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Everything posted by magicninja

  1. Good. Now I can go back to finding good reasons to be an !@#$%^&.
  2. [quote name='chefjoe' date='07 July 2010 - 03:56 PM' timestamp='1278539777' post='2362768'] I guess GATO is looking to cozy up to polaris eh? PR is the only reason I can see for a public apology of this nature. w/e kudos on swallowing your pride I guess. [/quote] Nah, that hasn't been brought up since Grub made his statement on our forums. Also, I realize the apology from me to ex-NAAC is basically empty. Like I said I wasn't even around then but that doesn't stop me from feeling bad that the alliance I know and love had once done that to it's friends. There are still folks who harbor a lot of resentment towards the GATO brand for it. I just wanted them to know that the current GATO leadership is not what it was then. Hell, Chris_Kaos' application to GATO has been denied twice in the last year. Walford only lasted in the new GATO about 2-3 weeks before he packed up and left. The bottom line is I need a good reason to be an !@#$%^&. When I don't have a good reason I start to feel guilty and this thread is just that guilt manifested into reality. Grub probably doesn't even care and that's fine. I needed to get it off my chest and maybe we can have a decent discussion about the past and how some people like to shoot their mouths without knowing what it is their talking about.
  3. and Triple. Sorry mods I'll get a new mouse soon I promise.
  4. [quote name='T.Hubb' date='07 July 2010 - 09:21 AM' timestamp='1278516043' post='2362439'] I guess I didn't respond enough to your comments about how to get a girl you've been stalking for three years to like you in our public forums. C'est la vie. [/quote] Completely unnecessary to bring up the guys RL to bash him OOC here on the OWF man. Bad !@#$@#$ show.
  5. [quote name='Gamemaster1' date='07 July 2010 - 09:02 AM' timestamp='1278514906' post='2362423'] What's funny here is that you're apologizing to Grub, who peaced out when we (TIDFTT) were fighting for him and then joined the other side. So yeah. [/quote] Well then by Grubs standards you have every right to hate him for years and I won't blame either of you for it. Also CSM, It's been kind of an ongoing thing for me. Like I said I wasn't around for GWIII so I doubt my personal apology to ex-NAAC will carry much weight. However, I can apologize to Grub because had I not figured out why he hated GATO so much I would've carried on hating him for what amounts to no real good reason.
  6. Holy hell TRIPLE post? My mouse is done, a good 2 years of service. May it rest in pieces.
  7. [quote name='rsoxbronco1' date='07 July 2010 - 08:53 AM' timestamp='1278514395' post='2362413'] You're treatied to Athens. That makes you [i]worse[/i]. [/quote] Touche. BUT...BUT... we won't peace out without them (or any allies that are fighting for us, or us them) and that has to count for something.
  8. [quote name='Jeeooh' date='07 July 2010 - 08:22 AM' timestamp='1278512516' post='2362396'] Your alliance is a joke and that you still need to apologize for these things further reinforces that image. [/quote] I bet you didn't think we were a joke when we were keeping TSO off your $@! but I digress. I felt the need to apologize to Grub because I was being an !@#$%^& for no good reason. Had I understood why he felt the way he did about GATO I would've never opened my mouth in the first place and who said GATO was apologizing for anything? I'm no gov member. I'm just some dude and these are my own feelings.
  9. Where to begin....... About 7-8 months ago, a short time after GATO was released from it's viceroy, GATO begin exploring a relationship with NpO. AlmightyGrub came to our forums to express his feelings for GATO. To make a long story short he basically told us to go $%&@ ourselves and said we were NPO puppets. I raaaggggeeeddd. Hard. I said some things in that thread and since about Grub that were probably unwarranted. It turns out I really didn't understand where Grub's animosity was coming from. I joined GATO and the world in June of 2007. That was months after GWIII and just after GATO had finished paying reps. I have since read about GWIII but it was mostly from GATO's perspective and I confess I never did seek out any real details of what went down. It turns out GATO peaced out of that war without ever telling NAAC and possibly other allies that came to her defense that it was doing so. That is completely unacceptable. What makes it worse is some good alliances disbanded because of that war. GATO wasn't one of them. So, it turns out I was wrong in assuming Grub had no real reason to hate on GATO. I'd be pissed off as well. So I was wrong to say the things I did over the last year. I didn't fully understand the situation. For that I apologize. I also apologize to ex-NAAC for the actions of GATO's gov in that era. What they did was complete !@#$%^&* and we'll have to live with what they did forever. I just want to point out that today's GATO is not that GATO. Our current leaders would never allow such an abomination to occur. We barely have any links to that era today. We have a fair few that were around and while I can't speak for them I'm sure they would agree that the actions of the GATO government were atrocious. Something like that is pretty much unforgivable. I know it can't mean much coming from someone who wasn't even there at the time but for what it is worth I'm sorry. magicninja GATO GA member and a guy who needs to lrn2CNhistory before he opens his mouth in the future
  10. Thanks guys and I finally got sodium. weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
  11. You're talking about my pip all wrong, it's the wrong tone. You do it again and I'll stab you in the face with a soldering iron.
  12. [quote name='lebubu' date='03 July 2010 - 02:18 PM' timestamp='1278188287' post='2358913'] the people who don't seem to 'get' what tolwyn is doing here are funnier than the terms in the op [/quote] Meh, I get it it's just he's becoming a parody of himself at this point.
  13. Yeah, this is getting pretty lame. You've worn out your welcome.
  14. I'm in no hurry to suggest GATO help Gremlins amend the ESA. For one Gremlins says they will seek a separate peace treaty. As far as I'm concerned they can add anything they wanted to go into the ESA to that and leave the rest of us out of it. Another thing that concerned me was that Ram said (and I'm paraphrasing here) that they would drop the unconditional surrender term so long as we agreed to amend the ESA. Seems like he's looking for a scapegoat so when someone says no they can pass the buck and say it was our fault that unconditional surrender is still on the table. Pretty lame imo.
  15. [quote name='Emperor Marx' date='28 June 2010 - 11:40 AM' timestamp='1277746787' post='2352869'] Yeah well you're lame Can't you tell that by the irrational, childish hatred in this thread that most people didn't expect us to last so long? I'd say 6 months for any alliance that people wish would have died in the first week is a great reminder of how petty they are. It certainly makes my day. [/quote] RAD was RAD though so I can never forgive you.
  16. I don't wanna wait for our lives to be over......................
  17. [quote name='TOLWYN' date='28 June 2010 - 11:17 AM' timestamp='1277745448' post='2352829'] TECHNOLOGY RAIDS UPON THIS ALLIANCE ARE NOT ALLOWED. LAND RAIDS AND INFRASTRUCTURE RAIDS ARE ALSO BANNED. [/quote] /me starts slow clap Here I thought I wouldn't laugh today capslockguy. Thank you.
  18. Doubled my pleasure and my fun on that one.
  19. You guys let Zeke bait you like that? I lost all respect for OO when they couldn't come through on measly 1000 tech for a deal. Also this lame \m/. When you catch up to GATO in longevity give me a call and then we'll talk.
  20. Solid plan here. I'm a brownie or else I would've went in guns blazing.
  21. [quote name='nippy' date='20 June 2010 - 11:53 AM' timestamp='1277056386' post='2343916'] You gave us a -3? [/quote] Jokingly. You're really a 7-8 in my heart.
  22. Community. If the people are fun then I can be there.
  23. I don;t remember the last time I bought tech from my nation page.
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