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Everything posted by Caustic

  1. Hanssen isn't NoR's leader. Also lol no one cares.
  2. You know, !@#$ like this just makes me want to drop and even bigger hammer on you. Stay tuned.
  3. I was hoping for a sigrun replacement. The difference is that sigrun knew when to shut up and do what I told him.
  4. You know, I had my reservations about protecting you morons. Now you went and hit one of my oldest allies. $%&@ you, enjoy the swift retribution.
  5. The fact that you think this plea makes any difference in what we're doing tells me you have a fundamental misunderstanding of our motivations. Don't worry, it'll hit home really soon.
  6. We do whatever the $%&@ we want.
  7. Pretty sure both are far more relevant than you and your merry little band of twits.
  8. You shoulda joined NG back when you had the chance. Slim did finally
  9. If you knew anything at all about NG, you would know this is a compliment. It tastes wonderful.
  10. You got me, I'm the puppetmaster that's orchestrating your end. Causticbloc and it's peons are going to cleanse this god awful world of your foul smelling taint. Now go crawl back into your hole and die like a good little peasant.
  11. What's this? A !@#$ talking SirWilliam? Hmmm.... what can we do about this.
  12. Grub is a treasure unto the world of Bob. Hime is a bottom feeding trashbag who just today found out that he can't pay to win forever. Bye Felicia.
  13. Oh Hime... you've had an entire decade to actually do something meaningful. A good run? Defined by what? Nothing? Congrats, now enjoy your forced retirement.
  14. Dearest Hime, I have more casualties than your garbage nation Sincerely, Sir Caustic of the Royal house of $%&@ You.
  15. Come on now Hime, you really think you could sit around launching greenbacks towards the powers that be forevermore? Time to pay for the game you so claim to love with your own pound of flesh.
  16. Not valid, you didn't run this past your viceroy, Methrage, first.
  17. Normally I don't ever post in this dump, but I'll give some credit where it's due. Good fight TTK. See you again someday
  18. Non Grata fully supports the integrity and good taste of the reformed Doom Squad. Godspeed my friend.
  19. Coming from the guy that disbanded you? Par for the course I'd say. Good riddance.
  20. I too was banned in under a minute ENJOY YOUR NEGOTIATIONS!
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