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Everything posted by Caustic

  1. You were the best intern I could have ever wished for. Thanks for taking care of my CN baby for all these years. You are one of the few in modern CN that could have made it and thrived in the prime days. See you soon πŸ‘‘πŸ˜
  2. Discord is not Cybernations. You were asked to stop referencing the person's alcohol use. You refused to stop, now you're name dropping him here on the forums. Stay classy.
  3. Did you at least beat GATO in total vote count? I think they were at 4 total people participating in the last election.
  4. This is definitely a hot cardboard take. Say... You look familiar. Aren't you the guy that tried to keep OBR and OG in a state of permanent raid, oh sorry "war" in the last negotiations? Yeah that sounds about right. Go back to your hypocrisy corner.
  5. I think you missed the essence of her meme...
  6. Pretty sure the most basic litmus test of CN leadership is "can I scrounge up enough activity to increase my alliance stats so we're actually effective" Glad we could find a swift and accurate assessment to that basic question for you.
  7. This is a funny way of saying "I spilled diet coke on the 15 year old Pentium 4 box that I got off ebay for $50, MY BAD GUYS I ORDERED A NEW ONE"
  8. In a faraway land, deep in a command bunker, a single gunshot is heard from the chambers of one Hershicus.
  9. Oysters are disturbing and disgusting and I will not be amending or retracting my statement.
  10. Sigrun was a useful tool because they could be controlled and understood that they were a junior partner in the relationship. Methface does not understand these things.
  11. By "cult" you mean my crew of friends? Because yes, ones existence is actually validated by friends. You might try it sometime, you might like it.
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