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Everything posted by magicninja

  1. I almost quoted that guy. Almost........ I guess this is the new magicpirate......Stumpy will not be pleased. Anyhoo..... I look forward to help building GATO to it's former glory and then it's former glory before that. Should be fun with this fine group.
  2. [Voice=Palpitine]Gooooooood....gooooooood![/voice]
  3. RG has been hanging out in our chan the whole round and been cool with us. So we had decided we would help each other out this round. Minutes later we see you guys hitting their nations and posting the DoW. We didn't know you were going to attack or maybe we would have been better prepared. Nope, we had just had the privilege of being there at the time. So, I am a man of my word and here we are.
  4. Well The Shadowmen DoW'd The Dark Brotherhood literally minutes after TDB and GATO agreed to help eachother out this round. Sooooooo we are going to help out TDB in this little slap fight to the death with the Shadowmen. TL;DR: GATO DoW's The Shadowmen?
  5. Oh yeah if you are gonna put IAA on that list you may as well line GATO up right beside them.
  6. I don't get it but I doubt you'll get what you want.
  7. Damn fine job you did Kev. It'll be strange not answering to a Sasquatch anymore but the new gov should be more than capable of building on your solid foundation. Also. congrats to the awards recipients. No other group of people more deserving of those medals.
  8. Very nice guys. The smarts combined in those two alliances make me real positive about the future of this alliance. Booo no Rhino in gov. That is all. Also, #silence unable to join channel (need correct key)
  9. If you fly off the handle at this I don't see why you didn't back up NPO against OV considering that offense was far worse than this.
  10. I enjoy my exchanges with Bob Jonova. He isn't all that bad. I'm probably one of the worst of the people you are talking about but then again I don't care.
  11. I am here to announce GATO as new TE Alliance. We will be working from the ummmmm brown sphere. (Unexpected) For now I'm heading up the operation. We will mostly do our thing on the regular GATO boards to keep the headache of building another forum down. You can always hit me up to talk diplomacy or hassle me at #gato_te on coldfront. Thank you and goodnight.
  12. Well not totally unexpected but I actually thought Citadel meant something. I guess not. They are just as vulnerable as any other bloc and are now shown to be nothing special after all. Also, Santa isn't real.
  13. The grapes are sour with this one. Admirable sentiment mhawk. I wish you guys luck in your terms. Something tells me PC are going to be stupid about it.
  14. I don't remember cnvalhalla ever being safe for work.
  15. I'm pretty sure condemning someone for practices you happily do yourself is hypocrisy.
  16. Of course it is but you tried to make it sound (if you have any friends left) like I completely left GATO hanging in the wind and laughed with gusto at their plight. They know and you know damn well what the truth of that is. The only grievance 90% of them have is they were brought in by treaty. OV and Athens are the only ones on the NPO front that have any real beef. How many of those alliance really care about GATO, or GPA, or FAN? I don;t think GATO has had close relations with any of those alliances. Hell, FOK used to be downright hostile. Hell, so did some of the others. Yet they love to recount NPO's wrongdoings in that war and say how NPO needs to pay for it like they really gave a !@#$ about GATO in the first place.
  17. Jedi mind trick eh? /me waves hand "What I said then is completely irrelevant." Nice. I'm guessing it was more of a pride and respect thing. I never said I liked the situation GATO was placed in. What Karma is trying to bring down is completely different imo. They are asking NPO to pay for things they did to alliances that most of Karma could really not care less about.
  18. Yeah but you were all behind that. I remember a few exchanges we had when I was defending GATO and you told me to get bent. Again that was a time that NPO was directly slighted. Sure it was weak at best but they weren't persecuting GATO for something they did to another alliance.
  19. They were secret pre-terms if you wanna get technical about it.
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