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[quote name='LeonidasRexII' timestamp='1319851065' post='2834131']
IAA didn't believe, it's leader did and dragged them into a war they didn't want. He was subsequently removed for his actions.

Unsupported? They posted screenshots of our forum here on the OWF, and then admitted they ran the op, again here on the OWF!

If you still think it's unsupported there a a LOT of posts I can show you that our CB was one of the most clear cut in years.

One member posted images from an unknown and unverified source in public that contained no sensitive information. The alliance then proceeded to NOT throw him under the bus and refused to be bullied by Legion.

Refusing to be bullied is a clear cut CB? Unless you want to actually admit the CB was "We're butthurt and we're tired of continuously being made fools of" of course.

Legion should have instead rooted out the real spy before he had a chance to get any information that would actually tell the world something they didn't already know.

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[quote name='Krunk the Great' timestamp='1319851406' post='2834135']
One member posted images from an unknown and unverified source in public that contained no sensitive information. The alliance then proceeded to NOT throw him under the bus and refused to be bullied by Legion.

Refusing to be bullied is a clear cut CB? Unless you want to actually admit the CB was "We're butthurt and we're tired of continuously being made fools of" of course.

Legion should have instead rooted out the real spy before he had a chance to get any information that would actually tell the world something they didn't already know.

No, refusing to be bullied, isn't a CB, but breaching our sovereignty was. While it's true the information posted wasn't sensitive, the fact remained that the perpetrator took pains to breach that sovereignty. If they were willing to do that we weren't willing to see what he'd do next without taking decisive action.

By the way thanks for the advice, but we did some extensive rooting and continue to do so even now.

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[quote name='Krunk the Great' timestamp='1319851406' post='2834135']
One member posted images from an unknown and unverified source in public that contained no sensitive information. The alliance then proceeded to NOT throw him under the bus and refused to be bullied by Legion.

Refusing to be bullied is a clear cut CB? Unless you want to actually admit the CB was "We're butthurt and we're tired of continuously being made fools of" of course.

Legion should have instead rooted out the real spy before he had a chance to get any information that would actually tell the world something they didn't already know.

What the hell do you know about CB's ?, LoSS had proved and had matching IP's of you spying on them when they kicked you out for the worthless lowlife you are, the only reason it did not go to war was simply because LoSS did not have the support or the power at the time to win. and when this was reported all his nations was deleted the next day.

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Congratulations Legion.

Regardless of the ultimate outcome of this war, the fact that the discount being applied to the war effort of NsO, BTA and IAA has not been applied to the war effort of Legion is tacit admission by those posters that Legion is not as bad as the propaganda would suggest.

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[quote name='LeonidasRexII' timestamp='1319851065' post='2834131']
IAA didn't believe, it's leader did and dragged them into a war they didn't want.

As I said before somewhere else, IAA was merely bait. They were meant to be the chain to bring the rest of the lot in had someone hit them. So, yea, they were used and it's no wonder that most of them didn't support the war.

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[quote name='Thrash' timestamp='1319853915' post='2834151']
As I said before somewhere else, IAA was merely bait. They were meant to be the chain to bring the rest of the lot in had someone hit them. So, yea, they were used and it's no wonder that most of them didn't support the war.

Make that used and abused. Why anyone would want to fight alongside NSO after this I can't fathom.

Fair warning to NSO allies in the future. You'd better cause twice the damage or you're going to get slammed by the Sith mouthpieces.

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[quote name='dane0' timestamp='1319839520' post='2834030']
I dont know if anybody from tetris has replied to this yet, but as the PoC, I can speak for the tetris gov. and say that we greatly appreciate the sacrifices these 3 alliances have made for us, and completely approve of them accepting peace. We will continue our fight, even with the odds we now face, until the two sides can come to an agreement satisfactory to all of us.

Once again, a huge thank you to NsO, and especially to BTA and IAA for standing up for us, even when in the case or the latter two, they weren't obligated to.

One last of these for this war
o/ BTA
o/ IAA
Well said. Here's to speedy recoveries for BTA, IAA, and NsO.

[b][color="#800080"]Ave Legio![/color][/b]

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[quote name='Timeline' timestamp='1319852042' post='2834139']
What the hell do you know about CB's ?, LoSS had proved and had matching IP's of you spying on them when they kicked you out for the worthless lowlife you are, the only reason it did not go to war was simply because LoSS did not have the support or the power at the time to win. and when this was reported all his nations was deleted the next day.

You really should fact check before you attempt to spew out any more lies.

[list=1][*]LoSS did not Kick me out, I resigned of my own accord[*]Any of these alleged issues took place after I had left.[*]LoSS also did not have a valid, noncircumstancial CB[*]My nation was deleted near new-years. The alleged "spying" took place months prior.[*]I was told My nation was deleted alongside the other, when the nation you are accusing of spying along with me had left the game at the end of the incident, again months prior.[/list]
[quote name='LeonidasRexII' timestamp='1319854419' post='2834158']
Make that used and abused. Why anyone would want to fight alongside NSO after this I can't fathom.

Fair warning to NSO allies in the future. You'd better cause twice the damage or you're going to get slammed by the Sith mouthpieces.

Because NSO obviously wanted IAA to come in and explicitly asked [b]Their allies' allies [/b]to come in and support.

Remind me never to expect an alliance who has declared war on my side to give more than three or four wars (In essence, legionesque contribution when it is most advantageous instead of standing by their ally) against the enemy.

NSO has not called in her allies, nor have they for the duration of this conflict.

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Nobody can fault Legion's war effort in the current conflict ;/

Also, what's up with that Sith guy sitting at #2 in the AA having 200k lifetime casualties and being in peacemode since the war began....I didn't think you took kindly to those folks round here?

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Oh, if I could only live one day in the bliss that must be the most simple, pure, form of ignorance. How life would go exactly as I wished and I would actually believe the crazy drivel that spews from my lips. Such is the life RV and the majority of his alliance mates are so blessed to live.

It's just so hilarious to me how the war is unfolding. That's really the only way to describe it and I am guessing it will only increase in hilarity as it progresses from this point. In any outcome (NSO Surrender, NSO FAN*, or NSO calling in allies) your alliance is ruined. You just got punched right in the mouth and all you can do is mumble incoherent accusations, pointing your fingers as you drool blood.

But seriously, keep trying on the BB's thing. I think you are totally convincing the cyberworld you aren't complete tools**. Looking forward to reading more from you guys and, more importantly, looking forward to seeing you on the battlefield.

*You don't have the gagoons to pull something like FAN did.
**You aren't.

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[quote name='LeonidasRexII' timestamp='1319850047' post='2834123']
IAA's heart was never invested in this war; their swords merely followed. The only ones truly invested were the IAA's leader at the time and some of his strongest supporters, but we all know where that went.

Still whatever your opinion of an ally is it should be kept private IMO.


They aren't my ally. I'd say the same things to their faces that i'm saying here.

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Good luck rebuilding BTA, IAA, and NsO.

Thanks also to NSO for being the biggest collection of whiners and babies I've ever seen gathered in one sad alliance. You all have pulled a crying, sobbing full court press since you decided to come into this conflict.


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[quote name='T.Hubb' timestamp='1319857068' post='2834181']
Good luck rebuilding BTA, IAA, and NsO.

Thanks also to NSO for being the biggest collection of whiners and babies I've ever seen gathered in one sad alliance. You all have pulled a crying, sobbing full court press since you decided to come into this conflict.


We wish only to counter your blatant lies and claims of "winning" with what is actually accurate.

The Sith have never been in the wrong in any war and we certainly are not in the wrong for honoring a treaty.

Its not like you're taking more damage than we are or anything.

Edited by Krunk the Great
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[quote name='LeonidasRexII' timestamp='1319848915' post='2834113']
Here's just one example:

Maybe you don't approve of how one of your allies are fighting, and it's your right to have that opinion, but to throw them under the bus publicly like RV and other higher ups in NSO have done is just low.

See this:

That's real damage especially to an alliance that size. IAA and NsO have taken similar amounts of damage as well, and if anything deserve your thanks for putting their pixels on the line. If you really feel like you have to lay into them there are plenty of private areas to do that as well.

While you're complaining about poor performance you should try looking in the mirror once in a while. War isn't about bullets and missiles it's about wills. Could it be that IAA/NsO/BTA performance was more a product of their lack of belief in the cause than their being, and I'll quote NSO here, "worthless"? Seeing as how you were the largest and most vocal alliance in that coalition wasn't it NSO's responsibility to rally the troops? Wasn't it NSO who should've inspired their compatriots to fight like their lives depended on it? Instead you call them "incompetent" and "worthless". Seems that once again those in combat respond better to inspiration than to condemnation.
[color="#0000FF"]Yes, many of the nations that had ghosted BTA to get a shot at Legion have since returned to their alliances now that BTA is out of the world. I am amazed at how observant you are.[/color]

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[quote name='T.Hubb' timestamp='1319857068' post='2834181']
Good luck rebuilding BTA, IAA, and NsO.

Thanks also to NSO for being the biggest collection of whiners and babies I've ever seen gathered in one sad alliance. You all have pulled a crying, sobbing full court press since you decided to come into this conflict.


RV is just doing a piece of spin called the 'Scooby Do'. Basically, when they finally toss in the towel, all anybody will hear for the next forever is 'and we woulda won it if it weren't for our useless allies/those damned kids/whatever'.

Being that RV is currently in the 2K range with nukes, I hereby name him 'King of the Anklebiters'. A clue for ya, RV: at that range, nukes are basically overpriced bottlerockets. But be my guest, by all means, buy lots of them. At a mil plus per, you'll just run your warchest further down.

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[quote name='Flonker' timestamp='1319861758' post='2834225']
RV is just doing a piece of spin called the 'Scooby Do'. Basically, when they finally toss in the towel, all anybody will hear for the next forever is 'and we woulda won it if it weren't for our useless allies/those damned kids/whatever'.

Being that RV is currently in the 2K range with nukes, I hereby name him 'King of the Anklebiters'. A clue for ya, RV: at that range, nukes are basically overpriced bottlerockets. But be my guest, by all means, buy lots of them. At a mil plus per, you'll just run your warchest further down.

Some people "get" Rebel Virginia. Others do not.

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