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Everything posted by magicninja

  1. Fast Food, Construction, Beer, +Uranium, +Fish. If you don't have two of the missing resources, sorry no replacements. This is pretty much as good as it gets for trade circles. We'll vote on the color to move to or if there is a good few members already on one color we'll move there to make things easier. Marble: Magicninja Spices: Magicninja Aluminum: Kolia Lumber: Huron Iron: Kolia Pigs: Roy Batty Cattle: Kilo Uranium: Huron Fish: Gitmo Water: Kilo Sugar: Gitmo Wheat: Roy Batty Magicninja: http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_d...ation_ID=147284 Gitmo: http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_d...ation_ID=296226 Kolia: http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_d...ation_ID=308436 Huron: http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_d...ation_ID=315298 Roy Batty: http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_d...ation_ID=263940 Kilo: http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_d...ation_ID=135978 http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=60057
  2. I did say it was fine with me but I still believe there are no "good" reasons to move to red but it is your alliance. Have fun.
  3. There are spheres with better trades and better alliances to buddy up to. Meh, I guess if they want to it's on them and it's not like they are saying they did it for any other reason then to give it a go and see if they can pull it off. Good luck to them.
  4. They weren't the first and if that was their reason it wouldn't be far off from what I said. We wanna be cool and important by being the first.... Sounds the same to me.
  5. There isn't much more than a few "Hey congrats! You have balls!" to be gained by moving to red. If you had any other intelligent reason to move to red I'd love to hear it.
  6. Bold isn't always smart and usually ends with undesirable results. BMTH has a point. You guys aren;t doing this for any strategic reason. Mostly moving to red will actually be a detriment to your alliance. You're just doing it to try to look cool by kicking dirt in Pacifica's face. That's fine with me but it is an awful reason and your alliance will suffer for it.
  7. King William and Wootmeister eh? Those names are familiar to me. Best of luck guys.
  8. Indeed. Yeah I saw that and you guys are well within your rights to point out that article. I was just giving Londo the business so he wouldn't feel left out. Also, you all seem to want to assume NPO cares more about losing time or money in peacemode more than seeing if they can wait you out. Hell, I think NPO will try to turn this into a future victory just to see if they can. I won't give them good odds of pulling that off without another large scale war within 6 months. However, if the conditions reveal themselves and nPO does turn this on you we'll all lok back at this as the major mistake. Especially if they actually swing the next war in someone's favor. If that's a risk you guys are willing to take that's fine. I think you'd better off saddling them with terms for 6 months with your good sized reps and leaving them almost friendless now rather than give them the chance to wait it out until another major battle. Also, in case you didn't think it up NPO could conceivably engineer the next war themselves using means that aren't out in the open. I think that is something they'll try eventually. So for those of you that think that they would have to sit there and just wait for the next war to start on it''s own you may as well toss that one out the window.
  9. I've heard all of the excuses. Thanks anyway.
  10. Meh, it is what it is. I can't blame you guys I guess but c'mon you shoulda just been straight up since the beginning. There really was no need for the "change" speeches. Good old fashioned revenge would've sufficed.
  11. This was an ill conceived plan that never had even a small chance of succeeding. She can keep the tally if she likes and we can sit here for months talking about it but those reps will never be part of the final agreement. If there is ever a final agreement that those facing NPO get to deliver. Tensions are already starting across CN. NPO will just wait until they break and take their chance. I honestly don;t see you guys outlasting them now. This was probably a fatal mistake.
  12. Nope, Karma is full of themselves with all the change talk. Even they admit it now though they try to cover their asses by saying they never said anything about change or being the good guys. I guess they think we all forgot about that.
  13. I think you all know how I feel about you and how it makes me feel to see you in the in your current state. I'm proud of you guys.
  14. Were you born a horrible liar or did you have to work at it?
  15. Those reps are already to high for this thread to mean anything anymore. Brilliant plan Karma. Damn fine brain trust you have there.
  16. An alliance that tells another when they have leaks? Pffft, not on the Bob I know. That would be the right thing to do.
  17. The treaty web could crumble at the drop of a hat. Now more than ever. It'll be fun to see when it happens but plod along thinking everything is roses. I'm sure NPO is counting on it.
  18. They've already dictated one or did you miss it?
  19. Funny you should mention being effective..... I don;t care how you try to defend this. It was one of the worst moves ever concocted. Karma had a chance to finish what they started even the way they wanted to and they couldn't do it. This will end on NPO's terms now whether it is in a few weeks or months.
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