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Everything posted by magicninja

  1. resolutionedit>>> No need for a new thread. I'd like to announce that OH and GATO went over the issue together, tipped a cow, made Jacks sing "A Pirate's Life For Me", declared Kevlar to be the real Kev, and found out who was responsible for all the drama. That individual will face a single ZI from the GATO armed forces. After that he is free to do as he pleases. Jacks and Kevanovia were great. They gave us no grief and helped sort everything out. Like I said in the real OP most of everyone was innocent, we just needed to find out the story. Outer Heaven is a great group and they cannot be blamed for the antics of one stupid member. OH will make a good alliance and if you are looking for a good little protectorate to work with they would be a prime candidate. GATO wishes OH luck and much success. magicninja GATO Assembly Chairman
  2. I've almost reached all my goals. 1 more and I go none and see who wants some. This last goal may take a long time though so I see no end in sight right now.
  3. I guess it's official. GATO is older than pixels.
  4. Ahh memories........being in TPF was some of the most fun I've had around these parts. I also DoW'd Athens once for TPF but they forgive me I guess. It's probably the reason I got to know them so well so I guess I can't regret it.
  5. What's that one meme when someone wants to kill you and you need something to say back? Oh yeahhhh..... Bring it!
  6. Good news everyone! I have just invented a device that will force you to read this announcement in my voice! Global Alliance and Treaty Organization Turns 4 At update tonight GATO will have graced this planet for 4 years. There are many stories an old GATOan could tell you. There are many more that any old member of our Bob could tell of GATO. However, there is not a nation in existence today that could say they were there when GATO was founded. Not one. Yes, GATO has managed to stick around so long that it is two days older than the oldest nation in existence today. That nation is Das Girl, GATO's beloved recruiter extraordinaire, sweetheart, and all around great friend. She was here for everything but the founding and Depraved resting on the second day. GATO comes from an age before nuclear weapons and tanks and when the avg strength of the #1 alliance was a few hundred NS. GATO was there when the first alliance war was declared and when the first ceasefire was agreed upon. GATO was around to see the game flooded by players from another realm and expand to numbers that allowed multiple alliances to have over 1000 members. We’ve seen the good and the bad. Yes, GATO has seen it all and been involved in a lot of it. GATO has won some wars and lost some wars and been beaten to a miserable pulp in one or two more but she remains. Many find this to be the most impressive thing about GATO. Not just the longevity but the longevity despite all that has transpired. There are many alliances that couldn’t even face the threat of war before packing it in. Not us. We persevere. We take all the world can throw at us, and get up, and dust ourselves off, and cast a smile to the sky. We know we will be here ‘til Bob’s end. How do we do it? We have some of the most loyal members Bob has ever seen. Sure the big names change. Gone are names like Chris Kaos, Walford, Depraved, and Gonzoczar though people can still tell you some stories about these characters. These are names you can trace back to pivotal points in not only GATO’s history but the history of our world. There are names in the GATO books that may not have been so big but have been here for as long as anyone can remember. Names like Sarysus and ManisB, Kevlar and Jsims8, Esau of Isaac and Lizardo, Greg23 and benjaminperdomo, xkirra, Pokey, Tomahawk, Mr. Fax Sender and many, many more. You don’t see all of these members out front playing the political game but they are the proverbial glue that holds this alliance together. Members like these who never gave up even after the 3rd time they were Zi’d. The General Assembly are the people who have held GATO together for so long. As a result they all look like this: Of course, GATO could not have survived without the love of friends outside the alliance either. Throughout our long history we have been able to call some of the finest alliances ever to grace those pages friend and ally. Where would we be today if not for IAA or CSN? Would GATO’s name be as recognized if we didn’t have LUE and NAAC to stand beside us all those years ago? To all our friends that have stood by us over the years we thank you for everything. For those friends who are no longer with us, we miss you and remember fondly the days of yore when we rode proudly together no matter the consequence. You will never be forgotten in the halls of the General Assembly. Never. We look to the future now. GATO will go on and we will do great things. We plan on a long period of prosperity with friends like Athens, NSO, ODN, IAA, and VE. We hope to improve on our relations with our other friends across Bob and develop our little guys Christie Kreme and Midnight Order into well rounded alliances. There may be bumps and bruises along the way, but that has never stopped us before. We look forward to new friends and rekindling old flames. We look forward to peace and if you annoy the Sasquatch enough maybe a little war here and there. To any detractors out there…….don’t blink we may just surprise you. In conclusion we would like to invite all of you to our IRC chan at #GATO on coldfront to pat us on the back or call us WAE if you must. We really want to invite you to share your stories of GATO from times past and create a pool of nostalgia so large we all might drown in it. We’ll be there all day and I’m sure we’ll have some fun. If you read this all in Farnsworth’s voice you get nothing but I bet it sounded better. TL;DR Strength in Unity, Honour in Justice. Forever and ever. Amen.
  7. ewwww Liltrekkie. That is all. Oh wait....... Where's my tech Zeke?
  8. Like I said. Desperate. Alliances who are not desperate don't need to do the things you guys did JW. I understand it but can't say it suits you guys.
  9. Talk to Trace and Bob over at MK. I'm sure they can fill you in.
  10. Hey what's a DoW between friends eh? Obviously two very very different situations.
  11. A Joint Announcement from Athens and the Global Alliance and Treaty Organization Hails all around.
  12. Not what it looks like to me and it may just be that, an appearance. Appearances can be deceiving of course but sometimes it is what it seems to be. There's no other real explanation. You guys didn't want to bring in another huge bit of the web against you and that's fine but it shows how desperate and afraid you really were. Imo of course. Take it as that.
  13. 1. Yeah I thought the CB was valid and I spent over a year with TPF and like the guys who are there. Should diplomacy have been used more in the beginning? Sure, I guess Athens and RoK and friends coulda went to TPF with the evidence and said WTF? Also, until this is resolved any move to peacemode will THEN result in an instant DoW but oh well they did what they felt they had to do and I won;t hold it against them. 2. Yeah TPF took some damage. 3. Well on this note the only ones that really lost anything was TPF but hey pixels can be rebuilt. Why do white peace? Athens and RoK and friends got to beat up the people who wronged them for a week with no real damage done to themselves or any of their allies. It also showed that this war was only ever about TPF regardless of the paranoia of some alliances on the other side. We laughed at thinking what egos they must have to think that any little conflict must be a plot to get them. Make no mistake about it, CoC woulda lost this fight. Sure their peacemode strategy was tricky but easily countered by "Supergrievances" doing the opposite and bringing the fight back down to where the numbers advantage was back on our side. All their strategy and subsequently our counter did was cut TOP in half and toss a good chunk of their fighting power out the window. Of course they agreed to white peace after seeing their chances go out the window. Also, let's be honest, not attacking RoK showed just how scared of Polar TOP really is. Can't say I blame them. 4. Eh the only thing that won is politics. Count on more maneuvering to get sided up before Summer. 5. It leaves us about 2 minutes to midnight on the Doomsday Clock. Something will happen and I doubt anyone will hold back next time.
  14. Nah, She's back home in GATO and is CN's current oldest nation. GATO predates the founding of Acornia by 2 days though.
  15. All GATO really has to say is wat? and also that Emp will be protected if he is wearing the GATO AA unless some real proof of any wrongdoing is brought to the table. Besides that I say let it go and go your separate ways.
  16. This is true and has been as long as Das has been the oldest nation but I didn't notice until recently. Only Admin and the game are older than GATO now. While there may be 2-3 nations that were around then but have since re-rolled they don't count anymore since it's not on the official record.
  17. Joined just as GATO was out of terms from GWIII.
  18. Hmmm weird double post type thing. Musta double clicked........
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