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Everything posted by magicninja

  1. Is this for two days? Because I count far more than 5 recruits. I think someone may have gven you a one day total.
  2. You could've done better FP. You coulda done worse as well though. Meh, you may eventually grow into an alliance worth talking about for more than just being a mildly successful invasion. It's going to take a long time with GOONs as a protector though. As has been said they really don't have the aid slots available to help you grow to your full potential. I guess that wasn't a priority when choosing your protector. Oh well I guess. Good luck.
  3. I bet you do. I'll recruit for the rest of the contest. If we lose I'll balme you.
  4. Eh I got all types of logs of JB calling me names etc. along with other gov members of GGA. It's what they do. Lose their heads over anything to the point of spilling sewage from their mouths. Everyone should know this at this point and not take any of it seriously. I know I just laughed for the night and then went on with things.
  5. [quote name='Gibsonator21' date='27 May 2010 - 10:38 PM' timestamp='1275021487' post='2314277'] Well, at least we weren't the only ones who stunk it up today. [/quote] I forget to recruit for a day and see what happens?
  6. [quote name='Omniscient1' date='23 May 2010 - 06:35 PM' timestamp='1274661291' post='2309690'] Only if that ninja guy was still around. Then, we would win [/quote] Moral support has it's uses. As do whips and chains..................
  7. [quote name='AirMe' date='23 May 2010 - 06:19 PM' timestamp='1274660375' post='2309666'] You are probably right, I would probably call them on it. Though sometimes I just love to read the things that people who don't like us say. I get amusement out of it. [/quote] You know what Airme? Chicken butt. Yeah I said it. Welcome Facepunch. Way to dive right in. The water's fine.
  8. Anyone's game as the last few days have shown. GATO has gotten complacent in it's Maybe this'll learn them grunts in the spam mines not to put down the keyboard.
  9. How many times did I tell you DK? Shoulda named it Pinnacle. [size="1"](One more time for the road)[/size] Zenith had a good run though. Place won't be the same without you.
  10. CK wins both I guess? How else could it have ended I guess.....
  11. [quote name='Gerald Meane' date='10 May 2010 - 09:09 PM' timestamp='1273547380' post='2294377'] Well yea because it's funny to do so. This isn't about tech, it's about you having pissed off certain people who have now taken the opportunity to raid you since you left yourself open for it. So sorry, but again this doesn't have anything to do with gramlins policies. [/quote] So then it's just petty, childish, crap? You woulda been better off with the defending gremlins shtick.
  12. [quote name='Starfox101' date='10 May 2010 - 08:30 PM' timestamp='1273545002' post='2294335'] I hate the culture here. Any PR is bad PR, and doing anything other than sitting and collecting makes you controversial. We'll take the alternative route. If you want to have fun, join \m/.[/quote] By all means do whatever you want to do, I certainly don't care man. However, there are some individuals and alliances who do. I don't think you'll take too much crap for this stunt but as you get more and more testier, someday, someone will have something to say. You know how it is.
  13. Dunno \m/ looks pretty shady and a bit weak to me. I like you guys well enough as individuals but as an alliance you seem to be making the same mistakes that led to your downfall the last time around. Watch yourself before you make a mistake you can't take back and your allies can't support.
  14. So CK has a legit shot at both. Must've been a real character in his time.
  15. Nice. I'm giving CK a run for his money. You have that many people hating on you and you know you're doing something right.
  16. 10/10 would look at pics again.
  17. [quote name='New Frontier' date='08 May 2010 - 09:06 PM' timestamp='1273374355' post='2292021'] Verc for best, VX for worst although that was a close victory over MN. [/quote] Didn't VX boot you out of GATO for starting GWIII? I never booted you out. So I don't think it was that close.
  18. [center][u][b][size=5]Global Alliance Public Records[/b][/u][/size] [i][size=1]A factbook service provided to the general public.[/i][/size][/center] [u][b]INTRODUCTION[/b][/u][list][b]Founded:[/b] January 12, 2006 [b]Name (Original):[/b] Cross Atlantic Treaty Organization [b]Name (Conventional):[/b] Global Alliance and Treaty Organization [b]Name (Short Form):[/b] Global Alliance [b]Abbreviation:[/b] GATO [/list] [u][b]GEOGRAPHY[/b][/u][list][b]International Headquarters:[/b] Acornia [b]Total Strength:[/b] 5,317,272 (3/01/10) [b]Total Nations:[/b] 287 (3/01/10) [/list] [u][b]MEMBER NATIONS[/b][/u][list][url="http://www.cybernations.net/stats_alliance_stats_custom.asp?Alliance=Global%20Alliance%20and%20Treaty%20Organization"][b]GATO Alliance Statistics[/b][/url] [b]Recognitions & Awards[/b] [/list] [u][b]GOVERNMENT[/u][/b][list][b]Government Type:[/b] Representative Democracy [b][list]Charter Ratified:[/b] January 22, 2006 May 1, 2006 August 16, 2006 October 30, 2006 February 19, 2007 [/list] [b]Assembly Chairman:[/b] Laserwolf [b]Minister of Defense:[/b] Mightyspoon [b]Minister of Foreign Affairs:[/b] Omniscient1 [b]Minister of Domestic Affairs:[/b] Gibsonator21 [b]Minister of Finance:[/b] Manis_B [b]Global Alliance High Court:[/b] Kevlar, Lizardo, Randle [/list] [u][b]CONGRESS[/u][/b][list][b]Congressional Speaker:[/b] TimLee [b]Congress:[/b] Gen. Noble, Hinotori, Kubla Khan, Morte, Sir Sci, TimLee, Timoteo [/list] [u][b]PAST GOVERNMENT, CONGRESS AND HIGH COURT[/u][/b] [i]Government Legend[/i][list]#, Number of terms consecutively elected (in the case of Deputy Assembly Chairman, appointed). S, Succeeded the former Officeholder to fill out remaining term A, Appointed to office to fill out remaining term NPO, Member of the New Pacific Order *, Denotes Congressional Speaker ~, Denotes Congressional Replacement [/list] [b]Post-Viceroy Governments[/b] ([i]April 15, 2009 – Present[/i]) [b][list]Assembly Chairman:[/b] Kevlar, Laserwolf (3), magicninja, Laserwolf [b]Minister of Defense:[/b] wootmeister, kerschbs (S), magicninja (3), wootmeister, MTTezla [b]Minister of Foreign Affairs:[/b] jsims8, Laserwolf (S), MTTezla (2), Duncan007 (A), Kevlar, President Kent, Magicninja [b]Minister of Domestic Affairs:[/b] Manis_B, Kolia Farvazov, Greg23 (A), Kolia Farvazov (A), Greg23, sgummo1 (A), sgummo1 (2), Omniscient1 (A), Omniscient1 [b]Minister of Finance:[/b] JMKeynes, Morte (S), Your Daddy, Greg23 (A), DragonsPhyre (2), The Politician, Gearbox, Manis_B (A) [b]High Court:[/b] benjaminperdomo, Esau of Isaac (2), Randle (2), Lizardo (5), Kevlar, Mallardius2 (2), Esau of Isaac, Ebagger, Sir Sci (A), Kevlar, Randle [b]Congress:[/b][list] [*]19th Congress: BlackDragon, Greg23, Kolia Farvazov, leftwingliberal, Moniker*, Morte, MTTezla* [*]20th Congress: benjaminperdomo*, Brotherlouie27, Greg23, Kolia Farvazov, MTTezla, The Red Baron, Venizelos [*]21st Congress: BlackDragon, BlaZeAzZ*, Das Girl, Garbunkel, Jacksonians, unstpblpimp, Vercingetorix*, Thrower08~, Greg23~, BlackDragon~, Venizelos~ [*]22nd Congress: Azreal, BlackDragon, Omniscient1, The Politician, Randle, The Red Baron*, Venizelos, Moniker~ [*]23rd Congress: BlackDragon*, Esau of Isaac, Hankidan, Moniker, The Politician, President Kent, The Red Baron [*]24th Congress: BlackDragon, Dennu Rellik, Hankidan, Jason Cyberius, leftwingliberal*, President Kent, ThE K9, Prince Imrahil~ [*]25th Congress: BarbulaM1, BlackDragon, Dennu Rellik, Greg23, leftwingliberal, Morte*, ShamanMcLamie [*]26th Congress: Azreal, BarbulaM1, BlackDragon, Lord Rune, Morte*, ShamanMcLamie, Wootmeister [*]27th Congress: Azreal, Greg23, Ironfist, kerschbs, Morte, Omniscient1, Randle*, ShamanMcLamie~ [*]28th Congress: ajluke, kerschbs, moniker, Morte*, MTTezla, Omniscient1, Sir Sci, DragonsPhyre~ [*]29th Congress: Gen. Noble, Hinotori, Kubla Khan, Morte, Sir Sci, TimLee*, Timoteo [/list] [/list] [b]Viceroy Government[/b] ([i]July 21, 2008 – April 15, 2009[/i]) [b][list]Viceroy:[/b] Koona (A) [NPO], Vladimir (A) [NPO], Moo-Cows (A) [NPO] [b]Deputy Viceroy:[/b] Sir Donald R. Daemon (A) [NPO] [b]Assembly Chairman:[/b] DragonsPhyre, Kevlar (S), Morte (S), MTTezla (S), MTTezla [b]Minister of Defense:[/b] MariMassa (A) [NPO] [b]Minister of Foreign Affairs:[/b] Sir Donald R Daemon (A) [NPO] [b]Minister of Domestic Affairs:[/b] MTTezla, Raistlin (A), jsims8 (A) [b]Minister of Finance:[/b] JMKeynes (A) [b]High Court:[/b] benjaminperdomo, Laserwolf, Sir Donald R. Daemon (A) [NPO], Loucifer (A) [NPO], MariMassa (A) [NPO] [b]Charter Committee:[/b] Kevlar, MTTezla, Lizardo [/list] [b]Post-Second Reform Two Month Term Governments[/b] ([i]February 19, 2007 – July 21, 2008[/i]) [b][list]Assembly Chairman:[/b] Kevlar, Randle (S), jsims8 (2), Arciel (3), BarbulaM1, Brotherlouie27 (S), DragonsPhyre [b]Minister of Defense:[/b] Walford, Gonzoczar (S), Gonzoczar, kerschbs (S), kerschbs (3), Ulster, wootmeister (S), wootmeister, kerschbs (S), Ulster, Kevlar (S) [b]Minister of Foreign Affairs:[/b] jsims8, BarbulaM1, Jacksonians (2), Kevlar (S), Kevlar (2), Laserwolf (2) [b]Minister of Domestic Affairs:[/b] Hungchang, crappywarrior (S), iloveusa, Raistlin (S), Raistlin, magicninja (3), Rhino (S), Randle, Arciel (S), MTTezla [b]Minister of Finance:[/b] Billy Shears, Your Daddy (S), Your Daddy, Brotherlouie27, seanu92 (S), seanu92, Alienzooman (S), Alienzooman (4), JMKeynes (S) [b]High Court Justice:[/b] benjaminperdomo (S), Daedalus27, King Gregory (2), Duncan007 (2), Rebel Princess, Randle (S), Connors, Djupi, jsims8 (2), Daedalus27, King Gregory, Esau of Isaac (2), wootmeister, King Gregory (S), King Gregory (3), newyy1 (2), Daedalus27, Esau of Isaac, Dementual [b]Congress:[/b] [list] [*]1st Congress: Brotherlouie27, Chris_Kaos, Duncan007*, Edo Benetu-san, FieryVixen88, IronBryan, IshootNewbs, jsims8, Kevlar, Mashirosen, Sir Donald R. Daemon [*]2nd Congress: Arguskos, Duncan007, Edo Benetu-san, FieryVixen88, geneclar, jsims8, Randle*, The Red Baron, RiverCityDude, Sysiphus Maximus, Tizzer [*]3rd Congress: Coldsteel, geneclar, Huron Blackheart, Lord Weeces, MTTezla, The Red Baron*, RiverCityDude, Ro101, Uelen, Valkyrie9002, Vincent Xander*, Alpert Nation~, Duncan007~, BlaZeAzZ~, Hyruleland~, Malcolm Lee~, Saxony~, Turbomammoth~ [*]4th Congress: Defiant, Eivind the Great, Huron Blackheart, Hyruleland, jsims8, MTTezla, PrinceScamp, The Red Baron*, Turbomammoth, valkyrie9002, Water Knight [*]5th Congress: Alienzooman, Billy Shears*, Dae Yown Jim II, Esau of Isaac, Lord Rune, PrinceScamp, Randle, Shadowe, Sir BluJohn, Turbomammoth Water Knight, BlaZeAzZ~ [*]6th Congress: Alexander Gladius, benjaminperdomo*, Billy Shears, BlaZeAzZ, Esau of Isaac, hertugen, Princessro07, Lord Rune~ [*]7th Congress: benjaminperdomo, Billy Shears, BlaZeAzZ*, Dae Yown Jim II, Empress Elizabeth, geneclar, VladTepes [*]8th Congress: benjaminperdomo*, Billy Shears, Esau of Isaac, hertugen, magicninja, MTTezla, Ro101 [*]9th Congress: Billy Shears, Esau of Isaac, Griffy, hertugen, jsims8*, Lord Rune, wootmeister [*]10th Congress: benjaminperdomo, Billy Shears, Esau of Isaac, Lord Rune, Randle*, Rhino, wootmeister [*]11th Congress: Billy Shears, BlaZeAzZ, Esau of Isaac, Lord Rune, Randle*, Rhino, VladTepes [*]12th Congress: benjaminperdomo, Boyle, Connors, Duncan007*, Ro101, Sir Sci, Your Daddy [*]13th Congress: benjaminperdomo*, Daedalus27, Erwin J E Rommel, Edo Benetu-san, Lord Rune, Sir Sci, Your Daddy, leftwingliberal~, MTTezla~, Randle~ [*]14th Congress: benjaminperdomo*, Daedalus27, Defiant, Kracotorais, Lizardo, Schecterville, Sir Sci [*]15th Congress: Dae Yown Jim II, Dementual, Gen. Noble, Kevlar*, Kracotorais, leftwingliberal, seanu92 [*]16th Congress: Dae Yown Jim II, Dementual, Gen. Noble, Greg23, John Carn, Kevlar*, leftwingliberal, wootmeister~, benjaminperdomo~ [*]17th Congress: Azreal, benjaminperdomo, Dementual, leftwingliberal*, Manis_B, PrinceScamp, Red Raider, Cataduanes~ [*]18th Congress: BarbulaM1, Cataduanes, Dae Yown Jim II, DinendelDucky, leftwingliberal*, Manis_B, PrinceScamp [/list] [b]Veto Holder:[/b] Esau of Isaac, King Gregory [/list] [b]Post-Reform One Month Term Governments[/b] ([i]May 1, 2006 – February 19, 2007[/i]) [b][list]Assembly Chairman:[/b] shortguy, Emperor Alexander III (S), Jormungand (S), Jormungand, Vercingetorix, Yoda, Chris_Kaos (S), Chris_Kaos, Letum (2), Beryl (S), Letum (S), Octavian(Nov. 06), Chris Kaos(Dec. 06), Letum, Vincent Xander (2) [b]Minister of Defense:[/b] Chris_Kaos, Vercingetorix (A), Yoda, Chris_Kaos, TJ Booth (A), Yuuzhann Tar, TJ Booth (A), TJ Booth, Beryl (A), Beryl, Letum (A), Walford (Nov. 06-Jan. 07), Dictadora, Dewsos (2) [b]Minister of Foreign Affairs:[/b] Emperor Alexander III, Tankboy (A), Depraved, Nero (2), Jacksonians, Tankboy, Grenval, Duncan007 (A), BenPG (Nov. 06), Vincent Xander (S), Friedrich Meinhoff III, Epiphanus, Jsims8 (S) [b]Minister of Domestic Affairs:[/b] Jormungand, Jacksonians (A), Jacksonians, Grenval, Letum, Greg23, Lagavond (A), Vorkosigan, Hungchang (Aug. 06-Feb 07) [b]Minister of Finance:[/b] Jormungand, Theryman, BenPG, TheGeneral(Nov. 06), Billy Shears (Dec. 06-Feb. 07) [b]Deputy Assembly Chairman for Foreign Affairs:[/b] Jsims8, Vincent Xander (2), Epiphanus [b]Deputy Assembly Chairman for Defense:[/b] Coldsteel, Kevlar, Duncan007, BlaZeAzZ [b]High Court Justice:[/b] Depraved, Das Girl (2), King Gregory (4), Kevlar, Letum, Das Girl (Nov. 06), Yuuzhann Tar, Randle, Sir Sci, Daedalus27 (2), Benjaminperdomo (3), Brian Reimer [b]Veto Holder:[/b] Depraved, Shortguy, Jormungand, King Gregory, Das Girl, Kevlar, Kevlar [/list] [b]Pre-Reform Two Week Term Governments[/b] ([i]January 22, 2006 – May 1, 2006[/i]) [b][list]Assembly Chairman:[/b] Depraved (2), shortguy (2), Doom Star (2) [b]Minister of Defense:[/b] TJ Booth, Emperor Krebs (4), Ao Wolf, Jayhawk_Colin, TJ Booth [b]Minister of Foreign Affairs:[/b] LevH7 (5), Ao Wolf(A), Ao Wolf [b]Minister of Justice:[/b] hen3ry, Depraved (3), King Gregory (2) [b]Minister of Immigration:[/b] shortguy (2), Das Girl (A), Ragashingo (4) [b]Minister of Trade:[/b] john, Jormungand (3), john [b]Minister of Elections:[/b] Yaotl, Vercingtorix, Shortguy (2), Chris_Kaos [b]Minister of Media:[/b] Jormungand, Yaotl, King Justin the Brave, Parmenides, Elmo, Yaotl [b]Veto Holder:[/b] Depraved, Shortguy, Jormungand [/list] [u][b]POLITICAL TIES[/u][/b] ([i]As of 1/21/10[/i])[list][b]Mutual Defense/Optional Aggression:[/b] [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=79017"][b]Imperial Assault Alliance[/b][/url] [b]Treaties of Mutual Defense:[/b] [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=58293"][b]Imperial Assault Alliance[/b][/url], [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=66505"][b]Orange Defense Network[/b][/url], [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=75249"][b]New Sith Order[/b][/url], [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=75347"][b]Viridian Entente[/b][/url], [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=78148"][b]Athens[/b][/url] [b]Peace, Intelligence, Aid, Optional Defense Treaty:[/b] [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=62122"][b]Orange Defense Network[/b][/url], [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=64318"][b]Athens[/b][/url], [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=64677"][b]MCXA[/b][/url], [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=63794"][b]The Untouchables[/b][/url], [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=72649"][b]Viridian Entente[/b][/url], [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=76145"][b]Silence[/b][/url], [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=79017"][b]Carpe Diem[/b][/url] [b]Peace, Intelligence, Aid Treaties:[/b] [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=54102&hl="][b]New Pacific Order[/b][/url] [b]Protectorates:[/b][url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=78907"][b]International Coalition of Armed Nations[/b][/url] [b]Economic:[/b] New Sith Order [/list] [u][b]WARS & CONFLICTS[/u][/b][list]GATO-INC War Chessania Campaign First Nuclear Attack Stokavia Campaign Tangiera Campaign Second Nuclear Attack Third Nuclear Attacks GATO-FrUCK War Amazeland Campaign GATO-NAAC Polar War UN War Warpstorm Alliance War The Great War The Rogue War The Second Great War The Third Great War OFS War FOK War GATO-1V War Bi-Polar/TOPGun Wars [/list] That is our recorded government history up to now.
  19. [quote name='Cortath' date='08 May 2010 - 08:59 PM' timestamp='1273373966' post='2292011'] No Grenval? [/quote] Hmmm He isn't listed as an Assembly Chairman in our records. MoFA and MoDA once or twice though.
  20. [quote name='Bilrow' date='08 May 2010 - 08:41 PM' timestamp='1273372850' post='2291992'] Letum for best. [/quote] Gee, why would Letum get Pacifican support?
  21. [quote name='Banksy' date='08 May 2010 - 08:37 PM' timestamp='1273372647' post='2291989'] That magicninja guy was such a tool [/quote] I totally abused my authority on multiple occasions.
  22. You have your reasons now let's see who you pick and why. Quite a prestigious list eh? Let the nostalgia and bashing and praising begin.
  23. I thought this might happen sooner or later. Will happen a lot more frequently if Gremlins doesn't wise up. Have fun TBB.
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