, please point me to the alliance on our side with a higher percentage in peace mode. I'm not talking nation numbers, I'm talking strength.

'There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies and statistics.' -Mark Twain

Well done Chax, you have a set of statistics that are skewed in a particular way. Anybody can manipulate data to suit their purpose. I hope people critically analyse your set of stats, rather than accepting it as true and representative. We fought a 2 and a half month war, against vast odds, our initially existing top tier gets knocked down, and then you say that the majority of our NS is in PM? NO !@#$! But yeah continue to convince people your members of such fallacies when in reality they are misleading.

Note: We are not hiding from the fact that we put people in PM, and some we didn't send out. But you seriously got to stop with the hyperboles. I repeat though, we have nothing to prove to the likes of you, so yeah think whatever you want heh. As far as I am concerned, ya'll are mad -- mission accomplished. :awesome:

[quote]Furthermore, we have yet to receive an apology from you, Robster. Please violate the peace terms. Please. [/quote]
I carried out what I was asked to do -- and more.

[quote]To be absolutely fair, it was your idiocy that brought FEAR into the war. You declared on them, they simply recognized your actions.[/quote]
This is an entirely different matter, so I won't discuss it here for the sake of going off topic even more. But rest assured, calculations behind the decision were made, it wasn't something [i]I[/i] done out of the blue. They were at war with our allies, I decided to help out a nation in need -- my government didn't see any problem with it, why are you so butthurt? And where do you see me complaining about FEAR engaging in the war? The point I made was different entirely.

Anyway, I see no need to discuss the semantics of it here. There is nothing left to be said... But hey, whatever floats your boat.

... Onwards to rebuilding.

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[quote name='Robster83' timestamp='1328803003' post='2917301']
Where do you see us boasting? We are fully aware that we lost the war, hence why we surrendered.

An interesting fact for you: On numerous occasions, other alliances on YOUR front had a higher percentage of members in peace mode than us.
Protip: If you want to find targets, then find some balls and hit alliances that don't have a gazillion other alliances attacking them.

But look, we have nothing to prove, especially to the likes of you.

I will refrain from replying to your absurd posts in the future heh. On another note I would just like to thank the majority of our opponents again for the clean fight and remaining honourable throughout the war, it was a pleasure to fight most of you.
The only reason we hit UPN was because you went Captain Derp on us, you were we wern't needed on that front so it wasn't necessary for us to hit you right off the bat. And where do you get off that the fight was clean it wasn't a fight it was us waiting for you to come out of PM then mercilessly pounding you into the ground.

[quote name='EgoFreaky' timestamp='1328807303' post='2917324']

Get in the war from the start instead of waiting to see if a victory is guaranteed. Pretty simple.

We came in when we were needed we don't LOL DoW on some random alliance because we can. Not to mention the fact that we were in this war early and are one of the last to leave. So, don't you accuse us of bandwagoning. Get your facts before you make an accusation like that. Pretty simple.

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[quote name='EgoFreaky' timestamp='1328813540' post='2917353']
Hey, i don't know when you entered the war, honestly i don't particularly care. You complained that "by the time you entered the war, most of them got into peacemode". If that was a problem you obviously weren't in the war soon enough.

Thing is, not just for you, but so many people are talking about peacemode etc. When an alliance knows its gonna lose a war first instinct is to protect what can be protected. How they try to do that is up to them, personally i'm in favor of ignoring peacemode and just blow !@#$ up as much as possible, but if their tactic is to pull everyone in peace mode and let 1 person fight the war.. their choice. If they can get away with it, good for them. But somehow people around here seem to have gotten the idea that you don't actually should have to work to win anymore..

"We outnumber you 5 to 1 and you hide in PM cowards" I'm just turning it around, "You outnumber them 5 to 1 and let them slip into PM, lrn2stagger".

History of Events
IRON/TOP hit Polar
Menotah hits TORN
BFF hits Menotah
UPN trolls/hits FEAR
FEAR recognizes war with UPN

By the time we were at war with UPN they were at war for a significant period of time. So, they had plenty of time to hit hippy, they had the nerve to attack US but then hid. Our ability to stagger played minimal role in this. Get your facts straight. Pretty simple.

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[quote name='AlmightyGrub' timestamp='1328777412' post='2917217']
An alliance has every right to do whatever it wishes with its member nations. The disgrace is the notion that an outnumbered coalition should meekly surrender their nations for destruction as per the oppositions wishes.

You want to hit them, man up and attack them before they are in peace mode. Your piss poor OPSEC aside, you don't ever get to dictate to anyone how they will do anything unless you seize control. Too many bystander alliances wanting a chop at someone wait patiently for someone else to do something before sneaking around the back for a cheap shot seem to complain when they dont get their measure of blood, having done nothing whatsoever to be entitled to said blood.

Stick it where the sun don't shine bucko.
[/quote]as stated, OPSEC had nothing to do with this, so bringing it up in this fashion is straw man i wouldn't have expected from you. being the king of cheap shots, maybe i should have though.

we didn't sneak up on anyone. UPN attacked us and when we countered, many of their nations were already at peace. some of the staggers got messed up, and that's life. we sought blood for a damned good reason and were largely denied that.

[quote name='Altheus' timestamp='1328780151' post='2917228']
I remember you, you're the whiny little brat who cried when I nuked you up the ass and you know what? It was a pleasure, it felt good to burst your bubble of self-delusion. I didn't buy my infra back up to avoid nations of an equal tech size, I did it to hit people like you. The weakest target and, given your needy attitude, the most likely to break. Because that's what you in war. As much as possible you pick when, where and how you fight. You take every advantage you can get.I'm never going to apologise for that, it would amount to apologising for not lying on your back and taking it like a !@#$%*.
Besides it's a load of bull. 99% peace mode? Get off. We weren't in peace mode anymore than anyone else on our side, but even if we had we owe you nothing anyway.

So screw you.
[/quote]i wasn't crying when you nuked me. i thought it was pretty hilarious. i understand the tactic and did it to rodrod. i was challenging you to do something you obviously were not up to doing, like attacking nations larger than yourself. i purchased infra and tech in order to hit you alongside chax. i'm ok with this. i only regret that you didn't slum it out with me to bring me all the way to ZI, but i guess half-assing something is the best i'm going to get from you.

[quote name='D34th' timestamp='1328798006' post='2917273']
Complaints about peace mode? Cry me a river, next time learn how to stagger and how to have an OPSEC.


obviously not a golfer.

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[quote name='dcrews20' timestamp='1328814500' post='2917356']
History of Events
IRON/TOP hit Polar
Menotah hits TORN
BFF hits Menotah
UPN trolls/hits FEAR
FEAR recognizes war with UPN

By the time we were at war with UPN they were at war for a significant period of time. So, they had plenty of time to hit hippy, they had the nerve to attack US but then hid. Our ability to stagger played minimal role in this. Get your facts straight. Pretty simple.

Its extremely funny that you preach the whole "Get your facts straight" BS, and have no clue about what went on.

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