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Everything posted by magicninja

  1. There are no more Red Doctrines. Leave Sparta and go have your alliance on Red if that suits you but NPO will get peace and if you can't handle that then you can declare war on your own and force them to disband.
  2. Even with Karma winning this war things aren't going to get magically better for small alliances. It will still be survival of the fittest and if any alliance has a reason to pound a little alliance they will. Large Alliances like PC will still tech raid you NPO wasn't the only alliance to beat up on a small alliance. You have a policy beef with CN in general. You just want NPO decimated because they are the ones who did it to you. It isn't going to happen.
  3. That's actually pretty weak. You had to join another alliance which NPO has never harmed directly and you expect that Sparta will actually go along with what you want? Way to admit you are only using your current alliance to settle a score with an alliance you couldn't handle.
  4. No not all just DCS since they think they got what it takes. Karma already put forth their terms. If DCS thinks they can do better let them have a go.
  5. Forced suicide? RL taping of such? Classy
  6. If he and DCS have a legitimate beef they should Declare war and crush them then if that's what they want. Nobody is stopping them.
  7. Not really the point but thanks for playing.
  8. So declare war on NPO and get it done yourself.
  9. Who are any of you to persecute them for things that never happened to you? Tax them for OV sure. Athens has a beef but where do you get off trying to collect reps in the Name of GATO, FAN, or GPA or whoever else? What gives you the right?
  10. Even if they wanted to justify it by saying tech costs more these days they are still thinking backward. If tech costs more today then it means it is worth more and people should actually be asking for less tech as reps. Defiantly a great braintrust they got going.
  11. Yeah that's a !@#$%^&* excuse as well. Sorry it just doesn't cut it. Proportionality my $@!. Anyway the reps are about what I expected from the likes of Karma. They just need to rework the Peacemode bit.
  12. 2 degrees of separation from Nemesis eh? I guess I can deal with it. Looks good guys.
  13. !@#$ happens guys. TPF, and TORN, and NPO had a good run. It sucks it has to end with this but it happens sometime. I remember TORN being great allies when I was at TPF. I'm sure they will make great allies in the future to whoever will have them. Best of luck guys.
  14. I don;t think the reps are too high. They are around what I figured they'd be +around 120K tech but I'll give Karma that I guess. The peace mode thing and the limit on who can send the reps is pretty bad though. Karma should give NPO a choice at least. Pay another 50K tech and 2 billion or deal or come out of peace mode. Whatever their price may be. Karma is supposed to be dictating the terms.
  15. Me? I laugh mostly. I never get angry. I do the angering. Just not as much as I used to I guess.
  16. Ok look I get OV is owed. I get Athens is owed. If you want to say this is punishment to what happened to those two alliances. Fine. That works. You guys seem to want to punish NPO for everything they've ever done. Nobody asked you to do it. GATO didn't call you up and ask you to use the same techniques on NPO and then make them pay for the time GATO was under a viceroy. Did Mpol call you up and ask you to get vengence for FAN? How about GPA? How about any of those alliances outside your coalition that you guys love to cite? No? Well there's a suprise. Yet, you people keep bringing them up like you are entitled to get reps for what NPO did to other people....... You make me sick with that attitude. Go after reps for OV and if Athens wants their tech back from the WoTC fine let them have it and more but don't think you can justify any punishment because of what NPO did to any other alliances. Nothing gives you that right. If GATO wants revenge or FAN or GPA let them do it on their own and collect for it themselves.
  17. Of course they did it from political pressure and I thought you guys were doing great then but by pushing it too far you guys are putting a stain on those accomplishments. What you guys don't seem to understand is that by saying that NPO deserves it because they did it before that you guys are putting yourself in the same boat for the future. You guys get to set the bar now and I don't think you're doing a very good job of that. I can't speak for how FAN feels about you guys using them as an excuse. You'll have to ask them I guess.
  18. Oh it happened and if GATO wants to use it as a revenge tool it's totally understandable. You guys riding it just makes you guys look like tools man. Especially when the offended alliance formally asks you not to use them as an excuse. I like you GtG. I love Athens as well and seeing you guys use others peoples grievances against NPO makes me sad for you guys.
  19. That's my forte. They love me for it. I'm not happy until someone is red in the face and punches their monitor.
  20. Focusing on the wrong part of the terms Jim. Think of which part of these terms always ends up with the word GATO in the sentence and then you may figure it out.
  21. GATO has asked Karma repeatedly not to use what happened to GATO as justifcation for actions they commit upon NPO. They just don't listen. It isn't because GATO wants to side with NPO over this per se. It's because GATO has been through it and wouldn't wish the same treatment upon anybody.
  22. GATO has open debates on every issue that comes up.
  23. I somehow lost .001 infrastructure. I've been redoing my trades lately and after I completed it I noticed I had went from 10,050 to 10049.999. Dunno how it happened. I know trades don't affect infrastructure amounts. So just wondering what happened. .001 infra isn't something that is hugely important but still vanishing infra is intriguing. Here's a weird pic. The infra total in my nation description still says 10050.00 even though the infra is different in my infra line.
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