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Everything posted by magicninja

  1. [quote name='Emperor Marx' date='04 April 2010 - 12:48 PM' timestamp='1270410472' post='2247753'] [quote]Session Start: Fri Feb 26 21:14:45 2010 Session Ident: Anonymous 21:14 Session Ident: Anonymous (Anonymous@coldfront.net) 21:14 • 21:14 • Query with Anonymous/Anonymous@coldfront.net opened on Friday, February 26th 2010, 21:14:45. 21:14 • Total queries: 1069/~5 per day 21:14 • Queries today: 16 21:14 • Common channels: +#RoK +#ria +#IAA %#csn +#corporation 21:14 • 21:14 21:14 Anonymous • #fos Freedom of the Seas Pact, Meeting 9pm EST on Saturday to hash out everything| Ajoin this tia || Definitie: CB, Enclave, TMF, Avalon, AoDB, TJO, SLAP || Likely: VE, NV, POT || Maybe: NpO, NADC, OH, Sparta, NEAT, SC, ZDP || Declined: GATO, TOP, Invicta, Ninjas || Updated Pact/Signatures: http://tinyurl. 21:14 Anonymous • #fos topic set by Guffey[Avalon] on Thu Feb 25 19:11:36 21:14 EmperorMarx • Yeah lol 21:14 Anonymous • it's still on his /whois 21:15 EmperorMarx • !@#$@#$ tard 21:15 EmperorMarx • people need to learn how to hide their crap 21:15 Anonymous • lol yeah 21:15 Anonymous • I like WC, but this is bound to fail[/quote] I can only imagine why several of the names on that list didn't sign. [/quote] Speaking for GATO who is listed under the alliances who declined we had our experience with CNARF which is well cataloged in the annals of Bob's history (and even mentioned once or twice in this thread) and we didn't want to go down that path again because of how it turned out that time. GATO doesn't like raiding but we won't deny anyone's right to do it if that's how they roll. We're glad to do our part by outlawing tech raiding within our alliance and that's 1000+ offensive war slots that people don't need to worry about.
  2. Was waiting patiently for this. Yay us. Yay you. Yay everyone. See you next time whoever you may be. etc. etc. Propaganda goes here. Chest thumping here. No u.
  3. [center][img]http://img139.imageshack.us/img139/4415/glueyr8.png[/img][/center] That's all I have to say about that.
  4. I forgot NATO was on aqua. Oh well.
  5. Don't hate me. Laserwolf made the polls.
  6. Well the CN Forum vote was just to see which everyone liked, not anything binding. GATO members were the only ones "officially" voting on the pip on our forums and this one won out. This basically stopped the questions of "Is that the only one you had to choose from or were there other?" Know what I mean jellybean?
  7. A winner has been proclaimed. 8 would've been nice but I can hang with this.
  8. Pretty nice of you guys to offer this up. Let's see how they respond.....
  9. So we have a vote going on in GATO about the new Forum Pip we'll use. I thought I'd ask you guys which you like just for kicks. #1 [img]http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y291/Scihamarrmon/pip6attempt.png[/img] #2 [img]http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y291/Scihamarrmon/pip9attempt.png[/img] #3 [img]http://i122.photobucket.com/albums/o263/DinendelDucky/try2.gif[/img] #4 [img]http://img682.imageshack.us/img682/2731/gatopip3.png[/img] #5 [img]http://img708.imageshack.us/img708/7615/gatopip.png[/img] #6 [img]http://i196.photobucket.com/albums/aa112/coryunlimited/fariw.png[/img] #7 [img]http://i196.photobucket.com/albums/aa112/coryunlimited/awww.png[/img] #8 [img]http://i196.photobucket.com/albums/aa112/coryunlimited/gagager.png[/img] We have some time on the vote still and a few more days til we get a pip anyway so hell maybe this poll will change some official voter's minds.
  10. Well when you make a one off post and never post again people probably thought you were never coming back. I guess that is indeed the case but I'll give you the week to change your mind.
  11. [center][img]http://img188.imageshack.us/img188/6720/bannermofa.png[/img][/center] Well hello again Bob. I being GATO's new MoFA and guy that administers the embassy area I decided to do an audit. These are the embassies which have either never been posted in or have not been posted in a month. These embassies take up a lot of space within my little section of GATO's forum and I'll clip them off if I must. I don't want to so I hope you guys can send over an active ambassador and get things rekindled in your embassy. If no one shows up within a week we'll send in the wrecking crews to clear some parking lot space and you'll have to file a new request if you decide to contact us again. Here's the list in alphabetical order for your convenience: 1 Touch Football BlackThorn Coalition of Independent Nations Colonial Independence Association Commonwealth of Soveriegn Nations Cult of Justitia Democratic Alliance of Armed Nations Farkistan The Federation Federation of Armed Nations Forces of Annihilation The Foreign Division Goon Order of oppression Negligence and Sadism Gramlins Guru Order The Immortals Independent Republic of Orange Nations The International Invicta Kronos League of Small Superpowers MASH Misfit Nations Molon Labe Mostly Harmless Alliance North Atlantic Defense Coalition New Era The Order of Light The Order of the Paradox Olympus Paladins of Freedom Pirates of the Parrot Order Ragnarok Republic of Aquisgrana RnR Siberian Tiger Alliance Sparta The Templar Knights Umbrella United Blue Directorate United Purple Nations United States Valhalla We are Perth Army World Federation World Task Force For all I know some of these alliances no longer exist if someone can point them out I would be most grateful. Also, there are some of you that are perilously close to the 1 month month cutoff. Might as well send someone over just in case even if you aren't on the list. http://gatoforums.net/ magicninja GATO MoFA
  12. [quote name='Penlugue Solaris' date='12 March 2010 - 08:08 PM' timestamp='1268450050' post='2223940'] I respect the policy but not the berating of alliances with the policy. Poor form. [/quote] I don't think he's berating everyone that raids really. He's just saying the very few alliances in that pack that have recurring problems due to raiding make everyone who raids look bad and ICAN doesn't want to be guilty by association. Basically the old one bad apple spoils a bunch routine. While I do think raiding is an unsavory practice ( I don;t deny people they're right to do it) you should either do it or not do it because that is what you believe in your heart, not because you think people are making you look bad. Sorry Emp. Good decision. I just wish it was based on what you really believe.
  13. Well GATO could use some large nations and we have a pool of smaller nations to feed your lust for tech if that is something you are interested in. GATO is a democratic alliance. We elect all our leaders. We are elderly as alliances go. The eldest in fact. If you would like to know more you can find us at #gato.
  14. [quote name='Alterego' date='10 March 2010 - 11:43 PM' timestamp='1268290124' post='2221931'] There is no ulterior motive. I have explained why I think the way I think in an earlier post its not like Im making baseless posts. You say you are dropping a treaty because (according to you)they want to see it more as optional after you yourself change your MADP to ODP. You might not like hearing it but thats what you did, is their conscience less important than yours?. I dont need a motive to point that out, If I was a suspicious person (and I am) I would say a full move to the C&G or SF side of the world was the real reason behind the move. "I cannot help but think like that. Silly me." Time will tell. [/quote] I think what is being lost in translation is the motives behind not honoring the treaty. NEW wasn't and never will support a moral crusade against tech raiding. If anyone knows NEW at all they would know that fact. Would you expect to find PC, GOONs, or \m/ fighting [i]against[/i] raiding? I would hope their allies knew best of all that circumstance and respected it at the time. Had they not found it a good enough reason, like NEW said, they were free to cancel at that point. I'm guessing the situation in the TOOL treaty wasn't exactly as deep as TOOL having to against alliance tradition and strong political viewpoints. Do you get it now? Not very many alliances stand up for what they want and believe in as well as NEW does. They even do it in the face of long standing friendships. How can you not respect that kind of individualism in this world?
  15. [quote name='LordSlade' date='11 March 2010 - 10:27 AM' timestamp='1268328772' post='2222239'] Oldest player Top 10 oldest active alliances [/quote] Das Girl of Acornia 1. Global alliance and Treaty Organization The alliance is older than the player.......
  16. 3rd time sanctioned Mr. Wilson. Holding it may be a chore but we'll do our best.
  17. [quote name='New Frontier' date='04 March 2010 - 05:34 PM' timestamp='1267749537' post='2214269'] Oh thank God. Magicninja is out of power. [/quote] I never had any to begin with.
  18. I think someone had pointed out where TOOL could pay these off in a few aid cycles RV. I haven't seen anyone dispute that so I doubt these reps will hold TOOL back for long. Terms are terms. TOOL didn't have to take them if they thought they wouldn't be able to handle it. I've easily taken over a billion in damage to my nation alone. When you extrapolate that to an entire alliance it goes into the tens if not hundreds of billions depending on the AVG nation size of your alliance. Sometimes paying $2bil in reps is less costly than another few days of war in the overall picture.
  19. Well I'll be......... How many are left fighting on TOP's side anyway?
  20. [quote name='Ivan Moldavi' date='26 February 2010 - 10:44 PM' timestamp='1267249688' post='2205992'] No, not at all. It was made clear that there was no option other than surrender available to the NSO. Since I promised my members that we would not surrender so long as I was Emperor this was the necessary step. [/quote] Some people's word means little. It's good to know some people's words still have meaning even if the outcome is not so sweet.
  21. Not for the next 2 days anyway when they would've completely expired right? Seems like an opportune time to pull a stunt like this if you ask me, but you're right. No matter their AA they won't be going anywhere. I got my eye on you.
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