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Everything posted by magicninja

  1. Half their NS now? Yeah, but you've already bled off 2/3 of their original NS.
  2. Actually, the longer NPO holds out the better. CN won't stay war free for very long now. Even if it takes awhile all they gotta do is sit back and wait for their opportunity. 6 months at the least. Then maybe they won't have to pay anything and while they may not be as big as they could be by then they will be able to possibly claim victory which is all they actually care about if you ask me. It'll be a boring wait and all but they'll do it and you'll look back at this and say damn we shoulda just given them the damn terms.
  3. You should have that would have been better than this debacle and even acceptable by my standards as fair.
  4. They wouldn't be able to enforce to the letter. It's not even a question. That's where this whole thing becomes really stupid. You guys really thought you were doing something genius huh? Seriously who's idea was it?
  5. Take the money and run then Karma. You really wont gain anything by waiting.
  6. Proper procedure? You can offer terms at any time. If you actually wait until NPO decides to come out of peace mode to do it then it's going to be one of the biggest mistakes of all time. You're living in a fantasy land brah.
  7. Except it would be Karma being stubborn by waiting for NPO to come out of peace instead of just taking the extra billion. See? It goes both ways. I'm sure each doesn't want to relent of course but ultimately it is Karma that is holding the keys here.
  8. Well of course there will be something to say if Karma really plans on trying to enforce an extra 14 billion and almost all of NPO's tech before terms are even tabled. C'mon now who in Karma really believes they could pull something like that off? I'd table the terms now while NPO might still pay the PM fee. I don;t think you have long on that one.
  9. Well that certainly takes my view of this into a different light. It won;t even take as long as I thought to rack up some ridiculous numbers.......what a really, really, poor decision by Karma.
  10. No, Reps for the war will be fine if they are heavy. In some ways I won;t argue that NPO deserves it but tacking on what may amount to 8-10 billion and 100's of k's of tech should seem outlandish to anybody with a working brain.
  11. What about after a month? ~8billion and 300k tech?
  12. No amount of reps is insignificant....apparently anyway.
  13. Hint away. Give them the terms or they won't believe anything you say. NPO is skeptical by nature.
  14. Karma just fails so hard on this. They do need to reverse it because it just isn't going to work. It's going to make you look like fools no matter the final outcome. This is the point. Even if it couldn't be called hypocritical it is certainly a bonehead ploy.
  15. Well, that's good then. So you're using the same theme on NPO as NPO did opn FAN then? I see. Well good luck with that.
  16. GOD- Nothing paod to NPO FOK- Nothing Paid to NPO, took their share in wars alongside NPO R&R- Nothing to NPO The International- Nothing to NPO MOON- Nothing to NPO Dice- Nothing to NPO Vanguard- Nothing to NPO RAD- Nothing to NPO Sparta- Nothing to NPO but claimed some money as NPO's partners RoK- Nothing to NPO but claimed mopney as NPO partners GR- Can't find where this GR paid anything to NPO OV- OV was the actual victim of this war we'll hook them up 1 bil and 20k Tech VE- Nothing to NPO but claimed money as NPO partners Athens- 8000k tech- We'll give them all of that back with interest so 500 mil 18k tech to Athens Avalanche- Can't find anything that says they've paid anything to NPO either Two of these alliances have legitimate claims to reps by past or current wrongdoings by NPO. So 12 alliances we give them 500 mil and 10k tech for their troubles in defending OV. 7.5 billion 158k tech if you want to be fair to the alliances actually fighting NPO. I wouldn't argue OV getting more but no one else. If any of these alliances plan on asking for reps for what NPO has done to other alliances outside of this front then I would hope they make sure those reps get to the people who deserve it and don't pocket it themselves. That would be disgusting beyond words.
  17. MK has no place in this discussion unless those in Karma are gonna force NPO to pay MK. Then they get a spot.
  18. We'll see. This is my experiment so I will define the rules tyvm. If I remember correctly NPO didn't get all that tech.
  19. We'll count current incarnations only. VE collected reps alongside NPO anyway. So Avalanche fought NPO in the WoTC? How much did they pay in reps? GOD FOK R&R The International MOON Dice Vanguard RAD Sparta RoK GR OV VE Athens Avalanche
  20. GOD FOK R&R The International MOON Dice Vanguard RAD Sparta RoK GR OV VE Athens Avalanche How many of these alliances have ever had to pay reps to NPO? I know Athens at least.
  21. Yeah I wouldn't trust them either. Give them some specifics to ponder and then you'd probably have gotten them out. 1 cycle of war? 2? Who all is on NPO anyway? Sparta RoK GR OV VE Athens And who else?
  22. I wouldn't be surprised. Whatever the reps are if OV doesn't get at least half I'll be pissed. In any case no one alliance should get more than OV in the venture or else they'll look like they were in it for the money.
  23. Well I judged it by IRON's reps. You paid what 1.5 Bill and 35K tech? I figured 3 times that amount for NPO. Which would push the cash figure a little higher but the tech is close enough. I guess it's on them but when "side" reps look as bad as some of the worst reps ever given there is certainly cause for looks like
  24. Well in 4 days time the side reps will be almost 3 billion and 100k tech which I figured would be around the initial reps. Don't you think that is going a little bit too far? You should have given them a flat rate instead of something that stacks.
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