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[quote name='Kalasin' timestamp='1323052064' post='2862919']
Believe it or not I don't follow everything that happens in NSO. I didn't know you had switched boards recently. Frankly though I know my own history better than you do. I remember you tried to talk me into joining NSO, I even had talks with some of your guys on IRC, but then I decided not to. I dare you to provide any evidence to the contrary. IRC logs, anything you like.

In the end though, it doesn't matter. I don't much care. You don't like me for whatever reason. That's fine. I don't have a particularly high opinion of you either.
The story of your time here is one of people giving you chances only to get nothing but barbs in return, Fran.

That the only thing you're disputing is whether or not you were ever an NSO member (oh how terrible!) rather than the fact that you burned me and I got burned on your behalf is kind of telling. Well, whatever, it's nice to see some things never change.

You're really the only person Ive ever truly looked down upon in Cybernations, Fran. The only one. And the only one I've ever really had a true grudge against. The only one.

Continue to talk about how you don't care, though, Fran. That kind of narcissism was always, has always, and always will, be your problem. I hope to god maybe someday you'll outgrow it and have a happy life, because narcissism is a very lonely thing. Have fun in real life, Fran.

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[quote name='TehChron' timestamp='1323052651' post='2862937']
The story of your time here is one of people giving you chances only to get nothing but barbs in return, Fran.

That the only thing you're disputing is whether or not you were ever an NSO member (oh how terrible!) rather than the fact that you burned me and I got burned on your behalf is kind of telling. Well, whatever, it's nice to see some things never change.

You're really the only person Ive ever truly looked down upon in Cybernations, Fran. The only one. And the only one I've ever really had a true grudge against. The only one.

Continue to talk about how you don't care, though, Fran. That kind of narcissism was always, has always, and always will, be your problem. I hope to god maybe someday you'll outgrow it and have a happy life, because narcissism is a very lonely thing. Have fun in real life, Fran.

Your whole point about how I supposedly burned you revolves around how I joined NSO only to sell you out. I did no such thing, although I'm amused that you've held a grudge against me for so long without me realising it.

The only person I have ever betrayed in this game was Polonius. I truly regret it. I won't try and justify my actions because there is no possible justification for selling out your friends the way I did him, but I can only say that everyone makes mistakes. As for you? I owe you nothing.

I wish you well for the rest of your time playing CN and in real life also.

Edited by Kalasin
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[quote name='Kalasin' timestamp='1323052906' post='2862945']
Your whole point about how I supposedly burned you revolves around how I joined NSO only to sell you out. I did no such thing, although I'm amused that you've held a grudge against me for so long without me realising it.

[/quote]Um...who said that?

I didn't. I just said you burned me when I stuck my neck out for your sake. I never actually went into details, but if that's how you remember it, then maybe I forgot something too?

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[quote name='Kalasin' timestamp='1323052906' post='2862945']
Your whole point about how I supposedly burned you revolves around how I joined NSO only to sell you out. I did no such thing, although I'm amused that you've held a grudge against me for so long without me realising it.

The only person I have ever betrayed in this game was Polonius. I truly regret it. I won't try and justify my actions because there is no possible justification for selling out your friends the way I did him, but I can only say that everyone makes mistakes. As for you? I owe you nothing.

I wish you well for the rest of your time playing CN and in real life also.
I've noticed something...for someone quitting you sure are doing a lot of arguing in this thread. My question is, if you are quitting then who cares what Chron or anyone else says. Just my two cents anyhow. Later.

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If you happen to have any tech I wouldn't be opposed :blush: Anyway I quit once and had some trouble with this character. Coming back under this alias was difficult for me too but I had a few good friends in this game to help me get by and join an alliance ect. Anyway good luck in real life. I've found that when I quit I didn't miss the game, but I had an urge to come back because of curiosity. If you happen to return to the game you could shoot me a PM and I'll repay you for your generosity.

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[quote name='Kalasin' timestamp='1322997489' post='2862137']
I don’t know precisely which ODN members interfered with my application to MK. What you did is pathetic.

While I doubt any ODNista "interfered" with your application, you wouldn't have gotten in. MK doesn't really like you and it's pretty obvious you wouldn't have been a fit there. That and Banksy is the one who gets to accept/deny you.

That said, good luck to you whatever you do.

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I have always thought of you as Francesca even after your re-roll, but I am one of the (probably) few that didn't meant it in a negative way.

I hope you're not disappointed that this goes public, it's very old anyway (> 2 years) and I hope that you will recall nice memories by reading it:
[quote][2009-09-16 10:52:59] <jerdge[MHA]> I don't ask nor need nor want to be paid back
[2009-09-16 10:53:18] <jerdge[MHA]> it's a free gift from me to you personally, for just random and crazy reasons
[2009-09-16 10:53:26] <jerdge[MHA]> like: I like your forum activity
[2009-09-16 10:53:34] <Francesca> Hehe.
[2009-09-16 10:53:37] <Francesca> Trolling ftw, eh?
[2009-09-16 10:53:53] <jerdge[MHA]> You aren't a troll
[2009-09-16 10:54:16] <jerdge[MHA]> Being a bit provocative is part of the political game, it's OK in CN
[2009-09-16 10:54:29] <jerdge[MHA]> CN troll = regular troll+stupidity
[2009-09-16 10:54:41] <jerdge[MHA]> and you're not (you don't look) stupid
[2009-09-16 10:54:50] <Francesca> Thanks.
[2009-09-16 10:54:55] <Francesca> God knows I need to hear it sometimes.
[2009-09-16 10:54:59] <jerdge[MHA]> lol
[2009-09-16 10:55:05] <Francesca> XD[/quote]

I'd also like for you to keep an eye out for me on IRC, I'll do the same looking for you.

If we have no occasions to chat I bid you farewell and I wish you the best for your RL. :wub:

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Its sad seeing you go Fran, it just sucks that rl has been so busy for me that we've not had much chance to talk lately.

I'll never forget all the help you gave me, not just aid but making me see the positives in people. I honestly gained new perspectives thanks to your kindness and I think you deserved a better ride of things.

I'm just sad i couldn't help you in return. Good luck in real life and never let go of that enthusiasm for things, too many aim for mediocre when like you they should be aiming for the stars.

o/ Francesca

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Speaking as someone who isn't in either ODN or MK, I am fairly confident in saying that MK would not have accepted you, regardless of any ODN interference, real or imagined.

That being said, we were friends at one point and I'm grateful to anyone who risked something for Vox. Have fun in real life.

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Well we were never exactly friends, and I usually disagreed with both your words and actions, but I did notice that you at least made up your own mind on things sometimes and I respected that and still do. So for that reason alone I am sad to see you go.

Kudos on how you decided to go out. Creation > Destruction.

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You should have stayed as Fran. You built a persona on it. Good & Bad depending on the player. Was kind of you to send me tech, but I have declined (I am just weird like that). But I do want to say thank you. Thank you for being a vocal member and adding you view and participation in this community. Many don't know (or maybe they do) you always had the good and kind personal action if you felt you went too far. You also were always looking out for people potentially setting themselves up for violating forum rules.

I was absolutely harsh on you during the NPO exit and as the IA IO I certainly gathered all the info used against you. It was a tough time and I am sure it bothered you to a personal degree. For my part I am sorry for discomfort it caused you.

Beyond any insanity (come on we all have it) you were/are a member of this community and you did your part. So thank you and if it means anything, know I wish you the very best.


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[quote name='Brehon' timestamp='1323187870' post='2865730']
You should have stayed as Fran. You built a persona on it. Good & Bad depending on the player. Was kind of you to send me tech, but I have declined (I am just weird like that). But I do want to say thank you. Thank you for being a vocal member and adding you view and participation in this community. Many don't know (or maybe they do) you always had the good and kind personal action if you felt you went too far. You also were always looking out for people potentially setting themselves up for violating forum rules.

I was absolutely harsh on you during the NPO exit and as the IA IO I certainly gathered all the info used against you. It was a tough time and I am sure it bothered you to a personal degree. For my part I am sorry for discomfort it caused you.

Beyond any insanity (come on we all have it) you were/are a member of this community and you did your part. So thank you and if it means anything, know I wish you the very best.


Didn't really see this one coming. Now I actually have to say something nice. :v: Uh... thanks! I didn't know that you realised I made a habit out of PMing people if I noticed they had violated the forum rules.

By the way, the reason for the aid I sent you extended to far more than a post or two I made on the OWF recently. It was intended to reflect also that I have no hard feelings about what happened in 2009. It's such a long time ago after all.

I'm a bit surprised that more people haven't asked for tech. If it was me I wouldn't have turned down a bit of free tech, but eh.

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[quote name='Kalasin' timestamp='1323217398' post='2866420']
Didn't really see this one coming. Now I actually have to say something nice. :v: Uh... thanks! I didn't know that you realised I made a habit out of PMing people if I noticed they had violated the forum rules.

By the way, the reason for the aid I sent you extended to far more than a post or two I made on the OWF recently. It was intended to reflect also that I have no hard feelings about what happened in 2009. It's such a long time ago after all.

I'm a bit surprised that more people haven't asked for tech. If it was me I wouldn't have turned down a bit of free tech, but eh.

I have no need for tech. I sell it. :P

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[quote name='potato' timestamp='1323087737' post='2863617']
While I doubt any ODNista "interfered" with your application, you wouldn't have gotten in. MK doesn't really like you and it's pretty obvious you wouldn't have been a fit there. That and Banksy is the one who gets to accept/deny you.

That said, good luck to you whatever you do.

You guys said the same thing to me when i applied to join MK.


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Just because I've been accused of being a tech monster (a close kin to the cookie monster), I'll chime in with the obligatory "TEEEEECCCCCCHHHHHHHHH!!!! I WANT TECH!". Oh, and enjoy having a real life. Some day I may have to try that too.

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