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Rebel Virginia

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[quote name='Clash' timestamp='1323164898' post='2865571']
Yeah I've [s]wasted[/s] put a lot of thought into it and decided I just don't care.

Wow, I just don't have the real life time to waste doing crap like this.
It's rare when I waste the real life time to even post here lol

When I did think about it though, it made me kind of sad that others do. I know it's condescending to say, yet I can't help but kinda pitying y'all. You can say whatever you want, I can do math and there's only 24 hours in every day. The amount of time you waste on this is not generally healthy, either psychologically, physically or socially. I'm not saying anything about anyone in specific, just sayin'. For all I know RV lives under a bridge, in a van down by a river, or some such similar. His people have lived under bridges for generations, and they are DAMN PROUD of those vans, DAMN ME all to hell and back thrice for saying anything. He has nothin' but time, lots and lots of time. Hey more power to him, I say. Really, who am I to judge anyway right? Who is any of us? Do whatever you want whoever who are whenever you want have your fun blah blah blah clap clap clap.

Rant mostly over. I probably won't post here again because I don't really care. I'll go back to not caring about whatever stupid politics/crap/whatever people are pulling these days in the game, used to justify e-roidrage curbstomps that end with driving people out it. Every time I look, there are fewer nations. I know that. There are probably 3675 reasons why this is happening, among them economy, target demographics, lack of advertising, lack of word of mouth, people having more and more choices for entertainment these days, other games, etc. etc. whatever. I don't care who you are, what you are, who you think you are or what side you're on. Such pitiful shenanigans, tomfoolery, lollygagging and general asshattery are one of those reasons. That's my opinion and I'm sticking to it.

There we go, that finishes off the time I had slotted for CN:SE this week.
Carry on, have fun, do whatever you want.

Cue dropped microphone here.

Fake edit: Inb4 LOL DO SUMTING and other knees that jerk.
Dumb asses lol.

OH! Everybody's starry eyed... AND EVERYBODY GLOWS!

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[quote name='Clash' timestamp='1323164898' post='2865571']
Yeah I've [s]wasted[/s] put a lot of thought into it and decided I just don't care.

Wow, I just don't have the real life time to waste doing crap like this.
It's rare when I waste the real life time to even post here lol

When I did think about it though, it made me kind of sad that others do. I know it's condescending to say, yet I can't help but kinda pitying y'all. You can say whatever you want, I can do math and there's only 24 hours in every day. The amount of time you waste on this is not generally healthy, either psychologically, physically or socially. I'm not saying anything about anyone in specific, just sayin'. For all I know RV lives under a bridge, in a van down by a river, or some such similar. His people have lived under bridges for generations, and they are DAMN PROUD of those vans, DAMN ME all to hell and back thrice for saying anything. He has nothin' but time, lots and lots of time. Hey more power to him, I say. Really, who am I to judge anyway right? Who is any of us? Do whatever you want whoever who are whenever you want have your fun blah blah blah clap clap clap.

Rant mostly over. I probably won't post here again because I don't really care. I'll go back to not caring about whatever stupid politics/crap/whatever people are pulling these days in the game, used to justify e-roidrage curbstomps that end with driving people out it. Every time I look, there are fewer nations. I know that. There are probably 3675 reasons why this is happening, among them economy, target demographics, lack of advertising, lack of word of mouth, people having more and more choices for entertainment these days, other games, etc. etc. whatever. I don't care who you are, what you are, who you think you are or what side you're on. Such pitiful shenanigans, tomfoolery, lollygagging and general asshattery are one of those reasons. That's my opinion and I'm sticking to it.

There we go, that finishes off the time I had slotted for CN:SE this week.
Carry on, have fun, do whatever you want.

Cue dropped microphone here.

Fake edit: Inb4 LOL DO SUMTING and other knees that jerk.
Dumb asses lol.
You sound upset that RV has posted these leaks. Would you feel the same righteous anger if he had leaked something from MK's boards?

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[quote name='theArrowheadian' timestamp='1323152627' post='2865447']
Frankly I'm glad I don't visit these forums anymore, because this place has really gone to hell. They really should
I love how so many people say this. As soon as you no longer carry overwhelming favor on the forums, it's actually the forums that are the problem, not you. Of course.

If you guys are holding out for a comfortable/safe place to enter the war, you're going to be waiting a while. Better pick a spot before someone picks it for you.

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I enjoyed the read, although I didnt find it to be rip-snorting hilarious or anything of the sort.

Must be the hangover. Although I am amused to see so many people talk about how they don't care so much that they're coming out if the woodwork to let us know how much they simply don't care.


Definitely a hangover.

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[quote name='TehChron' timestamp='1323192798' post='2865788']
I enjoyed the read, although I didnt find it to be rip-snorting hilarious or anything of the sort.

Must be the hangover. Although I am amused to see so many people talk about how they don't care so much that they're coming out if the woodwork to let us know how much they simply don't care.


Definitely a hangover.

Don't hangover and CN. Seriously, it will only make it worse. <_<

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[quote name='Captain Flinders' timestamp='1323192762' post='2865787']
I love how so many people say this. As soon as you no longer carry overwhelming favor on the forums, it's actually the forums that are the problem, not you. Of course.

If you guys are holding out for a comfortable/safe place to enter the war, you're going to be waiting a while. Better pick a spot before someone picks it for you.
I think you missed my point. I do not care about what situation my alliance has clumsily stumbled into, nor do I care what you say about it. My point about the community is mostly that it used to be a place where even a few people could hold an intelligent discussion, but now it's all jargon and walking the party line. Saying "lol this alliance." It's tired and cliche, I figured this place would have grown out of this phase, but maybe you'll grow out it someday.

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[quote name='theArrowheadian' timestamp='1323194066' post='2865820']
I think you missed my point. I do not care about what situation my alliance has clumsily stumbled into, nor do I care what you say about it. My point about the community is mostly that it used to be a place where even a few people could hold an intelligent discussion, but now it's all jargon and walking the party line. Saying "lol this alliance." It's tired and cliche, I figured this place would have grown out of this phase, but maybe you'll grow out it someday.

Serious question: Have you been on the OWF before today?

Because seriously, it was no different back in 2006.

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[quote name='theArrowheadian' timestamp='1323194066' post='2865820']
I think you missed my point. I do not care about what situation my alliance has clumsily stumbled into, nor do I care what you say about it. My point about the community is mostly that it used to be a place where even a few people could hold an intelligent discussion, but now it's all jargon and walking the party line. Saying "lol this alliance." It's tired and cliche, I figured this place would have grown out of this phase, but maybe you'll grow out it someday.

2006 = lol lue

2007 = lol goons

2008 = lol polar

2009 = lol npo

2010 = lol polar (i guess)

2011 = lol sf

2012 = lol TUNE IN TO FIND OUT

Edited by Chief Savage Man
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[quote name='theArrowheadian' timestamp='1323194066' post='2865820']
I think you missed my point. I do not care about what situation my alliance has clumsily stumbled into, nor do I care what you say about it. My point about the community is mostly that it used to be a place where even a few people could hold an intelligent discussion, but now it's all jargon and walking the party line. Saying "lol this alliance." It's tired and cliche, I figured this place would have grown out of this phase, but maybe you'll grow out it someday.
When the world was singing the praises of SF I certainly didn't hear you questioning the forum's intelligence. There are nuggets of deeper thought throughout the forums, just as there always has been. There's mindless fun, war, and ya, people towing the party line. Just as it always has been. Just this time, you're not in favor so clearly something must be wrong because you guys are definitely the coolest.

Edited by Captain Flinders
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[quote name='Chief Savage Man' timestamp='1323195072' post='2865838']
2006 = lol lue

2007 = lol goons

2008 = lol polar

2009 = lol npo

2010 = lol polar (i guess)

2011 = lol sf

2012 = lol TUNE IN TO FIND OUT

2012 = lol Non Grata?

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[quote name='James Dahl' timestamp='1323200826' post='2865936']
Fungicide 2012

Nah, MK are tied to many alliances and blocs. They would have to have a major implosion to have their entire FA fall apart overnight.

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[quote name='Krashnaia' timestamp='1323177843' post='2865661']
Funny thing is, most of those screenshots are months old, like Liz's RL accident. Very few, if any, are from the current global crisis. Note that the screenshot of CSN's battle squadron distribution dates from May.
Yes, it's funny that someone in your alliance, or with access to your forums, has/is gave/giving RV screenshots of your forums.

Honestly, the response from CSN, RnR, and their allies is dumbfounding. It does not matter if they are old posts or irrelevant or useless information, you have member(s) that either gave information away in the past or is giving information away now and that is a very serious problem

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[quote name='Stewie' timestamp='1323202278' post='2865968']
Nah, MK are tied to many alliances and blocs. They would have to have a major implosion to have their entire FA fall apart overnight.
Challenge accepted

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[quote name='Seerow' timestamp='1323194990' post='2865837']
Serious question: Have you been on the OWF before today?

Because seriously, it was no different back in 2006.
Yes, but your memory seems to be awful or maybe your reading comprehension is not up to snuff. It was in fact different. Not a huge amount, but like I said, there was always at least one discussion going amongst the riff-raff. Maybe you don't remember it maybe you just want to stereotype the whole time as the same. You're entitled to your opinion though.

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[quote name='Captain Flinders' timestamp='1323195672' post='2865854']
When the world was singing the praises of SF I certainly didn't hear you questioning the forum's intelligence. There are nuggets of deeper thought throughout the forums, just as there always has been. There's mindless fun, war, and ya, people towing the party line. Just as it always has been. Just this time, you're not in favor so clearly something must be wrong because you guys are definitely the coolest.
Well to be honest I stopped visiting the OWF for a long time and pretty stopped until some sub-human on the R&R forums directed me to this topic. I haven't been a fan if SF for a long time and I'm sure that people in my alliance can attest to my opinions toward the institution and lobbying efforts to have R&R leave it.

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