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Everything posted by magicninja

  1. liltrekkie was there. What do you expect really? I had really hoped LoSS would rid us of that fellow but alas. LoSS, you disappoint me. I blame Randy.
  2. Folger was a great pal when GATO and RE were working together. I'll definitely hope for the best for him.
  3. I remember when GATO and RE were tight too. Please RE don't betray Kleos!
  4. Wait I wanted it at 7.8 in Standard and 5.3 in TE! Good show admin. That should work good.
  5. Still on my first nation.
  6. Looks to me like they're laying it on pretty thick man or haven't you noticed Raga? Maybe I just don't get the joke. Maybe they aren't mocking you in almost every post. OIC. At least it's not a joke that could be taken out of context as bragging or anything.
  7. So since TOP is touting themselves as the merciful ones I guess it was STA that wilted in the end? Doesn't sound like Tyga but then I know nothing of what the discussion was like.
  8. All you did is show that Keve has UINE's and his allies best interests at heart. I guess he should be thanking you? What exactly are you trying to prove here?
  9. Yeah that doesn't show Keve in a bad light at all. Sorry try again.
  10. I believe you contradicted yourself? maybe you meant will not pursue zi?
  11. I doubt any alliance worth their mettle would want you now man. You better hope Keve shows mercy which he probably will. I wouldn't though.
  12. OIC....... I guess I could respond that you can never go wrong with a classic? Oh well I guess.
  13. o/ Keve for being a good leader. Boo Keve for taking down the sig I made for him and replacing it with whatever that thing is.
  14. What? Keve did nothing wrong, as a matter of fact he's been doing a lot of things right for UINE. Go away Coltra. This is just a stupid response to not feeling important.
  15. So I guess it's on Kronos whether or not the !@#$e hits the proverbial fan eh? Neat and all but I still say we wait a few weeks.
  16. Too early yet. Let's wait about 2-3 more weeks to get this kind of action rolling. I've heard of too many possible catalysts of the Xmas '09 war so people are getting antsy as this topic shows. However, I think we can all hold back for at least a little while an build up some anticipation so the final result will be all the more satisfying.
  17. Maybe but did Penkala know the guy was quitting or that he didn;t care about his nation? If not then it doesn;t matter because for all he knew he was attacking someone who did care.
  18. Yes but why? Did someone make you clean up your rogues or what?
  19. Sounds reasonable. I wouldn't be happy about that if I were Legion. Let's see what they do.
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