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Everything posted by magicninja

  1. From what I understand Buds it was just a misunderstanding. IAA was talking about that time with NoWedge and Chickenzilla and being extorted etc. and Doch came on and asked "who?" meaning who do I hit and someone in the chan said said Valhalla thinking he meant "who are you talking about". Mistakes ensued. I may be wrong bu that's what I gather.
  2. [center][img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v287/geneclar/biggatoflag.png[/img][/center] In the midst of war democracy still rolls ever forward. GATO had elections for Congress and High Court. And the electees are: [u][b]High Court[/b][/u][List] [*]Kevlar [*]Randle [*]Lizardo [/list] [b][u]28[sup]th[/sup] Congress[/b][/u][list] [*]Kerschbs - Temp Congressional Speaker [*]Morte [*]moniker [*]Omniscient1 [*]MTTezla [*]Sir Sci [*]ajluke [/list] Congrats to everyone who made the cut and best of luck to everyone out there with whatever happens in the coming days and weeks.
  3. Allies? Looks like a bandwagon to me. GATO has plenty of unengaged nations if you want to add us to the list.
  4. I lol'd. If I ever spy it'll be just like this. Chytog wills it.
  5. [quote name='Ivan Moldavi' date='31 January 2010 - 02:20 PM' timestamp='1264972808' post='2148291'] Every alliance has the sovereign right to act as they see fit. The NSO did not contact GATO and ask for assistance. Since we are well aware that the majority of the Cyberverse can only act under direct request or via explicit treaty arrangements there is no reason for NSO to complain in this thread. Good luck in your battles. [/quote] Ivan we care about what happens to NSO and this decision weighs heavily on me and our members. We will absolutely be helping you out after this war and I hope that it will be enough to show how much we do care and bring us back to the level of trust and friendship we had before this whole adminforsaken mess.
  6. [quote name='Methrage' date='31 January 2010 - 12:09 AM' timestamp='1264921782' post='2147032'] Who was your first declaration against? [/quote] Or do you mean me? Athens while I was in TPF. The sigs were longer than the message. It's funny how doing something like that can gain you a new nick name and some good friends. Genesis was my second and well let's not pull any punches I clearly didn't even try. This would be my third. I think I'm getting better.
  7. What has the world come to when Doitzel and magicninja declare war on the same alliance on the same night? See what you all have done?
  8. [quote name='Ragashingo' date='30 January 2010 - 10:31 PM' timestamp='1264915877' post='2146760'] What about NSO? [/quote] What about them? From what Ivan said he was going this fight alone. Defend our allies that were attacked unprovoked or defend the guys that are defending the ones who attacked those allies? Tough call.
  9. [quote name='Denial' date='30 January 2010 - 09:59 PM' timestamp='1264913952' post='2146656'] It's a pleasure to once again be on the battlefield with you, GATO. Though, I'm not so sure about being on the same side as magicninja [/quote] I think you're just in denial about loving me.
  10. [center][img]http://i398.photobucket.com/albums/pp68/FishyTrogo/GATOwarflag.png[/img][/center] [center]If anyone has followed my career, and knows of the whopping 2 DoW's I have posted, they also know I really don't care for long speeches in these instances....... So here are some pics of some battle cats:[/center] [center][img]http://www.funnycatsite.com/pictures/Knight_Cat.jpg[/img][/center] [center][img]http://www.freakingnews.com/pictures/52500/Cat-Warrior--52551.jpg[/img][/center] [center][img]http://fc04.deviantart.com/fs45/f/2009/115/e/1/Cat_knight_by_R3dknight.jpg[/img][/center] [center][img]http://zerolightseeds.files.wordpress.com/2009/12/ninja_cat.jpg[/img][/center] [center]The last one is me by the way. You guys can decide who the others are. TSO attacked C&G. That would be a no-no. We are the punishment. magicninja, Assembly Chairman GATO 27th Congress [/center]
  11. maybe it was 7 months............. GATO congress takes long is the joke. Shatt had said he was a nuke rogue. Told RV to talk to Kevlar. <&Kevlar> RV is gonna want to talk to you, magic <&magicninja> Eh mess with him a little and then give it back and when he gots his trades full again do it again <&magicninja> Then say nah just playin <&Kevlar> lol
  12. This sanction has been being debated in the GATO congress for 7 weeks. We forgot who the person who asked was..............
  13. Oh yeah official peace is official. GATO 27th congress
  14. Similar or the exact same thing? I don't want to argue with you guys about this in public like this. I've given you and the world our reasons for one over the other. If you want to talk to me about it you know where to find me.
  15. The treaty is what it is. How it equates to PC I have no idea. When the two options were stacked we had an ODP with an alliance on the opposite side of a great chunk of our allies probbaly would've ended up vs let's face it, our best friends in CN who have literally went to their death for us and our highest level treaty on the same side of the fight as the rest of our MDP level treaties looked to be. I don't see how anyone would be surprised at the outcome. Disappointed I understand but I don't see how you can fault us for it.
  16. Nobody from NSO discussed anything with me about GOD. The difference between the GOD dow on you and the IRON/TOP declaration is that you guys were already in the war and thus fair game in this coalition warfare CN has gotten into. Athens and ODN were still sitting on the sidelines. Besides that, the only alliances we discussed were RnR and Fark and both times you guys pulled back on requesting official assistance. When someone finally did ask if I could put in an official request (not GOD btw) IAA had already asked us about the same with the Genesis situation. I put both to congress and they made a choice.
  17. hell Chim didn't even give me any info other than they were asked to hit FOK. So any claims of spying are ridiculous at best. They were prepared and ready and more than willing hit FOK that and then their good pal Nemesis got involved on the other side. Chim was badly torn in this. What sealed the deal was the way IRON and TOP did their thing. He was still trying to talk me out of the Genesis gig 15 minutes after we were supposed to DoW. He didn't want any of this to happen like it did. I don't think Chim wanted to get involved with people like that and I don't blame him. Polaris peaced out anyway, so I think Chim did the right thing here.
  18. With the unwarranted attacks on Athens and ODN I think we're pretty well full. I hear you guys are peacing out anyway Chron.
  19. The NSO treaty reads as an ODP in this situation. We didn't break the treaty and we had NSO and a few other ODP partners on one side and 3 MDP partners and a MDoAP on the other. It was a tough decision as we were starting to get going with strengthening our relations with NSO and the rest of brown before this whole damn war broke out. We were really looking forward to it. Another 2-3 weeks of peace and GATO probably would've been in Terra Cotta. Unfortunately, this war made a mockery of the treaty web and it's a really crap situation. Not much more I can say really.
  20. I don't see any reason not to give NSO peace if they were in on a treaty. For GATO's part you should know how extremely difficult the choice was for us. The hand of fate in the end tipped us away and for that I can only say I'm sorry for how the cards dropped. I hope you get peace and if GATO can help in any way, be it diplomatically or financially after all of this is settled, you know where to find me.
  21. Should only be a week or two. Quicker than a few years ago.
  22. If anyone wants reasoning they are free to contact me on IRC. #gato etc.
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