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Everything posted by magicninja

  1. That's a recruitment message. Kudos on winning.
  2. Muahahahahahahahahhaha! Cat's out of the bag now. Damn you Haflinger.
  3. I think RV is just taking you for a ride myself. RV is quite a character.
  4. You know I was a smidge skeptical at first myself. However, whatever happened to MCXA in this last war really made them re-evaluate their position and I believe that they will get the ship pointed in the right direction.
  5. He was in RE at the time of his spying on you. Everyone knows that.
  6. Another reason I should trust my first instincts. Congrats I suppose.
  7. That screenie tells me nothing I didn't already know..........
  8. This was my first instinct as well. Mostly because there are no details and no alliance has accused RAD of spying on them. So far anyway.
  9. Wait for me! I wanna hear more. OK I got my popcorn. Please continue.....
  10. Lack of magicninja. 4/10 would browse again. Best of luck AUT and who are you kidding? You'll be back.
  11. Can I e-lawyer a little? I can! Why thank you! I have to agree with Bama. The treaty say if either party breaks the pact it is null and void.....which would be true even if the sentence wasn't in the treaty to begin with. I guess you're all forgetting that bit. "Breaks" is the key word here. PC did break the treaty. They didn't cancel by legitimate means they just rolled right through it. If you think that line was put in so TPF could come out looking like a rose if they attacked PC with the treaty in place you're wrong. I would still say that TPF "broke" the treaty in that case and would be disappointed in them. So I can see where TPF is coming from in that regard. I don't think it's smart to be honest. i think Slayer woulda paid them off now and found a way to get it back with interest later. About the California issue I agree that PC shouldn't receive any kind of reps until their own debt is paid. The fact that they haven't even tried to pay shows how their alliance thinks. They figure they'll never have to pay because in reality what can California or TPF do about it? Nothing but if that was their line of thinking they should've never agreed to pay in the first place. It's just looking more and more like PC can;t be trusted to keep their word on anything and that disappoints me quite a bit because while at TPF witht hese guys they seemed like pretty decent people. It seems that lack of restrictions and a few friends went straight to their head. In any case I hope a compromise is reached and TPF can find themselves a place in post-war Bob.
  12. Now while I don't think the reps are all that bad. You have to look at the state of TPF. They don't even have 20 nations above 3k infra anymore. They need a little help and the tech deal clause isn;t all that helpful considering the slots it would tie up. Basically I think three options come into play here. Let their friends help them but set a cap on how much friends can pay.....or let old TPF nations who surrendered come back (If TPF will take them) and help pay it off.....or let 100 tech count towards the reps on the deals and take 50 free. It's almost as harsh as you guys would like while still being fair but I think you need to relax one of those just a smidge and it'll be a good balance. Just my opinion.
  13. I do love me some Athens. I'm very happy to finally see this up. /me dances a jig
  14. Eh, GATO growth shouldn't surprise anyone by now. As, such I've taken to making a pool on when GATO will next be sanctioned. PM me the week and month and if you win you get a replica magicninja doll like in my sig.
  15. lolterms. GATO has been fighting the whole round. No use stopping now. Feel free to peace out nations at your own disposal. If RG went to RE? Ask him yourself. Hell go look at his nation. Whatever floats your boat. I personally wouldn't have let him go so far as to spy on anyone much less an alliance I had never heard of before this came out.
  16. No you didn't or you would've known what alliance RG was in at the time.
  17. These clowns thing Ryan greenburg was in GATO when he did some spying I'm gonna guess. Thing is RG left for RE the night the war broke out. See you should've done your homework. I wonder if RE will honor our protectorate agreement on this one? What do you guys think? It was nice knowing ya A51. It was all too brief though.
  18. Just say it here no one really cares.
  19. http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_d...ation_ID=344789 He still has 2 slots left. Better get them while you can.
  20. Ha you would....... Hmmm the poll results aren't all that bad. It seems the minority is people who think of GATO in a negative way. That's great. I wish more of everyone would've written their opinions down though. Maybe gave a reason why they felt one way or the other. Then, maybe we could address some of the issues they have.
  21. Well credit GATO with the reason for Optional defense being expressly written into PIATs these days instead of implied. It wasn't anything personal with FOK during the UJP war. It was simply a matter of doing what was in the best interest of the brown sphere at the time. You guys were laying it pretty heavy on a couple of the bigger alliances on Brown. Had we let you crush them our home would've been very unstable with the loss of their nations and loss of trust among us and them. I do agree that the situation with TOP was an afterthought and we were glad that we all got out of it pretty much unscathed, you guys included.
  22. Scary thing is, I know you aren't !@#$%^&*ting me.
  23. For an ex-almost AC that's pretty good.
  24. The GATO today is basically the same (imo) as the GATO post GWIII which is why I defined the old GATO as GW era. The people and the atmosphere that is GATO hasn't changed much since I was last there over a year ago. Same commitment, same wonderful people with some new wonderful people of course but mostly the same. Must be why I feel so at home.
  25. Well hello. I haven't made a poll in awhile so I thought I'd ask about something that has been a question in my mind for awhile. I've been wondering what other people thought of GATO as an alliance these days. Internally we're doing great. One of the fastest growing alliances on the fastest growing sphere. Hey times are good in that respect. Our foreign affairs team has been doing great but even with a lot of alliances warming up to GATO it seems we still have a way to go in the eye of public opinion with your everyday run of the mill member. There is no doubt the GATO name carries a stigma that has not made things easy. Most of us know the history of GATO and it's label as WAE. How it has to pick itself up and dust itself off at least once a year. There are old enemies and old allies alike that still don;t think much of GATO regardless of it's ability to persevere. There are also those who know GATO for what it is. A fine community that is as a whole as dedicated to itself and allies as much if not more than any other alliance out there. It's tough to see where the majority lies sometimes. So out of curiosity I'd like to see the opinions of those out there on Bob and see just how deep the old grudges are and see if there's a chance to convert the nonbelievers. Lay it on me. Tell me how you feel. Let it all out.
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