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Everything posted by magicninja

  1. So why is Kronos angry? Wasn't Hatter a gov member last week?
  2. Why would you even bring this up? I hate you. <3
  3. Got through 30 pages and couldn't take anymore. While I don't like tech raiding I'm not gonna sit here and rail on Athens for choosing to do something they have every right to do. It may not be nice and all but who said Athens was nice?
  4. The thing about a General's Protectorate is that it is a statement not a treaty. Nothing is ever signed for a General's protectorate. The only thing that happens is a statement of protection for the benefit of the greater community. A GP doesn;t even have to be wanted mutually. TPF could say they were protecting whoever they wanted. (see TBB's many statements of protection) They could also withdraw that protection at any given moment. So that being known and true TPF could attack Soldier for any reason they deemed reasonable. Whether they should have is another debate. Tl:dr Mhawk is right on that point. Soldier was a good alliance. I remember peak membership during my time there as over 120. I wish that our leadership didn;t leave after the end of the Karma War. We coulda made a go of it. As it was I was left with very few active members to administer for over 100 members. There was really no other choice.
  5. ma=Sq as in squid gi= wig as in wiggles c= ulls as in sea gulls ni= Mick as in Mickey Mouse nj= gint as in flint with a hard g a = ee as in bee
  6. Pin your instructions threads.. Good stuff guys. I hope to see it grow to ridiculous proportions.
  7. I know Grub and I don't really understand why you feel we're in anyway influenced by the NPO. We surely wouldn't be signing with alliances like Athens and VE if we were worried about what NPO thinks.
  8. TOP -8 Stats are great but I demand you release LM. MHA - 6 HHGttG is a great theme. What have you guys been up to though? Sparta- 5 I still have a sneaking suspicion they cut and run for convenience NpO - 4 Because Grub thinks we're still in someway controlled by NPO. That's laughable at best. IRON- 6 Still waiting to see where you end up. ODN - 7 Having spent time with these guys I truly believe that the flack they catch isn't warranted FARK- 7 Funny stuff GPA - 4 Not much to say about neutrality NPO- 5 Not a fan of their politics but there are some truly decent people behing the pcs FOK - 4 You guys rag too much on GATO for the UJP war. It was a long time ago and I forgive you. MK - 7 I don't always agree with you guys but you have a fine set up and think before you speak. WTF- 3 NEutrality....at least GPA is somewhat stable TOOL - 6 One of the finer white alliances but I'm still waiting to see what happens now with you guys TDO - 2 Why? Very unstable alliance here. VE - 7 As far as green goes these guys are probably my fav. Legion- 3 Totally sold yourselves out man. RoK - 5 Because Hoo won;t tell me hoo the person in the logs is GATO- 6 Mostly for sheer determination but we need to get better in a few areas. CSN -6 Still don't like you tried to bail on GATO but at least you stuck around in the end Athens- 8 Probably have the most fun outside of my alliance with these guys Gremlins- 7 Where'd everyone go? Still like that you stick to your guns though MCXA- 6 still a ways for them to go but they are not the same alliance that was BLEU or even 1V UPN - 6 I think you guys should apply yourselves a little more RIA - 7 More disco STA - 7 Tyga never let me get away with my !@#$%^&* Invicta-7 I like Haf RnR - 5 Don;t think I know many peole from RnR....... MASH- 2 don;t get me started NADC- 6 better than the EC days WAPA - 5 i don;t get soccer NV - 7 Viva la Raza NSO - 7 Despite what many believe about these folks they are running a decent operation. NEW- 7 Liked them during my time at TPF. They can put the hurt on. MA - 4 I never really got this alliance. I always felt they were too dependent on GOD and RoK Umbrella- 3 all my interaction with this alliance has been negative for as long as I can remember. The sad thing is I don;t even know why. FAN -8 They won imo LoSS - 7 loltrekkie TSO - 3 MCXA is better for the loss of these guys NATO - 6 I liked you a lot better with DK Nordreich- 6 Kingzog is an interesting character. Looking forward to seeing where these guys get. GR- 7 The friend of my friend is not my enemy plus ex-Atlantis deserves some recognition Vanguard- 8 Solid alliance that again didn't let me get too far with my !@#$%^&* GOD - 4 Again most of my interaction with these guys has been negative plus I've heard some things FoB - 6 Arrrghhh I wish I knew them better but Ninjas>Pirates PC - 5 has the leadership and membership to be great just not the sense Valhalla- 7 They may be brutes but they are some fun people GGA - 5 Man you fell off the wagon hard TPF- 6 You guys were great while I was there but I think you guys can do better and I want to see it
  9. In the week I battled TFO I believe I gained strength. I was in the high 60k's- Low70k's I'm almost up to 100k these days. I only took 200 infra worth of damage.
  10. Pretty expected results for GATO but what did GATO ever do to Umbrella? Best I saw from them was a 3 with quite a few 1's in there.....
  11. Saves time and space. A 2 for 1 deal see? No fuss, No muss.
  12. lolProx (amsg) ODN eh? Never heard of them but they smell sweet. Who let Cata reproduce? Aren't they dealing out licenses to people of proper breeding credentials yet? (congrats )
  13. Yay Brown. Also I vote shootout at the OK Corral. I'll be Val Kilmer.
  14. Sure no treaty is needed but this just shows there's a 99.989% chance that GATO or VE would take action if either is wronged rather than eh maybe.
  15. So I guess it's NOT the banana then? WTF was this all about? Who were the nations involved? Why is all the rum gone?
  16. Can someone explain to me how you get a password by "brute force"? Did he use bats to intimidate the server? Smacked it around a bit? Chinese water torture?
  17. Yeah pretty petty attempt to goad Invicta into a battle (even if it didn't start that way). I can appreciate that I guess but I think Invicta was smart to chip away in the PR game too. PR works as we have seen once or twice.
  18. Just what I heard man. I know it doesn't make it true. I think it would be a valid reason. Someone on the sphere says "the hell with the rest of you we're gonna hang with these guys whom you guys happen to hate." and things get dicey. Seemed like a plausible road to what is going on now with USN and Maroon.
  19. I heard USN is being phased out of Maroon because they chose CDT over the Chestnut Accords. Reasonable I guess.
  20. Yeah, I've heard some things. USN might as well pack it up and move to a different sphere.
  21. Guides shmides. Most are the same anyway. I'm sure a few alliances have a little extra secret here and there but on a fundamental level most would look like carbon copies. I think I speak for everyone when I say get over it and move on because nobody really carers about your plight in this case.
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