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Everything posted by magicninja

  1. Hmmm dunno if it works without the smiley working.......
  2. I really don't know what to think here. So I'll just pretend I never saw this. /me backs slowly from the thread
  3. I loved working with SSSW18 while I was at TPF and I think I'll enjoy working with them now that they have joined the best friends anyone can ask for.
  4. Eh I see it as about the same but I certainly hope that it will get better and the next big war will actually be even.
  5. Yeah I would say GPA is good choice for a brand new player or any of the neutral alliances really. This way you don't run as big a risk risk of getting tossed into a giant war before you know how to deal tech properly. Then, once you've grown and are ready to learn the death dealing part of the game you join a really aggressive alliance. I liked going from GATO (pre-1V war) to TPF during the GPA thing. It was a hell of a change in scenery and I feel I've gotten to taste the extremes.
  6. Yeah some things to consider: There should be a set gov structure that everyone has to adhere to and have people fill "positions as the draft goes along. I'd say no more than 9 total gov spots per "team". If you're taking suggestions I'd say 1 Leader 1 #2 guy 1 MoFA 1 MoDA 1 MoD 1 MoF 3 Council Spots/bench If you wanted to make it a contest you could score something like: +2 pt for every treaty signed by members alliance. +4 points for starting a valid war (Though a bit subjective I suppose) +3 points for backing an ally in war. +1 pt for every treaty canceled by members alliance -3 pt for getting canceled on. -5 pts for bad CB. (Again subjective) -4 pts for bailing on a friend in need +10 pts for winning a war. -10 pts for losing a war. Just some examples but you get the idea. That said I'm in. Also for draft order I'd put everyone's name that is playing in a hat and draw out.
  7. Now let's see if we can get these guys some work. Congrats guys.
  8. Yeah, AUT I love ya man but you can't dictate how another alliance handles people that aren't members even if it is RyanGDI. I know it is the policy of almost every alliance that ghosts are fair game if they mess up. That's as fair as it can get when dealing with ghosts. If an offended alliance is incapable of handling a GATO ghost on their own I'd be more than happy to oblige a polite request for help. However, if someone came to me as you acted here, demanding things without a leg to stand on, it would be a sure way to guarantee they didn't get what they wanted from me. That said I'm glad to see you guys came to peaceful resolution.
  9. Hey you got it! I don't give out consolation prizes though. Hi Jack.
  10. Didn't read the whole thread so bear with me. I came to this post and wondered if you had given him his notice that means he had stopped being a member that instant.......so why attack him for breaking a code that only members are held to? Edits>> Having read the whole thread it seems no one ever addressed it when this point was brought up by others and I guess I'll have about the same amount of luck. TBB's still got it. <3 Good show to MA for stopping this absurd chain of events before it really got out of hand. If not for them SoL could've had a horrible PR disaster....owai-
  11. Hmmmm I may have to think up something special here for GATOween......... I'm MoD right? Maybe a little wargames to spice up the action. A contest.....yeah a contest............hmmmmmmmm. Get your friends/and or alliance mates together. Get you a strike team assembled. 3 folks. You get one update worth of quads(If you manage it right?) Attacks can happen anytime between half hour to update to half hour past update. 3 teams will be chosen. Upward limit of 90k NS. Low limit of just being able to declare on me range. No Spies, No Nukes, No Navy. Scoring is easy. (Your Infra Damage Done - My Infra Damage Done) + (The Tech You Looted - The Tech I Looted) + (Land You Looted - Land I Looted) + 50 points if you Anarchy me -100 pts each if somehow you let me Anarchy you = score Screenshots of each attack will be taken by me to verify so no one cries they were cheated. Read as (240-260) + (35-42) + (340 - 396) +0 - 200 = -283 because I'm gonna stomp your @#$% k? Team with the highest score wins 100 tech each paid for by me and delivered by my sweet little tech sellers. We'll have to do them in 3 day splits leading up to the finale on GATOween night. Hey I wanna do quads to. Each Member of your team must register on the GATO forums to participate in GATOween merriment at www.gato-forums.com. To Apply send me a PM with participating Nation Ruler, Name, and and link. Rosters will be announced on Oct. 18. First Battle the update between the 25th and 26th. Other rules and restrictions may apply as I think them up and hell something may come up on my end and I'll have to cancel but I really want to do this so I'll do everything I can to make it happen. Rules suggestions may or may not be ignored. Just a taste of the excitement GATOween will bring. Be prepared.
  12. Hmmmm I may have to think up something special here for GATOween......... I'm MoD right? Maybe a little wargames to spice up the action. A contest.....yeah a contest............hmmmmmmmm. Get your friends/and or alliance mates together. Get you a strike team assembled. 3 folks. You get one update worth of quads(If you manage it right?) Attacks can happen anytime between half hour to update to half hour past update. 3 teams will be chosen. Upward limit of 90k NS. Low limit of just being able to declare on me range. No Spies, No Nukes, No Navy. Scoring is easy. (Your Infra Damage Done - My Infra Damage Done) + (The Tech You Looted - The Tech I Looted) + (Land You Looted - Land I Looted) + 50 points if you Anarchy me -100 pts each if somehow you let me Anarchy you = score Screenshots of each attack will be taken by me to verify so no one cries they were cheated. Read as (240-260) + (35-42) + (340 - 396) +0 - 200 = -283 because I'm gonna stomp your @#$% k? Team with the highest score wins 100 tech each paid for by me and delivered by my sweet little tech sellers. We'll have to do them in 3 day splits leading up to the finale on GATOween night. Hey I wanna do quads to. Each Member of your team must register on the GATO forums to participate in GATOween merriment at www.gato-forums.com. To Apply send me a PM with participating Nation Ruler, Name, and and link. Rosters will be announced on Oct. 18. First Battle the update between the 25th and 26th. Other rules and restrictions may apply as I think them up and hell something may come up on my end and I'll have to cancel but I really want to do this so I'll do everything I can to make it happen. Just a taste of the excitement GATOween will bring. Be prepared. Hell here's a link to discuss my demise at your leisure. http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=69884
  13. I got the old your advisor has died event where you can choose $2 or 2 points improvement to environment on a nation I'm sitting. To be fancy and see if the extra pop from being able to kill the two border walls would be more beneficial I chose the 2 points of environment....only his environment score stayed at 2.17 instead of dropping to what I assume by the wording would be .17. Am I missing something because he gained nothing out of the choice. Not even the added half a star to make his environment 5 stars which 2 points should have easily done? For reference the nation invoved is Nation Ruler: Maximinus Thrax Nation Name: Atlantiano Nation Link: http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_d...ation_ID=127488 Edit: Nevermind found the answer down the page a bit sorry. I guess I could kill the walls and still have the same environment I have now then correct? Edit 2: Indeed that was the case and it helped out as I am now collecting $300k more a day compared to 25K a day with the $2.00
  14. GATO hasn't chosen a side. We keep flipping coins but the always land on their side.
  15. Can you guarantee me a 66% share of the chocolate cake?
  16. I remember when Brown was well unified. Long time ago maybe. We even got alliances who weren't on the best of terms to agree to a unifying treaty (See: GATO vs OFS). While I think NSO is a great addition to brown I don't believe they are the end all on the sphere. GATO is of course. /ego
  17. If it's not in any way CN related then this is the wrong forum and doesn't really matter if it's a "good idea" or not. Just some dude making a community for like minded people and inviting said people from CN to join. Wrong forum though.
  18. Congrats on the promotion Havok! Good looking gov Londo. Rule them with a cotton fist.
  19. This is probably my fault. i told LoA exactly what you guys are saying. Make friends, hang out with people, start slow etc. I'm gonna go out on a limb and say he was just trying to say here that his alliance was interested in making friends and what have you. Still not a bright move. LOA when you find me on IRC I'll give you a list of chans that are cool to hang out in and meet various types of people.
  20. RAD is RAD but don't go around trying to act like them when you are lame mmmmkay?
  21. When you said you were voting I thought you meant for the best peanutbutter cookie recipe. I'm very disappointed. Congrats anyway I guess.
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