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Everything posted by magicninja

  1. Pursuant to our Mutual Defense Optional Aggression Pact with IAA GATO declares war on Genesis. Magicninja, Assmebly Chairman GATO 27th Congress ICAN is coming too. Emporor, President
  2. I see what happened now from looking at my warn log. I must've missed/forgot that.
  3. It's the Global radiation messing up your nations environment. Worse environment means less citizens. It's effecting everyone. The ways to counter it are to get the bonus resource radiation cleanup.
  4. Let me check something with my post here. I know people will hate me for it but I now have a 0% warn when I had 20% on the old boards. /me waits for eggs and rotten tomatoes to be hurled his way.
  5. Chaotic Good seems about right these days.
  6. For officially officalness: <!--quoteo--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE </div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec--><div align='center'><img src="http://ican.emps-site.com/forums/gallery/1_21_01_10_4_05_10.png" border="0" class="linked-image" /></div> <div align='center'><img src="http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c188/Odinskind/gato/biggatoflag.png" border="0" class="linked-image" /></div> <b>Preamble </b> In the spirit of good will, prosperity, and the pursuit of friendship, the Global Alliance and Treaty Organization (GATO) and International Coalition of Armed Nations (ICAN), do hereby recognize this protectorate agreement as official and agree to all terms and conditions therein, and recognize that International Coalition of Armed Nations shall be a protectorate of the the Global Alliance and Treaty Organization until such a time that International Coalition of Armed Nations can stand independently as a sovereign alliance. <b> Non Aggression</b> Article I - Members of GATO, and members of ICAN shall show respect and courtesy towards one another. This includes a positive attitude on the CN forums as well as all other public means of communication towards third parties. Lastly, neither GATO or ICAN shall engage in any kind of espionage or war against one another <b>Ecomonic Cooperation</b> Article II - GATO will assist ICAN in building a healthy economy through reasonable means. Additionally, GATO and ICAN shall give preference to one another in any buying or selling of technology through official alliance programs. Unilateral and Optional Defense Article III - Article III - GATO shall protect ICAN from rogue and unprovoked wars of aggression. Attacks on ICAN in response to tech raiding are not considered unprovoked wars of aggression and GATO will only intervene in a diplomatic manner in that case. ICAN is highly encouraged but not required to declare on any nation and alliance attacking GATO. <b>Intelligence</b> Article IV - Should either GATO, or ICAN receive information of importance to one another, that information shall be communicated through private channels within 24 hours. <b>Foreign Affairs</b> Article V - While GATO recognizes ICAN is free to conduct it's foreign affairs at their choosing, ICAN must get approval from the GATO congress on all new pacts of mutual or optional defense, aggression, or a combination thereof. If prompt response is not given from GATO within 48 hours, said treaty may be passed without permission, but is subject to recall for the next 4 days. Failure to comply with this section could result in termination of this treaty. <b>Advisory Team</b> Article VI - ICAN agrees to a team of Advisers from GATO, one from each Ministry (MoD, MoDA, MoF, and MoFA) to provide examination, evaluation, and implementation of any program to better ICAN. ICAN does not have to take the advice of the Advisory Team but is highly encouraged to listen. <b>Termination</b> Article VII - This treaty may be canceled at the discretion of either signatory. The canceling party shall be required to give the other alliance 72 hours prior notice. During this 72 hour period, all clauses of this treaty shall remain intact. If either signatory commits a grave violation of the spirit of this treaty the other reserves the right to cancel the protectorate immediately. <b>Signed for GATO</b> Magicninja, Assembly Chairman President Kent, minister of Foreign Affairs 27th Congress of GATO <b>Signed for ICAN</b> Emporor, President<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->
  7. It is damn lovely to see this old friendship renewed. No u wickedj....no u
  8. Rational people would agree with both sides. You're all insane.
  9. It does seem to reek of more motives than the ones mentioned. Seems like fussing over a tech raid on an unrelated alliance and getting some unkind things said for butting in doesn't seem enough to go to war from my viewpoint. Maybe there is more to it though.
  10. The crazies are in charge of the nuthouse.
  11. We'll start with the bad news. GATO has decided to drop it's protectorate with Midnight Order. While nice guys we just don't think they are putting in the effort they should be. The first few weeks were great and then they dropped off the face of the Bob. Our advisors reported that their forums was a wasteland and I hadn;t seen any member of MO on their iRC in months. I do wish them the best however and maybe this will be just the wake up call they need to get it together. Now for the good news. We have decided to do something GATO has done only one other time in it's storied history, sign a treaty with an aggression clause. The first time was with LUE a long, long time ago. Maybe it's significant, maybe not. You can judge that for yourself. We upgraded our MDP with IAA to an MDoAP.
  12. I think it's informed as well as messaged but I digress. GATO doesn't do tech raiding but we acknowledge any alliances right to do so. We also respect CB's right not to deal with tech raiders. So it all works out.
  13. Yeah it's just on of those the ones you love hurt you the most kind of things. I'm sure it'll simmer down.
  14. Indeed some did take it that hard. Justice is being carried out and hopefully we'll move passed what happened and one day be on friendly terms again.
  15. I hope the situation never arises so that this move can be misconstrued as some sort of copout. Good luck though. Definitely an interesting move.
  16. Just get rid of BD and you guys can accomplish a lot. That guy is bad news though. Best of luck guys.
  17. I got a Coal Wine guy for the Aff pop and Jewlery circle.
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