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Everything posted by magicninja

  1. Nice..............get peace and then run your mouth. That's pretty sad man.
  2. hmmm buy 1 more bomber and see if it helps. I know in my SE nation 2 bombers is more than enough but I need 7 in TE to do consistent damage.
  3. I'm known as magicninja everywhere I go on the net. Grundy? I have no clue...first thing that came to mind I guess. magic magic ninjas what? magic magic ninjas what? $8 CN if anyone gets the reference. In 2 years only 1 person approached me about it.
  4. Yeah them ghosts......you shoulda just ruined them might have made the war worth it for you guys.
  5. You guys were up to around 20 after a merge. What happened with that?
  6. They weren't our nations. They were ghosts who needed an AA to hide in and build their precious infra. In the end all you did is get most of your nations destroyed. Next time think about the whole alliance instead of just the top few.
  7. They weren't our guys. All I know is more than half of your nations are in ruins. In my eyes all your gov did is lead most of your alliance to a slaughter. Sure your top 5 guys did what they wanted that was never a question but as an alliance you failed bad.
  8. GATO regularly has 120-150 in our priv chan. 98 are Kevlar's bots which do nothing but hit on him all day.
  9. 1. Offensive Nuclear Policy? The Global Alliance reserves the right to use Nuclear first strikes on any target. 2. Defensive Nuclear Policy? A uclear attack on the Global Alliance will result in a full nuclear response 3. Does your alliance endorse tech raiding? No it does not 4. (Answer to #3) Why? GATO is a defensive alliance. 5. Why did your alliance choose your color? No idea actually. I'm sure Depraved had his reasons 6. Are NAPs useless? Yes 7. Do you believe in MADPs? (Meaning, why not just have MDoAPS just in case if you do not believe in the cause) GATO's charter prohibits aggressive action without cause. Therefore we would never sign a document that requires us to join in an aggresive campaign without allowing us to consider cause. 8. Do you believe in the use of sanctioning during war? Sure why not. 9. Can you provide me a link to your flag? http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v287/gen...biggatoflag.png 11. What small alliances do you feel will be major political players in the long run? None 12. Do you consider TDO neutral? I guess, I don;t know them and as far as I know GATO has not signed their DoN 14. Current recruitment? (Open-door? Applicant interviews? Invite-only?) GATO is open door but each applicant is subject to review 15. Does your alliance believe in preemptive strikes? No 16. Current view concerning NPO? Neutral 17. Who are the alliances you are closest to who you do not have a treaty with? Silence and Carpe Diem 18. Do you believe/support in NPO's Revenge Doctrine? Yep 19. Rate 1-5 (1 being lowest) for which how well your alliance has each of the following: Military, diplomacy, economical, internal organization, stability. Mil 3 Dip 4 econ 2 io 3 stability 5 21. What are your alliance's strengths? GATO has always been and forever shall be 22. What are your alliance's weaknesses? Activity on the forum 23. What alliances do typically the majority of your alliance descend from? GATO 25. Alliance A declare war on Alliance B. You have MADPs with both. Morally, you agree with Alliance A and feel they have a good enough reason for attacking alliance B, how do you go about handling this situation? GATO doesn;t sign MADP's so the scenario is moot. I would recommend neutrality on that front and engaging elsewhere if the opportunity arises 26. Do you believe in Perma-ZI? No 27. An alliance called The Fookheads has a MADP with The Asgards. The Asgards decide to declare war on an alliance called Icantbelieveitsnotbutter alliance. Asgards reasoning for attacking is simply because they want dominant control over the silver senate, and they feel this is the only way possible. The Fookheads, whom have an MADP with The Asgards, feel the reasoning is both unethical and illogical, thus canceling their MADP. Are The Fookheads dishonorable for standing up for what they believe in and canceling the MADP? No 30. Thoughts concerning... 30.1 ...Citadel? Good enough. Liquid mercury is an old Pal 30.2 ...Frostbite? NSO is great STA is OK Grub hates us. 30.3 ...Superfriends? Not too bad 30.4 ...Complaints and Greviances? I like 30.5 ...Common Defense Treaty? Meh 33. Do you ever censor your members? No 34. Are coups ever justifiable? Yes 36. I respectively tell you I dislike your alliance, I feel your leaders are disrespectful who feed on power and power only. I also state I feel the general membership has no respect and constantly flame. What would your response/actions be? You have your right to your opinion. 38. State the results of any wars you have been in. Everyone knows GATO's history 44. Your members wish for a new government, they don't like it and feel a different kind would be better. What do you do? Vote on a charter amendment proposed by those who want change. 45. What traits make a good alliance? Good membership core. Active forums. Loyalty to the alliance and not to ones self. 46. Current Government type? Representative democracy 47. What are your alliance's ideals? Strength in Unity Honor in Justice 48. Did you support GGA's doctrine concerning the Green team, stating an alliance needs permission from the to form on GGA and no alliances other than GPA can vote for senate? If a senator from any other team has more than 20+ votes, they will be attacked. If an alliance can get away with it so be it 49. Do you believe in moral police? No. Morality is subjective. They remind me of bible thumpers wanting to legislate against abortion and gay marriage 50. What treaties do you have? MDP: NSO, ODN, IAA ODP: Athens, MCXA 55. Do you feel you will ever be sanctioned? Yes 56. How many members must be in an alliance before you consider them an actual alliance? 1? 5? 10? 20? 30+? 2 60. Age range most of your members are? My guess would be 17-22 61. Where do most of your members live? Most seem to Be from the US but there are a few from The British Isles and Australia and The Phillipines 62. What crisis's have your alliance overcome? I don't think this needs answering 63. (#62) Did you become weaker or stronger because of them? Stronger 64. What were some of the most important steps your alliance have made in its history? Not crapping out like most would do in similar situations 66. What are your alliance's plans internally for the future? Growth 67. What are your alliance's plans externally for the future? Growth 68. GPA wants a MDP, do you accept? Probably not 69. The Hydra Clan enter a war you do not agree with, you have a MADP with them. You are seriously against it and it is against your morals, though, if you do not comply, you can be seen as traitors. What do you do? Hopefully they would have listened to us before entering. If not I would move to cancel 70. What is honor? How is an alliance honorable, what makes an alliance honorable, and what makes an alliance dishonorable in your opinion? Just standing for what they believe in and never being hypocritical 71. A GOONS member flames you, and you respond back, publicly, with harsh words as well. Who is wrong? Neither 73. What is more beneficial in the long run, diplomacy or war experience? diplomacy 75. Which alliances would you sign an MDP with if you had free choice? Athens, Silence, Carpe Diem 76. What makes a effective fighting alliance? Organizationa and activity 77. In a war against a much bigger opponent against who you could not win, would you use the alliance nukes to go down fighting (to take as many of them down with us as possible - FAN style) or disband the alliance? Always go out fighting 78. Might makes right. True or false? False 79. About the Unjust War: which side do you think was in the right, if either, and are you happy with the result? Personally? Both sides were right. Both sides were wrong. I had no personal stake in the outcome. It is what it is. 80. Do you think that CN politics and diplomacy bear much of a similarity to diplomacy in real life? How are they similar or different, and why do you think this is? Does the diplomacy of CN more closely resemble that of any particular time period in human history, and would you change anything about the way it is generally conducted? CN is unique. Nations don't sign defensive pacts anymore if they ever did on a global scale as we do. 81. Does the majority of your alliance sell tech or buy tech? For what price? Most buy at 100/$3mil 82. Does the majority of your alliance buy donations or sell tech? For what price? Sell tech at 100$3mil 83. What was the cause of the Unjust War? (note: not the actual casus belli but the wider interrelation) Sponge wanted to kill Pacifica's allies from what I understand 84. Do you have any ideas about where the next major tension or war might be? If I had to put odds p[robably with NSO or MK 85. What do you think the effect of an alliance sanction is? Is it a good thing or a bad thing for most alliances? Good in that you get a pip on the forum bad in that ghosts increase dramatically 90. Would your alliance ever spy on an alliance if you felt threatened? (Not in-game spying) No 91. The Fookheads have a NAP with TheMenHuggers. You have a MADP with The Fookheads, who break their NAP and attack TheMenHuggers. What do you do? Depends on their reasons for breaking it 93. You send a member 15 Million Aid. 2 weeks later, the member leaves. Do you make the member pay 15 Million back? Or more? Yes an equal amount 94. Is there such thing as respectful freedom of speech over the CN forums? Only limited to the rules of the board 95. Should an entire alliance pay the price for one member's actions? (Non-government) Depends on theaction 96. Should an entire alliance pay the price for one member's actions? (Government) Depends on the action 97. Quality or Quantity? Both if you can manage it 98. The Fookheads, who you have a MADP with, are forced to cancel all treaties to avoid war with the ILovePooNuggets Alliance. The ILovePooNuggets alliance finds a questionable cassus belli, do you help your ally even though they were forced to cancel the treaty? I would 99. Will alliances like NADC/WTF ever do anything? Are they isolationists? I doubt it. NADC isn;t completely but WTF is 100. Your member sends aid to Mangina, who is on NPO's ZI list. (Not really, theoretical situation), who they never announced. There was no way for your alliance to know Mangina was on the list. NPO then attacks your member's nation. How do you handle this situation? What if it leads to a potential war, what will you do? I'd declare war on the entire alliance.
  10. Nope. I don't ever see SE mixed in with TE.
  11. After a couple of rounds of wars GATO no longer has any viable targets within the alliance Kleos. Their top 5 are out of range and the rest of the alliance is pretty much decimated. So it has come that GATO has granted Kleos the peace they have asked for. We thank Kleos for the fight and wish them luck the rest of the round and beyond. Magicninja GATO TE Secretary General
  12. As credit to Kleos they did get our 2 infra hugger ghosts to surrender the first day but yeah they miscalculated bad. They thought they could war us for one round have their top guys beat us up and we'd cave. It was easy for us to see that after the first round their top nations would be out of range and unable to help the rest of the alliance. After that it was easy pickins for us. Considering that all but one Kleos nation in our range is turtling, I think this war is pretty much done. I hope Kleos leadership has learned a valuable lesson for next round.
  13. +86 now that I was able to drop a few border walls.
  14. Here I was thinking I had heard it all. Friendship between nations as well as alliances is hereby abolished.
  15. The last numbers identify the device on the network so I'm guessing the first 2 groups of numbers are what they check.
  16. 9,650.916 mile diameter. 7,876.557 in purchases, 1,322.937 in modifiers, 451.423 in growth Land Costs Per Mile To Buy: $370,737.08
  17. It deletes from your history if they delete it from theirs. This would be my guess if it was an active nation.
  18. lol pink. I knew something smelled fishy. Congrats guys.
  19. Start messaging everyone with that pairing that has an open trade slot. Concentrate on larger nations but leave no one out. You'll get someone within a day or two.
  20. That deserves a loldo stack. Congrats everyone.
  21. I got a pal who has water/aluminum http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_d...ation_ID=343328 He can switch to black once it's set.
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