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[quote name='janax' timestamp='1309979611' post='2750558']
Justified attack or not, the "do something about it or shutup" attitude and general d-bagginess of responses from parties in this thread has really reflected poorly on their respective alliances.

Not that it matters what I think, I suppose.[/quote]

Actually...if NoR is a bit "salty" it could be because toward the latter half of its existence, TGE plotted more than once against NoR. So I don't blame NoR in the slightest. Also, let's be honest here. NoR did it the "right way" when they came back, TGE is not. That's going to draw a crowd of hecklers no matter what.

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[quote name='Kaiser Martens' timestamp='1309983352' post='2750609']
Perhaps, but as usual the Communists were too weak and cowardly to use their one shot that they had at getting rid of us.

But then. There is another alliance which did not waste its shot - which actually did fire at us and missed.
TGE itself. They wanted to murder us, and we were only saved by quick Nueva Vida intervention.

Now the situation is opposite. But our axes met their targets.

That is another problem. While arguably their new leader might not be a Nordreich hater, the other members [i]are[/i]. Therefore TGE [i]is[/i] still the same. Another aspect in which they continue to be the same is in their improvised attitude when approaching world politics - their incompetence. Besides, this has got to be at least the sixth time in which TGE in some form or another tried to be nice to Nordreich for a while. It is a pattern. One day they act nice, the next day they are the same old selves. They are like a bipolar alliance.

We are not going to take any chances. Allowing TGE to exist would be irresponsible, a risk, and frankly, plain stupid. They are the ever-failing DDR to our West Germany. They will never rise again.

Back to the grave with them.

If you would do me the honor of pointing out the instances of disrespect that myself, or anyone currently residing on the AA of the German Empire? As i can see it right now, the whole of our membership is absent the taint and disgrace of a handful of people. We're working towards making amends for what was done in the past so that we can rise above this. We realize you do not see things clearly right now given your abject hatred of all things TGE related (again, rightfully so or not), but someday I have a hope that you will look on us as friends and not those individuals who cowardly sought to destroy your proud Germanic union. There is no need for any sort of crusade to destroy people who are extending a hand in friendship. Whether you want us to go back to the grave is not important. What's important is how we will work together in the future; our Empire shall not be blotted from the books of history ever again. Of that, I can assure you.

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[quote name='Kaiser Martens' timestamp='1309983352' post='2750609']
<snip> <snip> <snip>

We have essentially said the same thing, only you've done so in a way that is considerably more evil.


[quote name='Kaiser Wilhelm I' timestamp='1309984053' post='2750617']
What's important is how we will work together in the future....[/quote]

I believe our two alliances are working together very well right now. You should expect this level of cooperation to continue into the foreseeable future. Know that we will always stand beside you.

I should stop before I get all weepy.

Edited by Ashoka the Great
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[quote name='Kaiser Wilhelm I' timestamp='1309983243' post='2750608']

I don't think anyone has to point out the two conditions I laid out in the first sentence. But for your sake, I will do so:

If [b]you are still active[/b], and if you [b]are non aligned[/b]. Meaning, if you're [b]not in an alliance[/b] at present. I am growing tired of the character assassination attempts and the consistent lack of attention to detail in this thread. Several instances there have been posts either by myself or others in regards to who actually knew about the reformation project, who is being recruited or invited, how many members we have etc;

If you have a problem with The German Empire, that's fine. I will chalk it up to our past disgraces and ineptitude. But if you could do me a favor and carry yourself with a little more dignity and honor, much like Nordreich has done so. At least they're content to openly engage us in warfare and not make snide comments and veiled threats. We are here to stay, and we realize there is a lot of work to do. We'll take our lickings, but I assure you; we are going nowhere.


Let me point out that this member's CN account reads 'Colossus'. Easy enough to look up, though from the look of your DoE prep it is not beyond the realm of imagination that you neglected to do your homework. I'm not so naive as to believe that your words "If [b]you are still active[/b], and if you [b]are non aligned[/b]" were not strategically placed to save your ass should you get caught.

Also, I have spoken to some of the actual remaining members of the TGE AA and they do not support this, nor were they told in advance. I do not have a problem with The German Empire. I have a problem with half-wit noobs running about thinking they can pull one over on the rest of us.

And I assure you, my threats are not veiled. If you could see to it to grow yourself beyond pissant size, you'll see that I do mean business.

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[quote name='RePePe' timestamp='1309974614' post='2750495']
The whole point of raiding is picking a target that can't defend themselves. Otherwise, you'd lose more than you gain which would defeat one of the main purposes of tech raiding. I really don't see what you're going for here.

I know that's the whole point of raiding and that's exactly why I despise raiders, because they are nothing more than cowards bulling those who can't defend themselves.

[quote name='Lord Gobb' timestamp='1309977716' post='2750535']
Yeah, it was just a joke post :rolleyes:

I find it distasteful how you're accusing people attacking TGE of anything while you yourself are posting replies saying you'd rather see the alliance dead than alive. TGE's a fledgling alliance who's pretty much loathed throughout the cyberverse and is desperate at rectifying their past PR disasters. Wouldn't you agree that for an alliance in TGE's situation having people post death wishes to them is rather damaging in a world where wars are won with words as much as they're won with combat? Like it or not, you're encouraging hostile behaviour in others towards TGE with your own and it's hypocritical of you to judge them.

Btw if you really think the attacks are unprovoked, they are just as unprovoked as your own hostile behaviour.

Yeah the image was a joke, if you don't believe me, I honestly don't care.

And yeah, I'd prefer that TGE stayed dead, but that's doesn't mean that I have the right to forbid the existence of those zombie alliances.

[i]"I do not agree with what you have to say, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it."[/i]

[quote name='Ashoka the Great' timestamp='1309980616' post='2750569']
Which argument are you referring to? Thus far you've said "Zombies should be killed" and "but not by Nordreich." Somehow you seem not to notice the contradiction.

Look, I've got no problem with your irrational NoR hatred. (I suspect that I'm not the only one within the alliance who finds it more amusing than insulting.) But do yourself and everyone else a favor. If you're going to say something, don't go and contradict yourself so soon thereafter. You will save yourself from looking stupid.[/quote]

See above.

Also that has nothing to do with my NoR hatred(which isn't irrational), I'd have criticized [b]ANY[/b] alliance who had attacked TGE for no reason other than they existing. The fact that your alliance in its previous incarnation used to do that is just a plus.

[quote name='Ashoka the Great' timestamp='1309980616' post='2750569']
Me? I love the fact that when you are confronted by a blatant example of your own doubletalk you are incapable of seeing it. If nothing else, it means that your arguments are consistently stupid.

As I said above, all you have said thus far is "Zombies should be killed" and "but not by Nordreich." The reason you don't see people flocking to your defense here is that it is apparent that your own personal dislike of Nordreich has blinded you to the foolishness of your statements. Your last several posts have had a "Look at me I am winning!" quality to them that make them all the more embarrassing to your friends and entertaining to everyone else.[/quote]

See above too. And I don't need nobody to defend my argument or back up my opinions, unlike you and your alliance I can totally do that alone.

[quote name='Ashoka the Great' timestamp='1309980616' post='2750569']
Now, as to the source of this dislike, I neither know nor care. I do not recall a single interaction between you and my alliance, so its origin is almost certainly illogical. The most recent interaction between our respective alliances occurred when yours proposed a rather hurried MDoAP mere days before an attack on your alliance kicked off the last major war. Since damn near everyone saw this attack coming from miles away, the proposed treaty was received as being cynical, desperate and mildly insulting. I do not believe there has been any significant contact between our alliances since then, but as a retiree I am located far, far outside of the hypothetical 'loop'.

Once again a NoR member try to bring NpO into this discussion when Polaris has nothing to do with it. I find utterly hilarious that people has so much problem in comprehend that my opinions are only mine and doesn't represent in any shape or form Polaris official position. So once again I'll just ignore this attempt to divert the discussion.

Edited by D34th
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[quote name='Kaiser Martens' timestamp='1309983352' post='2750609']
Perhaps, but as usual the Communists were too weak and cowardly to use their one shot that they had at getting rid of us.

History has not yet come to an end, old man. Socialism is inevitable. I look forward to the day when you emerge from the reeducation camp and embrace our glorious revolution.


Edited by Comrade Craig
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[quote name='nosoup4you' timestamp='1309984377' post='2750621']
Let me point out that this member's CN account reads 'Colossus'. Easy enough to look up, though from the look of your DoE prep it is not beyond the realm of imagination that you neglected to do your homework. I'm not so naive as to believe that your words "If [b]you are still active[/b], and if you [b]are non aligned[/b]" were not strategically placed to save your ass should you get caught.

Also, I have spoken to some of the actual remaining members of the TGE AA and they do not support this, nor were they told in advance. I do not have a problem with The German Empire. I have a problem with half-wit noobs running about thinking they can pull one over on the rest of us.

And I assure you, my threats are not veiled. If you could see to it to grow yourself beyond pissant size, you'll see that I do mean business.

[quote]To: Wilhelm I From: Sean Von Kragler Date: 7/5/2011 9:27:50 PM

Subject: RE: Reformation of German Empire

Message: im in but then agian i never left =/ [/quote]

This is one of two messages that I have received from the active members of the AA, The German Empire. Furthermore, the AA (albeit it is insignificant compared to what we face now) has increased by a nation since I first posted this. With those with a desire to maintain activity, and restore The German Empire, I have their support. Your incessant prattling will not change that. This is the last time you and I will speak.

Take care, nosoup4you.

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[quote name='Kaiser Wilhelm I' timestamp='1309984863' post='2750631']
This is one of two messages that I have received from the active members of the AA, The German Empire. Furthermore, the AA (albeit it is insignificant compared to what we face now) has increased by a nation since I first posted this. With those with a desire to maintain activity, and restore The German Empire, I have their support. Your incessant prattling will not change that.

Take care, nosoup4you.

lol What are they going to say once your antics have brought war to their doorstep (yet again)? I've spoken with ex-gov. Your DoE and subsequent attacks by NoR have really put a cramp in their plans for a legitimate reformation.

[quote]This is the last time you and I will speak.[/quote]

Can I get this in writing? Our paths have crossed all too often.

Edited by nosoup4you
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Kaiser Wilhelm I, you have quite a task ahead of you, but hope shines eternal for those with determination. Good luck with the reformation.

Also, and with no disrespect to NoR, but Martens, you should crawl back under your rock. Your disease of cowardice is hideous enough to look at but your obscene strutting marks you as an insufferable fool as well. Don't think I've forgotten how you bailed on your obligations after some one went through the trouble of paying off your debts and providing you shelter. You should be ashamed for even showing your ugly face around here. Let another one of your more capable statesmen assume the task of puking on other's efforts, you haven't the honor enough to do it yourself.

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[quote name='Kzoppistan' timestamp='1309985507' post='2750638']
Kaiser Wilhelm I, you have quite a task ahead of you, but hope shines eternal for those with determination. Good luck with the reformation.

There is no worthier task than to restore something you have a deep passion for, to it's former glory. I sincerely appreciate the kind words in this, the darkest of hours for the Empire. Take care!

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[quote name='Ayatollah Bromeini' timestamp='1309971540' post='2750457']
I seem to recall another German alliance who reformed, despite it's previous incarnation being held in disdain by most of the community, and no one gave them any trouble.
Ya, that's not how it happened at all actually. The reincarnation of Nordreich was a well thought out plan which included speaking to alliances we had issues with in the past. Was it completely necessary that we "ask for permission" to exist? Not at all. But it's pretty obvious how that method is working out for TGE now. NoR did their legwork before announcing, TGE did not. Additionally, even with all the legwork we did do, we were under constant threat of attack. Most of us expected it to come regardless of what little protection we managed to salvage from generous world leaders.

But that really is all beside the point. The main point here is that the vast majority speaking out in defense of TGE didn't life them previously and don't like them now. People are speaking out because it's Nordreich doing the attacking and they feel it's an unwarranted act of aggression. If you really feel that the history between TGE and NoR deems an attack unwarranted, then you clearly need a history lesson. Though it would seem that most are just trying to get in their moralist quota for the week. Get off your high horse and stop being so whiny.

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[quote name='Captain Flinders' timestamp='1309986529' post='2750653']

But that really is all beside the point. The main point here is that the vast majority speaking out in defense of TGE didn't life them previously and don't like them now. People are speaking out because it's Nordreich doing the attacking and they feel it's an unwarranted act of aggression. If you really feel that the history between TGE and NoR deems an attack unwarranted, then you clearly need a history lesson. Though it would seem that most are just trying to get in their moralist quota for the week. Get off your high horse and stop being so whiny.

No, it just reeks of opportunism because you were too afraid to do it while they existed with allies. If they had done such [i]terrible things[/i] to warrant this perma death then you would have grown the balls to hit them while they were still a coherent mass.

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[quote name='Comrade Craig' timestamp='1309984545' post='2750625']
History has not yet come to an end, old man. Socialism is inevitable. I look forward to the day when you emerge from the reeducation camp and embrace our glorious revolution.


The Internationale suffers worst wheat harvest in 55 years...
Labor and food riots in The German Empire. Internationale troops invade...
LSF and NEAT reach troop strength goals of 500,000.
Europa and TYR fall...
Greens Party gains control of GPA. Demands withdrawal of nuclear weapons from Planet BoB soil...
NV plunged into revolution...
Mjollnir dissolves.

NordReich stands alone.

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[quote name='Kaiser Wilhelm I' timestamp='1309983243' post='2750608']
We'll take our lickings, but I assure you; we are going nowhere.[/quote]

Agreed, nowhere fast anyway.

TGE reforming is dodgy enough, but you are a joke. Make yourself a nuisance for my alliance and we're likely to do much the same for you.

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[quote name='sir pwnage' timestamp='1309982302' post='2750588']

How do you get "not actively trying to kill them" from that war screen? 7 active wars against an alliance of 5 (+1 in peace mode) seems like an active attempt to kill them to me.

In addition, the NoR posts in this thread have been far from encouraging, although they are certainly not the only detractors.
I see nothing wrong with approved raiding against a target, seeing as my alliance is actively engaged as well. I'm surprised to not see NG/GOONS. I'd like to be on AlgarWolf but there aren't any more slots :(

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[quote name='Jacapo Saladin' timestamp='1309986669' post='2750658']
No, it just reeks of opportunism because you were too afraid to do it while they existed with allies. If they had done such [i]terrible things[/i] to warrant this perma death then you would have grown the balls to hit them while they were still a coherent mass.
TGE came closer to obliteration as a "coherent mass" (and I use coherent loosely) than they really know. Having said that, if someone wrongs you, only a fool would charge headlong into a conflict with no thought to personal safety or the safety of those closest to you. Sometimes patience, resolve, and knowing when to play your cards wins out in the end. You may think it cowardly to be smart, but that probably just means you're not smart.

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[quote name='D34th' timestamp='1309984404' post='2750623']
Once again a NoR member try to bring NpO into this discussion when Polaris has nothing to do with it. I find utterly hilarious that people has so much problem in comprehend that my opinions are only mine and doesn't represent in any shape or form Polaris official position. So once again I'll just ignore this attempt to divert the discussion.

And nowhere did I assert that your opinion was that of your alliance. I merely pointed out that you and NoR have never crossed paths, and that your alliance and mine haven't dealt with each other in some time. Thus the origin of your childish rants is unknown to anyone who might wonder about the source of your little hissy fits. Once again, I do not particularly care. Those who know us are quite aware of what were are like, and those who misrepresent what we are like generally don't know us.

The opinion of one person in an alliance we are not tied to is irrelevant. Your replies are being addressed because the points you raise are either wrong-headed, contradictory or merely unintelligible.

And how have you responded?

Well, you have managed to misrepresent nearly everything that has been said in response to you. This applies not merely to myself but to all others as well. You seem not to understand what people are saying, so you substitute what you [i]wish[/i] they had said and then respond to that. This is one of the oldest argument techniques in existence, although I've seen it used much more effectively in the past.

It is certainly your right to act in this manner, but don't get your panties in a twist when it's pointed out to you.

[quote name='Jacapo Saladin' timestamp='1309986669' post='2750658']
No, it just reeks of opportunism because you were too afraid to do it while they existed with allies. If they had done such [i]terrible things[/i] to warrant this perma death then you would have grown the balls to hit them while they were still a coherent mass.

We did not go to war out of respect for our allies, not out of fear of TGE's. For confirmation I would suggest that you consult any of the individuals who were leaders of our allies at the time.

Edited by Ashoka the Great
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[quote name='SF Austin' timestamp='1309986736' post='2750661']
The Internationale suffers worst wheat harvest in 55 years...
Labor and food riots in The German Empire. Internationale troops invade...
LSF and NEAT reach troop strength goals of 500,000.
Europa and TYR fall...
Greens Party gains control of GPA. Demands withdrawal of nuclear weapons from Planet BoB soil...
NV plunged into revolution...
Mjollnir dissolves.

NordReich stands alone.

I know where you got that :rolleyes:

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[quote name='Ashoka the Great' timestamp='1309987064' post='2750669']
And nowhere did I assert that your opinion was that of your alliance. I merely pointed out that you and NoR have never crossed paths, and that your alliance and mine haven't dealt with each other in some time. Thus the origin of your childish rants is unknown to anyone who might wonder about the source of your little hissy fits. Once again, I do not particularly care. Those who know us are quite aware of what were are like, and those who misrepresent what we are like generally don't know us.

The opinion of one person in an alliance we are not tied to is irrelevant. Your replies are being addressed because the points you raise are either wrong-headed, contradictory or merely unintelligible.

And how have you responded?

Well, you have managed to misrepresent nearly everything that has been said in response to you. This applies not merely to myself but to all others as well. You seem not to understand what people are saying, so you substitute what you [i]wish[/i] they had said and then respond to that. This is one of the oldest argument techniques in existence, although I've seen it used much more effectively in the past.

It is certainly your right to act in this manner, but don't get your panties in a twist when it's pointed out to you.


Don't even bother Zog, he does the same thing every time

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[quote name='Penlugue Solaris' timestamp='1309986974' post='2750667']
I see nothing wrong with approved raiding against a target, seeing as my alliance is actively engaged as well. I'm surprised to not see NG/GOONS. I'd like to be on AlgarWolf but there aren't any more slots :(

I'm not saying it's wrong, I'm not going to open that can of worms. I'm saying that mass techraiding of The German Empire by Nordreich (and one DT member), as well as the posts by Nordreich members in this thread, is evidence of Nordreich's desire to kill TGE.

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