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Everything posted by magicninja

  1. [quote name='keltoi' date='26 February 2010 - 12:48 AM' timestamp='1267170738' post='2204681'] it is a fact, fresh acted without chancellor authority in signing that petition. no argument from me on that however the rift with sponge started much earlier, also a fact. @MagicNinja, lighten up dude, two of our guys with a sense of humor changed AA from The Sweet Oblivion to The Sweaty Obstacle. No room in war for a little fun? [/quote] Fun is fine but trying to use it as an excuse to run to peacemode isn't really that cool. You guys have fought a pretty honorable fight. I hope you don't ruin it by resorting to lame tactics.
  2. [quote name='Penlugue Solaris' date='26 February 2010 - 12:31 AM' timestamp='1267169697' post='2204657'] Yes. LiquidMercury is currently doing the same. [/quote] Well anyone caught outside the AA while launching attacks will be deemed a rogue, a sanction will be requested, and if they use nukes during that time they will be subject to ZI even after TSO and GATO peace out. Fair warning.
  3. On a side note have you guys really been changing AA's so you can slip into peacemode?
  4. I'm of the opinion that you really can't extort someone who has attacked you for no reason.
  5. Congrats on a year TSO. I have to say this is the most fun I've had on Bob. I've never actually had opponents fight back before.
  6. Ronin, OSA, Genesis, and ourselves have burned down 4 war rooms because we keep having Roman Candle fights. So I guess ours is a smokey back room. I think it should be kept private. Can't have roman candle wars breaking out in the streets.
  7. I gotta do something immoral or GATO will never be sanctioned.
  8. [quote name='bigwoody' date='22 February 2010 - 09:01 AM' timestamp='1266854475' post='2197323'] Keeping this quote handy. [/quote] I don't think calling me out for being wrong on an assumption would win you any points. Hell I'm not in Sparta. What the hell do I know? If I'm wrong you can point and laugh at me if it would make you feel better.
  9. [quote name='Dementual' date='22 February 2010 - 09:03 AM' timestamp='1266854588' post='2197330'] Magicninja! How could you go royally spilling the plan all over the open world like that? [/quote] Esau told me this story of how you also hate kittens.
  10. [quote name='janax' date='22 February 2010 - 08:31 AM' timestamp='1266852695' post='2197286'] My point was...if the Athens - Ni situation had become a war, I am almost 100% sure Sparta would have fought for Athens. Correct? Does that mean you are supporting the tech raiding of 40 member alliances, or does it mean you are following a treaty and helping bail out friends who made a bad decision? Legion was doing the same. Helping out friends who made a bad decision and following a treaty. [/quote] I'm also sure if Sparta would've lost this hypothetical war they would take their beating like big boys, serve [i]any[/i] terms, and move on.
  11. With JB and Dementual in place, GATO's take over of GGA is complete.
  12. CrKr did not merge into GATO. Good luck Mohk.
  13. Lost count but if I had to guess I have given out 12 and taken around 9.
  14. [IMG]http://i31.photobucket.com/albums/c375/magicninja_/NSChart.jpg[/IMG] Not too dramatic I guess.
  15. [quote name='popsumpot' date='16 February 2010 - 06:18 PM' timestamp='1266369526' post='2186613'] It's because C&G always was going to be in the war? It would have either been a defensive war from treaty obligations to their allies, or it would have been an offensive war for strategic reasons, but they would have been fighting sooner or later nonetheless. [/quote] The question was who were they helping by hitting C&G........... How did you in any way answer that? Nobody has and since they have no answer nobody ever will. That is what makes TOP/IRON/Whoever's reasons moot and all !@#$%^&*. Who were TOP/IRON gonna hit that woulda brought C&G down on them? Why didn't they hit that target and C&G? That would've at least made sense. From what I have heard TOP/IRON were waiting on C&G to enter so they could hit them but when it became apparent that wasn't going to happen they had to go pre-empitve with no real reason for doing so. There was no reason whatsoever for TOP/IRON to do what they did.
  16. [quote name='magicninja' date='15 February 2010 - 11:48 PM' timestamp='1266302927' post='2185083'] There's a few things I don't get about TOP/IRON/Whoever's dow on C&G in the first place. How was opening a new front on uninvolved parties that, up until that point, had no intention of entering the war going to help the Polaris Coalition at all? It wasn't going to help NSO fight off everyone they were engaged with. It wasn't going to help Polaris. Who were they helping by hitting C&G? I'd like to hear the answer to that one before I draw any final conclusions. [/quote] I never got an answer to this. Please don't make your silence telling.
  17. There's a few things I don't get about TOP/IRON/Whoever's dow on C&G in the first place. How was opening a new front on uninvolved parties that, up until that point, had no intention of entering the war going to help the Polaris Coalition at all? It wasn't going to help NSO fight off everyone they were engaged with. It wasn't going to help Polaris. Who were they helping by hitting C&G? I'd like to hear the answer to that one before I draw any final conclusions.
  18. If TOP wants to end the war they can take the terms and be done with it. From what I hear they are the ones prolonging this thing. As for attacking in the first place i was there and C&G was still up in the air about what they were going to do. So attacking them based on what they might have done is ridiculous at best. Anyone trying to spin it any other way needs to really look at what they are saying. Had TOP and IRon not done what they did this whole war would be over and we'd all be talking about what may happen next time.
  19. Ha and people like to give GATO grief over it's decision making process........... Probably shoulda taken the white peace while you had the chance legion. Good luck.
  20. Someone PM the complete gov setup after the merge and we'll see what happens. Also if anyone can get IRC and talk to me that would be sweet.
  21. [quote name='MTTezla' date='01 February 2010 - 04:10 PM' timestamp='1265065822' post='2151325'] My plan to use this power to abuse Mathias is proceeding as planned. Also, I wouldn't stick to that 8 month estimate. I think we can get things done in.... well, actually, let's form a committee to see how long it will take us to do things. [/quote] You'll need to get a second on that.
  22. [quote name='Buds The Man' date='01 February 2010 - 09:49 AM' timestamp='1265042943' post='2150623'] Ninja sure it could be but ive never known an alliance rolling out that allowed its members to pick its own targets and that is what they are saying. Most have target lists so sorry if im a bit cautious considering all that is happening on Bob atm. And locke that comment from you is hilarious especially telling me where my comment should have ended. ON that note Voodoo and i have spoken, to what the resolution is we shall see. I wish our friends happy hunting in their defense of IAA attacks. [/quote] GATO let our guys pick their own targets. When we hit Genesis with IAA everyone picked their own targets. It may seem odd to you but so far it's worked. It ensures we didn't pair up some poor guy with 2 inactives and we get more reliable 3vs1 action.
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